Chapter 5: Supra and The Batman

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Here we see you and America with Babs at Sweet Justice and she knew about America's powers.

Babs: " So I saw you and your friend fall into a star-shaped portal the other day and I was wondering where you two went?"

(Y/N): "We went to an alternate universe."

Babs: " What?! How?!"

America: "Well I have the power to travel the multiverse. I just think of where I want to go and I punch a portal to that universe."

(Y/N): "We met a group of heroes called the Guardians of Justice and they were on a case of a murdered superhero named Marvelous Manand we helped Knight Hawk solve it."

Babs: "Who's Knight Hawk?"

(Y/N): "He's like Batman but instead of a bat it's a hawk."

America: " And in his universe, the people don't tolerate boys or girls who swing the other way."

Babs: "What do you mean?"

America: " You know, a girl liking another girl."*sees Babs confused look*"A same gender like the same gender."*Babs still confused* *face palms*"Oh for the love of, look there."

You and America then point to a girl and a girl making out with each other as Babs sees them.

Babs: "Ooooooh, like that?"

(Y/N): "Yeah like that. And in Knight Hawk's Universe, that is not allowed."

America: " Because of that, Marvelous Man just put himself 6ft under."

Babs: "Wait, he's into-"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Babs: "Wow....It's just....Why didn't you two bring me along!?"

America: " Well uh-"

Babs: " And don't say, "Because you never asked."

(Y/N): " But you never did ask."

Babs: "Crud."

America: "And for the record we went there by accident."

Babs: "Well take me with you to a different universe, I want to see a different version of Batman."

America: " I dunno, we've already been to one anti gay universe, I think I'm all traveled out."

(Y/N): *raises a glass* "Here here."

Babs: " Oh come on!"*gets an idea*"Oh (Y/N), I got something for ya."

Babs then pulls out a large bag of skittles and you look at them with awe.

Babs: "Take me to a different universe and I'll give you this."

(Y/N): "Another whirlwind adventure I'm in!"

America: *face palms* "Seriously?"

Babs: "And how mad would you be if something were to happen to your bike?"

America: "What do you mean?"

Babs: "I put an explosive on it and it will go off if you don't make another portal to a different universe."

America: "Your bluffing."*sees Babs holding up the detonator*"You're not bluffing."

Babs: "Nope."

America: "Okay fine just leave my bike alone!"

Later, at the junkyard, we see America concentrating and then she punches a portal open.

(Y/N): "Okay things will get weird when you go through it."

Babs: " Oh relax I've seen weirder."

America: " This ain't a joke chica, this'll get dangerous."

(Y/N): "We went through a universe made out of paint."

America: " And then Knight Hawk's Universe."

Babs: "Are we going on this adventure or what?"

(Y/N): "Alright."

We see you and the girls go into the portal as it closes, we then see the portal open in Gotham City in a different universe as you 3 come out of it.

Babs: " Aw it didn't work, we only got into Gotham."

(Y/N): *sees someone*"Uh Babs you may wanna see this."

Babs then turns to see herself in a different universe except she has more red hair than her, her suit is black and purple, and she's shorter.

Babs: " AHHHH!!!!"

TB Babs: "AHHHHHH!!!"

America: "Good thing I'm the one and only Miss America."

(Y/N): " Yeah."*sees the two babs still screaming**covers both of their mouths*"I'm gonna uncover your mouths if you two won't scream, got it?"

Babs and TB Babs: *Nods in agreement*

You then uncover their mouths.

TB Babs: " Wh- Who are you? And why do you look like me??".

Babs: " Me!? You're shorter than me and you have red hair!"

America: " Don't they both have red hair?"

(Y/N): "I think one of them is a ginger."

America: " Really? Thought Babs was a redhead."

(Y/N): "The other Babs has red hair and my Babs has orange hair."

America: *looks at the Batgirls*"Ah, I see your point."

(Y/N): "Anyways."*to TB Babs*"We are from another universe, I am Supra and this is Miss America and Batgirl."

TB Babs: " She's Batgirl? But I'm Batgirl."

Babs: "We're from an alternate universe."

TB Babs: "Riiight an alternative universe, and I'm the queen of England, now start talking, who are you three?"

America: "Well there's one way to prove we're from an alternate universe."

America then punches and makes a portal that leads to the universe Earth-2149 as we see a Zombie Iron Man fly through the portal and attack both of you two as you then grab him into a chokehold and hold him down as the portal closes.

America: "That came from a universe filled with zombies."

TB Babs: " Okay I believe you three."

Z. Iron Man: "I'm hungry for some flesh!"

You then grab Zombie Iron Man by the back of the head and you crush it with one hand to the point it kills him.

TB Babs: "That was a bit harsh."

America: "Trust me you do not want him running around here."

(Y/N): " Yeah, the last thing we want is a zombie apocalypse."

TB Babs: "Point taken."

(Y/N): "So what are you doing right now?"

Babs: "Yeah, are you Batman's sidekick?"

TB Babs: "Well yeah but there's also Robin."

Babs: "Ugh he's the worst in my universe, when I first met him he said that I have no chance in being Batman's sidekick."

TB Babs: "Yeah I've been with Bats a lot longer than my Robin."

Babs: " And I have more experience than Robin, he doesn't even fit the theme."

TB Babs: "My Batman brought Robin in because of what happened to his parents, they're dead."

Babs: "Oh...okay now I feel guilty."

(Y/N): "So what's going on right now?"

You then hear laughter on the other side of the city.

(Y/N): " Uh you guys, there's some crazy clown guy in a hot air balloon."

TB Babs and Babs: "Joker!"

You then grab the two Batgirls and you fly to the scene as America follows along. You and the others then see the Joker of a different universe flying a balloon.

TB Babs: "Don't pop the balloon, it's filled with Joker Venom!"

You then throw the Batgirls onto the balloon as you then land on it as well.

TB Joker: *sees TB Babs*"Batman's little pipsqueak sidekick."*sees Babs*"And I must be seeing double, this town has gone mad! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Babs: " Wow your Joker is a lot different from mine."

TB Babs: "How different?"

(Y/N): "For one he's not-"

Before you finish your thought, something grabs you and flies off at high speeds.

TB Joker: "I wonder where your friend went."

We then see you thrown into the ground and you look up and you were surprised to see Homelander alive.

(Y/N): " Homelander? How? I thought you were-"

Homelander: "Dead? I was, until I got some help from two blue morons."

(Y/N): " Tell me you haven't been smoking something weird."

We then see Homelander tackle you to the ground and he proceeds into beating you up until something knocks Homelander. You then look up and see a mech suit that looks like a bat.

(Y/N): "I'm guessing you're Batman?"

TB Batman: " Yes I am, and I'm guessing you're not from this dimension are you?"

(Y/N): "How did you know?"

TB Batman: "I got word from my Batgirl."

(Y/N): " Oh, well you should know that I'm definitely not with Homelander."

TB Batman: " Another Kryptonian?"

(Y/N): " Uh no, more like a rip off version of Superman but more... crazy and psychopathic. He was made from a test tube in a science lab."

TB Batman: "You brought your Batgirl with you?"

(Y/N): "Hey now, she's the reason why America and I are here."

TB Batman: " I see, is there anything else I should know about Homelander?"

(Y/N): "He's more of a bully and he never knew how to throw a punch. He has a Sonic Scream that can do a number on a person's eardrums and he can survive all the weapons on Earth."

TB Batman: " So no other weaknesses?"

(Y/N): " Well he has sensitive ears so you can probably use some sort of high pitched sound system."

We then see TB Batman get out of the mech suit and confront Homelander as he sees him.

Homelander: *uses his Sonic Scream*"Back off!"

The sonic scream didn't do anything to TB Batman's ears since his cowl is sound proof.

(Y/N): " Sound proof cowl?"

TB Batman: " Yes, gotta be prepared for anything."*to Homelander*"You're in my turf Homelander, let's do this, man to man."

Homelander then shoots his Heat Vision at TB Batman as he dodges them.

Homelander: *while shooting the heat vision*"I'LL KILL YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS, AND THIS WORTHLESS CITY!!!!!!"

(Y/N): " Geez you have problems."

We then see Homelander shoot his Heat Vision at you as you use your Inner Peace to deflect the attack back at Homelander and knock him off of his feet.

Homelander: *to you*"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KILLED-"*uses his Sonic Scream*"-ME!!!!"

Your eardrums then burst and they begin bleeding as we see TB Babs and Babs sent flying down from the air to the ground as we see TB Joker jump onto the ground and sees Homelander.

TB Joker: "Hello friend, why don't we chat?"

Homelander: " What? Who are you?!"

(Y/N): *gets an idea* " Hey Joker, that guy's a real cranky pants isn't he?"

TB Joker: "Now that you mention it, he's not much of a comedian."*gets grabbed by the neck by Homelander*" You have a strong grip."

Homelander: "Stay out of this clown! Or I'll kill you!"

TB Joker: "Alright, but don't you know the best joke? It's one you don't see coming!"

TB Joker then sprayed Homelander's face with Joker Venom as Homelander then started laughing until he froze with a smile on his face.

America: *comes in* " I thought no weapon on earth could hurt Homelander?"

(Y/N): " Apparently gas attacks ain't one of them."

TB Joker: "He just needed a good laugh that's all."

We then see both Batgirls get up and knock out TB Joker with a single kick.

Babs: "And that's how it's done!"

(Y/N): "Where's the balloon?"

TB Babs: "Same place where all balloons go. Into the sky."

(Y/N): " But what about the gas?"

America: "I got it."

America then flies into the sky and over the balloon and makes a portal large enough for it to travel into Earth-2149 and she quickly closes it. America then lands down to the ground and turns to TB Batman.

America: "You're welcome."

TB Batman: "That's some quick thinking, where did it go?"

America: "A universe full of zombies, since that place is already a mess as it is."

(Y/N): "Good thinking."

Later, in the Batcave, we see TB Batman looking at Homelander's blood and he scans the sample.

TB Batman: " His blood has chemicals that altered his body since birth."

(Y/N): "Compound V, that's what gave him and other heroes powers back in my world, he and other heroes like him were made by a company named Vought."

TB Batman: " Homelander said you killed him, is that true?"

(Y/N): ".....yes....but it was out of self defense. He tried to kill me, I lost Inner Peace on that day."

TB Batman: " Inner Peace?"

(Y/N): "A state of mind where I let the forces of the universe flow through me."

We then see a water droplet fall from a stalactite and you go into the state of Inner Peace and catch the water droplet and you let it roll around you and you flow it onto a potted plant and it flows into the soil.

TB Batman: "Fascinating, it seems you have the state of mind called Nirvana."

(Y/N): " Yeah I have, and Homelander pressured me into losing my Inner Peace. All he cared about was his status in the Seven and Vought in general, so much that he tried to kill me. All of Vought's superheroes are their products for merchandising."

TB Batman: " Doesn't sound like much of a hero."

(Y/N): "The worst part is that Vought wanted me to be part of the Seven."

TB Batman: "Which is their version of the Justice League?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I offered Homelander the help he needed, but he refused my offer and he tried to kill me. From what I was told, he never had a happy childhood and he was brainwashed in a science lab and turned him into their puppet."

TB Batman: "I'm sorry to hear that."

You then look at Homelander and you walk up to him and you pull out his Astral projection.

Homelander: "Where am I, why can't I move my body!?!"

(Y/N): "You're an Astral Projection now, the Joker Venom is not lethal it just paralyzed you indefinitely until you have the cure in your system."

Homelander: "You think you can take my place as leader of the Seven, you think you're better than me!?"

(Y/N): "You gotta let go of the past. That's the first step of achieving Inner Peace. And honestly, do you still think you're a hero after the things you've done?"

Homelander: "I don't care about being a hero, I don't care about Vought's reputation, I don't care about parasites like you! I can do whatever I want! You know kid, you give to the people and you give, give, give like gods that we are and then a god falls. That will happen to you kid, sooner than you think!!!"

(Y/N): "I see that you won't give peace a chance, so I'll have to take something from you."

You then use your chi to take his powers away and you put his astral projection back into his body and you healed Homelander and he's back to move his body again.

Homelander: *sees you* "You!"

Homelander tries to use his heat vision but he can't.

Homelander: "What....what did you do to me!?"

(Y/N): "I took your powers away, you will no longer be able to harm anyone.I hope one day you will find peace."

Homelander: "This is not over!"

Homelander then punches your chest multiple times until his bones break and his hands start bleeding while you were unfazed by the punches.

(Y/N): "Stop, you're gonna end up hurting yourself."

Homelander: *while punching*"I DON'T CARE, BEING HOMELANDER IS ALL I KNOW!!!! SO I RUN WITH IT!!!!"

America: " You don't even have super speed."


(Y/N): "Vought is gone, The Seven and other heroes are no longer celebrities, they're real heroes, and they don't need you."

Homelander: *While punching*"LIAR!!!"

America: " It's true, ever since Vought was gone, all of their heroes went through a rehab and now they do real herowork."

Homelander then stops punching and then collapses onto the floor and cries in tears. You then use your chi to heal Homelander's wounds and you give him a helping hand up.

(Y/N): "What you lack is Inner Peace, I will teach you about the art of Inner Peace."

Homelander: " Does it look like I need your help?"

(Y/N): "Yes, when we first met. I want to help you to stop being the man they want you to be and start being the man you want to be."

Homelander: " I don't need your pity."

You then use your chi to heal Homelander's wounds and help Homelander up.

(Y/N): "I can teach you Kung Fu and the art of Inner Peace. The first step of Inner Peace is accepting the beginning of you, the past doesn't define you, it's just a start of who you will become."

TB Batman: " Take the offer."

Homelander: "Fine...I'll take the offer."

(Y/N): "And I know just the place."

TB Batman: "Take Batgirl and Robin with you, they need practice."

TB Babs: *To Babs* " I think he's talking about you."

Babs: "No, I think he's talking about you."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then. Let's go."

Later, in China, we see you and the other teleport in a certain spot as Homelander looks around.

Homelander: "What is this place, where are we?"

(Y/N): "We are in China, and this place is the birthplace of Kung Fu."

Babs: " Wait, this place is where Kung Fu began?"

(Y/N): " Yeah, I trained here to hone my skills in martial arts."

You then jump into the air and land onto a large structure and assume a pose similar to a dragon. You then toss 2 vibranium plates into the air and then jump into the air and destroy both of them with a perfect split as the metal pieces of the plates fall onto the others as we see a small bit of vibranium hit Homelander's head.

Homelander: "Wow, that was awesome...did I say that right, cause it felt so weird to say it."

(Y/N): *jumps down in front of Homelander*"I will give you your powers back."

Homelander: "Finally!"

(Y/N): "Once you're trained. Let's begin."

We then see TB Babs,TB Robin, Homelander, and America doing pull ups while you watch them and later we see Homelander and the others doing pushups and you are sitting on top of America. We see everyone a bit tired as you pull out some clothes for them.

(Y/N): "Good work everyone, now put these on, they will help you with your training."

Homelander: "I don't see-"*grabs his training clothes*"Whoa what the, what the heck!?"

Dick: *holding his clothes*"What's with these clothes?! They're heavy as rocks."

(Y/N): "Each piece of those clothes weigh 300 kilos."

Babs: " How much is that in pounds?"

Homelander: "Boots, wristbands, and shirt!?"

(Y/N): "Oh, I almost forgot."

You then give Homelander a heavy turtle shell as he fell to the ground due to the weight of the clothes and shell.

(Y/N): "That shell weighs around 6000 kilos, with all of those clothes combined it's 15212 lbs or 8 tons."

Homelander: "8 tons!?"

(Y/N): "This is called Turtle School training. Let's get to training."

We then see a montage of the group struggling with the training but over time they get better and better with their Kung Fu training along with their training in Turtle School. We see the group plowing a field with their bare hands, delivering milk up a mountain, constructing a house with simple tools, and getting chased by vicious marine life. After some weeks of training, the group then take off the weighted clothing and the shells as we see Dick jump as high as the highest clouds in the sky and land on the ground on his feet.

TB Robin: " What kind of teacher does this?"

(Y/N): "A man named Roshi, he may be a bit much for women but he's a great master of the art."

TB Babs: "What do you mean he's a bit much for women?"

(Y/N): " Well to put it simply, he's a huge perv."

America: "Wow, and he was your teacher?"

(Y/N): "Yes, but he's not that bad once you get to know him."*to Homelander*"And now your final lesson. The Art of Inner Peace."

Later, in a cave full of water, we see you teaching Homelander the state of Inner Peace.

(Y/N): "For your final lesson, mastering the art of Inner Peace. You must understand who you are."

Homelander: "I'm a hero, what's there to understand?"

(Y/N): " This coming from the guy who put a group plane people in danger and I had to save them myself? You must think back further before the age of Homelander."

Homelander then starts remembering the time when Vought was molding him into their perfect hero and then he starts to get a headache.

(Y/N): "You need to stop fighting, and let it flow."

Homelander then let his memories of the past flow through his mind and then he starts to enter the state of Inner Peace and catch a water droplet and let it flow around him as his memories of his superhero career start to comeback to him: From his first mission, his time with the Seven, meeting Stormfront, his confrontation with The Boys, his death at the hands of you, the resurrection from the Mauler Twins, and then the memories of now. He then let the droplet flow from his hand and onto a plant as it flowed down into the soil.

(Y/N): "So who are you my friend?"

Homelander: " I'm.... I'm Homelander."*turns to you and bows to you*"Thank you, master. For many years I let Vought write my story, but now I have the pen and I'm gonna write the rest of my story."

(Y/N): " Good, your training is complete."

You then use pressure points to reactivate his powers as we see Homelander levitate off the ground and his eyes glow.

Homelander: "Time for a comeback."

Babs: *To you* " Are you sure this is a good idea?"

(Y/N): "He has learned Inner Peace and his training is done. And now he's ready to write his destiny."

Later, back in the Batcave, we see you and the others bid TB Batman and his Bat Family a fair well. After a while, we see a portal open in your universe and you and the others come back and you see General Zod and his troops attacking Metropolis.

(Y/N): "Zod."

Homelander then sees The Seven facing off against Zod.

America C: " He's not gonna go nuts is he?"

Zod then lands on the ground and then tosses a tree at the Seven only for Homelander to jump in and uses his heat vision to slice it in half as The Seven were shocked to see Homelander alive and well.

Homelander: "Please, have some respect for nature. It is the reason why we're here and the vegans aren't the only people you should be worried about."

Zod: "Impossible! I was told you were dead!"

Homelander: "My death was....greatly exaggerated. So-"*cracks his knuckles*"-You're that Zod fella I've heard about."

Zod: "I'll say this once human, kneel before Zod!"

Homelander: *eyes glow red*"Here's a response, get out of my country."

Homelander then punches Zod in the face and launches him into a bus as Non and Ursa were shocked to see how strong Homelander is now.

Ursa: " Impossible..."

Homelander: "For the first time in my life, I call the shots in my story. I used to play pretend to sell lunch boxes, action figures, movies, and music videos and I have to admit I have a great voice though, but since Vought is gone and guys like me are now doing the real deal."*flies to Zod and grab him by the collar and pick him up*"The old Homelander would've burned your brains out, but the new Homelander does this!"

We then see Homelander use his martial arts training to beat up Zod to the point of knocking him out and then we see Homelander uppercut Zod back to the Phantom Zone as we see Superman and Supergirl land in front of Homelander surprised at what he did.

Superman: " What just happened?"

(Y/N): " Homelander saved the day."

Homelander: "You hear that Superman, I did your job for you."

Superman: "You're gonna do this for publicity right?"

Homelander: "Yes, if Vought was around. Then no, I'm a changed man. You know Homelander used to be a brand and after some patching up and some attitude adjustment Homelander became a defender of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. And if the country and the world is gonna be ruled by some space alien, then what's the point?"*to Ursa*"What do you say, Ursa?"

Ursa: "....You make a compelling point."

Homelander: "See even she gets it, now my policy for immigrants like you Superman can call Earth home. Me casa is your casa."*to Ursa*"Wanna get thrown back in the Phantom Zone, or do you want to stay and become an American Citizen?"

Ursa: " Second option."

Homelander: "Good, love the attitude, we need more people like us, Superman and Supra."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Superman: " You can't be serious right?"

Homelander: "The more heroes the better, (Y/N) taught me a lot since I got back. You would learn a thing or two from him. He's the reason I became the New Homelander."*sees Black Noir*"Hey Noir, old friend."*sees the Seven*"Hey guys, I've been a huge jerk to you all and I'm sorry for what happened to you all. Is it okay for me to join the team again?"

A-Train: " Well you didn't kill anyone."

The Deep: "How do we know if you changed?"

Homelander: "Deep, I'm sorry for treating you like dirt. You maybe bad on land but in the water, you're the closest thing to an underwater me with all the fish in the world to fight by your side."

The Deep: "Thanks man."

We then see Homelander gesture a handshake and we see The Deep and Homelander shake hands as we see The Seven welcome Homelander back into the team.

(Y/N): " Looks like my work here is done."

We then see Non fly back into the Phantom Zone as it closes behind him leaving Ursa behind.

Ursa: "I need a place to stay."

(Y/N): "I know a good place."

Later, at your House, we see you set up a bed in the guest bedroom.

(Y/N): "I went around and found some clothes for you to wear. For your new life on Earth."

Ursa: "Thank you (Y/N)."

Next: Chapter 6: A Day With Amazons

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