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"Mumma shoosh imma foot, dadda hat onma head,
Mumma book imma han, dadda penchil imma bag.
Gotta go to shoool, mac nu fens,
Maayiillaa baby goos hiii aas moom!"

{Mumma shoe in my foot, Dadda hat on my head,
Mumma book in my bag, Dadda pencil in my bag.
Got go to school, make new friends,
Mahira baby goes high as moon!}

She ends the poem, pointing above, while her body still shaking like pendulum.

I hear claps from behind me.

Vyom and Sakshi cheered my daughter, who clapped back to them in excitement.

"She finally learnt it!", Bela smilingly turned to me.
"I can't believe you made her learn this...I mean she's so small. I know she's intelligent but I get amazed everytime I see something new coming from her!", I said still eyeing my daughter, who smiling shook her waist left and right.

"She's curious! And that's the best thing about her...!", Vyom commented.

"And she's naughty too! That makes hee curiosity increase tenfolds.", said Sakshi.

"But I am not okay with that 'make new friends'. She has me! And that's enough.", I commented frowning to which Vyom chuckled.

"This is kiddish Mahir!", Bela frowned, "You are being an overprotective dad!"

I looked in her direction, "She's so precious! I had to be. Rather I have planned to transfer some shares in her name. So that even if I die, her future is secured.", I put forward my idea.

"Rubbish!", Bela murmured and turned to Mahira, to ignore any further talk.

"No seriously! She's sharp...I want her to be an entrepreneur like me. And take forward what I created. I have so many plans for her future. I have even planned the gifts I'll be giving her on her next twenty five birthdays, on her graduation day, on her we...", I was interrupted by Bela.

"No Mahir! Mahira being born in a well to do family doesn't mean she'll have a silver spoon in her mouth. Not just high in status, she has to be high in morales too. I know you think alot about her. But giving her extravagant atmosphere will put her on ease in life. And she won't realize the importance and worth of everything.", Now how can I dare not agreeing to her.

"Bela you're an ideal mother.", Sakshi squealed saving me from giving reaction.

"Hey even my friend is a good father! His concern for Mahira is justified...", Vyom coined before the two left for work.

I sat with my head between my hands, staring in a particular direction.

I accept I am overprotective for Mahira, but I can't help it.

"What's bothering you!? Talk it out.", I heard her as she kept a hand on my shoulder.
That kiss in the beach house marked our end. I would say a graceful one.
I am not upset neither she is.
We both are quite content.
However, that brought us back to our friendship thing. And I was glad.

"Bela! I am just worried. I seriously never want Mahira to meet someone like me.", She furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't want her to suffer the same in love that I made you do."

She went silent, still staring at me.

I was seriously very worried about Mahira. I know it's creepy but I want to shield my daughter from every blow of life. She's too delicate.


Later that day, I checked my phone again to see if Bela replied to my that particular text, and yeah!
I got a reply!

I opened the message as fast as possible only to encounter a,
"What is your age!?"

Huh!? Age!?

  - The way you were flirting in your text is sure to prove you a excited teenager or a pervert oldie!

"29", I replied without thinking twice.
Actually a year more than my actual age, because I can't give her grounds to doubt on me.

Also I sent a "why!?", after that.

Almost thirty minutes later, I saw Bela picking up her phone.

I tried to read her expressions and saw her raising a brow at the screen.
Next instant my phone vibrated.

"Was wondering how you dared to flirt with me Mr. Donor!"
A ghost of a smile appeared on my face.
I know. I know.
Only Mahir was the one, who could flirt with her.
And now this one. Her Mr. Donor.

I wonder if this Mr. Donor has been someone else but me, her Mahir would have brutally punched his face. But we know better!;)

"Your drafts, your sentences, your adorable daughter, your texts here, your sweet little thanking gestures, your letters are becoming my new favourites. Sorry but I can't help!", I sent it and the next second I saw her smiling amusedly. 

I was looking at her intently, when she suddenly turned towards me.
And there I was caught staring!

Our eyes met, and the next second, i turned my gaze away.
But she stared, for a good minute.
I could feel it.
However, I was constantly praying I didn't give her a clue, and my secret remains a secret.

She went upstairs as Mahira was sleeping in her crib.

I heaved a sigh of relief, and laid down on the couch for comfort.

My phone vibrated again.
"I appreciate your straightforwardness. But I think you know better what comes with all of this. My life is not pretty normal."

I furrowed my brows as I read this.
Was she talking about our broken marriage!?
Or her illness.

I nevertheless replied, "There's no fun in normal. May be something better, more refined, more appreciable is waiting for you.."

Seconds later she replied...
"You know what....."
I anticipated for the next text..
"I already like you!"

And there it was!
My heart swelled with joy.
Something similar I felt when she said yes, when I asked her out!
Years before.

I hugged the pillow beside me, as I can't wipe out the permanent grin that formed on my face.
I was acting like a love sick teenager!


I picked up my phone, and saw the caller ID, Dr. Batra.

"Yes Doctor! Good evening..!"
"Good evening Mr. Sehgal. I called you because I just wanted picture of your latest report so I could study them."
"Okay Doctor... I'll send them in a minute."
I disconnected and walked towards the guest room where most of my things were.

I opened my suitcase which still had some clothes because I never got the time to unpack.

And to my amazement, it was empty.

My brows furrowed in confusion and I went in the walk in closet.
My clothes were all arranged and hung in the wardrobe.
And it didn't take me another second to realize who did it.
Of course Bela.

I grinned but that grin dropped the very second, this another thought came.

The documents regarding the treatment were kept with my clothes.
What if Bela read them!?

I knew my face lost its color!

I almost run to her bedroom, where she was just sitting on her bed writing, and Mahira beside her playing with a pen.

"Bela!", My voice came out more desperate than it should have.

Her head snapped in my direction as her focus breaks from her work.
"What happened!?", She asked a bit concerned.

I try to pretend calm, which I was clearly not, "Um...You unpacked my bags!?"
She looks at me for a moment, and then looks away, "Yes! I thought you would stay. For Mahira."
"I will.", I said almost too instantly, however, "for you too..", is what I mumbled under my breath.
"There was some extra stuff there in the blue one. Where did you keep it!?", I asked her still worried I'll be busted.
"That's in your drawer. I think there was your atm card, some car stuff, visa and a green folder with some documents!?"

Damn it! Green folder!

"Yeah that! Actually I wanted my atm.", I said and she meekly nodded.

Don't tell me god she's suspicious!

She gets back to her work, and I return to my room heaving a sigh of relief.

She didn't read it.
Or did she!?

I shake off the thought, and make myself busy in other stuff, when my phone dinged.

"I am wondering if I could send you some eatable stuff. I hope you had pomegranate.", I sighed reading her text.

Why so caring love!?

"I did. And about sending, I am not sure. You do one thing. Tell me what to eat.", I send her.

And then comes a list.
"Orange juice."
"Spinach juice."
and so on.

I go in the kitchen. Secretly of course.
And take out the available stuff to eat. And thankfully I wasn't caught.
This has been going on since days. And I was very much loving this.


Me, Mahira and Bela were at this amusement park.
Because it was a sunday, and as I finished my office work, I had basically nothing to do.

We avoided huge rides because Mahira was with us, and she may get scared.
However, seeing the rides from this far did something special to her and she was literally jumping in my arms.

The colours around here were her favourite I think.

Mahira was in my arms. Although she can walk now, but it was very crowded here, and so I preferred to hold her tight.

After a lot of games and gifts, we were tired and Mahira was now whining for water.
So I brought them near a bench and made her sit on it.
"Bela you look for her. I'll be back in a minute."

She nodded and sat beside Mahira, who was already busy with the huge teddy bear in her hand.
The teddy bear I won for her at a games shop.
I smiled at them and went to take the water.

Just when I was returning, I received a text.

I pulled out my phone immediately due to the distinct tone.
"How are you!?", by Mrs. Recipient.
I giggled and then replied, "We talked like what...2 hours ago...And you're already missing me."

"It's just...Ok I am!", I smirked as I read.
My charms lady!

"Do one thing. Keep on missing me. So when we talk again...You won't be able to resist me!", I replied.

"I see someone's too full of himself!"

"Yeah he is! A beautiful lady is head over heels him, he's bound to!"

"Whatever!", Came the instant reply and I realized I was standing just behind the bench they were sitting.

However something was odd.

Bela was there, smiling at her phone.

Oh shit!


"Bela! Where's Mahira!!", I panicked as I saw a empty spot where Mahira was sitting minutes before.

The teddy bear was still there but Mahira was nowhere! Damn!

As if realization dawned upon her, she snapped her head in the direction only to get panicked, as her eyes widened seeing the empty spot.

"She was here...", She just whispered while my insides were churning.

"Mahira!", I yelled looking here and there but found no one.

"Mahira!", I yelled again, "Baby where are you!!?? See dadda's here!"

I could feel sweat covering me.
I was losing my sanity.

"Mahira!", I hear her raspy voice. And that's when something popped in me.

"It was you who had to look after her! Where the fuck was your brain when I was away!", I yelled at her and she flinched.


"She is a kid damnit! What if someone kidnapped her!", I hissed in anger.


"What no! What kind of mother you are!? So careless! You know what can happen to her!!", I yelled again and her eyes started flowing with tears.

Something hit me, but then my thoughts drifted to where Mahira must be.

I left her there, and went all over the place to search Mahira.
She tried to follow me, but my strides were way too faster and desperate than her.

Half an hour passed.

And there was no trace of Mahira.
My eyes were already started to pool.

"Why did I leave them there!?", I hit the hood of the car I was standing beside. And a stinging pain flowed in my veins.

I went again.
In the same direction where they were initially sitting.
I saw Bela's phone and bag lying there. Mahira's teddy bear was also half hanging on the bench.

A lone tear went down my cheek.

No god! Not her.

As if I strength gave way, and I collapsed on the bench. My nails digging hard the metal.

"Mahira! Mahira!", I was whispering to calm myself but in vain.

Just when, I was at the verge of breaking down, I heard something.

A faint voice.

"Mumma shoosh imma foot, dadda hat onma head,
Mumma book imma han, dadda penchil imma bag.
Gotta go to shoool, mac nu fens,
Maayiillaa baby goos hiii aas moom!"

My head snapped up, and what I saw simply brought back my life.

There was Mahira, in Bela's arm reciting her poem.

I ran towards them as if my life depended on reaching them. And it indeed did.

As I reached them, I pulled Mahira in my arms, and hugged her very tight.
"My child! Where were you!? Your dadda almost died without you!", Tears started pooling again.
I kissed her face frantically and she giggled in response.

"She saw this ice cream stall and walked towards it. And was sitting there while that man was waiting for us....", She trailed off in a low and weak voice.

I wanted to say something but I stayed quiet.

Then I called my driver.
Thankfully I asked him to accompany us here, because I was currently drained, and in no mood to drive.

Mahira was still in my arms and I had no intention to let her go.

The car ride was silent, except when the driver declared we have reached.
Mahira was sound asleep.

I went in the penthouse behind Bela, who ran towards her room as soon as I closed the main doors.

I brought Mahira in my room, and laid her on the bed.

"What kind of mother you are!?"

My words repeated in my head and it didn't take time for me to feel guilty.

I rubbed my head with my fingers, and laid down beside Mahira.

She looks heavenly when sleeping. Lips curved into a smile at times. Sometimes a frown. Sometimes a pout even.

What will I do without you.

I kept a hand around her small body and kissed her head.

And as if on queue, her eyes fluttered open, "Dadda!"
"Yeah sleepy head!"
She smiled hearing me and then looked at the other side, "Mumma!"
"She's not here baby.."
I picked her up and then said, "Now let's change your clothes. You got them dirty...."

And there she goes, she kept her head on my shoulder, closed her eyes and started snoring!
And this all happened in a single second.

I laughed at her reaction. If I have not mentioned before, she hates changing clothes.

"There's no escaping from dadda dear!", I kept her on the crib and started taking out her clothes, when she attempted to run.

When I call her brat, I literally mean every bit of it!

"Mahira! Come here!", I ran after her and she rolled below the coffee table.

"Oh god! Mahira dadda is so big. How will he come under that.", I tried to pursue her but only got a grin in return.
She thinks she won.

I stood up straight with a new strategy.

"Okay! Dadda is going to eat this very delicious..!", I said the next thing, a little louder, "Ice cream!"

And there she was rolling out from her the table.
"Dadda!", She extended her arms so I pick her up.
Because once she's on my lap, dadda can't dare to eat the ice cream alone.

With a lot of her huffing and puffing, I finally managed to change her into better clothes.

Fed her properly, played with her, read a story to her, rocked her to sleep and now she was finally sleeping.

I looked at the wall clock and saw it was nine in the night.

Four hours since we came back and Bela never came out of her room.

I decided before to apologize for the one inappropriate thing I said. However, I can't believe how she became this careless.
Bela was never like this.
If I am caring, then Bela is ten times more caring than me!
And about Mahira...
She's just hundred times.

Just when I was going to her room, the doorbell rang.
It must be the dinner I ordered for both of us.

I went and received it.
Serving it in two plates, I sat down to eat mine.
The very first morsel could go in my mouth, knowing she was still hungry.

I shook my head and pushed the plate away.

I picked up my phone and switched to the private sim and then messeged her, "Hey!"
I waited but there was no reply for ten minutes, which was very unusual of her.
"Hey! Are you there!?", I text again but another ten minutes went by.

Is she sleeping!?
She never sleeps this early.

"Bela!? Are you alright!?", I texted again.

No reply however the message was seen.

Some relief washed me but a major part of me was still worried.

"I know you're there!?"
"Tell me if something is wrong."
"Are you okay Bela!?", The messages were all seen but no reply.

Please Bela send something!

"Bela I am getting worried!!", I text again.

The message was seen and in disbelief I stood up to go to her room.

Just then my phone rings.

  - Mrs.Recipient-


She's calling!?
This name means she called on my private number.

I was confused, yet I picked up the phone deciding I won't speak at all.

When I picked up, I could hear nothing.
No hello or hi.

My brows furrowed and then I forced myself to hear properly and that's when I heard soft whimpering.
Damn she was crying!

My heart dropped and I took long strides towards her room, with the phone stuck to my ears.

"I need some comfort.", She sobbed into the phone and my steps halted.

Oh Mahir! Why you had to be so cruel!?

I rubbed my head and disconnected the call.

I walked to her door and stood at the end, when something hit me.

A realization.

Like a bullet.

Straight in my chest.

  - She didn't call you Mahir. She called her Mr. Donor.-

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