Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful spring day in New York City. The sun rose slowly into the sky as the streets filled up with the early morning traffic. Everyone was waking up and starting off their day just like any other. For one rabbit in particular, this included a hearty breakfast.

"Here you go Snowball! And they're fresh too!" Molly remarked cheerfully as she set down a plate of carrots in front of the white rabbit. Snowball's nose twitched in anticipation. Carrots, his favorite food of all time. Grabbing the top one off the pile, he began to happily munch away. His owner Molly, meanwhile, sat beside him with a bowl of her favorite cereal brand. Getting comfortable on the living couch, she grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Her favorite superhero show turned on.

"Remember Molly, school starts in forty five minutes," Molly's father pointed out as he entered the living room. Looking away from the tv screen, Molly gave her dad a thumbs up and answered, "Don't worry, I'll be ready in time." Snowball barely paid attention to the conversation the humans were having. He was content with eating his carrot breakfast and watching superhero cartoons. The rabbit took another bite.

"Wow really?!" Molly's sudden cry shook Snowball out of his thoughts. The rabbit looked over to see his owner jumping up and down excitedly. He hadn't even seen or heard her get up. Hold up, she was running back over. Scooping Snowball up in her arms, Molly cheered, "Snowball, Snowball! Did you hear?! We're getting a new neighbor soon! And they have a puppy dog!" Setting the rabbit down, she went back to cheering loudly. Snowball, meanwhile, had some gears turning in his head.

A new neighbor? This should be interesting. I have to tell the others, Snowball thought to himself. He had to tell the others. This was exciting news. Granted he was the new pet in the building but surely it's been a while since someone moved into the apartment building. Right? Everyone was gonna be thrilled at the idea of a new neighbor. He just had to tell them all the good news, he had to! And so the bunny rabbit hopped over to the bedroom.

"Emergency meeting, everyone must come to Tiny Dog's apartment," Snowball said aloud as his little fingers flew across the keyboard. Hitting the send button, he hid his phone and left the bedroom. It wouldn't be long until the others got the text. He couldn't leave right away obviously, he had to wait for his people to leave. So he bided his time, acting like the cute little bunny rabbit that he was with his cotton tail and twitchy nose. But as soon as they left for the day, he pulled on his game face.

"Alright, let's go see the others," Snowball muttered, rubbing his paws together. Hopping out the open window, he began the long climb up the fire escape to the floor above. It had to have been twenty minutes or so since he sent the text message. By now most of the pets had to be there. This seemed to be the case as he could hear voices upstairs in Max's apartment. Excitement coursing through his veins, Snowball jumped up onto the windowsill and called out, "What up my dogs!"

The other pets immediately had a heart attack.

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