Chapter 6: A Day With Amazons

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Here we see you flying around Metropolis on patrol after school and as a way to clear your head and you land on top of a tall building. You then caught an arrow with a note on it and you read it.

(Y/N): "I am coming to visit you and Diana soon. I'll bring fellow amazons along that you both grew up with. Sincerely Queen Hippolyta."*stops reading*" Well luckily there are no parent teacher conferences for a while, cause Hippolyta might kill the principal if he says the wrong words and I know that he might because of how she might act and dress at the conference."

Later, at HQ, we see Diana cleaning up the place after you told the whole team about Hippolyta's visit.

(Y/N): "Diana are you okay? I know that she's your mother but this is a bit excessive. I'm sure she will understand that you are doing your best and if she sees you right now and how you're acting she might take you back because of how much you're working and think that you're overworking yourself. Besides, I know her as much as you do."

Diana: *stops cleaning*"How would you know?"

(Y/N): "She and I have conversations about you overworking yourself to get to approve of you."

Kara: "So when is she coming over again?"

(Y/N): "She's at the entrance."

We then see Hippolyta and Antiope slide down the slide and they both see that they're in the hideout.

Antiope: "It is good to see the lair once again."

(Y/N): "Your majesty and general, welcome to the hideout."

Kara: "You mean welcome back, this is not their first time visiting the hideout. You weren't around when they visited us."

(Y/N): "Oh."

Hippolyta: "(Y/N), do not be so formal. We have known each other for many years."

(Y/N): "I just thought it would be polite."

Antiope: "No need to be formal young (Y/N)."

(Y/N): " Okay then would you like me to call you two by your names or as Mom and Aunt Antiope."

Hippolyta: "I know we treated you like family but we are not bound by blood."

(Y/N): "Well if I remember correctly neither is Diana since she told me she was made from the sand that was imbued by Zeus' godly powers."*to Diana*"No offense."

Diana: "None taken."

(Y/N): "Plus the words of a wise man was family don't end in blood and it doesn't start there either families there through the good the bad all of it even when it hurts that's family and these are words that Hera needs to learn."

Antiope: "It's funny that you mentioned Hera."

(Y/N): "Why's that?"

We then see Hera slide down from the entrance of the hideout and the first person she sees is you.

Hera: "Well this must be the legendary Supra I heard so much about and what do you mean I need to learn those words when I am the goddess of family and Queen of the Gods."

(Y/N): "Then why did you throw Hephaestus off of olympus when he was just born because of his looks, why did you make Hercules kill his wife and kids when they were happy together and don't give me a BS reason like Zeus cheated on me or because I'm a Goddess or queen of Olympus give me an actual reason."

Antiope: "He has a point but Zeus does mate with mortal women all the time. And he did challenge Aphrodite in a challenge of who can mate the most Amazons."

Hippolyta: "And we were too young to be part of the contest."

Hera: "The reason why I tossed out Hephaestus is because he was made from inbreeding, and I was tricked by Zeus to toss him and I was tricked into raising Hercules and he made me spray my milk everywhere which created the entire galaxy."

Kara: "Wait did that actually happen?"

(Y/N): "Of course not because no matter who it's from breast milk can't do that plus CelestealSapians created the universe including all of the galaxies because if it was then the Milky Way galaxy would be the only Galaxy and god was put in charge of watching over this universe who was killed by the Winchester brothers and his place was taken over by Jack the son of Lucifer."

Hera: "Well that fool isn't responsible for all of creation, your solar system was the only thing that exists until Hercules made me spray my milk everywhere."

(Y/N): "Yeah that's painful plus it was made by a device that can easily create and destroy a universe."

Babs: "I don't know, those things aren't exact. America told me that she had been to a universe where Earth was populated by squirrel people and there were no gods and no Milky Way Galaxy."

Hera: "Told ya so. Anyways, that is not the reason why I came here to see you."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Hera: "Zeus and I are no longer together cause I can't take another millenia of him sire children with mortal women, so I came here to Earth to select a hero to be my king."

(Y/N): "Or you could go for a queen cause it's okay to come out and say you like women, and judging by your history I think you would make a great lesbian like Artemis."

Hera: "Tempting but I'll pass, I actually want you to be my king Supra."

(Y/N): "Wait what!? Don't you already have a King of Olympus, you know Zeus the God of Thunder?!"

Hera: "Yes but I want you to be his usurper, but I can't just hand you the title willy nilly. You have to earn it."

(Y/N): "How?"

Hera: "Perhaps if you do the 12 labors of Hercules. That will be a challenge for you."

(Y/N): "NOPE!!!"

Hera: "What, why not?"

(Y/N): "Because I'm not going to do something that some idiot did a few centuries ago because by repeating something someone else did that's all I or anyone else will be known for I would rather be known for my own achievements rather than repeat the ones done by the hero's of days of old."

Kara: "Wait, does it have to be the same thing Herc did or what?"

Hera: "Well there's the option of doing 12 of his own labors."

(Y/N): "Doesn't stopping the universe from being destroyed count because if it does I've done that 13 times."

Hera: "Well that's one, no matter how many times you do it."

(Y/N): "What about saving different universes, galaxy's, dimensions, and planets?"

Hera: "Still the First Labor for you because those are in a universe."

Kara: "(Y/N) just roll with it. What will be Labor Number 2?"

Hera: "Hmmm, perhaps challenge 13 of the strongest warriors and heroes of your world in arm wrestling."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Later, in the Mojave Desert, we see 13 heroes there and you set up the table for everyone.

(Y/N): "Okay, apparently Hera wanted me to do my own 12 Labors and the 2nd one is beating you guys in Arm Wrestling. Who wants to go first, two can play."

Omni-Man: "I'll go first."

Thor: "So will I."

We then see Omni-Man and Thor ready themselves and you both get ready for arm wrestling as we see Babs get them ready.

Babs: "Alright, remember nice and clean game. Ready."

Diana: "Set."

Zee: "Go!"

We then see you 3 start arm wrestling as you then beat both of them at the same time as a large dust cloud comes from the table. We then see a montage of Steven Universe, Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Superman, Jasper, All Might, Caboose, Diana, Invincible, and Hercules. We then see the 13th and final opponent of arm wrestling is Hulk. We then see the both of you struggling to beat each other as the girls see the biceps on your arm especially Antiope and Hippolyta.

Antiope and Hippolyta: *blushes and fanning themselves*"Amazing..."

You then beat Hulk in Arm Wrestling as he was seen flipped into the air and landing on his back.

(Y/N): "I did it! And know I'm the strongest there is!!!"

Hera: "The next labor is about the mind and challenge 3 of the world's greatest thinkers in a game of your choosing."

(Y/N): "I know just the game!"

Later, we see Phastos, Karen, and Simmons at your barn and there's a Dungeons and Dragons the board game set up and Diana is the DM while you are one of the players. Hera and the amazons were confused about the game.

Antiope: "What is this?"

(Y/N): "It's Dungeons and Dragons, it's a story based game that is constantly changing because of what could happen."

Hera: "Impressive game."

(Y/N): "Alright Diana, roll for an initiative."

Frenchie: 5 weeks later

(Y/N): "And done, a 5 week campaign finished thanks for coming over Phastos and Simmons."

Simmons: "Thanks for the fun."

Hera: "Now for your 4th labor, bring me a beautiful exotic flower."

(Y/N): "But you are one."

Hera: "Oh that is very kind of you, but you have to get a real flower."

(Y/N): "Right. Time to do some gardening."

We then see you fly into space as the girls turn to each other.

Diana: "Should we be worried about this?"

Kara: "Nah he has this in the bag."

Sometime later, we see you wake up in the middle of what's left of a party and you see a rare one of a kind exotic flower. You then get up and you look at your chest and you see a tattoo of a heart with the word Sta'abi on it and the same heart with the name Crimson Countess on it.

(Y/N): "Who the heck is Sta'abi and the Crimson Countess? Did I go to a party and forget about it and how's that possible I thought I couldn't get drunk?"*sees a rock on the ground*"Oh I was hit on the head. Well at least I got the flower."

Later, we see you hand Hera the flower as she blushes gold a bit.

Hera: "Wow, alright your 5th labor is performing a task another hero has failed."

(Y/N): "What should I do?"

Babs: "Oh I know, you can leap out of the Budda's hand since the Monkey King failed that one."

(Y/N): "I like to try that."

Later, we see you on the hand of the Budda and you turn to the others.

(Y/N): "Welp, here goes nothing."

You then jump off of the Budda's hand and by the time you are off the Budda's hand and you landed farther than the Monkey King himself and you are off of the Budda's hand.

(Y/N): "And I stick the landing!"

Sometime later, we see you fly back to the others.

(Y/N): "And I'm back and I have it recorded as proof. Which is a record of ½ second."

Hera: "Nice work."

(Y/N): "What's next?"

Hera: "Your 6th labor is to find two women, one with great will and one with great strength both from Earth and beyond the stars."

(Y/N): "Wait, girls with the most willpower?"

Later, at the mall, we see you thinking to yourself on what Hera means by women with the most willpower because that might mean someone from OA or somewhere.

(Y/N): "Where am I supposed to find girls Hera described."

You then hear a beautiful voice from the mall and you follow it until you find a woman in a red outfit that makes her look like a superhero similar to the Scarlet Witch.

(Y/N): "Excuse ma'am, that's a beautiful voice you got. I'm Supra."

C. Countess: *reveals a tattoo that is like yours but with your hero name on it*"Supra?"

(Y/N): *reveals your tattoo*"Crimson Countess?"

C. Countess: "It's good to see you again, sorry that rock hit you in the back of the head. Do you want to talk over some smoothies?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Later, at a smoothie shop, we see you and Crimson Countess talking to each other.

C. Countess: "And that's how I became a great singer and some say I have a lot of willpower because of it."

(Y/N): "I heard you and Soldier Boy were a thing, I'm sorry about your loss."

C. Countess: "Oh don't worry about it, I never liked him. None of the members of Payback ever liked him. Plus it was a fake relationship that the press made up because Vought wanted to profit off of the new lunch boxes and record albums of my singing career back in the 1980s."

(Y/N): "1980s? How old are you because it's 2022?"

C. Countess: "38, but I still look 20."

(Y/N): "Oh ok but I have no room to talk because I'm 316."

C. Countess: "You look good for your age. Hey wanna know something, I was brave enough to get Soldier Boy in danger with the Russains just to get rid of him. It took all of my willpower to do so."

(Y/N): "Cool but why are you telling me this?"

C. Countess: "Vought made a cover up for Soldier Boy's death in 1984 and I went along with it, and since Vought is gone I can finally tell someone about it. Phew, it feels so good to get it off of my chest."

(Y/N): "Wait, you're the woman with great willpower and now I need to find the woman with great strength."

C. Countess: "Great what?"

We then see you get grabbed by a prehensile tongue and you are taken to a large purple monster and you see an alien woman on it.

Sta'abi: "I am looking for the one called Supra!"

(Y/N): "I'm Supra and you are?"

Sta'abi: "Sta'abi."

You then see the tattoo on her shoulder and you look at the tattoo on your chest.

(Y/N): "Ok what are the chances of this happening?"

Sta'abi: "Vornicarn, drop the boy!"*sees Vornicarn drop you on the ground*"Now let's get down to business."

Sta'abi then dismount Vornicarn and she bows to you.

Sta'abi: "Back at the party, you bested me in battle. Can you teach me the ways of combat?"

(Y/N): "Depends on what fighting style you want to learn."*realizes*"I think I just completed the 6th labor. I'll explain it later."

Sometime later, we see you and the others regroup at the hideout and you are sitting with Hippolyta and Antiope waiting for Hera to arrive.

(Y/N): "What's taking her so long?"

Hippolyta: "As the Queen of Olympus she has many duties to uphold, I know the burden that comes with the title of queen."

(Y/N): "You mean besides yelling at Zeus?"

Hippolyta: "Yes she does have other duties."

Babs: *snickers*"She said dutie."."*gets slapped in the back of the head by Diana.

Diana: "What are you four?"

We then see Hera enter the room in a glowing ray of light and she is angry.

Hera: "Ugh! That wretched Zeus!"

(Y/N): "Um, did we call you at a bad time?"

Hera: "No, no you did not, I need to get something off my mind after Zeus brought 400 mortal women to our bed chambers at once!"

Babs: *whispers to Diana*"What are the chances of Zeus dying from STDs?"

Diana: *whispers back*"I don't know what those are."

Babs:*whispers*"It's a medical illness you get from doing the dirty and a lot of people don't know they have it and it can be transferred by doing the dirty.", and they die from it."

Diana: *whispers back*"Oh, I do not think it is possible for Zeus to die that way because he is a god."

Babs:*whispers*"You never know what's possible until it happens and haven't gods died in the past?"

Diana: *whispers back*"Yes but they always reincarnate back in a few millennia unless they fade."

(Y/N): "Well Hera I completed my 6th labor and found the two women of your specification."*points to Sta'abi and Crimson Countess*"They're right there. Back in her old team, Crimson Countess was afraid of Soldier Boy as much as everyone was afraid of Homelander and she got the willpower to get the russians to take him out in 1984 and Sta'abi is a strong and powerful warrior and hunter from another planet and now she's my student."

Hera: "Excellent now for the 7th labor, this is a test of speed."

(Y/N): "Cool I'll just race the Flash and Quicksilver."

Hera: "Not just them, but several more."

Kara: "Like Red Rush and A-Train?"

Hera: "Excellent, but there is one more missing."

(Y/N): "Oh I think I know someone who can join Hermes."

Hera: "Oh no, he's not available, he's too busy guiding souls of the dead to the underworld right now. Do you know anyone else?"

You then look at America and get an idea.

(Y/N): "America, we need to pay Speed a visit."

America: "Alright."

Later, we see The Speed on her treadmill as she sees a portal open and you and America come out of it.

(Y/N): "Hey Speed, got a minute?"

The Speed: "Sorry I got seconds."*pulls out her schedule*"At 1:00:05 get groceries, 1:00:10 go and see a movie-"

(Y/N): "Wow, you plan your day in seconds?"

The Speed: "The world is too slow for me. And to me you're moving at a normal speed."

(Y/N): "Hey in my universe, the Queen of the Gods Hera wants me to do 12 of my own labors and I'm on my 7th Labor which is a race in my universe."

The Speed: "I think I might squeeze in a race."

Later, at the Great Wall of China, we see you and the other runners at the starting line and we see Babs set up a map of the track.

Babs: "Since this is (Y/N)'s 7th Labor, the race track will have 7 landmarks. First you run across the Great Wall of China, then you run to the Roman Colosseum in Italy, then run to the Taj Mahal, then run to Machu Picchu in Peru, then the Christ Redeemer statue in Brazil, then Chichen Itza in Mexico, and then Petra Jordan and that's where the finish line is. (Y/N) no flying, just running."

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

We then see Babs get out of the way as we see Zee pull out her wand and it turns into a flag.

Zee: "Okay, get ready, on your mark, get set, go!"*waves her flag*

We then see you and the other racers run past her as the wind messed up her hair and now it's an afro. In 5 seconds, we see you and the others at the finish line and you were the first one to the finish line.

(Y/N): "I did it!"

A-Train: *strained*"Jeez, that was murder on my feet and that was the fastest I've ever gone man I'm going to be going slow for a bit so that I can give my legs and feet a break. Also, thanks for the workout program man."

Barry: "That was fun, I was fun, I want to go again!"

Red Rush: "Da, this is great workout for me and it helps me go faster ya."

(Y/N): "Well what's the 8th labor Hera?"

Frenchie: 4 Labors later

Here we see you tired after stopping a war on another planet, making the finest food for a banquet for the gods, tame a sea monster and kept it as a pet, and prank Zeus with a whoopie cushion.

(Y/N): "Okay what's the 12th labor?"

Hera: "Simple, woo the Queen of the Amazons or Artemis."

(Y/N): "It looks like I'm not going to try the impossible because the Queen of the Amazons is Hippolyta and I see her as my mom so Artemis it is."."

Hera: "True, but you and Diana were just childhood friends and not siblings. So that means she's more like a legal guardian than a mother. Plus I've been talking to Aphrodite and she's been sensing that Hippolyta was always in love with you, not just maternal love but a woman yearning for pleasure and love for her."

(Y/N): "I don't know, but Diana is not gonna like this."

Hera: "It is a labor for you to accomplish, plus Aphrodite and I made a bet that you date either Artemis and Hippolyta and she said that if you date both of them she and I will have a makeout session."

(Y/N): "This is why I don't worship any gods. They do weird things to each other and treat those that aren't gods like they are both their play things and their entertainment."

Hera: "Well it's what we do and we do it because we use up a chunk of our time running a certain part of earth and your mortal lives so we think we deserve to have our fun that way."

Later, at the park, you told Diana what your final labor is and she was shocked about it.

Diana: "You have to do what with my mother!?"

(Y/N): "Seduce her or Artemis or just ask either of them out on a date which a lot of people would count as seducing because they managed to get them to go on a date with someone."

Diana: "I see."

(Y/N): "Look I see her as my mom because she raised me like I was her own, but Aphrodite told Hera that your mom has feelings for me but as far as I know she could either be playing matchmaker or is lying but there is a slim chance she is telling the truth."

Diana: "Hmm, maybe we should speak to Aphrodite about this."

(Y/N): "Maybe you should go alone because if I come along she could possibly try and seduce me and or lie to me about the whole thing."

Diana: "Alright."

Later, at Mount Olympus, we see Diana talking to Aphrodite.

Diana: "Aphrodite, I have come to speak to you of a matter of great importance."

Aphrodite: "Speak Diana, what troubles you?"

Diana: "Is my mother truly in love with (Y/N)?"

Aphrodite: "Of course, ever since she found him in that pod of his since he was a baby she was in love with him, why do you think she wanted to raise him instead of sending him off to the other males on your island? She nurtured him to be the strong warrior that he is today so that one day she can confess to him."

Diana: "And what about Artemis?"

Aphrodite: "Oh she does not know (Y/N) very well and she is deeply in love with Supra. She was on a hunt for her love ever since Orion broke up with her over a messenger bird and after she saw him save Eri she has been in love and became more obsessed with him the more times he saved a girl."

Diana: "I see."

Later, we see you and Eri having a tea party and you are wearing an apron over your hero suit.

(Y/N): *to the teddy bear*"Cream or sugar Mr. Bear?"

Eri: "I think he wants some sugar."

(Y/N): "And he's getting one cube cause earlier he scarfed down donuts and if he has more than one cube he will have a sugar rush and then he crashes and burns."*hears something*"Eh sorry to cut the tea party short, there's a monster attack downtown. I hope you understand Eri."

Eri: "I understand and I'm happy you made time for me, big brother."

(Y/N): "Alright remember our lessons and use your quirk as an extension of your will. Someday you're gonna make history in the superhero world because of your abilities and remember you control the power and don't let the power control you and don't try to conceal it all it would do is hurt you."

You then fly out of the window and we see Eri playing with her toys. We then see you in Downtown Metropolis and you see the Hail Mary attacking the city and you fly in and fight off the monster and you punch it so hard that you knock it out.

(Y/N): "And down goes the calamari."

We then see a net come out of nowhere and trap and restrain you as we see Artemis come out of nowhere and pick you up.

(Y/N): "What's going on here?"

Artemis: "A good huntress always lures out her prey from hiding."

(Y/N): "Wait, don't taxidermy me or mount my head on your wall!"

Artemis: "I have no room in my sanctuary for you, I already hunted down many ferocious beasts in my time. I especially let out the beast called the Hail Mary just to lure you out my love. I am planning to make that beast into my trophy."

(Y/N): "I thought you and Orion are a thing."

Artemis: "He tore my heart to pieces when he dumped me over a messenger bird!"

(Y/N): *thinking*"Ok now either Hal got advice from this guy or he is related to him in some way."

Artemis: "Ever since I saw you save that little girl, I fell deeply in love with you and now I want you to be mine."

Hippolyta: *offscreen*"Unhand the boy Artemis!"

You and Artemis then turn to Hippolyta as she is holding her sword towards her.

Hippolyta: "That boy belongs to me!"

Artemis: "For what reason why the Queen of the Amazons want my catch?"

Hippolyta: "Because I love him more than just a son, I love him because I raised him to be my suitor ever since he was a child."

(Y/N): "Wait what!?"

Artemis: "Well then, how about we share since you raised him and I caught him in my trap."

Hippolyta: "Deal."

(Y/N): "I think I know a good place for all of us."

We see you, Eri, Artemis, and Hippolyta at a restaurant and we see the girls enjoying their meals as we see Eri eating a kids meal in the form of a small sandwich and some apple slices and we see Artemis and Hippolyta enjoying their meals in the form of chicken legs and steak.

(Y/N): "So girls, what do you think of the food?"

Girls: "It's delicious dear/big brother!"."

(Y/N): "Eri, eat your apple slices. You need some nutrition."

Eri: "But I don't like apples."

(Y/N): "Don't knock it until you try it."

Eri then eats the apple slice and she likes it and then she eats her apple slices.

Artemis: "You are an excellent caretaker of the young, unlike Zeus."

(Y/N): "That's because I'm not paranoid of everything trying to either overthrow me or kill me and I actually care about those that are dear to me unlike him."

We then see the waiter bring back the check and you paid for the meal.

(Y/N): "There we go."

Later, at the hideout, we see you enter the hideout and you see Hera covered in lipstick kiss marks all over her body.

(Y/N): "What happened to you, was it the bet you made?"

Hera: "Yes, and she invited her female friends with benefits."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry to hear that Hera."

Hera: "It's ok in all honesty it felt nice to be loved and appreciated."

(Y/N): "Wait, if I completed all 12 labors, does that mean I'm the new King of Olympus?"

Hera: "Yes and just to let you know it was a combination of a vote and the fates saying so the labors weren't necessary."

(Y/N): "Wait, what do you mean not necessary?"

Hera: "It was done so that you can have a bit of fun and challenge yourself and those where to marry me not be king."

(Y/N): "So I'm not King of Olympus?"

Hera: "Not really."

(Y/N): "Sweet I didn't want to be king anyway because there is way too much responsibility that Zeus has most likely hasn't been doing."

Hera: "He mostly spends most of his time with mortal women and does whatever he wants because he claims he can because he is the king."

(Y/N): "Aren't there rules and things he has to do because he is the king of the gods?"

Hera: "He's not the responsible type plus no one actually knows what he is supposed to do besides his domain."

(Y/N): "You're gonna move out of Olympus and move into my house aren't you?"

Hera: "Well it is not just me."

We then see both Artemis and Aphrodite appear in the room in a blinding light.

(Y/N): "Is the blinding light really necessary when you guys do that?"

Aphrodite: "It's how we get around."

(Y/N): "I get why Hera and Artemis are here, but why are you here Aphrodite?"

Aphrodite: "I'm here because I am tired of the meathead before my husband divorced me."

(Y/N): "Wait husband? I thought you were married to like 7000 people?"

Aphrodite: " That's one of the reasons why."

(Y/N): "You always making out and marrying people like every 3 minutes a day?"

Aphrodite: "I have some restraints and it was 10 minutes."

Artemis: "Still a slut and I won't let you do anything to (Y/N) in any way shape or form."

Aphrodite: "And yet I will still get to him before you put a hand on him."

Hera: "No you won't because I know for a fact that he will want to wait until after marriage to do it with anyone and he will want to marry people after high school."

Aphrodite: "Alright but no promises because I will be trying to change his mind."

Aphrodite then hugs your arm between her breasts and you blushed a bit.

(Y/N): *stammers*" have....really big....breasts..."

Aphrodite: "And they're all yours~."

Artemis and Hera: "Aphrodite!"

Aphrodite: "What can't a girl have a bit of fun?"

Hera: "We know what that move leads the both of you to the bedroom if you have it your way and 8 out of 10 it is."

Artemis: "More like 9 out of 10."

Aphrodite: "Come on let me have my fun."

Hera and Artemis: "NO!"

Next: Chapter 7: Finding The Creator

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