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"Get out! Get out now!" an angry bark broke through the empty hallway. Anyone who was still in the condo for the day would have then heard the sound of running footsteps. A moment later, one of the doors down the hall opened up and a male papillon was roughly shoved out of the apartment. Standing in her doorway, a female Shih Tzu barked angrily, "And stay out of my life for good you cheater!"

"Fine, good riddance. You'll never find anyone like me though," the papillon grumbled in a snotty tone. Baring her teeth, the Shih Tzu snapped, "That's the idea, jerkface!" With that, she slammed her front door shut. Panting heavily from her outburst, she could hear her now ex boyfriend storming off. Padding back over to the couch, she spun in a circle three times before laying down. It was then and only then that she finally broke down.

There was a ring. Someone was calling her. Numbly reaching out with a tentative paw, the Shih Tzu pulled the phone closer and checked to see who was calling her. It was her mom. Her mom wanted to video chat right now. Wiping away her tears as fast as she could, the small dog hit the answer button and, putting on a big brave smile, yipped, "Hey Mom."

"Hi Daisy, are you okay?" the older Shih Tzu asked. Daisy sighed softly, she knew she couldn't keep something like a breakup hidden from her mom. Lowering her gaze, she mumbled, "You heard everything?" Her mom answered a moment later, "I'm pretty sure the whole condo heard sweetie. And remember, my apartment is right under yours. But seriously, are you okay?"

"Of course Mom! I'm completely and totally fine!" Daisy managed to squeak out. She had tried so hard to sound confident. But the look on her mother's face said otherwise. There was no use hiding it anymore. Tears rolling down her face all over again, the Shih Tzu whimpered, "Why does it hurt so much Mom?!"

"Oh sweetie, I know it hurts. Trust me, I know," her mother spoke softly. There was only so much that could be done through a video chat. Daisy wished her mom was up here in her apartment, comforting her with warm hugs and snuggles. It was impossible to hug through a phone. "Daisy, look at me," her mom's soft voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Shaking herself, the young Shih Tzu turned and stared at her phone. Staring right back at her daughter, her mom stated calmly, "I know it hurts. I know it'll hurt for a while. But it won't hurt forever, not unless you let it. And don't you dare let it baby."

"How do I make it stop hurting?" Daisy asked, swiping her paw over her little black nose. Never once breaking eye contact, her mother answered, "Love. Love heals everything. It can be as simple as loving yourself and as complex as falling in love with someone new. But love will make the hurt go away." Seeing the wisdom in her mother's words, Daisy mumbled, "Thank you Mom, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart, and I always will," her mother replied. A door could be heard opening on her end of the line. Her owners must've arrived. Waving goodbye, her mother ended the video call. Alone in her apartment, Daisy rested her head against the couch pillow. Her heart still hurts a lot. But perhaps her mom was right, perhaps love would heal it. Only time would tell...

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