Fifty-Five Mika

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Mentions of $uicide, cutting and murder. Proceed with caution 

My eyes flutter open, confusion devouring my mind like a zombie. A second ago, I was in Asiel's protective arms as if nothing could touch me, harm me, taint me. He's my savior, my guardian angel that I never knew I wanted. It's like he can protect me from everything-- aside from myself and my mind.

But I'm not in his arms anymore.

Asiel's stone-color walls are long gone, replaced with the glass revolving door. Why am I here? Why does this feel familiar? Memories cascade through my mind like leaves collapsing down from their branch. Is this what I think it is? The place where I committed the horrendous crime that would undoubtedly alter my life?

Through the glass reflection, I scan the hotel lobby, decorated with gold, white, and red patterns. A crystal-pendant chandelier hangs above the waiting area in the center of the room. Two children have their faces stuffed in their iPads as their parents converse with the receptionist.

Why am I back here? What do I get from reliving this? With trembling hands, I push through the revolving door, following until everything turns white. The door rotates and spins like a merry-go-round as I search for an exit. Suddenly, the door halts, and I stumble out of the entrance, landing on my knees.

My impact on the floor causes a splash of water to clash with my face, causing my eyes to shut. I scrub the droplets from my cheeks, slowly opening one eye at a time to see my reflection on the floor. I'm wearing the exact thing I wore when everything took place. My hair is in half up and down hairdo with a red ribbon bow and a sweetheart-neck flounce-sleeve velvet dress on my frame. 

Mysterious, alluring, and deadly. The skull lace choker on my neck. My makeup is heavy, grunge, hiding my dark circles as I'm about to conquer my demons-- face to face. The water ripples beneath my knees as a single breath escapes my lips. I cock my head to the side, dipping my finger into the puddle to see it appear on the other side.

What the fuck? Like Alice in wonderland, I fall into the waterhole, and my stomach coils as I flap my arms aimlessly. The drop goes for miles, water bubbling from my fast pace as I try to cling to anything. Water whoosh around like jumping in a pool like a cannonball.

My eyes are dizzy and hazy as I'm sitting on my ass in front of his expensive penthouse suite. Whiplash hits me like a bag of bricks as my stomach churns, vomit piling into my throat. Jesus, when did my tummy get so weak? Feeling a shadow hovering over me, I glance at the corners of the room to see a red blinking light on the cameras.

Diablo always takes care of the footage.

Hoisting from the ground, I knock on the crimson door, the charms on my diamond bracelet clinking against each other. The radiating heart-shaped jewel on my ring illuminates in the hallway lights. Tonight I'm his nightmare, dressed like a daydream. A captivating curse wrapped in elegant wrapping paper with an enormous bow.

The door opens, revealing a towering frame with his toned chest poking from his unbuttoned moss green dress shirt. Most people would consider him attractive. He has a long, oval face shape with big, bulging emerald eyes and an upturned nose. His tongue skims his bottom lip as his cheeks flush bright pink.

It's like second nature to walk around with a vixen smile on my face.

"H-Hello," he stutters, scratching the nape of his neck.

He would forget about me. I was just a girl that played a fucked-up part in his objective. Nothing worth remembering. If only I could say the same. I'm a woman now. Ready to take back what he took from me all those years ago. But I have to remember no matter how much satisfaction I'll get from killing him-- I'm here to do a job. It's the way Diablo trained me.

Little Ander has been a very bad boy enough to get a bounty on his head. Roles are reserved. Tonight he's the target. I'm Mictlantecuhtli. The urban legend that leaves the mancho mafia bosses quivering in their boots. It's only a call away, and then it's their turn to meet the fallen angel leading them to death.

It's been five seconds, but he's devouring my body discreetly with dilated pupils.

"Are you the one he sent?" He asks, his eyes floating in the hallway for any lurkers.


"C-Come in," he stutters, extending his hand as a gesture for me to come in.

His suite is fucking breathtaking. It's materialistic, boasting of luxury and elegance. Soft grey cushion couches surround the table, and a black grand piano sits in the corner. It reminds me of my childhood. When I had enough things to make people jealous but craved something, a child should always get-- love.

Maybe I should've taken the constant beating from my father and stopped being so selfish. I guess I didn't realize the luxury of my life until it was stripped away. My finger glides over the abstract shape figure on one of the tall, white pillars.

"Wow, this place is insane," I admit, waving at the fantail goldfish in the water tank. They flip-flop around their seashells, unwillingly knowing they will be an accessory to my crime.

The tips of his ears burn red like I was hanging a lighter over them as he laughs, covering his amusement. "Thanks. It's nothing special, really. You should see my familia's home."

My brows raise. "Is that an invitation?"

Another awkward collection of chuckles leaves his lips as he rubs his palms together with taut eyebrows. "W-Where do we do this?"

My lips tip to a smug smirk as I step forward, wrapping my arms on his shoulders only to dwindle them down his exposed chest. His heartbeat quickens as my hands dance to his belt loop, hooking my finger on it.

"How about the bedroom? So, we're both comfortable?" I suggest, tugging at his jeans.

He turns his face, coughing to the side as he extends his hand to the stone-slab staircase in the corner of his living room. "Do you want me to bring up some wine? Any preferences? Red or white?"


I shake my head as I entangle my hands behind my back. "Doesn't matter to me."

"Great," he replies, "One second. Please wait here for a moment."

His coffee table is decorated with antique dolls the size of my pinky finger. Glass clinking together shatters the silence as his footsteps boom louder in my direction. He emerges in the doorway with two wine glasses between his fingers and a wine bottle in the other hand. The slacks on his waist cover his feet.

Being a dear, I help Ander carry the two wine glasses as I follow him up the staircase to his bedroom. He enters the bedroom, popping the cork and causing a bit of fizz to fall on his marble floors. Like a lady, I sit on the bed with one leg over my thigh, holding the glass for him to fill. He bends his wrist to fill the tumbler as a few droplets fall onto my bare thigh.

"Shit," he curses, wiping the stain with his palm. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I reply, conquering the fakest laugh in the world. "You must be in a hurry to get these clothes off of me."

His left dimples emerge on his cheek. "I'm never this straightforward with a woman. You know what's funny? My younger brother wanted to come by tonight."

I bite my lip. "Really? That would be awkward if he walked in on us."

My charms are lackluster tonight. But can you blame me? It's hard to want to seduce the man that stole my virginity. My other clients at the club never take advantage of me and listen to the rules. It's easier to wear a fake mask when inside I'm not on the verge of breaking apart.

He takes a small sip of his wine before setting it down on the bedside table. "I-is it alright if I go to the bathroom first? Freshen up before we start?"

"Of course," I say sweetly. "Don't be too surprised if you return to a naked girl lying in your bed."

Tapping my fingers on the glass, I try to act as if I wasn't waiting for him to lock himself in the bathroom. The lock clicks, and I jerk from the bed to start phrase one. With scrunched brows, I shuffle to his glass, trying to make the less sound possible. Digging into my bra, I pull out a small plastic bag and a red pill.

If it was my choice, I would tear Ander apart piece by piece, starting with his teeth. Keep him alive long enough to suffer through all the morbid rounds I'll design for him. I would be his personal Saw, but I'm only an employee. The big boss decides how the target dies, depending on their status.

Ander is a big fish to fry.

We can't leave questions lurking in the background. His death has to have a concrete story. That's why Diablo gave me this pill. It's a new underground drug with the strength to knock a person out in minutes without leaving a trace in their bloodstream. The ending of his life is my story to construct-- I can turn him into anything I want.

The toilet flushes and my eyes widen as I slip the particles of the pill into his drink. It fizzes, falling to the bottom of the glass, disappearing in the red liquid like a magic trick. Dashing like a teleporting superhero, I'm on the bed again when he opens the door, drying his hand on the towel rack.

What an idiot.

He doesn't suspect a thing.

Ander sports a half-grin as he chugs most of his wine, cleaning his mouth with his sleeve. No reaction. As if the wine had been left untouched. He squats down, leaning his back on his dresser as he sits. His knees are upright, holding up his elbows as they dig through his hair.

"I-it's been a while since I've been with a girl," he admits, clearing his throat. "How do we start?"

My lips curl into a coy smile. "Say less."

Standing from the bed, I tug the zipper down to my waist, slipping my arms out from the dress. Inch by inch, the flowy dress falls to the ground like flower petals, leaving me in only my undergarments. His gaze sweeps over my body, focusing on the dips of my hips. He sucks in a breath as the bra straps fall down my shoulders, my tits eager to impress. While hunger dances in his gaze, a hint of pain shimmers in them.

Damn, have my boobs gotten saggy? Leisurely, I force my arms through the bra straps and inspect him like a wild animal in a cage.

Ah, right.

Diablo told me why I was sent here, to begin with.

Squatting down, I place my fingertip on his chin and move his gaze to pierce mine like a hook. "Baby, I'm here to make you forget about him. Let loose. Let me do that for you. Let me ease your mind."

He closes his eyes and exhales harshly. "Of course. Thank you for being here. I really need this distraction. I need someone to make me feel good. The way I used to."

Slowly, I push his shirt off his shoulders, pressing kisses into the warm, smooth skin of his chest. "Don't worry, baby. I always get raving reviews from my clients. Let me be the one to take you to heaven."

Or hell.

His hands grope my boobs, ripping the bra off my body and flinging it like trash. My tits shake from his force, and he squishes them together, shoving his face in them. He kisses, nips, and sucks every part of the skin on my breast until they're swollen. I gnaw on my lip to give the facade of enjoying the way he plays with my boobs.

An involuntary gasp leaves my lips when he clutches onto my hips, dragging me into his lap and resting his palms on my ass. His touching becomes more desperate, rough, and barbaric. My eyes flutter shut, recalling the events of the last time his hands touched me. Disgusting. My blood simmers in my lower belly.

I despise every second of this.

Can he just die, so I can scrub my skin with soap until I'm left red and raw? His grip rips my thong in half, leaving me bare in front of him. His finger slides between my open thighs, rubbing the cleft of my pussy lips.

His hot breath burns my skin. "What's your name?"

A fake porn moan leaves my lip as he dips his finger between my petal-like slits. "You can call me Mika."

Ander smiles, sucking on the sensitive skin on my neck, hard enough to leave marks. "I'm so glad to have met you, Angel. I can't wait to have you screaming my name all night long."

I roll my eyes. "Mmm, yeah."

My teeth clench. Mika is rebelling against Mictlantecuhtli. One wants to rip Ander apart while the other is eager to obey the rules, murdering him the way Mictlan told me. Before anything, this is a job. If I do it wrong, my life will be at stake. Ander already took a piece of my soul -- I couldn't give him my life, too.

The turmoil subsides as if I was in the eye of the storm returning to the event at hand. His gaze sparks as he grips onto my ass cheeks, hoisting us up as I wrap my legs around his waist. My breathing shallows as my back slams against the mattress, and he pins my wrist above my head. It's confining, restraining.

But Mictlantecuhtli lets the victim do what he pleases as a sign of mercy. Let him enjoy his five seconds of pleasure before death sneaks up on him like a breeze. Disgust rushes to the pit of my stomach as he kisses from my jaw down to my thighs. The ravaging breast within him disappears, replace with a loving, needy, confident partner.

Hot and warm tears fall on my skin, awaking a trail of goosebumps. Rather than groaning 'Mika,' he utters another name into my skin, searing the letters like a tattoo. I'm guessing it's the name of his ex-lover. The one Diablo told me left him broken, incompletely. Must be tragic to fall in love. It even ruins the worse humans of all.

My boobs sway back and forth as he takes them in his palms, kneading them like pizza dough. My stomach tenses with unease when he attaches his mouth to my pierced nipples, flicking his tongue up and down. His eyebrows draw in tight as he removes his mouth around my peaks with -pop-.

He shakes his head and breaks away, laying his back on the mattress. "M-my head is spinning. I-it hurts."

Raising from the bed, I swoop up my dress from the floor and slip it on my body. Thank god, the pill finally took effect. It's my savior for the night. He groans, clenching and unclenching his fist in front of him. Turmoil stirs in his face. I throw my head into a ponytail and grab a pair of gloves from my purse.


I'm going to have to disinfect everything.

What a waste of time.

"What... happened?" he hoarsely replies. "What are y-ou doing?"

I scoff. "What does it look like? I'm putting my dress back on."

He groans, trying to get up from the bed, but collapses like a sack of potatoes. "Dizzy... Can't move. Help me."

With my hand resting on my hip, my gaze burns a hole into his sweaty face, and I burst into a laughing frenzy. "I'm sorry." I force out through my giggling with no ounce of sincerity or regret. "I was trying to act like I cared, but God! It's impossible."

His eyes shoot up. "What... did you do?

I click my tongue. "When I received the envelope of my next kill... a feeling of euphoria rushed through my veins when I saw your face. Ander, the face of the man that's taken everything from me." My blood tinges with excitement. "Looks like you have more enemies than just me. I'm truly honored to be chosen to kill you. I've spent years fascinating about this very moment, but I never chased after it."

Vibration comes from the bedstand, and Ander gulps, anxiously moving his hand to grab his phone. It's hysterical to watch him suffer. The sparkle in his irises loses its light when I wave the cell phone in his face.

"Aww." I coo as my lips curl into a smug pout. "Your baby brother is calling. Maybe I should invite him here too. Would you like that, macho man? Don't be so glum." I smack his cheek with a heavy slap. "It's honestly a pleasure to be murdered by me. At least I'm pretty. An eighty-year-old man could be here."

He screams or tries to. "Help me! Someone help me!"

A soft laugh escapes me. "No one is coming to save you. It's my night for revenge. Do you really think I would risk someone interrupting us? Ander, do you remember me?" Frustration lingers in his gaze as he shakes his head. "I'll jog your memory. I was one of the girls you and your entire familia raped as punishment."

Realization dawns on him. "I-I didn't want to do it. You have to understand I had no choice. My papa-- he demanded it. Disobeying him is like signing my death sentence."

I shush his lips with my finger. "I don't care to hear your excuses. You're going to die either way. Like I said, I was sent here. If it was my choice, I would torture you by cutting your skin piece by piece."

He sighs, choking on his hollow breaths. "Y-you're right. I-I deserve this, but my brother doesn't. H-he ha-ss so much to live for. I-I'm leaving so much in his... hands. I want him to be happy."

I yawn, fucking bored out of my mind. "Don't stop at my watch. It's not like your clock is running out anytime soon."

"F-fuck." Tears drip out of his eyes, drenching the sheets. "I-I hope my... brother isn't too sad. We were... supposed t-to have a movie marathon tomorrow. Did h-he s-e-nd you? Does he n-ot l-oove me anymore?"

I blow a breath, rolling my eyes at this conversation. "I don't know who ordered me to kill you. They just gave me this job, and I'm glad they did. Anyways you said your goodbyes. The drug will kick in any second now."

His eyes shut as a bittersweet smile remains on his face. Ander's chest is faintly rising up and down. Finally, I'm able to get all my shit done. It takes hours to clean all the evidence of me being here. Quickly, I conduct a story in my head by emptying the wine glasses to shape Ander as a depressed alcoholic.

Every strand of my hair is gone.

Every make of mine is gone.

A depressed alcoholic isn't enough. It's more believable if it looks like he killed himself. It happens all the time. A story people would fall for without question. After searching through his bathroom, I find a razor and settle for his wrist. An enchanting piece for my growing collection of body art.

A rare gem.

Like an evil witch, I sing a lullaby as I flip his wrist over and glide the blade on them. The razor digs into his skin, tearing the skin apart as blood seeps out. If only he could feel it. Red blood stains the ivory white sheets, spreading like a blossoming rose.

It's so beautiful.

Until it's not.

Panic floods my veins like a wave as I glance at his face. Those aren't the same hopeless emerald eyes. No. They're the ones that shined the brightest in the night. That glimmered with pure love and happiness. Now, they're soulless, tainted with horror. A little lightheaded, my body falls to the floor as my palms tremble with fear.

It's Asiel.

My chest constricts, making breathing impossible as his blood fills the bedsheets. A tortured sob falls past my lips, covering my mouth as his body turns pale white. He can't be dead. No. No. I wouldn't. Grasping on his arms, I shake his frame and scream in anguish.

"Asiel!" I wail, clenching his face, giving it a light slap.

Guilt seeps through my mask, my persona, my high steel walls, surrounding me with waves, drowning me in a tsunami. My hands are covered in blood-- in his blood-- in his brother's blood.

I'm a killer.

I'm the real monster.

"Mika! Mika!" A concerned voice boom through my ears as a pair of hands tries to rouse me awake. "Mika, wake up. It's a nightmare. Princesa, it's a nightmare."

My body jolts upward like a spring as a horrifying gasp leaves my lips. Sweat runs down my forehead, Asiel's oversize t-shirt clinging to my frame. Warmth spreads through my cheeks as Asiel holds it, concern laced in those puppy dog emerald eyes. The tremor eases as I realize everything was a dream and Asiel is alive in front of me.

Without wasting another second, I leap into his arms, clutching his neck to the point of near suffocation. I ugly cry, drenching his neck with my tears as one hand caresses my head while the other holds onto my back. It's nonstop--the tears. It felt so real, so real-- I can't imagine how broken I'll be if he ever left this earth.

"It's okay, Princesa," Asiel's soothing voice wavers in my ears like a sweet lullaby. "It was just a dream. I'm here. Everything is okay."

As my heartbeat falls back to its original beat, I unwrap my arms, pulling away, and close my eyes with a sigh. He's right. It was only a dream. When my eyes flutter open, I nearly tumble from the bed at the sight of Ander's face. My blood runs cold, surging with panic as I imagine all the blood on his face.

Nausea claws at my throat like a demon, and I jolt to the bathroom, slamming the door open as I sink to my knees in front of the toilet. The acid burns my throat as I vomit into the bowl, feeling a pair of hands grip my hair.

"It's probably something you ate," Asiel says, rubbing my back as I puke again. "I'm going to complain to Sara. Maybe the meat was left out or something."

I flush the toilet. "It's not that..."

Asiel places a finger under my chin, lifting my face to clean the excess vomit under my lip. "Then what happened? Are you... pre-?"

"No!" I accidentally scream, pressing my back into the wall. My fingers run through my damp, sweaty hair. "I just... don't feel well." My voice comes out hoarsely. "I think I'm sick."

Concern floods his irises. "Okay! I'm going to head to the convenience store and grab some medicine. What about soup? Ginger ale for your stomach? It's probably best for me to get all three." Asiel clutches my neck and presses a kiss on the crown of my head. "I'll try to hurry, Princesa. Lay in bed until I get back."

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as I weakly hoist up and grab Asiel's hand, lacing our fingertips. "What did I do to deserve you?"

His lips curl into a small smile as he grabs my head and places another quick kiss on my forehead. "You are you. You are everything I can want in a girlfriend and best friend. You gave me a reason to find a dream. That's what you did."

Secrets threaten to tumble out from the tip of my tongue. I could easily confess everything right now. Stop the war from brewing forward, and countless dead bodies added to our list. But it isn't easy, is it?

Because truthfully, I didn't want to risk losing Asiel. I didn't want to break the progress we made. He's the first person I've ever been afraid of losing.

Asiel, I'm afraid you will stop loving me if you know the truth.

I'm afraid Asiel might stop loving Mika too 🥹🥹. How did you guys feel about the scene? You guys finally seen the way she took care of Ander... should've been worse right? He deserved more than just a little pill lol

But poor Mika. She's really suffering under all the guilt like she might as well confess already right. Since the longer she keeps it a secret the worst it gets right?

Do you guys think it's better to hear from Mika or someone else?

Also why is Asiel so fucking sweet lol

Thank you for reading this story and nearly getting Mika to 300K like wowww insane literally!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter and I can't wait to read your comments!

Love ya

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