Twenty-Nine Mika

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Operation get Diablo's ass is put on hold because of Asiel's birthday. It irks my fucking soul. Diablo knows he fucked up and is keeping himself busy, so we don't have to meet. Like out of all the days of the year, he decides to go on a road trip right after he kidnaps Isabella? A fucking coincidence. Hell no.

He planned everything right under my nose. I couldn't even go into his office since he changed the locks and gave the key to someone immune to my charms. It's pretty offensive, honestly. Our friendship didn't mean shit to me, but I thought Diablo treasured me. He wanted me to be his Queen in this long game of chess when, in reality, I'm the mother-fucking King. Knowing him, he had to entrust the key with one of our security guards, and if he was smart, he would've gone for Nico.

That son of a bitch is hard to crack.

But I always like an entertaining game of catch the mouse.

My breasts are bulging from the sweetheart necklace, adorn with chunks of diamonds all the way down to the core. The dress sinks into the grooves of my hips, making it seem like I had a snatched waist. Below three inches of my pelvis is a silt on my right leg, revealing the jewel incrusted fishnets. The crown of my hair is tied into a french braid with plain white ribbons to seem innocent.

However, I don't think the hair is going to have any effect.

Not with the way my boobs are protruding out of this dress.

Asiel is waiting against his car, all decked out in navy-white pants and jacket, a white-collared shirt, and finished with suspenders. He glances at his diamond Rolex until I'm coming by and slowly trails up my frame. Asiel's eyes widen in mesmerization, meeting me halfway in my walk down the driveway, and grabs my hand to do one of those ridiculous little twirls.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Happy birthday, Muneco."

My heart falters.

Asiel is still stuck in his daze, his eyes sparkling with fascination, and his mouth parted. If he keeps the act up, a little drool might spill out. A strong wave of shyness rolls through me as I try to decipher his stare. It's nothing like the client I fucked before. They always looked at me with hunger, lust, like I'm the last piece of chicken. It never really bothered me. It still doesn't, but I can't seem to interpret his look. 

Warm washes over his cheeks. "Wow... I literally have no words to describe how fucking absolutely stunning you are. Because stunning isn't near enough to explain how I'm feeling seeing you right now."

I fix his tie, something he always manages to mess up. "It's only deserving that the birthday boy gets the most gorgeous girl in the room."

He kisses my knuckle. "I'm lucky that I'm dating the most gorgeous girl."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Shall we get going? I wouldn't want to keep your family waiting. It would look bad on my part."

"Look at you trying to impress my parents already."

I wave him off. "Oh, shush."

The tires scrape against the asphalt, igniting like a match. The gas rumbles as Asiel speeds through the streets with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh. Luckily, our homes are nearing neighborhoods, which only left us with privacy for a twelve-minute drive. Asiel lowers the stereo as he pulls in behind his familia's overflowing driveway, and tugs out the key.

Asiel searches for my hand, giving it a reassurance squeeze as he flashes a boyish grin. "Are you ready to go in?"

I take a deep breath and nod. "Yeah. I think the longer we wait, the awkwarder it gets."

He presses his lips to my knuckles, using the pad of his thumbs to rub soothing circles on my hand. A tight spring takes captive of my stomach as the nerves roam free like swarming bees. I don't really know how to act normal around parents. Luka has brought me for the day and introduced me to his family as his whore. Totally different circumstances than how Asiel is going to present me.

Asiel rushes over to my side, opens the car door, and helps keep my dress from getting stepped on. He widens his arm, and I slip my arm through, intertwining with his as we walk up the driveway. Several workers are tidying up the yard-- cutting the shrubs, planting flowers, and as we make our way up, they stop to bow for Asiel

The view is spectacular upon opening the door. The sky-high windows project the reflections of sunset into the home. The mini hallway is immaculate, with the shoes placed under their owner's nametag. Aesthetic portraits of a woman holding a cig with the smoke wafting off of it take up the beige walls. Underneath is a golden-color table, adorn with scented candles, books, packs of cigarettes, and a piano lamp.

The house is buzzing with workers as they hustle to assemble a perfect family dinner, sweat glistening on their skin. With our arms linked, Asiel guides me through the house, showing off his painting from when he was a kid. An explosion of cheers erupts from the peanut gallery, leaping up from the sofa. The little children playing with their toys are unphased by the men's outburst, making it seem like an everyday thing.

Asiel stands in front of the television, causing the gang of dudes to groan in annoyance. He introduces me to his second and third cousins, all shaking my hand. But their eyes remained on the tv screen, fully immersed in the game. The members on the couch look younger compared to Asiel, probably working through high school.

On our walk to the next room, Asiel lingers behind me, and gently wraps his arms around my neck like a scarf. He places sweet, long kisses on my head and points in the direction of the closed darkly cast room. We barge into the room, illumined by one lamp and four individuals sipping on beers. Their eyes drift to us, halting their conversation to listen to their Jefe.

Asiel clears his throat. "Hi guys, I wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend, Mika."

Awkwardness penetrated the room faster than a grenade going off.

Detaching myself from Asiel's hold, I roam closer to men reeking of beer and stick my hand out to the buzz-cut individual with an eagle tattoo over his fade.

"Welcome, Mika." He flashes the creepiest, sinister smile before he kisses my knuckles. "Soy Gato. If you ever get tired of dating a boy, come see me. I'll show you how a real man treats you."

My eyes narrow in annoyance as he doesn't bother hiding the fact he's ogling my breast like meat. "Sounds lovely, but a real man never references to himself as such. Besides, I doubt a man of your stature would interest me."

The comb-over man beside him almost burst a vein from laughing so hard at Gato's embarrassing attempt at flirting. "Te he dicho qué eres feo. I'm Limon, Asiel's cousin from his father's side."

(I told you that you are ugly.)

Unsurprisingly, Limon sneaks peeks at my milk makers, trying to disguise it by awfully rubbing his nose. How the hell did Asiel come out as a normal human being with these animals raising him?

Beside him is a man with the longest hair out of the bunch, parted bangs in the middle, reaching below his ear. There's a five o'clock shadow on his chin and lower lip, also supporting a cigarette.

"Hi, I go by Pacho, but my real name is Javi." His lips curve into a shiny tooth smile. "I've been wondering who has Asiel cheesing like a dumbass."

Asiel clicks his tongue behind me. "Stop embarrassing me."

Craning my head, I see Asiel holding the concrete pillar in the room, his cheeks warm with embarrassment. His capos snicker like teenager girls, causing Asiel's face to turn completely pink. Oh, god. He wasn't wrong. They don't respect him at all. Capos who fear their Jefes never laugh at them, but with them.

"We're just teasing," the brown-haired cousin chimes in.

His brown hair is twisted into ringlets, reaching up to his eyebrows, and simple fade to keep it sophisticated. His cheekbones were strong, giving him a sharp look, contrasting with the crease on his chin. He's shaven, but the shadow of his mustache is making a small appearance.

His lips curve to a small smile, opposed to the way his eyes slightly narrow, trying to read me. "I'm Mateo. I hope Asiel has mentioned me, or I'll be offended."

If he is going to be fake, I'll be even faker. "Don't feel too offended. We don't do a lot of talking."

Gato audibly groans, his finger tightening around his tumbler as he sneers, "Where the fuck did you find her? It had to be a strip club. Did you buy her or something because if so, I want some action?"

Asiel casts Gato a sideways glance, his jaw ticking. "Can you be a gentleman for once in your life and respect my girlfriend?"

"So what if we met at a strip club? Does it change the significance of our relationship?" I ask, perking up an eyebrow.

Gato smirks, rubbing his chin with his ring finger. "You would bring a whore to this house. I don't know why I expected any less. I don't know what's worse-- telling your mama or your papa?"

"Fuck you, Gato! You don't know anything about her," Asiel seethes, his octaves dropping, causing my thighs to clench. "If I hear you say one more thing about her. I'll bust your face in."

He lifts from the sofa, his chest puffing as if he was superior. "Oh, really? I don't believe you. I can talk shit all about the bitch, and you won't do anything." Gato signals for Asiel to come forward. "Come at me. I'll love to embarrass you in front of her."

Asiel trudges forward, his steps radiating the anger harboring within him. It almost looks like they're about to fight until Mateo steps in between, holding them back with his hands. Asiel is seething, his nose flaring and his jaw clenching. I never get tired of seeing Asiel acting all protective because of me.

But stopping the fight is the best option.

"Stop it," Mateo commands, his stony gaze causing Gato to retreat. "It's Asiel's birthday, so fucking respect him and his girlfriend. Don't forget he's still your Jefe. He calls the shots. So, I suggest to back the fuck off."

Gato smacks Mateo's hand from his chest, his tongue clicking against his teeth as he throws the rest of his drink at Asiel. He bumps his shoulders against Pacho's, who's trying to stand up for his Jefe. Asiel sighs, shaking the liquid from his hair and flicking away his drenching cuffs.

Rushing over, I thrust my finger through his messy, damp hair, creating a new hairdo. "He's a fucking miserable asshole who wants to make everyone miserable with him."

Asiel frowns, his eyes dropping to the floor. "Sorry, Princesa. I could've done better. You don't deserve to get chastised because of your profession. But I also don't think I can take him. I'm weak."

I roll my eyes. "Stop belittling yourself, Asiel. None of this shit matters to me. I've been called a whore so many times. The word is meaningless to me. Save that energy for the battlefields, Muneco."

Asiel nibbles on his lips as his eyes convey tenderness. "I don't want you to be used to it. You're so much more than that fucking word. You're fucking beautiful, maleficent human being with feelings like the rest of us. Words cut deeper than knives."

Mateo places his hand on Asiel's shoulder, and he turns to face him. "Why don't you get changed into something else, Asiel? I'll keep Mika company."

Asiel bobs his head, his cheek poking up. "Yeah. Thanks. I'll get changed quickly. I think dinner is almost ready."

Before he leaves, he places one firm kiss on the crown of my forehead, something I'm getting too used to receiving. The harmony of the room leaves with Asiel automatically shifting the air to a complexity of sentiments. Like a jack in a box, Mateo slowly cranes his head to face me, and any hint of friendliness is gone.

"Now, what is Luka's whore doing with my baby cousin?" Mateo blurts unsympathetically.

I blink. "Oh, I see. Too afraid to speak like this in front of Asiel. I guess he frightens more people than he thinks."

Mateo darkly chuckles, straightening the ends of his suit. "You're a smart ass, aren't you? Listen here, I can see in his eyes how mesmerized he is with you, but he obeys me. He does everything I say, and if I share my concerns, I'm sure he will end whatever this is."

My hand covers my mouth to keep the laughing fit threatening to breakthrough. "Oh, really?" I strut closer, my tongue snaking over my bottom lip. "Okay, Mateo... Go ahead and try to convince Asiel to leave me."

Stepping even closer, I wrap his tie around my finger and yank him down so I can whisper in his ear. "Let's see who Asiel chooses to listen to. I'm sure it won't be the girl he fucks and confesses his feelings for."

Mateo forcefully grips my wrist, twisting it to release his tie. His strength isn't anything magical, but I let him manhandle me. I wouldn't want to put all my cards on the table for him to see. The best plays come when they're least expected.

"Listen here, bitch." He grits his teeth, his chin protruding. "I don't trust you. You do not have good intentions for my cousin. He might not listen to me, but I won't stop until I find out what you really want. Gato is the least of your worries."

I smirk. "How cute. You think I'm worried? Oh, honey, I don't waste energy on pathetic men who don't know their place."

The doors crack open, and luckily for us, Asiel is still doing his shirt. It allows us to split apart from each other, forcing on the fakest smile as the man of the night joins us. Asiel is breathless, his forehead glistening with sweat as he finishes the last button.

"My mama said dinner is ready," Asiel tells Mateo.

"Great, I'll go see if I can help with anything," Mateo says, bowing before he exits the room.

A bright smile stretches across Asiel's face. "What do you think about Mateo? He protects me a lot, just like my older brother."

The smartest way to play this situation is by agreeing absentmindedly. If I spew Mateo's name through the dirt, it can cause an uproar in our relationship. To my disarray, Mateo has his claws deep in Asiel's skin like a leach, taking all the blood from their host. In order to knock Mateo off a peg, I'll have to sit back and let him do it all on his own. I mean, who likes being told who to be with? 

My lips tip to the ends, creating a small smile. "A sweetheart. I'm happy there is someone who sticks up for you."

Asiel drags his fingertips down my forearm, awakening the goosebumps, and laces our hands together. There is a particular type of warmth surging through my veins like rocks down a stream as he swings our hands back and forth. It wasn't a harmless, pointless action. No, this meant things I couldn't even describe to him. For me, it's starting to feel almost harmonious, like two notes in a song that constructs a beautiful sound.

"Sometimes I feel guilty about it," Asiel admits, rubbing heartfelt circles into my skin. "Him sticking up for me. It alienates him from the rest of the group. Since they all pretty much don't care that I am in power."

"They will," I reply, trying to ease his stresses. "You will show them why Asiel Mortertero is the leader of this familia. In due time."

Our movements are slow, enjoying the silence as we walk to the dining room. The white concrete pillars hold up the glass top as the table reaches the entire length of the room. There's food running from the top to the end. Asiel drags me towards the right end of the table where the leader usually sits. The first dish is a brew, air wafting from the dish as a collection of spoons, knives, and forks beside it.

It's fabada, a stew with a rich flavor adorn with a sprinkle of white beans, pork, chorizo, and black Spanish sausage. Along with the stew are the finger foods like empanadas, tortilla espanola, montaditos, croquetas, and bread. About all the seats were filled, including the mini side table for the children. Asiel's familia stands up as he pulls out his chair and sinks back into the chair after he sits.

"Rezamos?" An individual at the end asks, seconds away from digging into their food.

(Shall we pray?)

"Mama, you want to start us off?" Asiel asks, opening his palms for, ironically enough for Mateo and me.

His mother has fairer skin compared to Asiel's, illustrated by the stress lines around her eyebrows and forehead. The most noticeable ones are under her eyebags, displaying the grief and hardships this luxury life brought with it. Her dark irises are hollow, lifeless, until she glances at her son, softening a smudge. His mother closes her eyes, dropping her head as the clip in her grey hair shifts, messing up the quick hairdo.

"Querido Dios, me gusta dar las gracias por poder celebrar un ano él cumpleaños de hijo. Gracias por darnos otra oportunidad de pasar tiempo en familia y de sanar también al padre de Asiel que no puede acompañarnos está noche."

(Dear God, I like to say thank you for being able to celebrate my son's birthday one more year. Thank you for giving us another opportunity to spend time as a family and to also heal Asiel's father who is unable to join us tonight.)

Everyone at the table ends her prayer with an "Amen."

Spoons clink against the dishes as a collection of satisfied groans fills the air. The meat is so tender and soggy, melting on your tongue like butter on a pan. Asiel makes sure to keep refilling my bowl and supplying my extra plate with the finger snacks. I think it has to do with our conversation two days ago by the shooting targets. He thinks I'm depressed, which is cute, but I'm not.

More annoyed, actually.

Asiel cleans the excess liquid from his lips. "Mama, this is my girlfriend, Mika."

To my embarrassment, Asiel introduces me midway through my bite, and I have to swallow before responding with, "Happy to finally meet you, Mrs. Morterero. Asiel speaks so highly of you."

She scrubs the moisture from her face, a small grin appearing with the removal of the napkin. "Hello, dear. I'm thrilled to meet you. Asiel spoke endlessly about you last night. Seriously, I couldn't get him to stop for two hours straight."

"Mama!" Asiel warns, his hand signaling for her to cut it out.

I laugh, my eyes crinkling in amusement. "There's nothing to be shy about, Asiel. You tend to ramble whenever you're excited or nervous."

Asiel narrows his eyes in delight. "How sweet of you to notice the little things."

I nudge his gut playfully as his mother clears her throat. "As a mother, I get full authority to pry, so where did you guys meet?"

Gato chokes on his spoonful of stew, the fluid trickling down his chin. "This is going to be good."

Asiel twirls his spoon in the dish, keeping his gaze low and guarded as if he is a child with a dirty little secret. Which I suppose is half true. Or fully true? I am a dirty little secret. A person condemn because of their profession by society's rules and whatnot. I thought people would be more accepting in the twentieth century, but they're jealous motherfuckers.

"We met at a coff-."

"We met at a clu-."

My eyes widen as Asiel doesn't make the attempt to hide the true natures of our relationship. Can I be a dirty secret if Asiel parades it like a badge of honor? As if he disregards any judgment thrown at us. His feelings for me run deeper than the ocean. Like the ocean, there's a level Asiel reaches undiscovered by the others, roaming through the trenches of darkness for a sign of life.

Asiel furrows his eyebrows. "We met at a club, Mama."

"Alright, how? At the bar? Dancing on the dance floor? I know, the young kids like to twerk to music these days."

Gato is cheesing. "Tia, their story is even better."

Her eyebrows perk in anticipation. "Really?"

I rip it off like a bandaid and confess, "I work at the club, actually. I'm an escort. Your son appeared one day, and we hit it off. We've been getting to know each other ever since."

Her mouth parts, giving the flies a moist party to enjoy. "Qué? Trajiste una puta a esta casa? You slept with her, didn't you? You threw away your commitment to God for this puta? How could you? I raised you better than this."

(What? You brought a whore into this house?)

Asiel frustratedly thrust his fingers through his hair. "You're so fucking dramatic." Fear crosses his face as his mother grabs her chancla. "For your information, we haven't done anything. I'm still wearing my purity ring. And if I decide to do so before, then it's between God and me."

His mother scoffs. "That doesn't make matters any better. You're still dating a whore. Such a sad example as a girlfriend. Wait till your papa hears about this!"

Asiel jolts upward, his chair scraping against the floorboards. "Then tell him! You think I give a fuck? Actually, I'll tell him myself!" He extends his hand to me, and I take it in a heartbeat. Anything to get out of here.

"Because I'm not embarrassed to say how crazy I am about Mika. I thought maybe you guys would congratulate me for finding someone, but of course, I put too much faith in you guys. Thank you for such a fantastic birthday dinner, but I rather spend it with someone who cares about me!"

With that, he drags us out of the kitchen, the members of familia erupting into chatter as we leave. Everything happened so fast, like multiple vehicle collisions. An impact from the side, the rear-end, and head-on by his familia. Their comments are skin-deep, pointless and I don't let them get to me.

However, an emotion nips at my thawing heart, something I haven't experienced in years, possibly ever.

But one thing is for sure.

It feels kind of nice to have someone else fight for you for a change.

Happy birthday, Asiel so happy he is having a great dinner party 😅😅😅.... Anyway... do you think his mother is right in having concerns about their relationship??

What about Mateo and Mika bumping heads 👀👀... who do you think will get the upper hand 😉?

Also who wanted to punch Gato? 🙋‍♀️me. Just me? Oh😭 lol!

Thank you guys so much for getting this story to 90K like that's literally insane!! It might not seem too crazy to other people but it's about surpassing my other story and that's literally like my dream for my book to pass 100K!!

Crazy how I'm about to achieve that!

Love ya!

And can't wait to read all your comments!!

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