Seventy- Mika

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Do you ever walk around wishing you could be in your birthday suit?

Well, that's me right now.

All the staff is storming in and out of the room with the finishing touches on the ballroom. It's rather hectic. I don't know what to do besides sit down and look pretty, but I'm always gorgeous, so it's exhausting. It's not entirely the staff's fault for being behind schedule. Asiel randomly came up with the idea of an engagement party to alert the familia of our pending marriage. Apparently, my side of the family is supposed to take care of these events, but it's just me, so Asiel is taking the reins.

It's not something I'm looking forward to.

Usually, I like my moments with Asiel alone in the privacy of our bedrooms. Everyone else is insignificant in our relationship except his mama. I know he values her opinion as much as mine, but everyone else loathes me. Can you blame them? I'm practically a random girl off the street that will reign the Morterero cartel alongside my fiance.

But most of all, I'm petrified of facing him again.

It's different this time.

We won't be confined in a room together. We will have to converse like adults about simple things like the weather or what the Kardashians are up to. But knowing Mictlan, he can manipulate the situation and get me in a room with him. See, I skipped the deadline. I've been walking on eggshells the past few days in Paraiso, stressing over him popping out of a corner like a jack in the box.

It's his method-- he wants me on the edge of my seat at all times.

My body trembles as two muscular arms lazily wrap around my waist, and my fiance's chin rests on my shoulders. "Did I mention how fucking lucky I am to be marrying the girl of my dreams?"

I press my lips together, struggling to suppress my smile. "About a hundred times."

His brows draw together. "Do you like it, Mika? Is it everything you always dreamed about?"

The scenery is elegantly grim, with black table clothes and a pop of color from the pink bouquets. Dangling golden chains hang on the chandelier in the ceiling, illumining the room. There's a large picture frame of us in front of the entrance of the venue with a table labeled gifts beside it. Balloons dangle in the air for the children. It could be straight out of a fairytale.

I huff at his question. "I never really thought about this day until I met you. All I really need is for you to be here with me, and you are. So, in other words, it's everything I ever dreamt of."

"Is it weird that only my familia is here? You could've invited your friends from work. This celebration is about both of us becoming one. Not just me," Asiel says, squatting down and piercing my gaze with those puppy dog eyes.

I give a subtle shake of my head. "I don't have friends at the moment. Tania isn't really talking to me, and I rather die than have Diablo here. None of that matters, because I just need you. So, everything is perfect."

My nose skims against his as I connect our lips for a sweet, short-lived kiss. A smile sneaks on my lips when his teeth go after my bottom one, sucking on it harshly before releasing it. My stomach flutters. Goddammit! We're totally one of those couples who can't keep their hands off each other. How embarrassing.

Using my finger, I wipe the smudged red lipstick stains off his lips. "God, who gave you the right to walk around this sexy? I'm charging you with human indecency because it's not fair to us. I might just take you in my mouth in front of everyone."

Asiel's face burns a shiny, hot pink. "Don't start with the kinky comments, Mika." His irises gleam with sternness, but he fails to hide the embarrassment. "Give me some dignity. I don't want to talk to my parents with a boner."

I stick my tongue out. "Where's the fun in that?"


"Peluche!" His mother cuts him off guard when she screams, running over to give Asiel a bear hug, kissing his cheeks. Asiel's father is in his wheelchair, being pushed by one of the members. "And M-Mika."

With taut eyebrows, she glances at my outfit, and distaste is written on her face. My dress isn't precisely conservative. I don't dress like an old housewife. I'm young and flourishing and like to show off my assets. My breast holds on by the skinny, halter string strap and a center-bust tie. A long flared mesh fabric drapes over my arms. My favorite part is the side hip cut on my dress.

Asiel slips his protective arm around my hips, searing my bare hip with his heat. "Mama. What did we say about you making faces at what others wear?"

"I-I mean," she stutters, her gray hair bouncing with a jerk of her head. "Que ridiculo. Why don't you cover yourself up? The entire venue doesn't need to see all your parts. Apuesto que Asiel lo odia."

(How ridiculous! I bet Asiel hates it.)

He brushes his fingers over my skin, pulling me closer to his hip. "Mama! You're not here to lecture us. I love that she feels comfortable wearing anything in front of me. Now, either congratulate us, or we will go."

"Tan dramatica," she scoffs, pulling me into a half-side hug. "Congratulations! Que Dios te bendiga! Marriage is a sacred thing. It's a lifetime commitment with plenty of ups and downs. Just make sure you won't regret this. Divorce is forbidden." Mrs. Morterero gives Asiel a dead stare. "You know that, Asiel."

(So dramatic! God bless you.)

He rolls his eyes, leaning over to whisper in my ear, "We don't have to worry about that." His mother's eyes widen with rage as she takes off her chancla and slaps Asiel upside his head. "Oww! What the hell, mama? Why are you embarrassing me?"

She clicks her tongue. "Eso te pasa por susurrar a mis espaldas. Now, let me see the ring. I raised my son with the rule to always spoil the woman in his life."

(That's what you get for whispering behind my back.)

"Well, you have done an amazing job because Asiel is as close to perfect as they come." I lift my hand to showcase Mrs. Morterero the dazzling ring.

She's very vocal, saying ooh, ahhh, with vibrant shining eyes, and looks at the bottom side of the ring. "Isn't this Asiel's purity ring? It's a nice upgrade, but why do you have it? Asiel is supposed to keep it on until he lo-." She gasps, covering her mouth. "You broke the sacred promise, didn't you?"

Asiel scratches the nape of his neck as he responds, "No. It's just more significant for our relationship if I used my ring. I always treasured it, but now I have found someone else to treasure. That's why she has it."

My gaze travels to the floor as I take another of his mother's meltdowns. She's practically in tears, hollering curses in Spanish as the guests wander in. Totally not embarrassing to have our sex lives put on blast-- thanks, mother-in-law. There's a difference between taking Asiel's virginity than to hear his mom rant about how I ruined his relationship with God.

"Mama!" Asiel shouts, his voice booming through the venue. "I'm trying to be respectful because you're my mama and raised me, but I'm tired of listening to you. My relationship with God has nothing to do with yours. So if I ruined it, it's my burden to carry. Okay? Just let me be happy and spend the night with my fiance."

She dries her tears. "Alright. Good luck to the both of you."

Mr. Morterero burns a hole into my head as he stays back, braking the wheels for him to remain in place. "We need to talk later tonight, Asiel. After the toasts and dancing. I'll be waiting in the room across the hall."

"About what?" Asiel asks, his eyebrows knit together.

"Just come."

"I need an explanation first," Asiel demands, quirking a brow.

"Are you fucking deaf? You show up, or you won't like the outcomes of your rebellious stage," he seethes, tossing a glance in my direction.

My stomach churns at the brief looks in my direction. Daddy dearest remembers. He probably has a physical list of his victims' names to make him feel better about his shitty life. He's like a vampire, draining everyone of their blood to keep him living. Seriously. He's nearing the finish line.

Asiel's chest deflates. "Fine."

Worry uncoils in my stomach and gnaws at my insides. My eyes are stone-cold, focused on the doorway, waiting for my demise to walk through the room. Nothing. Just a collection of Asiel's other familia members; Limon, Pacho, Julian, etc.

Asiel shoots me a nervous glance and grips onto my hips like it's his anchor to the earth. "What do you think my papa wants to talk to me about?"

"Probably Gato."

His frown eases a smidge, but he doesn't fully relax. "Shit. I forgot. He's probably furious that I didn't mention shit to him."

Our conversation gets cut short as a line piles up in front of us. It's almost like we're celebrities with their fans waiting in line to meet them. Limon introduces his girlfriend and their three-year-old toddler with enough energy to run around the venue for two hours straight. Julian flashes the smallest, vague smile I've ever witnessed and shakes our hands, congratulating us. After shaking our hands, he stands behind us and guards us.

Damn, he desperately needs a girl.

Pacho walks in a plain white tee with his younger sister as a date since his girlfriend had fallen sick. His sister, Vanessa, sports the same brown eyes and thick lips as Pacho. She's the sweetest, parading us with dozen of questions about our relationship-- a hopeless romantic like Asiel. They fangirl over the events Asiel shared about our journey to achieve this moment.

Honestly, Pacho and I disappeared for a good twenty minutes to smoke a blunt and came back to them still talking like I couldn't comprehend how they had so much to talk about. They definitely had to start talking about their favorite rom-coms or some shit because this was insane.

Finally, Pacho bites the bullet and retrieves his sister, dragging her towards the bar. Laughing, I make a beeline to Asiel, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Let's take a break and go dance."

"Mmm," Asiel hums, dropping a kiss on my cheek, causing my heart to pounce like a bouncy ball. "How can I refuse?"

Once the DJ sees us arrive on the dance floor, he switches the music from pop songs to classic ballads. My skin tingles when Asiel drags me closer by placing his arms around my waist. I rest my arms on his neck, swaying my hips back and forth to the beat. Asiel's ears turn a bright shade of red when he accidentally steps on my foot.

"Sorry." A collection of uneasy chuckles escapes his throat. "It's nerve-wracking to have others watch us dance. I like dancing when it's me and you."

"It's okay, Muñeco." I bite my lower lip, my chest wild with the percussion of excitement and nerves. "Just keep your eyes on. Pretend like it's only us. That always works for me-- even if you aren't with me."

Asiel takes a deep breath and replies, "Okay."

We dance in perfect rhythm to the music in perfect sync like we were already one. I couldn't stop grinning, and my earlier frustrations melt away like butter in a frying pan. Asiel does everything right; he spins me, lowers me down, and thrusts me up in the air. We accidentally swat one of the elderly couples in the eye and immediately apologize profusely. I don't think they accepted the apology since we couldn't keep our laughter in.

My heart aches, wanting to take a mental picture of this moment forever.

"What if I give you a lap dance at our wedding?" I wiggle my eyebrows with a smug smirk.

A deep, raspy chuckle leaves his throat, vibrating throughout his chest. "So, you can make me come in front of everyone again? No. No."

I gasp with wonder. "What do you mean? We have to recreate our first meeting together. It's the only way we last forever."

Asiel leans on my forehead, his warm breath cascading down my face. With the slightest jerk, our noses touch, and we both break out into a grander smile. "Then we can recreate it in the bedroom with enough privacy so we can do anything we want with each other."

My eyebrow perks in amusement. "Will you let me peg you?"

He blinks, a crease smudging between his eyebrows. "I don't think I know what that is... But I'll do anything you want me to do."

We're going to have a lot of fun tonight.

A chill swirls through my body.

My gaze averts to the entrance, catching a glimpse of Mateo with a present in his hand. It's like the room loses its light source when he walks in. My grin fades away into the oblivion of darkness. It's here. I can't run away any longer. My chest feels tight, as if I were being suppressed by a multiplying bowling ball. How can I ruin this moment without evoking suspicion?

My question answers itself by Mateo appearing behind Asiel, whispering mumbo-jumbo in his ears. Asiel's eyes widen, and a frustrated breath sneaks out of his throat. He squeezes my hands, pressing a kiss into my knuckles.

"I'll only be a few minutes," Asiel explains, raking his fingers through his gelled hair. "It's my Papa. I'll be back."

I send him an air kiss, which he catches in an instant, placing the kiss over his heart. "Don't worry. I'll go mingle."

Once Asiel was out of my line of sight, I spin around on my heel and strode to the bathroom. The air takes a distinct shift when I'm in the bathroom, leaning on the door to keep anyone else from entering. My heart thuds in my ear, silencing the music coming from the DJ.

"Well, well," Mateo announces, scaring the living shit out of me, and I grab the blade from my shoe. "Look who finally decided to make time for me... The deadline is due. So, what's your answer?"

I weighed my options.

I even got my man's opinion.

My lips twitch. "I can't kill him, Mateo. I-I've tried, but I can't. He's everything to me. I love him too much."

He cackles. "So, what does that have to do with anything?"

Heat spreads on my face. "Spare him. Spare him from whatever revenge journey you're on, and I'll help you however I can."

Mateo bobs his head with an impressed grin. "Option three then, right, Mika?"

I hold my breath, hoping, praying for an out of this situation. "Yes. Please, just promise me you won't do anything to hurt him."

Mateo retrieves the lighter from his pocket, flicking it open for the orange flame to abruptly appear. He takes an enormous drag of his cig and eerily laughs. "Oh, but that's not our deal, Angel. I promised not to kill him, and on that, you have me. I want him down in the dumps. He will want to end himself before I let you come help and swoop him like an angel-- gives the story a perfect ending."

All-consuming anger erupts in my lower belly until it's attacked my bloodstream. "I fucking hate you! You're sick!"

He scoffs, tossing the cigarette into the trash can and confining me between the door and his chest. "I'm sick? You're the one willing to continue lying to the man you love so much to protect yourself."

"Shut up!" My gut wrenches. "I love him more than anything else in this world. That's why I'm doing what I need to do."

"No, Mika." He burst into horrific laughter, trembling through his frame as he grips my cheeks. "You love yourself. It's selfish to let your man suffer for your own happiness. Death would be his solitude compared to living in lies and betrayal. Remember, I'm here to remind you how you haven't changed at all."

He's right.

He's totally right— that's why I'm not choosing option three. It is a ploy to get him to lean back and let me do my job— exposing him for the motherfucker he is. You think someone like Mateo would be smarter to see if I have the capabilities to lie to the man I love than I can lie to the man I hate.

I will play Mateo's game and play by his rules. If I have to be his bitch to ensure Asiel's safety, then so be it. I'm used to lowering my standards.

Once I have enough evidence, I'm going to burn this motherfucker to the ground, even if he takes me with him.

Whatever it takes.

Because that was what Asiel deserved. The truth— nothing more and nothing less. I fear for the unknown, but it's my duty as a decent human being to expose the darkness of the world.

Hopefully, Asiel will give me a chance to explain everything before turning his back on me.

It's the only thing I'm hoping for.

I flash a grim smile. "Eat shit and die, Mateo."

His mouth twists to a malicious grin, the darkness radiating in his irises. "Maybe later. Right now, we have bigger fishes to fry. The pain begins tonight, and you're going to be the root of it."

My heart pounds like I'm running a marathon when in reality, I'm standing in front of my match made in hell. "W-what do you want me to do?"

Damn, I wanted Mika to give Asiel another lap-dance 😝😂! Hehe we got a little engagement party action!! Did you guys enjoy the good moments?

Mika is planning to take down the "king🤮" and I can't wait!!!! What do you think he's going to have her do? Also why do you think Asiel's dad wants to talk to him?

Hope you guys enjoy and I can't wait to read your comments especially your hate comments about Mateo 😝😝

Love ya ❤️💜💜❤️💜❤️

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