Forty-Six Mika

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This session is long overdue.

Luka's murder attempt was over three months ago, and he decides now is a good time to come cry about it? Hate to break it to him, but he's old news. Nothing special. Does he think getting us alone in a secluded room would give him the upper hand? Men are dumb. This is my sanctuary. Every corner of this room is stored with weapons. He's basically walked into a death trap if he tries something.

Luka is thick-headed, but he isn't that foolish.

Or maybe I'm giving him too much faith.

"Luka," I laugh, swatting my face from his grasp. "Why are you here? Certainly, you didn't come here to discuss your failed attempt at murdering the leader of the Morterero familia because of some bobblehead slut."

He clicks his tongue, a flash of anger in his blue irises. "Funny. I didn't come here to discuss that night, but I do want to talk about your little boyfriend. His empire and all."

My eyes roll, already losing interest in this conversation. "Why would you want to talk to little old me? Don't be shy, honey. Be a man. Oh, wait, I forgot. Your ego got crushed."

Rage floods in his veins as he scrunches his nose and tries to grab my arm. He tragically fails as I latch onto his hand, twisting his fingers back with ease. No point in hiding my strength when he served his use to me. Luka's arm bends back, and he falls to his knees, his face straining with pain.

"Don't. Ever. Put. Your. Hands. On. Me." I say through gritted teeth. "As a sign of mercy, I won't break your fingers, but if you try something again. Your hand isn't going to be the only thing in a cast."

Luka nods eagerly, biting down on his lip hard enough to draw blood. "Alright. Jesus. I liked you better when your pussy did all the talking."

A spiteful smirk graces my face. "Mmm, I can't say the same. I never really liked you that much. Your ten million dollar bids made listening to your husky groans bearable."

My hold on his fingers loosens, and he retreats them, massaging them with an irritated expression on his face. Alright. So maybe he is as stupid as I thought he was. My lack of patience is running thin, and I debate for a second about putting myself out of this misery by firing a bullet in his skull.

But one thing stops me.


Luka came to talk about him, meaning I could obtain useful knowledge to feed the Morterero familia. Not only can I save my boyfriend with it, but gain brownie points with his capos. Kill two birds with one stone.

He shakes his hand, probably still throbbing from the pain. "What's so good about Asiel? He is an asshole."

My eyebrows arch with amusement. "Did you seriously come here to make girl talk?"

Luka shrugs. "I'm just curious. I mean, you are a... You know-- a whore, and Asiel claims to be an assistant to the church. Probably not anymore. I doubt he can stay abstinent while dating you, but an odd couple, to say the least."

"Did I ask?"

He uses his good arm to hoist himself onto the countertop and spreads his legs to a manspread. His blue irises float from my toes to my head, viewing me like an animal in a cage. Creating a detailed chart of my reactions, thoughts, and actions. I don't give him much to work with. He isn't the only one eyeing their prey.

Luka glides his thumb over his bottom lip. "The Morterero reign has to come to an end. Ander's death left a nasty scar on their legacy. Everyone thought they were done for, but I guess whores do have brains. Because the only logical reason a man like Asiel is climbing ranks would be his Satan's spawn girlfriend."

I grip my chest, pouting with appreciation. "Aww, I'm being compared to Satan. I always heard I'm far worse than he is. But why would I have anything to do with it? Maybe Asiel finally found his purpose."

Laughter ripples from his chest. "His purpose? I always thought it would be a pope or some shit." His smile grows smaller, licking his lips. "It's not too hard to connect the dots, Mika. You saved him for a purpose. Whether your intentions were good or bad is debatable, but you are still helping him. Why?"

My face remains stoic as a lie rolls off my tongue. "Because killing Asiel over an argument ten years is stupid. You should have placed your attention on someone that was an actual threat at the time."

He shakes his head, unsatisfied with my answer. "Clearly, I was doing the right thing, since he has become an issue now."

"I thought you guys are working together to distribute drugs all around the world? Why ruin that over a petty argument?"

"It isn't about the argument, Mika," he seethes, his nostrils flaring. "It's about power, leverage. His familia is rising the ranks, and I won't let them make my familia number two again. I gave up everything to get my familia this far."

I yawn. "Oh, God, don't start with some shitty little sob story. I might've saved him, but I'm not helping him. He's been lone wolfing it for a while. Hate to shatter your little fantasy, but it's true."

Luka runs his fingers through his gelled comb-over locks. "I don't believe you."

"I. Don't. Care."

Why does he think his opinion of me carries any weight on my conscious? It barely even exists. The only lifeline is a hundred yards away from me. Luka claims his opposition to Asiel's climb to the top isn't because of the argument, but I'm sure it's involved. I don't even remember what the shitty fight was about, but he tried framing Asiel in a flawed light. To get the full scope of the story, I'm going to have to do some digging.

Maybe even ask Asiel if it comes to it.

"I don't believe you," Luka sighs, frustrated. "I know you're helping him, and now you're going to help me take him down."

I suppress a laugh. "I didn't know you were a comedian."

He cracks his knuckles, his eyes narrow with an edge. "I'm not joking. I can give you way more than that boy ever will." Luka lands on his feet, steps closer to me, and wraps his finger in my hair. "All you have to do is be a good girl and listen to me. The Morterero familia is the root of the problem. We just have to make sure there are none left standing."

My finger drills into his chest, forcing him to keep an appropriate distance from him. "Why should I help? The Mortereros have been nothing but good to me. Why should I be a soldier in somebody else's war when I'm perfectly fine with the way things are?"

His lip curls to a snarl. "There are plenty of reasons."

My head cocks to the side. "Enlighten me then."

Luka turns on the heel of his foot, wandering towards the bowl of green grapes on the countertop, and pops one in his mouth. His face sours from the intense flavor circulating in his mouth. My eyes are seconds away from rolling out of my head. Like the drama queen he is, he nudges his hand into his patch packet, revealing multiple objects being held together by a rubber band. The elastic band snaps as he removes it and tosses the pictures at me.

My smile slips from my face in an instant. The blood in my veins freezes, turning to solid ice. My stomach sinks, and I feel exposed, discovered, publicized. Squatting down, my finger moves the images, lining them up in a line. Wow. Luka is cleverer than I thought he was. He has a picture of me at every crime scene involving the Mictlantecuhtli. The one my hand grasps onto is the image time stamped with the date of Asiel's brother's death.

"If you aren't helping Asiel lead his Morterero familia, then there must be another reason why you stick around. Have you fallen for the kid? Disappointing. I never thought of you as someone to wear their heart on their sleeves, but I guess I can't always be right." A shadow cast on my view as Luka stands above me. "We both know what that photo reveals. I doubt Asiel will want to keep you after finding out the truth."

I stand up from the ground, crushing the paper in my palm as I envision Luka's face. "How did you get these?"

He unclasps a button on his blazer. "Let's just say I have a special relationship with your employer. Not only will Asiel dump you, but I can have you convicted of murder charges. Prison isn't for the pretty Mika."

"Yeah, which is why, if anyone is ending up there, it's you."

A hysterical laugh croaks from his throat. "Mika, you know I love your snarky attitude, but maybe tone it down. I am the one that has your future in the palm of my hand. You wouldn't want to lose everything you so worked for, right?"

I shake my head, taking a moment to swallow the lump lodged in my throat, cutting my circulation. I want to rip my hair out of frustration. The great Mictlantecuhtli always had their bases covered. Diablo made sure of that, but I wouldn't be too shocked if he sold me out. This can't be happening. For the first time in years, my back is pressed against the wall and I have no leverage to retaliate with.

I can't let Asiel know the truth.

I just can't.

I can't be the reason behind him losing the golden sparkles in his emerald irises. Being hated by the world is easy, but being hated by someone you care about hits more. It's selfish of me. I know. But I have never received a humanitarian lesson.

This stupid fucking photo will change the course of everything. It's so heavy, drilling a hold on my chest. Mika and Asiel. Doomed from the start. I should've known, but I ignored all the warning signs. Luka is propelling me back to reality. Feelings can't exist. All they do is give my enemy a way to blackmail me.

"If you think a few little photos are going to scare me, then you're wrongly mistaken. Show Asiel the truth. I've been trying to break up with him for weeks, but he is determined to stay with me. So, do me a flavor."

He falters for a moment. "W-wait, what?"

"You heard me."

Shock lights up across his face. "So, the thought of prison doesn't frighten you in the slightest?"

I shrug, sinking into my leather sofa and kicking my feet up on the coffee table. "I've experienced worse. Don't underestimate me. Having men and women wrap around my fingers is like second nature to me. I'll survive. Probably be the Queen there too."

Luka's lips pinch. "I'm fucking lost."

Using my pointer finger, I signal for him to come closer and use my other hand to seize a lollipop from the table. "Not surprised. You know what? Luka, I'm willing to negotiate this proposition. If you want my help, I expect fifteen million wired to me. Tonight."

His eyes widen. "That's fucking outrageous. Why on earth should I pay you that?"

I clear my throat. "Because I'm not the one in trouble. Mortereros or Velazquez. In the end, I'll do fine with both. Knowledge comes with a hefty price tag. Besides, it's not like you haven't paid me that before. That is my term."

Luka ponders in his head as he paces back and forth, rubbing his palm down his face. "Fine. But one toe out of line, and I'll expose your second life. These photos aren't the only thing I have linking you to the crimes."

My nose scrunches for a second, but I brush it off. "Go scare someone who cares. Now, I expect the money in my account in the next twenty-two hours, or we're going to have a problem. I don't need a silly little photo to scare you." I sit up, lifting my face an inch from his as I pull out a blade and gently slice his neck. "I like to go old school."

With our gazes locked, I slowly remove the knife from his neck and lick the clean blade, smirking. "We both know I have an acquired taste for blood."

As I hoist myself from the couch, I press to his frame and feel his shrimp-sized cock twitching in his pants. I guess he finds psychopaths sexy. I shoulder past him and grab my handbag hanging on a hook. He has used up too much of my time already. I hear his footsteps come toward me before I could reach the door.

His arm appears in my line of vision, blocking my exit. "Where do you think you're going, love? To inform Asiel of my plans?"

"I'm offended that you think I would do such a thing."

Luka uses his pointer finger to raise my chin, arching in his direction. "Mmm, if I were you, I would check Saint Jude's hospital. He should be arriving soon. That's if he isn't there already."

I stiffen instantly. "What?"

He inches closer, dropping his head for his lips to reach my ear. His breath causes shivers down my spine. "Tonight wasn't only for converting you to my side. I am here to be your distraction, love." Luka moves a strand from my face behind my ear. "Don't be too sad, love. I'm sure he is fine."

Luka's arm slips from the doorway, and I take the opportunity to leave. My stoic, bitter expression remains dead set on my face as I exit the club. Conceal, don't feel. Any reaction will expose my true intentions, and I need to have Luka's trust. The freezing breeze hits my body and awakens the goosebumps on my skin. Cautiously, I eye my surroundings closely, seeing nobody in the perimeter.

Hot tears prick my eyes.

That motherfucker.

I punch the stone brick wall because of the rage spreading through me. The wall takes my blunt force like a siphoner. I don't feel anything but a cold, panic feeling in my chest. My head lies on the concrete as I swallow my sniffles before giving the neighborhood a free show. Like magic, my shoulder straightens, the tears disappear, and I sport a believable smile.

Blood trickles down my cracked knuckles, but that's the least of my worries.

I need to find my boyfriend.

Apologize for leaving him on his own because I wanted to protect my own back. Maybe Asiel isn't the only naive one.

Because who in their right minds thinks even the darkest souls deserved happiness?

Hey guys... do you think Asiel is okay 🥺? I would just as upset as Mika and break my hand in the brick wall 😂😂... freaking Luka 🙄🙃

What do you guys think about him having evidence against Mika? What do you think she needs to do to get him off her back?

Do you guys miss Asiel? I feel like it's been while since we had a chapter and his POV... maybe it was his last... jk 😉

Enjoy guys

Thank you for helping me reach 184K ! Like that's freaking insane!! Thank you for all the Love and I can't wait to read all your comments

Love ya

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