Twenty-Eight Asiel

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The metallic stripper pole on the stage is vacant, covered in the dark wine red tints reflecting from the lights. Jazz music plays through the speakers, altering the atmosphere into the eighteen hundreds. Foggy mist drifting in the air from the burning cigs, hookah, and chatter amongst drinkers. It didn't take long for Diablo's Paraiso to become a favorite place of mine, mainly since my girlfriend works here.

My heart blooms like a newly grown flower, poking out from the dirt to the sunlight for its very first time. My girlfriend. Wow! It feels like ever since we made things official, I've been experiencing my life in third person. Floating through life like a kit swaying in the direction of the winds. I think everyone has noticed the change in my behavior.

My fingers tremble against the scotch-filled tumbler, my leg shaking anxiously as I search through the crowd for my blue-eye beauty. Hidden between Mika's gift was a letter detailing an important question. It might've been too soon, but it's been weighing on my mind. Besides, once it's over with, then every gathering afterward would be peaceful.

It's been fifteen minutes since I've sat down at the bar waiting for Mika. I wonder what's taking her so long? She replied to my recent message, so she had to know about my arrival. Could she have messaged me about being a few minutes late? It's impossible to know unless I exit the club to gain reception.

A soft, silky frame looms over my shoulder, grabbing onto my blade as her other hand grabs a vodka shot. She downs it in one go and sucks on a piece of lime. Her nose scrunching, her face squirming with sourness as she shakes her head, her curly, raven hair jiggling. The red-hair girl is in an emerald bikini, the straps of her bathing suit crisscrossing over her breast.

Her red lips curve to a sly grin, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You must be Muñeco. I heard a lot about you."

My cheeks fill with warmth. "R-really? From who?"

She grips her stomach, vibrating from the intensity of her laughter. The fellow on the stool beside me grabs his glass, drops a tip, and leaves to the dance floor. The girl takes the opportunity by sitting herself next to me and squeezes my shoulder.

"Mika. Who else, silly? Have you been flirting with other Angele's behind her back?"

Panic washes over my face. "No! No. Of course not. I wouldn't even think of jeopardizing my relationship with Mika. She's barely opening up as it is."

She bobs her head, shaking her shot at the bartender. "Yeah, Mika is like that. I've known her for five years and hardly know anything about her. I'm Tania, by the way."

Tania sticks out her hand, a fading flower henna tattoo on her knuckles. Her skin is darker in contrast to Mika's, her feet reaching the floor, unlike Mika's shorter length. Diablo's Paraiso supplies women and men like this on a silver platter, but no one compared to Mika. She's tainted my perception of women because I don't think I can look at another without wishing it was Mika.

I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Asiel, as you already know. D-Do you ever wonder why Mika is so guarded?"

This question always looms in my mind like fishes gliding through the sea. But I don't want to overstep boundaries Mika isn't ready to cross. She's always valued mine, even if she made jokes about fucking me. She never crosses a step without ensuring it's what I really want. As her boyfriend, I shouldn't force her to open up, but instead, be here for her when she is ready to.

Tania shrugs, downing another shot. "A lot of us didn't experience what people call-- a good childhood. Plenty of us have been abused, kicked out, or worse. Being an escort isn't our dream job, but it's what helps us survive. I don't know where Mika falls on the spectrum, but I heard some rumors."

My eyebrows perk up in interest. "What were the rumors?"

She burps, giggling as she slams her fist against her chest. "Sorry, vodka fucks with me sometimes. I'll tell you, but you have to remember these are rumors. Take everything with a grain of salt."

I nod. "Of course."

She crisscrosses her legs, laying her palms over her knees. "Apparently, she had an incredibly fucked up, father. He was a drunken bastard abusing Mika and her mother. Every day. They were bloody rich, but it lead to her parent's reliance on drugs. It's all alleged, but if you take an extra close look at Mika when you're fucking her, she has some scars."

My stomach knots together as if it's being crushed to death by a truck. Did her mother protect her? Or did Mika only have herself to get through the days? Anger coursed through my body. Why do parents bother bringing children into the world if they are just going to abuse them? My father isn't any better, but I had my mother to protect me. Mika could've had no one.

Shivers cascade down my spine. "Where have you seen the scars?"

"Underneath her ass cheek, behind her left ear, behind her neck, and her ring finger. However, she always wears a ring on that finger, so it's almost impossible to see." She tilts her head with a small smirk. "Unless you fuck her in the shower."

My mind is boggling with confusion. "I'm confused. I thought you and Mika are only friends."

Tania leans over, placing her hand on my shoulder so her lips are right against my ear, she murmurs, "If your definition of friends is people who fuck each other. If you want some tips on how to make her scream, I'm willing to share. It's quite easy when you get the hang of it."

I swallow, my throat tightening. "I appreciate your concerns, but we're taking things slow. Besides, I can make her scream on my own."

She pulls back, her eyes bulging from their sockets because of my vulgar statement. "Damn. That's so fucking hot. No wonder Mika doesn't want to fuck me anymore. She's being railed by you."

I laugh at her crass remark. "Are all of you guys this flirty and touchy?"

She gives me a wicked smile. "Why you don't like it? Doesn't seem like you mind when Mika touches you... You probably live for it. But yes, it's advised when we go through our six-week program. Flirting is natural to us and the easy way to get people to open up their checkbooks. A simple touch is all it takes for a cock or pussy to become aroused."

"So, you guys act this way with everybody?"

The question pricks the vulnerable piece of my heart like a thorn in a rose slicing through skin, and blood oozes out. Mika is my girlfriend. A person I trust with every fiber of my being, but Mika doesn't. I don't know if she will ever come to trust me. Our whole relationship could be a facade, something she does with everyone else. How am I supposed to be sure? It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to imagine her being flirtatious with someone else.

Tania waves her hand up and down. "Yeah. Kinda. But it's different for everyone. You have to know their likes and dislikes. Gauge to it," she explains, and rests her hand over mine. "Don't be too sad, honey. Anyone who knows Mika enough can see it's different with you. I mean, I doubt she has told you, but she never had a boyfriend."

My lips tip to a smile. "Really?"

I almost feel special, valuable, worthy.

"Yes. Teasing, flirty, and sexy are a part of her personality. You're the first client that bothers having a conversation with her. People here chase after Mika, and she brushes it off. They force their way until they get a chance with her. But you, even though you do chase after her too, she seeks you out."

Pausing, Tania peeks over her shoulder and leaps off from the stool. "That means she's interested in you. She finds you worthy enough for her. You aren't just another client for her that she's forced to fuck, because it's her job. It means she enjoys being with you. If you were like everyone else, she would've thrown you away already. Looks like the Reina has arrived so I'll leave you alone to talk to who you really want to."

Excitement floods through my veins like water spilling from a broken dam. My eyes dart through the crowd of stuffed sardines, anxiously searching for my gorgeous girlfriend. Tania's tall frame strolls through people, her shoulders bumping against them as she meets Mika. She bends down, whispering something in Mika's ear, and she automatically meets my gaze. Mika's smile twinkles underneath the lights, and she gives Tania cheek kisses before coming toward me.

As she comes closer, she waves her hand and unties the rope holding her trench coat closed. I don't know if I'll ever get used to the look of her in lingerie or naked. The white fabric cups her breast, pushing them together, and contrasting fantastically with her olive skin. The crystal-embellished chains lay on the arch of her hips, forming a little skirt. Her belly piercing dangles with the chains as she sways her hips.

My mouth stays open until Mika is beside me and closes it. "Be careful, Muñeco. You might choke on a fly."

My heart swells with admiration. "S-sorry, Princesa. I-I was just blown away by how beautiful you are. The photos don't do justice at all."

Mika nibbles on her lower lip, her shoulders sinking for the trench coat to form a puddle by her feet. It gives full access for others to stare at my woman. A part of me wanted to cover her up with the trench coat, but I didn't want to come off as controlling or possessive. Other men can stare because, at the end of the day, she's fucking mine.

She slithers her hands up my suit and fixes my messy collar. Heat burns from her touch, jolting straight to my groin. Mika latches onto my tie, tugging me from my stool to her, and thrusts me to lower my head.

Mika brings her lips beside my ear, her breath radiating heat on my skin. "If only you can see how wet I am from only looking at you. Do you really go around looking this fucking hot? I wouldn't want any other girl to get any ideas."

My stomach erupts with butterflies from her compliment. It's hard to ignore the giddy feeling when my goddess girlfriend makes it vocal about her jealousy of other girls. If it wasn't for Mika clinging to my tie, I would've melted into a pile of goo. This woman has so much power over me, and I bet she knows it.

My hands wrap around her waist, meeting in between for my fingers to intertwine. "Let them try. I only have eyes for you. Did you like my gifts?"

"I love them!" She kicks her leg upward, the crystals gleaming in the multi-color lights. "I don't know what I did to be spoiled." Shivers wrack through my body as her palm grazes my semi-hard groin. "Maybe it had to do with the bombass blowjob I gave you."

Her smirk awakens the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. "Princesa, the blowjob had nothing to do with the gifts. It's my job to spoil you, to cherish you, to adore you. Did you see the card on your desk?"

Mika's dark eyebrows brunch together, creating a crease between them. "I'm sorry, Muñeco. I must've missed it. Did it have anything important?"

My fingers thump against her waist, a tactic as my nerves circulate through. "Um, yeah. It goes along with the dress and those shoes. It's my birthday in two days. My family is having a little gathering, and I was wondering if I can introduce you to them as my girlfriend."

A sudden wave of shyness overcomes me when I notice Mika's face laced with vacancy. It's normal. Occasionally apparent in her expressions, unless she's teasing the fuck out of me. Maybe she's distracted or shocked because of my question. I'm not sure which option is worse.

"It's too soon, isn't it? Sorry. You don't have to. I didn't think how weird it would be to meet my family. It was just a suggestion so we can spend more time together outside of this club. I don't want to spend our lives in this club. I want to take you out on a date. Maybe take a vacatio-."

My word vomit is cut short by Mika's pointer finger, shushing my mouth shut. The tiniest bit of amusement crosses her expression.

"You're a chatterbox when you're nervous. It's cute. If that's what you want, then I will do it. Anything to complete your birthday," Mika replies, looking as sweet as a mother-fucking daisy.

"You don't have to do it because I asked you. Is it too soon?"

Mika shrugs, signaling for the bartender. "I don't know. I never dated anyone before, let alone met their parents. Do you think it's time to tell everyone? I'm not really the type guys like to introduce to their mothers. I fuck old married people, not meet them."

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say my family is accepting, but I really care about you." I thrust a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I think once they see that, they will accept you. Besides, I'm the Jefe. They can't say shit without being reprimanded." 

Mika laughs, covering her mouth. "Alright. I'll have faith in you, my little grasshopper. Let's go back to my private room."

Hand in hand, we push through the crowd and over to the elevator. After tapping my card, Mika drags me into the elevator, hitting her back on the wall and giving me access to corner her in. She runs a finger down at my belt, flicking it open as the goosebumps on the back of my neck rise. My eyes close as her warm, strawberry scent sinks through my skin, and a violent shudder rolls through me.

"You don't waste a second, do you?"

Mika shakes her head, sipping on her glass of whiskey. "I like keeping my man happy."

I don't bother to stop her.

What's the point?

With my arms clenched on the wall, I dip my head and release a low groan as Mika teases me. Trailing her finger up and down my painfully hard erection, desperate to burst into her hand. My heartbeat drums in my ears. My lips press to her throat, kissing a slow line down. Mika's airy whimpers fill my ear, a song I never want to forget. She accidentally squeezes the tip in her grip as she throws her head back.

Something has changed in the air since we last met.

It's like every piece I give to her; I want a million times back from her. She's my savory meal after a long day of work and I couldn't keep my hands off her. Every day, all I want to do is be engulfed in Mika's embrace. Taste her, pleasure her, laugh with her, basically anything. I thought I had it bad before, but it's twenty times worse now.

My mouth parts, sucking on her vulnerable area, lapping my tongue over and over as Mika thrust her fingers through my hair. We have moved so close. My erection pressed against the inside of her thigh. One or two steps forward. It would be right when I want it, need it. The burn sensation builds in the pit of my stomach, her thumbs brushing over my lower region before sticking her hands in my boxers.

"Fuck," I whisper against her skin.

"Does it feel good, baby boy? Do you like the way I touch you?"

"Y-eah," my voice cracks.

The burning flames in the pit of my stomach are extinguished when the elevator doors chimed open. Mika's hand slips out from my boxers, taking her warmth with her. My balls clench in frustration, but I slap them away like a flyswatter. Mika leaves first as I rearrange my cock and button up my pants.

I think she did it on purpose.

So, I'll have no choice but to stare at her ass as we walk to her private quarters. Her ass jerks with every step. The tiny silver fabric hardly covering anything. How is my cock supposed to die with this beauty in front of me? Lord, dame fuerzas.

(Lord, give me strength.)

Mika holds the door for me and makes a beeline for the comfy bed. She jumps in it, stuffing her face into the pillow. Her hair spreads around the bed like oil in water. Taking my jacket off, I drape it over the back of the chair and walk to the bed. The bed sinks when I drop my body, a ripple effect follows suit.

My body jolts upward when Mika lifts her head at a lightning, frightening speed. "Don't get too comfortable, Muñeco. You have a lesson with your Sensei tonight."

I suck in a shaky breath. "Why am I nervous about this?"

She shrug. "Because I tend to surprise you."

Mika leaps from the bed and grabs my jacket to engulf her frame. The dark black jacket reaches below her ass and spills over her fingertips. She has to row back the sleeve to keep from covering her hand and walk over to her brown cabinet. My heart flutters with adoration. It felt incredibly intimate to be sharing clothing like this. My jaw drops as her collection of guns hangs on the doors, and she taps her chin, staring at them.

My stomach constricts. "Not another gun lesson."

Mika tilts her head, giving a 'stop complaining' look. "Yes, Muñeco. I promised you I'll be there to protect you, but I won't always be there. Your enemies will go after you when you least expect it, and you need to be ready. I'll do my best, so you never have to kill anyone. But you have to know how to defend yourself."

"I have my fist."

"Sometimes that's not enough."

Her words brought chills down my spine like I jumped into freezing water. Mika is correct. She won't always be there, and I wouldn't want her to. It's nerve-wracking, but I'm fine with risking myself for the familia. However, I didn't want to drag Mika into it and risk her life ending before it should. The thought alone kills me.

She picks two small pistols. One smaller than the other with a brown streak on its base and hands me it. She latches onto my trembling hands and pulls us through her secret exit, which had two wooden bodies with bullseyes on them.

"Don't worry," she mutters, her voice like sugary sweets to a diabetic. "I'm not going to ask you to shoot me this time. Instead, you will release your wrath on Tweeny one or two."

My palms grow clammy. "W-what should I aim for?"

Mika drags the wooden figures closer to give me the upper hand. Something I might not have if this were real life. I had to remember that. I'm at the amateur level, but I'll soon master every level.

"Ideally, it's the head, but that's too advanced," Mika explains, the wooden harshly grinding against the concrete. "Aim for the stomach area. It's usually the biggest in width. But since this is practice, start with the thigh first."


Once Mika sends a thumbs up, I take my stance, squaring up towards the target, and have a slight bend at my elbows. Mika explained in one of our lessons that if I kept my arms straight, I would take the impact of the shot. My hand is up high by the side to control the recall effectively, and place my left hand in the grooves of my dominant one. Taking a deep breath, I align the valley with the front sight post and shoot.

It misses the mark.

"Remember, you aren't supposed to shoot from the front of the trigger face because when you fire it's going to drive the pistol down and miss the shot," Mika recites, a lesson she's repeated daily.

I nod. "Okay."

This time, I close my left eye as I line up the valley with the front sight post and shoot.

I miss it again.

"Damn it!"

"You don't need to close your eye. It's better to use both to align the valley before shooting. Try again," Mika says, buttoning the coat as she relaxes on the top of a garbage can.

My shoulders slump in disappointment. "Okay."

I repeat everything. My grip is up high on the side and my other hand in the grooves of my dominant one. This time, I keep both eyes open and make sure to take my time to align perfectly with the target. There's no rush since it's practice. The pad of my finger is on the trigger and tugs it back to the wall.


"Holy shit!"

A burst of joy rushes through my vein like adrenaline as if I just got off a rollercoaster ride. My first hit. I can't fucking believe it. It's something so simple, but hard as fuck for me. My eyes drift to Mika, her eyes cold, disconnected, as if she was in another place. She is mindlessly playing with her hair, and the other hand is pulling at the button.


She blinks, her eyebrows furrowing until she catches a glance at my perfect shot. "Oh, my god! You did! See, you will be better than me in no time. Let's try the shoulder next."


Her piercing, sky-blue gaze meets mine, conveying confusion. "What?"

I place the gun on the table. "Is there something wrong? You've been acting strange and quiet. Is there something you're not telling me?"

Mika pulls her knees into her chest. "It's nothing to worry about, Muñeco."

Unease pours into my bloodstream as Mika recoils into herself, yet again. My hand grasps hers tightly, reassuringly, as I place it over my erratic heart. We haven't been dating for too long, but I have been here since the beginning. She is a part of my soul; the glue keeping everything together.

"That's where you're wrong, Mika. Anything involving you automatically includes me. I'm worried because something has you like this, and you don't feel comfortable enough to share it." I lick my lips, frustration slipping through. "I-I just want you to know I'm here for you. That there is someone here who cares about you."

Mika sucks in a deep breath. "What would you do for me?"

"Anything. Everything. I'll burn the whole fucking world down if it's doing this to you." I rub circles on her hand. "I'll sell myself to the devil for you."

The edge of her lips tips into a small smile. "Committing to me is already like signing yourself over to the Devil."

And I'll do it over and over again, Mika.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter hehe! Tania is a chatterbox isn't she... Do you guys mind her spreading the rumors about Mika in Asiel's direction?

Do you think that could be true about Mika? Or do you have a different theory 👀?

I love how Asiel and Mika can have such a hot, sexy scene in the elevator then switch to more heartfelt, sweet connection like it's a light switch! Gosh I just love them 😭😭 how about you?

Do you think Mika will open up to Asiel soon? Why do you think she has trouble opening up?

Love you guys and can't wait to read all your comments! Thank you for continuously supporting this story!!

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