Chapter 4: Meeting the Guardians of Justice

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Here we see you and America wandering the streets of the new world you two are in as you see a poster that shows the Guardians of Justice.

America: "This place is weird."

You and America then watched a news story about the Guardians of Justice about how they might've murdered their teammate Marvelous Man.

(Y/N): " If these guys are supposed to be heros then why do they say they killed this Marvelous Man?"

America: "I don't know, you got super hearing right. So find out why everyone thinks that."

(Y/N): " Alright."

You then use your super hearing as you hear a conversation between Knight Hawk and Little Wing.

Knight Hawk: *through your super hearing*"I can't believe Walker leaked that info about my investigation to the public, this would be a problem to figure out who did it."

(Y/N): "I found him. Follow me."

You then get into a telephone booth and then pop out of it and you were in your hero outfit and both you and America went to the direction where Knight Hawk is. We then see you and America at the Hawk's Nest and you knock on the door as someone opens it as it is revealed to be Knight Hawk.

(Y/N): "Hey I heard you're investigating the murder of Marvelous Man."

Knight Hawk: " What? How did you find that out?"

America: "It was on the news."

Knight Hawk: "Of course, come on in."

We see you and America in the lair and you both were talking to Knight Hawk.

(Y/N): "So what happened to Marvelous Man, we're basically out of towners in this universe."

Knight Hawk: " Well if you have to know he was the greatest hero since World War 3. 40 years ago, I was there when things changed. Humanity was determined to end itself until one day at the edge of annihilation an alien saved us. He smashed our tools of war and he forced us to stop fighting and ended World War 3 in one day."

America: " That's good. What happened then?"

Knight Hawk: "One of his enemies named Logan Lockwood made a weapon designed to kill Marvelous Man. A bullet made out of the material that can hurt him and make him weak is called Caltronite and he called it Godkiller. Then on the day of his 40th anniversary of his arrival on Earth, he loaded the gun and shot himself in the mouth and the question is who made him pull the trigger?"

(Y/N): " Wait, so he killed himself?"

Knight Hawk: " Yes he did."

(Y/N): " Why would he do that?"

Knight Hawk: "That's what I'm trying to figure out. I used a computer that is designed for Caltronians called Cortex for my investigation and the place that holds the Godkiller has two people who can pull off a heist like that. Motion Blur and The Speed."

(Y/N): "The Speed, isn't she part of your team? The lady with the goggles?"

Knight Hawk: " Yes, but her nemesis Motion Blur is the prime suspect and The Speed is secondary. She and I don't agree on how I do things after Cal's passing, her exact words are just because Marvelous Man is gone doesn't mean you're in charge."

America: "Maybe we can help you with your investigations?"

(Y/N): "Yeah we can help. I watched a lot of crime shows and my friend Babs taught me a few things about detective work."

Knight Hawk: " Really?"

(Y/N): " Yeah, we're all about helping people."

Knight Hawk: "Alright but I must warn you, my world is not like your world. One of the Guardians named The Meoww was kicked out of the team after she avenged the death of her lover from a crooked cop. We're in a time of when a relationship between a woman and a woman or a man and a man are unacceptable in society and people everyday are protesting this kind of relationship."

America: " Why?"

(Y/N): "Yeah why?"

Knight Hawk: "Cause that's how my world works and right now we have several problems. There's a terroristic nation called Anubis bent on world domination and the Guardians cannot under any circumstance get involved with political affairs. If you're gonna help, your efforts will be focused on the investigation, but first I need a full list of your powers and skills."

America: "I can fly, I can punch star shaped portals to other universes, do star punches, and I'm strong."

(Y/N): "I can fly, control the natural flowing energy in me called Ki, I have Smart Atoms that can alter my body for long term survival, a Bio electric aura that allows me to do things no normal human can do, I can shoot lightning, do magic, I can live for a long time, and I know martial arts. I'm Supra and she's Miss America."

Knight Hawk: "Okay you two need to cover more ground. Miss America you're gonna head down into the water and interview King Tsunami and tell him I sent you. And Supra, head to the God Realm to find Golden Goddess and tell her I sent you."

(Y/N): "What about Motion Blur?"

Knight Hawk: "I have The Speed tasked in finding him. You two worry about your own missions."*gives you and America GPSs*"These will take you to where you need to go."

(Y/N): " Thanks."

America: "Should we know some things about these two?"

Knight Hawk: "Golden Goddess is a stoic warrior and a goddess at best and King Tsunami is the king of Atlantis."

America: " I thought Neptune was the King of Atlantis?"

Knight Hawk: "That's one of the names he used to go by."

(Y/N): " Okay, and what's his real name?"

Knight Hawk: "King Tsunami to most people, he used Neptune as a cover for his actions back in ancient times, but nowadays he goes by King Tsunami."

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

America: " Wait ancient times? So he is Neptune?"

Knight Hawk: "Just call him King Tsunami, he doesn't like that kind of attention in the surface world okay."

America: "Gotcha."

Later, we see you flying to the God Realm and we see you enter it and you see it's a girl only society.

(Y/N): " Oh boy, hope the locals don't point spears at me."

You then went up to a guard and she saw you.

(Y/N): "Excuse me hi, I was sent here by Knight Hawk to talk to your leader Golden Goddess, can you point me to the direction to where she lives?"

Guard: " And why do you wish to know?"

(Y/N): "Well I'm helping Knight Hawk with the investigation on the murder of Marvelous Man and he's interviewing the other Guardians and when me and my friend Miss America met him we decided to help him on the case. Which is interviewing your leader, the Golden Goddess."

Guard: " Hmm, very well come with us."

(Y/N): "Oh thanks."

Later, we see you being escorted by the guards all the way to the throne room where you see the Golden Goddess.

Golden Goddess: "Who is this child?"

Guard: "Your highness, this outsider who calls himself Supra wants to speak with you about Marvelous Man. He told us he was sent by Knight Hawk to aid him in his investigation."

Golden Goddess: "Hmmm, very well. Everyone, leave the boy in the throne room with me. If he wants to talk to me then he will."

We then see the guards leave and you then turn to Golden Goddess.

(Y/N): "Okay Double GG, what happened between you and Marvelous Man?"

Golden Goddess: "If you ask me he's a child with too much power. 2 days before his death he fought a man from his species named Commander Zed, millions of people were being killed during the battle he was holding back so I did what I had to do, I stabbed Zed and killed him myself with a magic sword. I did it for the glory of a goddess."

(Y/N): "Just because you killed someone that is in the same species as Marvelous Man doesn't mean you're stronger than him. Let me tell you the time when I met a similar hero back in my universe, his name was Homelander. From what I heard about him he wasn't a space alien, he was a product of a corporation called Vought that focuses on selling merchandise on the heroes they make and Homelander was one of them. When he was born he didn't get birthed by conventional means, he used his powers to kill his birth mother and the rest of the medical staff and they brainwashed him to be the perfect boy scout, but what they didn't realized they created a monster that doesn't care about the safety of the people he was made to protect. When he came to me, he told me that Vought wanted me to be in the team called The Seven, but when I turned down the offer and I offered to help him and his team, he was relieved about not just the fact that I refused to join the team but also the chance to be the team's leader. In order to keep me off the team for good, first he wants me to leave the states and if I refuse he will kill me with everything he has. He burned me with his heat vision, burst my eardrums with his screams, and even beat the living stuffing out of me and he was determined to end my life. So in a frenzy I killed him. I offered him my help to give him a life without Vought but he cares more about himself than the opinions of others."

Golden Goddess: "Then you're a lot like Marvelous Man, a child with too much power."

(Y/N): "I was trained by the best to control my powers and use them to fight for good."

Golden Goddess: " Definitely another Marvelous Man in the making."

(Y/N): " Well I wouldn't say I'm at Marvelous Man standards but I guess I'm pretty good-ish."

Golden Goddess: "You'll end up like him, 6 feet under."

(Y/N): " That would never happen, I mean maybe but not now. I came to realize the actual reason why I killed Homelander, I had lost my Inner Peace. Just like you."

Guard: " How dare you?!"

Golden Goddess: " Stand down. He said what needs to be said."

Guard: " But-"

Golden Goddess: " That's an order, stand down."

Guard: "Yes your highness."

Golden Goddess: *to you* " You said you took a life before, explain why."

(Y/N): " I wasn't born in one species but I was born from the genetics of 4 and two of them are natural blood thirsty killers. And on that day, I lost my Inner Peace so I trained my mind to regain my Inner Peace."

We then see a drop of water come down to you and you use your Inner Peace to let it flow around you and you then place the drop onto a plant from a nearby window and it then flows down the plant.

Golden Goddess: " Impressive, you achieved this but what do you seek from me?"

(Y/N): "Don't ask me, ask Knight Hawk he sent me here to talk to you."

Golden Goddess: "I see. Fly back to him and if you need any help from the Guardians you know where to look for us."

(Y/N): " I will, thank you for your time."

Later, we see you flying back to the Hawk's Nest and you see America flying with you.

(Y/N): "What's the word with the fish man?"

America: "He told me that Marvelous Man's wife Laura Louis was cheating on him with King Tsunami."

(Y/N): " Yikes, why would she do that?"

America: "Go ask her yourself, handling women is your department since you were raised on an island filled with women."

(Y/N): "Alright, so where are you going?"

America: " Going to find The Meoww, I know that she doesn't work for the Guardians anymore but can't be too careful. I'm a girl who came from a dimension filled with women, so I can talk to her."

(Y/N): " And I lived on an island full of them."

America: "But before I could get to her, I gotta get the saltwater out of my hair."*pulls a crab out of her hair*"And all the kelp and shellfish that was in my hair."

Later, we see you arriving at the tower of Marvelous Man and you knock on the window from the outside.

(Y/N): "Ms. Louis, are you home?"

We then see Laura then opens the window and she sees you.

Laura: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "I came to talk to you Ms. Louis, you see my friend Miss America and I decided to help Knight Hawk with his case and we found out that you've been cheating on your husband for King Tsunami. You had an affair with your husband."

Laura: " What?! How did you know that?"

(Y/N): "My friend Miss America talked to King Tsunami and he told her that you and King Tsunami were dating each other behind Cal's back."

Laura: ".....Do you know...what's like to be married to someone like Marvelous Man? It's exhausting! At first it was amazing, I was the world's princess for the world's prince, but then..."

(Y/N): " The spark went away?"

Laura: "Yes and I found out, we don't have anything in common."

(Y/N): " Oh, it was an arranged marriage wasn't it? They don't last that long. But that begs the question, why did you marry the guy?"

Laura: "Because I was an idiot, I thought if I was with him I would be special."

(Y/N): " Ma'am with all due respect, this is real life, not a fairy tale. And that's saying something considering I met people who are from fairy tales."

Laura: "You're right, I wasn't happy with him and I was drowned in his shadow."

(Y/N): " And that's why you did it with another guy?"

Laura: "....Yes..."

(Y/N): "To be honest King Tsunami is not the best choice, I'm not saying that cause it would be racist but I think in a way. He wants to be better than Cal."

Laura: " Are you saying I should be with someone else?"

(Y/N): "Your first choice was a space alien that you have nothing in common with and your second choice was a fish with legs trying to be number 1. You ask me, 3rd time the charm, if you're gonna marry another space alien or another fish man, make sure he or she has things in common with you."*opens the window*"I'm gonna find The Speed and talk to her, you think things over."

You then flew out of the window as Laura then saw you flying off and she felt something in her heart. Later, we see you flying all over the city and you use your hearing and you hear the rapid moving footsteps of one person. You then follow the sound to the source and then grab a man in a red and black mask by the neck and you see a small packet of purple powder with a M on it and you take it.

(Y/N): "What the heck is this stuff?"*to the guy*"Judging by the sound of your feet you're Motion Blur right?"

Motion Blur: "How did you know my name!?"

(Y/N): "You're the prime suspect of Knight Hawk's case, if you're here then The Speed is not very far."

Motion Blur: " You'll never be able to find her, she's faster than me, heck she's faster than Marvelous Man."

You then grab a stop sign and coil it around Motion Blur's body to restrain him as in a moment you see The Speed in slow motion and you grab her by the shirt and then you hang her up on a street lamp.

The Speed: "What the?! How did you move that fast?"

(Y/N): "Well it's easy for me to grab you since you're slower than me."

The Speed: "Slower?!"

(Y/N): "You should see what I use as a jogging course. Size of the IC 1101 Galaxy."

The Speed: " What do you want?"

(Y/N): "I came here to talk to you two actually since Motion Blur is the Prime Suspect of the theft of the Godkiller bullet and you're the secondary suspect."

The Speed: "Who are you?"

(Y/N): "I'm Supra and my friend Miss America are helping out Knight Hawk's case. I'll start with Motion Blur."*to Motion Blur*"Okay Mr. Blur, tell me. Did you or did you not steal the bullet?"

Motion Blur: " What bullet?"

(Y/N): " You know which one I'm talking about. Godkiller?"

Motion Blur: "I don't know, what does it look like?"

(Y/N): "Blue, glowing, shaped like a bullet. Or in plain English, the one that killed Marvelous Man."

The Speed: *to Motion Blur* " We have to tell him."

Motion Blur: "They manipulated me into stealing the bullet."

(Y/N): "Who's they?"

Motion Blur: "I don't know, I can only remember glimpses."

(Y/N): " Well can you at least describe what you saw to the best of your ability?"

Motion Blur: "All I can remember is that I was controlled by a man in purple."

(Y/N): *holds up a purple packet*"Is he this color?"

Motion Blur: "That's Mellow Devil, a bio organic substance. Once it's in your system it will make you feel amazing."

(Y/N): *throws the packet into the air and shot with your heat vision*"I don't do drugs cause if I want to relax I'd use sandalwood candles."

Motion Blur: "Your loss."

(Y/N): "You're not the killer, you're just the delivery boy."*gets The Speed down*"He's all yours."

The Speed: " What?"

(Y/N): "Well I know you didn't do it cause it would take one person to pull off the heist of stealing the Godkiller."

Motion Blur: " Who?"

(Y/N): "The Godkiller bullet, the weapon that killed Marvelous Man."

Motion Blur: " But who did it?"

(Y/N): "You said you were manipulated and you have a habit of taking Mellow Devil, whoever makes this stuff has a control over you or anyone who puts it into their body."

The Speed: "The only person who can make that stuff is Mindmaster."

(Y/N): " Mind Master?"

Motion Blur: " He's the only person who has the power to control Marvelous Man."*gasps in realization*"Oh my gosh!"

The Speed: " What is it?"

Motion Blur: "Marvelous Man lied about killing the only person who can control him like a puppet."

The Speed: " I'm confused."

Motion Blur: " Marvelous Man said he killed a guy who can control him, what if that guy was Mindmaster? That's how he got to the bullet in the first place."

(Y/N): "Mind Master wouldn't think of offing the most powerful man on Earth, someone has to have a grudge on Marvelous Man so much that they want to kill him. There are 2 more Guardians, Black Bow and Blue Scream."

The Speed: "What about Awesome Man?"

(Y/N): "Knight Hawk said he knew where he was when Cal was murdered. Welp anyways, Speed you can take your archnemesis to jail."

Motion Blur: "What!?"

(Y/N): "See ya."

You then fly off looking for Black Bow and Blue Scream and you find them at a pub and you go into it. You then head to the bar and then you talk to the bartender.

(Y/N): "Excuse me but have you seen Black Bow and Blue Scream come in here?"

Bartender: "They're in the rented rooms upstairs."

You then head upstairs and then you use your X-Ray vision and you see them abusing Mellow Devil. You then crash through the door scaring them and you grab a large bag of the substance.

(Y/N): "What kind of superheroes take this stuff!?!"

You then see Blue Scream about to shout until you stick an apple in his mouth so that he would shout.


Black Bow: "We're sorry! When Cal found out about our habit he told us that we'll be banned from the team."

Blue Scream: *spits the apple out*"We killed thugs for this stuff."

(Y/N): " You two are supposed to be superheroes and this is what you do?!!"

Black Bow: "Don't tell the Guardians about this, we couldn't help ourselves."

(Y/N): *eyes glowing red*"So you're willing to kill Marvelous Man to do this 24/7!?!"

Black Bow: "We didn't kill Marvelous Man!"

Blue Scream: "Sure he busted us, but we wouldn't want to kill him. We were gonna party until we are Guardians no more and after he pulled the trigger we're still part of the Guardians."

(Y/N): "Good for you then, but before I go."

You then use your chi to heal both Blue Scream and Black Arrow and make them no longer addicts.

(Y/N): "There, I healed all the wounds in your bodies and souls from all the damage that purple junk did to your bodies."

Blue Scream: "Why? After what we did."

Black Arrow: "Yeah, why did you do that?"

(Y/N): "I did it because you two have to clean yourselves up and you are two of Earth's mightiest heroes, start acting like it."

You then fly out of the window as Black Arrow turns to Blue Scream.

Black Arrow: "Do you think he's right?"

Blue Scream: "Well he's no Marvelous Man, but he's actually better than him."

Black Arrow: "Not to mention cuter."

Blue Scream: "Yeah- wait you find him attractive?"

Black Arrow: "I'm a sucker for high school types, so sue me."

Blue Scream: "But you still like me do you?"

Black Arrow: "Sorry babe, but our relationship only happened because of a street drug. I think we should see other people, I hope we can be friends though."

Blue Scream: " Yeah we can."

Later, we see you flying over the country of Anubis and you got hit by a missile and you fell from the sky.

(Y/N): *gets up*"Ugh, that was rough."

You see that you're in Anubis territory and the soldiers fired their weapons at you. You then fight them all off on your own and you fly off. Later, at the Hawk's Nest, we see you enter the base and you see America.

America: "What happened to you?"

(Y/N): "A first impression from Anubis."

America: "What do you learn about Black Bow and Blue Scream?"

(Y/N): "They were drug addicts before I healed them with my Chi."

America: " Dang, that's rough."

(Y/N): "What did you learn about Meoww?"

America: "She didn't do it, even though she was thrown into jail for avenging her girlfriend but she didn't kill Marvelous Man."

(Y/N): "So if MindMaster is the core suspect of his murder, then we gotta talk to him."

America: "How are we supposed to find him when everyone knows he's dead."

(Y/N): "I can just track him with my senses of Ki and Chi energy."

You then go into a meditation pose and start sensing Mindmaster's energy and pinpoint his location.

(Y/N): "I found him."

By the time Knight Hawk got back to the nest, he saw that you and America got Mindmaster in your clutches.

(Y/N): "We got him."

Knight Hawk: "Neither of you are under his mind control, why?"

(Y/N): "My mind is safe from anything deeper than psychic thoughts. Torquasm Vo can really do wonders for the mind based defenses."

America: " And Supra here is using his chi to protect my head."

Knight Hawk: "Nice work, now let's get to interrogating."

Later, we see Mindmaster tied up and his powers were blocked.

(Y/N): " Were you the one who hypnotized Marvelous Man?"

Mindmaster: "Yes but I didn't make him kill himself I was stopping him. He and I love each other, not mind control, real love. Cal told me to get the Godkiller bullet himself."

America: " You didn't make him kill himself?"

Mindmaster: " Yes. His will to die is so powerful that not even I can't even control him."

(Y/N): " But if you didn't, then-"*realizes*"Do you know anyone else with powers like yours?"

Mindmaster: "I'm the only one in this world who has the power to control him. It was all him, getting the bullet, the announcement, the suicide, all him."

America: " So he killed himself?"

Mindmaster: "Yes."

(Y/N): "Well, at least we know it wasn't you. Hmm, does Marvelous Man have any weaknesses we should know about?"

Knight Hawk: "So far Caltronite and mystic weapons. But you two already got the information and the confession, it will be enough to end World War 4 before it happens."

America: " But Mindmaster said-"

Knight Hawk: "I know what he said and he -"

America: " He didn't kill Marvelous Man."

Knight Hawk: " What?"

(Y/N): " He wasn't the one who killed him."*To Mindmaster*"Hmm was he wearing anything unusual before he shot himself?"

Mindmaster: "Just his hero suit, white suit red cape with a big M on his chest."

America: " Anything else? Any Caltronite or anything mystic?"

Mindmaster: "Nothing magical was there and the only thing that is made out of Caltronite was the bullet."

Knight Hawk: "I looked at the footage from beginning to end 50 times and nothing other than the purple eyes from Mindmaster's attempt to stop his suicide."

(Y/N): *realizes* " Wait purple?"*To Mindmaster*" Mindmaster, have you heard of a drug called Mellow Devil."

Mindmaster: "Yes, that drug came from my genetics."

America: " And are there any side effects to this drug?"

Mindmaster: "Only allowing me to dominate the people's will for easier mind control."

America: " Can it be used by people to recreate your mind control abilities?"

Knight Hawk: "If it was possible, Lockwood would have killed Marvelous Man much sooner if he knew that Mindmaster was still alive."

America: " Where's Lockwood now?"

Knight Hawk: "He's dead now. If he had the chance to use the Godkiller bullet on Cal, he would take it without hesitation."

America: " Was there anyone with him?"

Knight hawk: "He's the only person who has access to the bullet, he's the kind of person who wants something done right he has to do it himself."

You then start to think about what Knight Hawk said until you hear nukes being launched into the air from a great distance from all over the world.

(Y/N): "The missiles have been launched!"

You then burst out of the Hawk's Nest and you pull out the Phantom Ring and you use the ring's power to grab every nuclear bomb that has been launched and throw them into space and they were being thrown into the sun.

(Y/N): "I gotta do something about Anubis."

You then see more nuclear bombs being luanched and you use your ring to grab all of them and throw them into the sun.

(Y/N): " There, that's all of them."

We then see you head down back to Earth and you fly to the country of Anubis and you crash into the headquarters of the leader of Anubis, the Anubis Queen.

Anubis Queen: " Who are you?"

(Y/N): "My name is Supra."*glowing red eyes*"And I just stopped the nuclear missiles from going boom. Watch me."

You then burst out of the room and you took all of Anubis' weapons in a matter of seconds and crushed them all into a small metal ball and then came back to the Anubis Queen and gave her the metal ball.

(Y/N): "All of your tanks, weapons, anything that can kill people turned into a ball I made myself."

Anubis Queen: " I see."

(Y/N): "Now surrender your forces and I won't have to use lethal force. And if you think that Marvelous Man is powerful, if I was there ending World War 3 I would have done it faster than him, he can do it in a day while I can do it in 10 minutes."

Anubis Queen: "I guess you're right about that. We surrender to you Supra since you display more power than Marvelous Man himself."

(Y/N): " Then do you know who made him kill himself? I trained my hearing to know that you're lying."

Anubis Queen: " If you must know, it wasn't one person that killed Marvelous Man but rather society itself killed him."

(Y/N): " I don't follow, I was curious if you knew who made him kill himself."

Anubis Queen: "Let me spell it out for you. Adam was a man, Eve was a woman, God has his laws. That's the mindset everyone obeys."

(Y/N): " In simple terms?"

Anubis Queen: "Society doesn't hesitate to hate or kill gays every chance they get."

(Y/N): "So you're saying that Marvelous Man killed himself because he's into guys?"

Anubis Queen: "That's the conclusion I made when he killed himself. Society made The Meoww avenge the death of her love. Her love with that woman was pure and the cops destroyed it."

(Y/N): " True."

Anubis Queen: "People like The Meoww and Marvelous Man hide who they are from the public because if the public finds out about who they are, there will be protests and people like the man who took away the Meoww's lover to destroy them by destroying their lovers."

(Y/N): " Yeah, but in time they'll learn how love is love, no matter if they're both the same gender or not."

Anubis Queen: "That is how your world works, but that's not how our world works."

(Y/N): "Oh."

We see you fly out of the country of Anubis and you head back to the US. We see you land on the ground in front of the White House as the crowds turn to you.

(Y/N): "Hello everyone."

Reporter: "Are you the successor of Marvelous Man?"

Reporter 2: "Did you and Knight Hawk figure out who killed Marvelous Man?"

(Y/N): "Yes we did."

Reporter: "Who's the killer?"

(Y/N): "Let me tell you the one thing that Marvelous Man is and the same thing that you all don't know about. Marvelous Man is gay, always has been always will be. You all want to know who killed Marvelous Man?"

Reporters: "Who?!"

(Y/N): "All of you! It's your hatred of women in love with women and men in love with men that made The Meoww a criminal, killed Marvelous Man, made Laura date King Tsunami behind Marvelous Man's back, and tore the Guardians of Justice into pieces! Think people! Think! You killed the most powerful man on the planet by hating the one thing that made him who he is!"

Reporter 1: "What are you saying?"


You then fly off leaving the people in guilt after realizing what they did to the Guardians of Justice.

Person 1: " What have we done?"

Later, we see you arrive back at the Hawk's Nest and you see Knight Hawk and America.

(Y/N): "What's going on?"

America: "(Y/N), there's something coming to Earth and it's the same thing that destroyed Cal's home planet Caltron."

Knight Hawk: "I made a contingency plan in case something were to happen to Marvelous Man. I made an enemy for the world to face in the present and build an army powerful enough to take it down."

(Y/N): "Wait, you made Anubis?"

Knight Hawk: "Now don't jump to any conclusions, the reason why I'm using Propaganda, Mellow Devil, and Mindmaster's genetics is to build an army to combat the being known as Galacron."

(Y/N): "Why are you telling me this?"

Knight Hawk: " Because I didn't take you into account of my plan, but what I'm building to stop a threat that can destroy our world. The Speed is trying to destroy it because she's unwilling to see the bigger picture."

America: " The reason why Knight Hawk did this is because Marvelous Man trust him in defending the Earth because before Mindmaster, he and Knight Hawk used to date."

Knight Hawk: "It took a supercomputer and some brain damage to help me remember that."

(Y/N): " And you're sure your plan is gonna work?"

Knight Hawk: "I hope so, it would take more than the Guardians to fight Galacron."

America: " Same here."

Knight Hawk: "You all did your parts, you can head home now."

(Y/N): "Alright."

America: "Hey if you need us again, send us a message if you got the right tech that is."

America then star punch a portal open and both you and America go into it. Later then we see you and America re-enter your universe and you see that no time has passed.

(Y/N): "We're home."

America: "Yep and turns out we've been gone for 5 minutes. I guess time flows differently in different universes."

(Y/N): " Yeah, you think they're gonna change their ways?"

America: "After what you did and said, I'm pretty sure they will."

(Y/N): "So now what?"

America: "I don't know, wanna hit Sweet Justice?"

(Y/N): "Sure, I feel like eating some ice cream."

Later, at Sweet Justice, we see a large tower of bowls and cups and America was frightened and impressed by how much you ate and you're still eating.

America: *to Barry*"How many deserts did he get?"

Barry: "Right now I've lost count at 5,800 deserts."

America: " Dang, I think he's gonna get a stomach ache."

Barry: "Or not."

(Y/N): "Can I have 60 more cakes please?"

America: *facepalms* " Seriously?"

(Y/N): "What I'm hungry?"

Sometime later, Sweet Justice ran out of food to serve and we saw all of your dishes all over the table.

(Y/N): "Man that was good."

America: "You just ate everything in Sweet Justice."

(Y/N): "Can I have more ice cream please?"

America: " Dude, you ate everything."

(Y/N): "Yeah you're right, I can eat some food at the Burrito Bucket."

We then see America and Barry shocked to hear that you are still hungry.

America: "How are you still hungry!?"

Barry: " He has a large metabolism."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Later, at Burrito Bucket, we see you finished 600000 orders of burritos in one sitting and both Babs and Shane were shocked to see how much you just ate.

Shane: "How?"

Babs: "I don't know..."

Next: Chapter 5: Supra and The Batman

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