Twenty-Three Mika

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Whirls of wind pass over my head as I easily dodge his failed attempt at a punch. It's awful, but compared to yesterday, it's a masterpiece. Something tells me Asiel is a lover, not a fighter. Ignoring the tattoos and stereotypically emotionless broodings that follow Mafia leaders, I can attest to Asiel being the nerdy type in high school. Any techniques Asiel came in with were in need of a desperate retouch.

He leans his biceps on the wall, miserably trying to gather his breath. "How the hell does everyone fight for longer than five minutes?"

His statement makes me giggle as I barely move a muscle during the duration of the lesson. "You are trying too hard. It's good practice for real-time, but I'm not trying to hurt you. The priority is for you to learn the proper mechanics."

Asiel makes a beeline to the refrigerator, grabbing a fresh bottle of water. After taking a hefty swallow, he spills the rest over his head, seeping into his plain muscle tee. My clit swells, aches with hunger, and the tension between my legs grows and grows at the translucent material. It clutches the ridges of his abs in ways I didn't know were fucking possible.


Never have I desperately wanted to suck off a man more than right now.

"When can we finish our session, Sensei?" Asiel asks, shaking the water off his head.

"Am I not fun enough for you? Are you tired of me already?" I tease, narrowing my hazy eyes as I inch back towards the wall.

His eyes widen in alarm. "No!" he accidentally screams before awkwardly coughing. "I mean, of course not. I j-just thought maybe we could do something other than play fighting."

Asiel's cheeks turn bright pink, matching his ears as I creep closer, enclosing him between my body and the refrigerator. He visibly gulps, his green irises fully dilated with fear, lust, and captivation. Standing on my tippy toes, I snake my hand around his neck, tilting downward until our foreheads touch.

"What did you have planned?"

He doesn't fight against my touch, surrendering like cattle on a farm. Heat emits from his skin, colliding with the coldness within mine. He closes his eyes for a moment as I keep mine open, watching how he transports to a peaceful medium when I'm with him. Blazing fires erupt from my arms as his grips trail up my waist.

"It's a secret," he whispers.

My lips tip to a smug smirk. "Here, I thought, we were finally going to fuck."

Asiel almost busts a lung from his obnoxiously loud laughter. "N-No. Gosh, you have such a dirty mouth. It's really fucking sexy, but I have something else planned."

My eyebrows perk in confusion. "FYI, I don't like surprises."

The aftermath of his laughter fest causes his nose to glide against mine, and he breaks into a boyish grin. "This one will be worth it, I promise. For once in your life, let go of the handlebars and trust me. If all else fails. I promise to go down like the sunset on you and make you cum harder than ever before."

My interest is peaked. "Interesting wager. Better yet, why don't we skip the surprise, and you put your mouth where my pussy is?"

Goosebumps arise when he wraps his fist around my hair, gripping tight enough to force my face heavenward. "I think the only way to get you to be quiet is by stuffing my cock in your mouth."

I lick my lips while power surges through my veins. "I'm not sure. Why don't you try it out?"

When my hand presses against his raging boner, Asiel twitches and tightens his grip on my hair. "You would like that, wouldn't you? For me to fuck that pretty mouth of yours. Use you like how everyone else does."

Salvia collects in my mouth before I stick my tongue out, letting it drip onto my cleavage. "I love this new look on you, Muñeco. Truth be told. Sometimes I like to be dominated. So, use me like cumslut I am."

His eyes drop to my salvia-covered tits, shifting to a dark, ominous, hungrier shade. "My faith is being judged in the hands of God. If I proceed any further with my desires, I'm going to lose my relationship with him. I'm not like the others, Mika. If I fuck you, it's because I plan to marry you."

My mood sinks like nickels in an ocean. "Where's the fun in that?"

Asiel shrugs. "I don't know. It pains me more, Mika. God doesn't have a handbook on how to resist Mika. You made this relationship clear, but I'm not the type of guy who can separate his feelings from his sexual desires."

He withier like flower petals when my airy breath fans his ear, and I whisper, "If only you could see how drenched she is." His hold loosens, giving me access to put an inch of distance between us. "I'll play your little game. If you land a punch on me, then we can do whatever you have planned."

His mouth drops in disappointment. "How the heck am I supposed to win against Wonder woman?"

I tie my loose hair into a high ponytail. "I'm going to go easy on you, Muñeco. You've been practicing for a few days. I'm sure you can manage."

Concern eyes meet mine as he wraps the white material around his fist. He is careless, noble, and weak. His green irises depict the emotions coursing through him-- unsatisfactory, torture, affection, and unsettlement. He tries to conceal it with his brooding frown, but his eyes speak volumes. His pupils are the canvas of his life, illustrating a world in them.

"I-I don't want to hurt you, Mika," he mutters, his throat raspy.

"You won't."

He's cute.

Even if I go easy on him, my version of easy isn't anywhere near what he's thinking. If I move a muscle, I could have him on the ground below my stilettos. However, a part of me is considering throwing the wager in order to experience his plan. It can be his little reward since he doesn't want to fuck me. When did God become such a cockblocker?

Silently, we both shift to the middle of the room, leaving enough space for the game to turn dirty. My feet spread to a mid-wide length as opposed to Asiel's narrow stance. The upsides of his placement mean I have an easier target, ready to fall if I dab him. Shockingly, he remembers to keep his elbows tucked in instead of looking like chicken wings.

As if he is in slow motion, he cranes his arm back and gives me the opportunity to see where the punch is heading. His nerves have him forgetting the tips I gave him yesterday to keep the opponent from deciphering his movements. I duck down, dodging the punch faster than the breeze can pass by.

My smile deepens. "Muñeco, it's going to be easy, but not that easy."

My heart hits my throat as I drop to my hands, kicking my feet up so fast, and my ankles wrap around his throat before flipping him, all of it happening in one swift motion. Asiel slams to the ground, and I unwrap my legs, switching over to sitting on his waist.

He coughs. "Fuck, that knocked the air out of me." He shakes his head, regaining his composure before lifting his body onto his elbows. "Sensei, you're using techniques I haven't learned yet. I thought you were going to give me a chance."

Once I am back on my two legs, I lean forward to give him a hand. "I am. It was just too tempting. Besides, it's a perfect way to weave early advertisement for next week's lesson."

After taking my hand, he jolts into his narrow stance, pacing back and forth as he keeps his breathing controlled. Every time he tries to make a move, I shoot in the opposite direction and swerve him. My skin absorbs the desperation, frustration, and annoyance radiating from him. It recharges my energy, allowing me to always be one step ahead of him.

Thirty minutes elapse, and he hasn't laid a single finger on me. Sweat coats his skin as he pauses for a moment, his breathing ragged. I am honestly disappointed. Any tips I presented to him flew over like an airplane. In one ear and out the other. All he needed to do was learn and make it into his own.

I roll my eyes. "Okay, let's change things up. As of now, I'm going to stay extremely still and give you the opportunity to punch me."

A frown mars his face. "But then you're going to feel the full impact of my punch. If you're avoiding, then it's a better chance for my punch to graze you."

My heart thumps with anticipation. "You couldn't even hit a fly if you wanted to, and you think you can hurt me? Either way, the impact doesn't matter right now. All I want is for you to land one. It gets easier every time."

Asiel's face crumbles with frustration as he grips onto his beautiful, thick, raven hair. "Can you at least move? I don't feel comfortable hurting anyone. Especially you."

I blow out a sigh. "Asiel, your Sensei demands you listen to her. Close your eyes, and transport to a new state of mind." I creep closer, grabbing onto his arms as I fix them into a striking position. "Channel all the energy and lead with your fist. Don't stop until your fist connects with my face."

His face wavers with hesitation. "I-I can't."

Irritation spikes through my bloodstream. "Jesus Christ, just do it!"

Asiel's eyes crinkle in a pained expression as his fist clench and unclench, pacing back and forth between his legs. He breaks, rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks flaming with a blushing hue. My patience runs thin like a wire, itching to smack him silly until he listens to me. However, Asiel works best when he's innocently coached into doing things.

"Muñeco, how many times do I have to tell you I'll be fin-?"

My brain short circuits when his fist contacts my face. His execution is sloppy, but he achieves the main objective by causing me to propel back. Here I thought, all my lessons went to waste when he learned the most important one of all; cosplaying as the lamb, hiding the rabid wolf within. I wipe my mouth, looking down at my fingers as I move back, revealing my bloody fingertips.

Oddly enough, I feel nothing.

Pain only exists when you allow it to consume you.

My body feels like electric wires are coursing over the top of my skin as he tilts my chin to face his heartbroken gaze. The emotions radiating off him are something I'm nowhere near used to. Other clients never showed a hint of concern while they were violently fucking my brains out or even talking to me. To them, I am a means to an end, and it doesn't bother me. The game isn't complete if I'm not fooling others into thinking I'm a baby lamb.

Asiel isn't like the others.

Actually, he has more in common with Diablo than meets the eye. While Diablo conceals his concern for me, Asiel wears it on his sleeve. If he wants to be a badass leader, he will need to learn how to keep his feelings in check. His enemies will use his feelings against him, which is why I remain emotionless.

How can you take a girl down when the only thing she cares about is herself?

"Princesa, you're bleeding," he mutters, his irises shining with vulnerability.

My lips twitch as his finger skims over it, irritating the cut. Blood coats his fingers, and I struggle to breathe through my nose. Asiel's face turns sour green as his cheeks puff out at the sight of the liquid. Ignoring the urge to gag, he snuggles me closer to his chest, and his warmth envelopes me.

He rubs my hair with gentle strokes. "I'm so fucking sorry, Mika. I just went for it and didn't give you a chance to fight back. I'm so fucking sorry for making you bleed. I'm sorry."

I tilt my face heavenward as his lips quiver, refusing to make eye contact with me. He clutches onto my body as if he's afraid I'll break without him holding me together. "Muneco, I'm fine. I'm just a bleeder; I should've warned you. Asiel, look at me."

Asiel hesitates, gnawing at his bottom lip before lowering his gaze to meet mine. His relationship with God placed him in a bubble wrap of purity. Tears coat his eyelashes, inching to pour down his cheeks as he caresses my cheeks. If a little punch has him on the verge of a breakdown, then I don't know what will happen when he is in a blown-out fight.

Maybe I own him already.

My lips curl into a small grin. "Look, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, instead be happy! You landed your first punch and provoked blood. Sounds like a success to me."

He blows out a long breath. "No se siente así cuando la chica por la que estoy loco está sangrando por mi culpa." Asiel cradles my face in the palm of his hands and leans down to place a kiss on my forehead. "I'm always going to worry about you, Mika. Even if you can take on the whole world, I'll be there, praying for you."

(It doesn't feel like that when the girl I'm crazy about is bleeding because of me.)

I break apart from his hold, stalling over to the kitchen in search of a napkin. "Maybe one day, I'll actually need your prayers. Now, what's the little surprise?"

His face breaks into a smile. "Wait, right here." He grabs my shoulders, dragging me towards a stool, and covers my eyes with cloth. Items scrape against the floor as he hauls them in my direction.

All I see is blackness. "Do I really have to be blindfolded?"

He laughs. "I want you to see everything when it comes together."

With nothing to see, I relax into the chair and play with the end of my hair. "Should I take any guesses on what to expect? Flowers? Origami? A collection of dolls so I can live my childhood fantasy?"

Laughter rumbles out from Asiel at my last suggestion. "All great ideas, but no. Since you get to teach me how to navigate through this world, I thought I should repay you with my favorite activity."

"Now, what's that? Masturbating thinking about me?" My lips sharpen into a smug grin as I take pleasure in torturing him. "Because I love imagining your thick cock filling my pussy to the brim," I hum, feeling aroused at the thought.

He coughs as materials clang to the floor. "N-No. But now, I can't get the image out of my head." His fingers tug at the cloth around my eyes. "It's something I've been passionate about since I was a child. This is my second favorite activity."

My stomach swirls with giddiness. "What's the first?"

"You," he reveals, nervousness coating his vocal cords. "It's always you."

The cloth slips from my eyes to uncover the multiple canvases on the easel. Most of them are blank, beside one stained with a pinkish hue. It takes me a second to interpret all the complex paint strokes for what it really is. The person disguise in the luminous hues is me. For once, I'm floored, speechless, frozen by every detail he's gotten right.

It's really me, but also not.

The painting is how Asiel envisions me, and the strokes have a type of softness to them. Is this how I am when I'm with him? Or is it his imagination?

He shakes his sexy head of hair. "Do you like it?"

My fingers trace the beautifully intricate design on the canvas. Asiel is fucking talented. It's a shame his talent is being wasted in order to lengthen his familia's legacy. Fighting, shooting, and being heartless aren't his thing, but he found his true calling.

A lot of people can't say the same.

His smile vanishes. "You don't like it... It's fucking creepy, isn't it? A sane man wouldn't paint you from his memories after only just meeting you. I should've thought about how ins-."

My hand covers his lips, silencing him. "God, you babble a lot. Muñeco, it's incredible. Everything you do is kind of cute and sweet. No other guy took the time to paint me, especially this perfectly. You got everything, my tattoos, piercings, birthmarks. Wow."

His smile returns with a bright cherry blush. "You really think so? Sometimes I question my own ability and try something completely out of my comfort zone. It's been my passion since I was a little boy. My brother used to say my paintings could be in a museum. He encouraged me to go against my papa's wishes and pursue Art, but in the end, my papa got what he wanted."

A somber look conveys in his irises. "Anyway, I wanted to give you a lesson on painting. It's pretty easy when you aren't a perfectionist like me. I'm never satisfied with my work. I always feel like something is missing."

My mouth opens in astonishment. "You're fucking loco! What else is there to add?"

He shrugs, staring hard at his masterpiece. "I don't know, but I feel it in my chest. Something is missing. D-Do you want to keep it?"

Grinning like a schoolgirl, I clutch onto the painting. "Seriously? I'll take amazingly good care of it."

He chuckles, his left dimple poking through. "It's settled then. Now, throw on an apron so we can start your lesson."

The black apron fits snugly around my neck as I slip into it. However, my hands struggle to knot the strings together in the back. My breath hitches when his tone chest is pressed against my back while he takes the strings away from my grip. As he knots it around my waist, I indulge in the pleasure of rubbing my ass over his clothed groin. It doesn't take long for his cock to spike up with excitement.

"Mika," he speaks sternly, almost as a warning, but can't he tell that makes me want to continue? "Behave."

"What, Muñeco?" I crane my neck to face him, batting my eyes innocently. "I'm not doing anything wrong."

His jaw ticks as he turns around to adjust his trousers. "Let's get started with a few simple strokes. It will help to achieve the cloudy sky assignment."

My eyebrows rise to my hairline. "I'm getting homework?"

He nods. "Yes."

Asiel sets up his collection of paints on the table, and he dips his brush in a light blue hue. Making sure I'm watching, he swipes the paintbrush on the empty canvas, forming a straight line. He repeats the step over and over until the blue sky emerges.

Asiel hands me the brush. "Your turn."

My eyes narrow as I twirl the brush between my fingers and wander in front of my canvas. How am I supposed to compete with Picasso? Drawing, coloring, and painting are activities so simple, perfect for children. But I didn't have much of a childhood.

Before the paintbrush can press against the canvas, Asiel stands over my frame and holds onto my hands. "No need to be nervous, Princesa. It's just a little stroke."

I can't stop the way my eyes widen slightly. "Like this?"


The way his breaths brush against my ear makes me erupt into goosebumps. He pulls in a silent breath, probably taking note of the intimate position we're in. Skin-to-skin contact isn't something that makes me nervous. But it's the way he's leading my hand on the canvas that feels completely different from anything I've experienced.

I jerk my body away from his grasp, and he drops his hand to his side. "It doesn't look anywhere near as perfect as yours."

Asiel looks clueless as he accidentally smudges blue paint on his cheeks. "It just takes a little practice. Trust me, a few more sessions with me, and you will be better than me. Haven't you ever painted in school?"

My finger works on its own accord, lathering the canvas with a baby blue tint. "No. I never had the opportunity to go to school."

The sentence rolls off my tongue too comfortably, easily, stupidly. Usually, lies roll off my lips like the flick of a penny. Why didn't I just lie? I hated talking about my past. Memories so foreign, distant, unbelievable.

His eyebrows peak upward. "Why?"

For some reason, another truth flies out of my lips. "Someone had to take care of my mother."

Wow!!!!! The tension between Asiel and Mika is intense 👀👀.... Do you guys agree? Like even when it isn't anything sexual I'm freaking out! Do you guys freak out too?? Do you think Mika is actually starting to feel something? Or is she still toying with his heart??

Or does she not even realize it yet?

Also who's proud of Asiel for landing a punch? He's been practicing so hard!!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I can't wait to hear all your thoughts ! ❤️❤️

Love ya!

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