Chapter 3: Supra vs Villains and Ego Heroes

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Here we see you flying in the air and you land onto the barn grounds and by the time you get into the barn you see all members of The Seven in the barn and we see them look at you.

Homelander: "Howdy kid, popcorn? It's fresh."

(Y/N): "Oh uh sure, what brings you all here?"

Homelander: "You know who we are, kid?"

(Y/N): "Not really I've been preoccupied on doing a science project for school."

Homelander: "If that's the case then let me introduce ourselves, I'm Homelander and I'm the team leader of the Seven the rest is A-Train, Starlight, Queen Maeve, Stormfront, The Deep, and Black Noir and we would like to ask you to join our team."

(Y/N): "Why would I join a team that's called the Seven if there are 8 members. That doesn't make sense."

Homelander: "That's what I said to them when they told us the name of our team name. I asked what if we gained more members and they said we will burn that bridge when we get there."

The Deep: "The Eight, it sounds like a bootleg version of The Seven but with an extra teammate."

Stormfront: "Homelander, don't you remember why The Deep was kicked out of the team?"

Homlander: "Because he was a smartass?"

Stormfront: "No it involves something he did to Starlight when she first joined the team."

Homelander: "Oh yeah, I forgot about that but are you sure it had nothing to do with him being a smartass? Now I remember why I told Deep to be here, I wanted him to meet his replacement if he said yes."

(Y/N): "That's kinda mean dude."

The Deep: "And how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

Starlight: "I'll let you know if you're close."

The Deep: "Am I?

Starlight: "Nope, not even halfway there."

(Y/N): "Um, is it okay if I say no?"

Homelander: "All up to you."

(Y/N): "Then no thanks I already have some people that I want to be on a team with but no offense to you guys you're awesome and all but you are a bit too showboaty and posterboy and hitI don't think I can do that. And it looks like you guys aren't that good of a team, you should try team building exercises like Escape Rooms and work on not kicking a guy out for a comment."

Black Noir: *writes in his notebook and shows it to everyone*"I am great at building Escape Rooms, it's a hobby I picked up on. I tried getting them to do that but Vaught said no on this."

Starlight: "Okay here's exactly why The Deep got kicked out of the team."

One explanation later.

(Y/N): "Okay that's a good reason to kick someone off a team but seriously what gave you the idea to do and say that?"

Homelander: "Not us, Vaught. I know this is cynical for me to say this but our team is a brand and it's important that the brand is up to code. It's not us who gave The Deep the boot, we may have powers but when Vaught says give The Deep the flipper, well their word is law."

(Y/N): "Then why not leave Vaught and be real heroes and not a brand and do what's right and be a real team?"

A-Train: "Look man, we hear ya but they're the reason why we have these powers in the first place man

(Y/N): "Ok but can they take them away from you and if they can then I might be able to whip something up with the help of a friend of mine to make it so they can't do anything to you guys."

Q. Maeve: "Well they didn't make an antiserum for Compound V cause if they did they would have used it on The Deep and other heroes under their name."

(Y/N): "Ok but I will still make something just in case."

Homelander: "You don't get it kid, Vaught literally made us. They made a serum that gave us our powers, but for me they put it in my mom's womb and used psychological stuff to make me a full american hero. And get this, not only do they want an actual space alien on the team, they want the said alien to be the team leader."*eyes glowing red*"So what I'm trying to say is, get the hell out of my country."

(Y/N): "But I live here dude and I can help you with what they did to your mind and I really want to help because I'm just like you."

Homelander: "I'm gonna say this one last time."*using his Super Scream*"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!!"

The Super Scream burst your eardrums causing your ears to start bleeding rapidly and you feel the pain.

(Y/N): "Ow!"

Homelander then tackles you and then then throws your face onto the ground and drag your body on the ground until you both reached the Grand Canyon and then he throws you into the air and shoot his heat vision at you and then pile drive you to the ground and then pick you up and then uppercuts you so hard that you were launched all the way to Themyscira and you crash landed in Hippolyta's throne room.

(Y/N): "Ow..."

We then see Homelander burst into the room and he sees you and you get up and turn to him.

(Y/N): "Why...?"

We then see Homelander push you to the ground and beat you sensely while shooting his heat vision at your eyes and then you push his head up making him shoot his heat vision in the sky and push him off.

(Y/N): "Why are you doing this? I'm just trying to help you and I don't even want to be on your team!!!!"

Homelander: "I"m just making sure that you will not be part of the team so-"*uses his Super Scream*"-BACK OFF!!!!!"

The scream then makes you go deaf as we see Homelander sped up to you and use his thumbs to poke your eyes out. But what he did not know was that was a bad idea because before he could do any serious damage you used your own heat vision and when he got blasted away you used you freezing breath on him to cool him off a bit in a block of ice as we see that your eyes are bloodshot red from Homelander poking your eyes out with his thumbs. We then see Homelander burst out of the ice and then tackles you and take you outside of the palace and throws you into the courtyard as we see Homelander land on top of you and then stomp onto your chest until you spit out large amounts of blood until you go into a frenzy and then force Homelander off of you and then grab his head and then pick him up as he then uses his heat vision, Super Scream, and his fists to beat you up as you then begin to slowly crush his head as we see that Homelander's hands were completely broken beyond repair and your suit is torn a bit as a result we see both Hippolyta and Antiope seeing this and they see you shattering Homelander's skull killing him instantly and they were shocked at what they just witnessed. We see Homelander's body fall to the ground and you kneel to the ground exhausted from the fight until you pass out onto the ground.

Hippolyta: "Oh no..."

Later, we see you wake up in a medical bed and you were cuffed to the bed with Vibranium and Mystic chains and the first thing you see was Hippolyta, T'Challa, Dr. Strange, and Nick Fury.

(Y/N): "Ugh, what happened?"

Nick: "You were out for weeks after killing Homelander, kid."

T'Challa: "You killed someone that you intended to help."

Hippolyta: "I taught you better than that."

Dr. Strange: "The Ancient One told me a lot about him but I don't think he actually kills."

(Y/N): "He wanted me to either die or leave the states because of Vought and it was the only way to stop him because they messed with him before he was ever born."

Nick: "True, but Vought is pressing charges against you in court for murdering Homelander in the first place."

(Y/N): "How do they even know he's dead?"

Dr. Strange: "They had a tracker on Homelander in his head and sent both Stormfront and Queen Maeve saw you and his body next to each other."

(Y/N): "Fury, can you do anything, because they illegally made Homelander and they're making a serum that gives superpowers."

Nick: "I know you wouldn't kill anyone willingly, but my hands like yours are tied. You weren't around when Compound V was shown in the eyes of the public and they still keep making more heroes."

(Y/N): "Wait, I have a hidden camera on my suit that my friend Gadget put on it so that if I get into something like this I can have video evidence of what happened. It's in the clip for my cape."

Nick: "Really because every time we scanned your suit nothing like that came up."

Tony: *offscreen*"Actually he's right."

We see Tony bring in the clip and opens it up to reveal a hidden camera.

Tony: "Whoever is Gadget, they are genius because it is under protection from scanners Shield use but it's not detectable to scanners I use and it's not even scratched."

Later, at Court, we see Tony put up a hologram of the footage of your whole interaction with The Seven and Homelander in a 360 view.

Tony: "That is why you should never play clue with me or do something similar to what they do to this kid because he had this camera for I don't know how long and he said it was put in by someone named Gadget."

While the trial was going on we see Vought was extremely pissed not because they were being exposed but because they just lost their big chances of having control of an alien. We then see the jury come back and they make a statement.

Jury member: "In light of the evidence, we find the hero Supra innocent and that Vought will have to give him 2 million dollars and be shut down and Shield will be making sure that you don't make any more supers and the rest of The Seven will be watched under Supra."

Later, after the trial, we see you in the superhero girls hideout under Sweet Justice and we see you thinking of what you did to Homelander as Diana noticed this.

Diana: "What is wrong (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I offered help to someone only to end up killing them instead. Why did that happen, why did he not want to be saved?"

Diana: "Well Homelander was under the control of Vought for so long that he will act out of reason to keep his position."

(Y/N): "But still, I could've knocked him out but instead I killed him for no reason. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a superhero, from now on I'm hanging up my cape for an early retirement for the safety of everyone around me."

Diana: "You can't, if you do all of the things you learned will be in vain."

Babs: *offscreen*"Yeah."

You then turn to the girls and they sit with you.

Jessica: "It was only one time, we'll figure things out."

Babs: "Maybe it's your genes, if you ask around about the other aliens that makes you well you, we can find out why you killed Homelander in the first place and why you thought of it first instead of subduing him."

(Y/N): "I can start with Thor."

Later, we see you flying to Asgard and you land at the entrance of the palace and you go into it and you see only Odin.

Odin: "A brother in arms and general of Asgard, what brings you back to Asgard my friend?"

(Y/N): "I've killed Homelander instead of subduing him and I want to ask Thor about that."

Odin: "My son is currently battling Frost Giants and defending the realm of Venaheim with the Warriors 3 and Lady Sif. Heimdall told me about your battle against the Midgardian warrior Homelander. Your hands were made for peace and yet you used them for murder, it is a mystery to me but we Asgardens love combat."

(Y/N): "Wait, what about Loki?"

Odin: "My son Loki is putting his trickery to good use, but I'm not gonna tell you where he is."

(Y/N): "Alright, thanks for the Info."

Later, we see you flying with Kara and you ask her.

Kara: "I know I'm tough but I'm not a killer okay."

(Y/N): "I came to you cause between you and your cousin you're more responsible than him and you grew up a bit on krypton so I have more faith in you than him."

Kara: "Thanks."

We later see you land at the Grayson house and you knock on the door and you see Nolan open the door.

Nolan: "Oh hey kid."

(Y/N): "Can I come inside, I need to talk to you."

Nolan: "About what?"

(Y/N): "About what you are and what I'm 25% of. Viltrumites."

Nolan: "Alright come on in."

Later, we see you and Nolan in the living room on the couch with a cup of coffee .

Nolan: "Look, what you must know you cannot tell Debbie or Mark."

(Y/N): "I won't tell them because what I'm asking has nothing to do with them but you will have to tell them one day."

Nolan: "I know but not right now because Mark is not at the right age to know this. Viltrumites are not the most peaceful of people, in fact for 1000 years we've been conquering planets across the galaxy, the people on the planets are willing to be one with us or their civilizations will die by our hands. Our expansion has stopped because our numbers were thinned out, so we came up with a plan. They sent trusted elite soldiers to weaken planets and I was one of them but with living with Debbie and having Mark it is changing me for the better because first I saw Debbie as a pet but now I see her as my wife and as for Mark. I do want him to join the Viltrumites, but not as a soldier but someone to change the ways of our people."

(Y/N): "Ok and Nolan, Mark won't have to do it soon I will help him and thanks for telling me about what something that's a part of me is."

Nolan: "Even if you're 1/4th Viltrumite the smart atoms in you will help you out with making you stronger. I'm sorry about what you went through as a Viltrumite and to let you know the older we get the slower we age and the stronger we get so enjoy being with your friends while you still have them and with being what you are you are practically immortal aging wise."

Y/n: "What do you mean immortal aging wise?"

Nolan: "Well like I said Viltrumites age slower the older we get and kryptonians can't live up to a hundred to a thousand years with a yellow sun while Sayians can live for hundreds of years and Asgardians can live for millions of years so with being all four I don't know how long you will live for. Heck you might even outlive the universe."

(Y/N): "Ok that's a lot to take in. And I still need to talk to Tomma."

Nolan: "No need, the whole thing about killing Homelander is what happens when a Viltrumite goes under a lot of physical pressure and pain."

(Y/N): "Ok thanks for the information and if you need anything let me know ok?"

Nolan: "Ok I will (Y/N), just be careful out there. You got Viltrumite blood in ya."

(Y/N): "You can count on me."

Later, we see you flying from Nolan's house and then something we see something coming at you and when it crashes into you we see that it is a lady holding you by the ankle.

(Y/N): "Who the heck are you lady?"

Anissa: "I am Anissa and the empire wants Nolan back to execute him for the traitor he is and bring in his son and you will be-."

You then shoot Anissa in the face with your heat vision and then you tackle her all the way to the moon. You and Anissa then fight each other trading blows with each other and then you put her to the ground and you start to beat her to submission to the point where she's enjoying how strong you are and then she pushes you off and then gets on top of you.

Anissa: "Well you seem to be stronger than all of the other males that tried to hook up with me, put together."

(Y/N): "What happened to them?"

Anissa: "Crushed pelvises and or killed each other trying to impress me but failed. So I just saved them the trouble and killed them."

(Y/N): "Look lady, you're not my type and there is an extremely good chance that I'm not your type so just leave me, Mark, and Nolan alone."

We then see Omni-Man kick Anissa off of you and he helps you up and turns to Anissa.

Nolan: "This is my planet Anissa not yours so, stay off of it and stay away from my son!!"

Anissa: "Ok I will but I'm taking my new mate with me!!"

We see Anissa about to grab you until Omni-Man grabs Anissa and throws her down to Earth and tackles her until they both crash landed. You then head to the crash site and you see that Omni-Man is knocked out and Anissa looks at you with lustful eyes.

Anissa: "Mate with your wife my love!"

Anissa then flies at you as you then use pressure point combat to knock her out.

(Y/N): "There."

Nolan: *wakes up and sees Anissa knocked out*"Wow, you handled her pretty well."

(Y/N): "I looked for her pressure points that can put her to sleep because I will not put little me in crazy and I need to put said crazy in a special cell that can hold the crazy."

Nolan: "Wait, is there even a cell that can hold a Viltrumite?"

(Y/N): "Yes because my friend Gadget helped me build a couple cells that can hold Batman and I so it should be able to hold her."

Nolan: "Don't you mean Superman?"

(Y/N): "No I mean Batman because he is a master escape artist so if it can hold him and I then it is something that no one can escape from."

Nolan: "True. But is it strong enough?"

(Y/N): "I tested it myself to see if I could except with my powers and I couldn't."

Later, we see Anissa waking up in a prison cell and she tries to get out of the prison.

Anissa: "Let me out of here my love we are meant to be together!"

Meanwhile, outside of the cell.

(Y/N): "And mute. I am so glad we added a mute button to make it so we don't have to listen to the prisoners."

Nolan: "So where's this Gadget person you speak off."

(Y/N): "Have you checked your shoulder?"

Nolan then looks onto his shoulder and he sees a mouse who is Gadget Hackwrench.

Nolan: "Huh, the genius behind a prison that can hold a Viltrumite is a small mouse?"

(Y/N): "Not just any mouse she is a close friend and Azmuth said that she is the smartest being in two galaxies."

Gadget: "Aww you're making me blush."

(Y/N): "What it's true."

Nolan: "I'm sorry but are you talking to this mouse?"

Gadget: "Hey, I have a name you know."

Y/n: "Calm down gadget he unlike me, he doesn't have a universal translator that can make me understand all intelligent life and besides I told you when someone else comes down here to wear the translator earpiece we made so others can understand you and make sure it's on."

Gadget then turned on the earpiece.

Gadget: "Sorry I was in a rush that I forgot to turn it on and can you blame me it's normal just you."

Nolan: "That is something that you don't see everyday and I'm sorry for calling you a mouse."

Gadget: "Don't worry I'm a bit used to it because back from the universe I'm from all the humans just thought of me as a dumb mouse but at least you were impressed and not suspicious and think (Y/N) was lying."

Nolan: "Well I've been to a lot of planets and I've met a few Galvan's so I don't judge a being on their looks. Mostly because I don't want to risk underestimating my foes but still it's a bit surprising."

(Y/N): "Hey Gadget, can you keep an eye on Lady McCrazy for me?"

Gadget: "Sure but why?"

(Y/N): "Ever since I beat her she's been calling me her love, her mate, and calling herself my wife and it creeps me out and it would put my mind at ease if someone I trusted to look after her for me."

Gadget: "Ok understandable but what you promised me?"

(Y/N): "Just putting on the finishing touches and it will be done and I should be able to give it to you by 6:30."

Gadget: "Sweet."*Thinking*"And when I get it I will be able to do what I've wanted to do for a long while."

Later, when it was 6:31 we saw Gadget getting a little sad but then we saw you hurry over to her.

(Y/N): *covered in ash* "I am extremely sorry for being late but on my way over there were 3 buildings on fire and 60 people were stuck in them in total. And then there was a volcano eruption and I had to make a canyon to divert the lava flow-"

Gadget: "Ok I get it. It wasn't your fault I'm just happy that you are only one minute late now. Why don't you go clean up while I try it on ok?""

We see you grab the bathroom door and then the door knocks down and we see Anissa in the bathroom.

Anissa: "There you are my love!"

Anissa then grabs you and takes you to the moon and throws you there and then gets on top of you.

Anissa: "Nice and private!"

She said in your head and she then started kissing you on the lips trying to add tongue but you wouldn't open your mouth until she forced your mouth open and wrestled with your tongue. But before she could do anything else she was grabbed by someone and thrown off of you as you saw it was Carol in her Star Sapphire outfit and she looked pissed.

Carol: "Get away from him you slut!"

Anissa: *to Carol*"He's my mate and you wouldn't like an angry viltrumite!"

Carol: "Well let's see how you like an angry Violet Lantern!!"

Anissa then charges at Carol and the two fight each other as you then fly off to make a retreat. Later, we see you back on Earth in the Mojave Desert as we see Carol crash lands into the ground knocked out as we see Anissa then tackle you to the ground and she looks at you with lust in her eyes.

Anissa: "Viltrumites are on the verge of extinction, think of this as a contribution!"

Anissa then rips your pants off and she is about to do it when Carol grabs Anissa from behind and traps her in a box.

Carol: "I'm not done with-"*sees that you're not wearing pants and undies**in her head*"Whoa, it's huge and he's not even hard..."

(Y/N): *covers himself*"Does anyone have a spare pair of pants?"

Later, at the hideout, we see you and Carol in your normal clothes while Anissa was in the cell again and both you and Carol were blushing from what happened at the desert as we see the hero and villain girls come into the hideout.

Kara: "Hey you two, you okay?"

Karen: "How are things?"

(Y/N): "A bit flustered about how she got out of her cell when I had Gadget watching over it."

Jessica: "Ok but why is she here?"

Carol: "I SAW IT!"

The girls were looking at Carol when she said that while you were checking the cam that you had hidden around the place and found out how she got out.

(Y/N): "Babs, how many times have I told you that the supercomputer is not your personal computer or a toy."

Jessica: "Carol, what did you see?"

Carol: "(Y/N)'s penis....."

After she said that they all started to blush until.

Karen: "What did she do?"

(Y/N): "Anissa was trying to get me to have intercourse with her, I swear me and Carol weren't doing anything! And Babs just lost computer privileges."

Kara: *whispers to Carol*"How big is he?"

Carol: *whispers back*"I... don't want to talk about it, especially since it wasn't hard but still big."

(Y/N): "I hope that Anissa stays there for a while."

Gadget: *offscreen*"I sure hope so."

You and the others see Gadget as she was now human sized and a little bit taller than Karen.

(Y/N): "Wow it worked."

Kara: "How is she human sized?"

(Y/N): "I modified one of Karen's extra bumblebee suits to be able to fit her and so it would work for her. I turned it into a belt for Gadget to wear and she will not be replacing Karen."

Karen: "So that's why you wanted one of my spares."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Gadget: "And now that I'm human sized I can finally do this."

After she said that she pulled you in and kissed you on the lips and then she released you and you were shocked she did that.

(Y/N): "What was that?"

Gadget: "Just something that I wanted to do ever since I got to know you."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Later, we see you heading home while drinking a soda from a cup as we see a girl bump into you and we see a star shaped portal opened and you both went into it. We see you and the girl go through many different universes such as the future of the year of 2099, a noirverse, a universe made out of paint, a universe underwater, a universe dominated by Poison Ivy, a universe filled with Squirrel people, and then you and the girl went through 50 other universes until you both go into a universe and fell to the ground.

(Y/N): "Ugh, what happened?"

The girl: "Oh sorry buddy, this is embarrassing."

The girl sees that she was on top of you and we see you both get off of each other.

The girl: "That was awkward..."

(Y/N): " who are you?"

The Girl: "America Chavez, but people call me Miss America. I'm a superhero, not a supermodel."

(Y/N): "Did we just jump into different universes?"

America: "Yeah it's one of my powers saide from super strength, flight, Star Punches, and super speed."

(Y/N): "Are they natural powers or are you metahuman?"

America: "I am from a different dimension called Utopian Parallel, it's a whole dimension populated only by women."

(Y/N): "I was raised on an only women's place too, except it's an island and not a dimension."

America: "I guess we got that in common."

(Y/N): "So where are we?"

We then see a newspaper fly into your face and you look at it and you see it is the year 1987 New York.

(Y/N): "Ok so we ended up in a reality where we are in the past in a city that merged with Metropolis."

You then look at the newspaper and you see that the headline is the death of a hero named Marvelous Man.

(Y/N): "Oh man."

Next: Chapter 4: Meeting the Guardians of Justice

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