Fifty-Six Mika

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Wood rugged planks are criss-cross on the ceiling, holding up the metal rooftop. Bulbs dangle from a skinny string. The fluorescent light leaves a grim yellowish tint on the area. The dark brown bricks are tainted with graffiti—random words and symbols written in white and yellow tints. The floor looks as if it's been burnt with garbage, dust, and ash coating it.

Luka stands in front of his familia, leading them to their death-- essentially.

For precaution, Luka had his hounds watching me like a hawk. If I moved one muscle out of place, they would pierce their beady eyes through my skull. It's not like I feared them, but if I wanted to be of any value to Asiel, I needed to wait for the perfect opportunity.

Luka's army takes up about half of the room, leaving the entrance vacant for Asiel to emerge. Every member has an assault rifle attached to their back. Glancing at my apple watch, I see it's almost for the journey to begin. I'm itching for a taste of blood. To reap my guilt by slicing people a part like animals.

Does this make me selfish? To offer people up like cattle for me to spend a lifetime with Asiel? My hand skims over the necklace, feeling his purity ring. There's a piece of him always with me, and in a few minutes, he will be in front of me. We will be enemies for the sole of five seconds before I stab a knife in Luka's back.

"Everyone," Luka announces. "Take your places."

Feet shuffle around the area, and I back away to keep myself from getting in the way. An uneasy tingle erupts in my veins as I watch four members stand in front of me and move backward. With widened eyes, I shuffle back until my back hits the wall. Like a sliding door, they move away to reveal a demented Luka.

He savagely grabs my arms, bending them backward, and slams my cheek into the brick wall. I groan, feeling a cold, resistant around my wrist--handcuffs.

Luka wraps his hand around my head, pulling it back to feel his hot breath on my ear. "This is for Ander. He didn't deserve it. You fucking bitch."

I laugh as he squishes my face into the wall. "Aww, so the rumors are true? Doesn't look like I was the only one mixing business with pleasure."

He flips me around to face him, pressing my cheeks together until they physically hurt. "Shut the fuck up, bitch. Unlike you, I'm going to wipe the earth of the filth. Getting rid of the Morterero brother that should've died years ago."

My breathing comes out heavy through my nostrils. "If you touch a hair on Asiel's head, I'll gladly bring you to meet your lover in hell."

Luka breaks into hysterical laughter as he knocks me to the floor, causing my shoulder to slam to the ground. "And I almost thought you didn't care about him. A lover for a lover. Only fair, no?" He squats down, tilting my chin to face him with his pointer finger. "Step back and relax, sweetheart. I promise to make it painful."

To get rid of the smug smile on his face, I spit a wad of saliva into his eye, earning a cheap slap. Luka leaves me to be spiraling the keys on his finger. Gritting my teeth, I maneuver onto my back and push my body to the wall by using my legs. My hand is scraping against the floor, probably decorating it with my blood.

I huff a breath before using all my squat strength to hoist myself. Apparently, Luka cared more about Ander than I thought. I wonder what sparked their breakup, but that's a discussion for another time. What an unfair challenge. He handcuffed me because he knew he couldn't stand a chance with me free.

I'm flattered, but fuck, this is annoying.

My head snaps to the left as I hear the doors slam shut. They're here. Concern seeps into my skin like rain droplets as I try to break the handcuffs by forcing my hands back and forth, but I'm not superwoman. A scowl pulls at my eyebrows as my eyes narrow in on a small circular hoop spinning on his finger.

Is that what I think it is?

My eyes widen for a split second, and I scream, "Asiel! Watch out! He threw a grenade!"

Luka whirls around, his blazer swaying in the wind from the friction of his spin. Rage glimmers in his irises as he stomps over to me and connects his fist to my cheek. The impact causes me to lose my balance, and I slam my jaw against the floor.

"It's a little too late, sweetheart." A cunning smile tugs at his lips.

His feet leave the line of my vision as I stretch my jaw to ease the slight ache. Asiel burst through the hallway, his eyes wavering with concern as they search for me. We meet for a blazing moment before my vision floods with smokey fire.




My eyes crack open, smoke polluting my lungs like the way cars do. Flying bullets come in all directions as familias attack each other. I cough, practically hacking my lungs out as I shift over to my knees to get up. My legs are wobbly, smoke invading my vision like clouds. The explosion has made my head dizzy, making walking almost impossible, along with the constant ringing in my ears.

A combination of Luka's and Asiel's men walks past me, ignoring me. To them, I'm harmless with my resistant hands and walking as if I took twenty shots this morning. My heart hammers. Where's Asiel? I need to find him. He needs to be okay. Or I will bury this town with so much blood.

I walk through half of the building and still no sight of Asiel. My chest constricts as panic floods my lungs instead of oxygen. Where are you, Muñeco? Mateo. Check. Julian. Check. Limon. Check. They're functioning as if a grenade didn't go off minutes earlier and firing bucket loads of ammo.

Warm wetness spills down my jaw from the bloody nose Luka gave me. I can taste the delicious metallic flavor in my mouth. A fort tall enough for a six-foot person of rubble stands in front of me. Using my high-knee boots, I kick the debris to the side and catch a glimpse of a familiar lip with a lip ring.

A sigh of relief escapes me as I kick another bucket load of debris to make room to walk through. I fall to my knees, taking in Asiel's state. My mouth seals shut as a string of curses rings out in my head. Fucking Christ. Dusty ash covers his cheeks. Blood spews out from his nose, ears, and knuckles.

I can't even check if he's breathing because of the handcuffs on my fucking wrist. My eyesight blurs as I lose focus on Asiel, staring at the wooden planks. All I do is hurt him. I should go away and never turn back. But it's so hard when he owns a piece of my heart and soul. How am I supposed to let go?

An unexpected cough startles me. "M-Mika?"

A tear slips out, but I swallow the rest like a sponge when I meet Asiel's gaze. "Muñeco? Oh, thank god! I thought I almost lost you."

His thumb wipes the tear off my cheek, warmth lightening my skin. "You cried for me, Princesa?"

"Of course, Asiel," I sniffle, wrinkling my nose. "I l-."

My mouth seals shut before I could finish my sentence. It's an instinct to protect myself. Keep everything inside until I blow up like a helium balloon. The sacred word is on the tip of my tongue, wanting to announce the truth to the world. The great man-eating Mika obviated into this abomination.

Someone capable of loving another.

I never imagined how this moment would feel and happen, but I didn't want to admit to it like this. I wanted to save the three-word, eight-letter phrase for a cringy cheesy night together. Recreate those rom-coms he loves so much.

"I'm just happy that you're okay," I say, feeling my heart hopping around my ribcage like a bunny.

His lips protrude out to a pout. "Princesa, your face. You're bleeding and bruised up on your cheek."

I giggle. "You should see your face, Muñeco. We have to move you to safety before Luka finds you." I get up, spinning around to offer Asiel my hand. "Come on. We have all night to gawk at each other. Right now, I need to find Luka."

"Why are you handcuffed?"

"That motherfucker Luka," I curse, coated in venom. "He realized I wasn't on his side before you got here. It could be worse, Muñeco. I could be handcuffed to a wall or worse- him."

Craning my neck, I see Asiel clutching onto his stomach as he weakly laughs and grits his teeth. "I saw keys laying on the floor before I got knocked out."

"Which direction?"

A scowl pulls at his eyebrows. "By the entrance, I think? Go search for them. I'll stay hidden."

A sinking feeling spreads through my stomach. "I-I don't know. I feel more comfortable if you come along with me."

Asiel licks his lips, his eyes squeezing shut as he holds back a groan. "Princesa, I'm just going to be a burden. You will find the keys faster without me. I'll be here. Don't worry, okay?"

My heart hammers-- I hate this. "Promise?"

He kisses his thumb. "I promise."

For Asiel's sake, I ignore the anxious knots in my stomach and march forward. My instincts are top-notch from training with Diablo for so many years. I shift to the left and right before a bullet even pierces the wall behind me. The pellets are shooting like sprinklers. I have no other choice, then to drop to my knees and crawl.

Broken glass, pebbles, and dust marks my skin as I crawl, adding pressure to them. My eyes bounce between the floor and the direction I'm going in. Lifeless bodies lay on the floor, multiplying the numbers on my list. Good thing I didn't bother learning about these people.

Silence spread for a moment as I see the keys-- dangling in someone's pocket. One of the fucking hounds Luka made watch me. He's holding his gun upright, clicking back the safety as he bounces in both directions. How do I get him? How do I make it out of this without a scratch?

Gears spin in my head, and I think-- fuck it.

Live life to the fullest, no?

When I'm sure his gaze is locked in the opposite direction, I tiptoe over to him; the bullets camouflaging the clinks of my heels. I bark out a short laugh before knocking my skull into his. He groans, dropping his rifle like a dumbass, and clenches onto the forming bump. Shifting to his front view, I kick the firearm across the room and sport the smuggest grin.

"Now, we can make this easy and you can hand over the key," I insist, cracking the kink in my neck. "Or we can do it the hard way. At least for you. It's more fun for me."

Crossing his arms, he wears the cockiest smile on his face and slaps my cheek. "Stupid bitch. You can't do shit."

"I really hate when people underestimate me," I mutter, rushing forward to give him a headbutt in the fucking jaw, and he flies back. Another heated spark spread through my veins. I lunge forward, using my body weight to knock him to the ground.

He plunges with a -bang-, his head slamming with a -thud-, and I don't get a pretty scratch on my face from using his body as a shield. Jamming my elbow into his ribs, I boost myself up and give his jaw another strike with my foot.

"Say hello to Satan for me," I smirk, giggling like manic as I lift my knee-high boots, aligning the heel with his eyeball and puncturing it.

Over and over again.

Pointy heels are a girl's best friend.

Kicking his body to the side, I squat down and feel around his jeans for the keys. My head jerks up as bullets blaze through the area like a rollercoaster. I nibble on my lip as I bend my hand to force the key into the hole. It's a fucking struggle. The anxiety surging through my veins causes my hands to sweat, making getting the key in the hole another step harder.

Finally, I hear a faint click, and the handcuffs slip from my wrist to the ground. I draw out a deep breath, massaging my wrists before raising to my feet. Great. Now I can murder that motherfucker while getting Asiel out of here. I cough, waving the smoke out from my face while following my steps.

Every muscle in my body tenses, and I clench my fist, relishing the pounding of my boiling pulse in my ears. Luka jams his knee into Asiel's stomach, knocking all the air from his lungs. Asiel is disoriented, but he's trying. The entanglement of rage tightens around my head, and my hands twitch with the need to strike.

Before I get a chance to help, an object bangs against my foot, and I look down to see a rifle. Glancing at the corner of my eye, Julian salutes me with a tight smile before returning to the enemies attacking him. I inspect the chamber to see it stocked with bullets. Time to rain fire on these motherfuckers.

Thrusting back the safety, I blast a bullet into all his bodyguards, leaving the match a fair game. The bodies fall to the floor, capturing Luka's attention long enough for Asiel to strike his jaw. Luka stumbles into the wall, spitting out blood, and receives another blow from Asiel. Yes, Muñeco. You're doing so well!

"This is for my brother," Asiel snarls, his fist smashing into Luka's nose, causing blood to erupt like lava from a volcano. "I'm going to make you pay for taking him away from me."

A sad smile hints on his face before morphing into his usual morbid grin. "What the fuck are you going on about?" He shakes his head, his blood painting the floor. "I didn't do anything to Ander."

Asiel erupts into laughter, throwing his head back as he flashes his bloody grin. "Stop fucking lying! Just admit. You killed him to save face in front of our familias. He loved you, you useless pile of shit."

He shakes his head with a sigh. "I'm not lying. I loved him. Why would I get him killed?" Luka's gaze bounces from Asiel to me, slowly making the realization. "Mika... You always know how to flip the tables."

Smirking, I crane my leg back and press the tip of my shoe into his cheek. "Quit with the rambling and give the king what he wants. Just admit it. You killed him. You got him killed."

His tongue glides over his bloody teeth. "I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of me taking the fall."

Driving the safety off, I align the barrel with Luka's head and hold the trigger. "Just say the word, Asiel. I'm eager to paint the walls with his brains. He deserves it for killing your brother."

Luka laughs silently. "You can't be fucking serious. Fine. Get it over with, but I didn't kill him."

I bang the barrel against his head. "Asiel!"

He gnaws at his lips, rubbing his chin as if this entire operation is still a question. "I want him to say it! Admit you killed him! If you really loved him, you would admit it!"

If you really loved him, you would admit it.

If you really loved me, you would admit it.

My force on the trigger wavers as the guilt eats away at my thrawing heart. He just wants to know the truth, Mika. His lean frame slightly shakes as he gets in Luka's face, demanding the truth. The fate of everyone in his warehouse is in the palm of my hands. All I need to do is admit the truth. Not the lies I constructed.


The next few seconds are a blur. Cold sweat breaks over my skin as I stumble into the wall, dropping the rifle and gripping my shoulder. A teensy ache comes from my shoulder blades as blood leaks between my fingertips. Someone fucking shot me! My head jerks up and my eyes pinpoint the motherfucker, waving his gun around.

My control snaps as I bounce over to a Luka on top of Asiel's frail frame, brutally striking his body punch after punch. Asiel stops responding, his arms going limp as Luka continues his attack. His faint laughter invades my ears, and he grips Asiel's neck, choking him.

"You think you can kill me? No. I'm the king of this kingdom, and this is how I prove it. The Morterero line dies tonight," he fumes, an unhinged grin taking up his face. "She should've killed you. Ander deserved to be here."

Asiel's hands jerk up, scratching and clawing at Luka's hand. My heart crumbles into a pile of dust.

"I loved him," Luka's voice cracks, strangling Asiel harder. "I still love him. I wouldn't kill him. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Next time, don't believe everything your girlfriend says, or it will get you killed."

My feet move on their own, adrenaline fueling my actions as I jump onto Luka's back, using my acrylic nails to claw at his eyes. A strangled roar leaves his lips when he drops Asiel's head and digs into my skin. My vision turns stormy red at Asiel's beaten face, his chest slightly rising up and down.

"My turn," I announce, latching my teeth to Luka's ear and bite a chunk off. "I'm the most psychotic bitch in town."

Gripping onto his neck like my own tree bark, Luka hoist to his feet and charges backward, slamming my back into the wall. He does it repeatedly until my grip loosens, and he grabs my wrist, flipping me like a loopy loop to the ground. I grit my teeth, barricading my face with my arms before Luka's punch made contact.

My legs jerk up, thrashing my heel into his balls, causing him to fall to his knees. Bingo. I grip a handful of his hair, pulling it back to place the knife from my pocket on his neck. Instead of worry, another emotion glimmers in his irises.


Suddenly, I yelp as a powerful force knocks my body into the wall for the hundredth time tonight. I swear this wall is turning into my new vendetta. Sandy, Luka's bodyguard, slams my hand until the blade falls from my hold. Luka strides, fixing the collar of his dress shirt before switching places with Sandy.

He wraps his fingers around my neck, elevating me from the ground. "You might've got your little boyfriend fooled, but we both know the truth." Luka's death grip on my throat causes my body to work overtime as I search for anything.

Digging through my sleeve, I seize my extra blade and jam it into Luka's arm. He shoots me a fatal glare as fucking Sandy pulls the blade out from his forearm. My blood boils from the unfair advantage, and he takes the knife, pressing it to my cheek.

"I thought I wanted to torture you by killing Asiel first," he heaves, his hot breath attacking my skin as the blade cuts my cheek. "But I changed my mind. I'll have more fun giving Asiel a slow death-- mentally and physically. He will spend the rest of his short life hating himself for getting you killed."

My vision blurs, the lack of oxygen getting to me. All I can see is the crazed, wide gaze on Luka's face as I struggle to keep my eyes open. Clouds form in the shape of animals, obscuring Luka's face. It's like I'm flying through them endlessly. My hands drop to the side, and any noise seizes to exist.

"This is for Ander."

It's only me.

The clouds.

And hopefully, Asiel.

One day.

But then everything disappears, the clouds, the light, the faint calling of my name, and I hit the floor, gasping for air. A small, dark hole appears in the center of Luka's forehead. Luka's expression is one of pure amusement, mirroring the last pleasing seconds of his face. He falls backward, crashing to the floorboards with a thud.

My mouth gapes open in surprise as I glance at a trembling Asiel, paler than snow, his teeth chattering. "A-Asiel?" My voice comes out hoarse, disappointed with myself.

I didn't save him.

Instead, I tainted his soul forever.

Blood slowly spreads outward in circles from the hold in his head.

Luka is dead, and I think a part of Asiel joined him.

Well, well, well, I've been very excited to upload this chapter I kinda feel like it Stands for the climax/turning point of the story (tho finding out Mika killed Ander is a close second lol)

But what do you guys think? Will Asiel be okay with Luka's blood on his hands? Do you wish Mika killed him instead? Also wasn't Mika such a badass for killing that guy with her shoe...

Ahh such a queen!

What do you guys think is going to happen next? Luka said he wasn't the one that put out the hit👀👀so who was it!?

Love ya

Thank you for getting Mika to 300K! It's means the absolute world to me and I can't wait for the upcoming chapters! They're some of my faves 💜❤️💜❤️

Can't wait to read your comments!

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