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I retreated back.
And then my steps halted again.
If I can't go in, then I can't back off even. How will I bear her sobbing on the other side of the wall.

And what about her Mr. Donor. She expects comfort from him.

I ran back to my room.
And then made a phone call.

After the call ended, I went to Mahira.
"Baby wake up...It's important...Please baby!"
I pleaded and she stirred.
"Baby wake up...Let's go to mumma..!"

She blinked her eyes several times.
And because of the abrupt disturbance in her sleep, she started crying.
Great! That will be cherry on top!

I picked her up and went towards Bela's room.
Mahira was already crying on top of her voice.

I knocked several times, "Bela! Mahira isn't sleeping without you...!"

I heard some shuffling behind the door and then the door creaked open.
There she was, in the same clothes, eyes puffed and red.

I felt bad would be an understatement. I hated seeing her crying even when we were at the worst of our relationship and so I do now.

Her eyes drifted to Mahira and she took her in her arms, "Calm down baby...mumma's here."
Now everyone knows how much I love Mahira and how much she adores me. A typical father daughter relationship we have.
Yet, the bond she shares with her mother often makes me jealous of the two. The way they blend into each other.
Mahira wrapped her arm around her neck, and hid her face in her shoulder.

"Dadda bad!", She mumbled before sleeping.
Okay my kiddo is pissed off at me for waking her up in the middle of the night.

I chuckled and so did Bela. However, she didn't know why I suddenly shifted to my daughter's bad book.

"Let's have dinner.", I said quietly to Bela.
She nodded faintly, and settled Mahira on the crib.

We then, started eating after I served her.

Just midway, I spoke up, "I am sorry for yelling. I just lost my Calm. You know, when it comes to Mahira..."
"I understand. Your anger was justified. I just got busy chatting to....!", She trailed off as she realized what she was about to say, "....uh...One of my friends."

I decided to enjoy her exasperated state.
"Who!? Suhani!? Vyom!? Scumbag!?"
She nodded in no, however she regretted it the very next second.
"..uh... Someone from work..!"
"Oh!", Was all I replied.

As we finished our lunch, the doorbell rang.
I stood up but she beat me to it, "I'll check."

There was this delivery boy, holding a bouquet of white Lillies. Her favorite.
And as expected her face lit up.
There was another box, having nuts and fruit chocolates. Also her favourite.

She was looking at everything intently and this didn't notice, that I walked and now was standing behind her.
Over her shoulder, I peeked to see the placard in her hand,

I don't know your favourite, so I considered Amaya's. Hope it could pull a little smile on your face."

And yeah it did.
She smiled at the placard, feeling his name on the card.

Time to play!
I cleared my throat, "Who's this Mr. Donor!?"
She turned frantically and yes shocked.
Her eyes widened seeing me.

"Mahir....!", She trailed off.
"That friend you were chatting with!?", I said amused, yet didn't show it, "Tell him his name is funny and he needs to change it!"

I turned, not before taking a glance at her still shocked and afraid expression.
It was funny but not until she grabbed my wrist as I tried to walk away.

I turned back to her, hoping I looked as serious as possible.
"Why is it that me receiving gifts from another guy, is not bothering you!?"

Her question was valid.
And I turned fully facing her.
Her hand still held my wrist.

I brought my another hand up, and brushed off the hair strand on her face, and pulled it behind her ear.
"Looking past me isn't wrong Bela. You deserve this. I am done being all possessive and insecure about you. If that guy or any other makes you happy, you have my back. And if anyone hurts you, although I sound like a hypocrite, but I'll kill him, without another thought."
Her eyes glistened with something, and then she said, "I'd never regret loving you Mahir. You must know that."

I smiled and then leaned in to kiss her forehead, "Good night. Take Mahira with you. You need her tonight."
She nodded smiling and left.

Minutes later, when I was back in my room, I received a text from her, "Thank you. I am glad I have you."


"Say baby...Uncle Vyom!"
Mahira gives a cheeky smile, "Uncle bom!"
I laughed at her Uncle 'bomb', while Vyom scoffed, "No one made fun of me, like she does."

Mahira was sitting on Vyom's lap, while the two ladies were preparing breakfast.

Bela's dad was coming over for breakfast, and also to see of Bela and me are doing fine.

I was good. But I had to stop being in gym, and releasing calories. When I did something tiring, I felt breathless. However, doctor said it's normal since I am losing plenty of blood every week.

The environment around me was happy and most of all, I saw Bela happy.
Like the time, she was after our wedding.
I could see that glow on her cheeks.
I was familiar to it because I have witnessed it even while she got pregnant with Mahira.

She was happy, and so was I.

We all were having breakfast when dad spoke up.
"Mahir!? I heard you took up your London branch."
I nodded, "I did dad. I will move there after few weeks. I am working from here though currently.."
Dad was a bit cold towards me, because I decided to let Bela go, and didn't fight for her. I noticed he didn't like the scumbag, who was kind of engaged with Bela.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bela calls of the wedding anytime soon. The scumbag is also not serious about it.

"What about your daughter after Bela gets remarried!?", My eating halted as I heard this, and so did Bela's as she sat across me.

"Dad what are you saying!?", She spoke up.

"Bela... He'll move to London. So either he should take Mahira with him or sign off all rights over her.", He said not sparing me a glance, "I am sure he won't fight for her too."

"Dad he's the father. You think Mahira will live without him!?", She questioned.

"What about that another man who comes as her father!?"

I know what dad was trying to do.
He was trying to make her guilty about her decision to move on.
No! I have done a lot for it.

And so I spoke up, "Dad Mahira is not just mine or hers. She's ours. I may go to London but that doesn't mean I'll leave my daughter. The man she'll marry will already know Mahira is mine also. And I don't claim any rights on her. Because I know Bela will never stop me from seeing her. She didn't do it when I hurt her brutally. Now, we are better. However, my responsibilities over the two of them, are sure to be my priorities always."

Dad laughed humorlessly, "Bela you know what!? I liked that possessive, 'she's mine', the one who claimed rights on you, the one who didn't act like a saint son in law more. I don't like this man here at all.", He pointed towards me, "Make sure the next man you choose doesn't change with time."

The rest of the breakfast passed silently.

Later, I was in my washroom taking a shower when I heard some commotion outside.
Wearing my lowers, I came outside, only to find dad with a fruit juice can.

I smiled knowingly.
He can't stay pissed off at me.

"Dad...!", He turned to be but then frowned.
"Drink this juice. Convert it into blood so my daughter could take it.", I chuckled as I emptied the can sipping the juice in one gulp.
I still hate the smell of fruits.

"I can't believe it Mahir!", He said with a saddened expression, "Bela said to me she's ready to move on, And she was happy!"

"Dad...You should know she won't move on with anyone like that scumbag."

"Then who it is!?"

"I don't know.", Dad scoffed at my reaction and went away.

Only if you knew dad!


"Dad she needs to eat four times. Her oatmeal, cereal, milk powder, cerelac, is all in the bag. Her bottle should be filled with water always. She drinks a lot of it. Her diaper should be changed thrice. If she drools, there are baby wipes.", Bela explained.

Mahira was going on a picnic with her grandfathers. And she was hell excited about it. Everyone was except me and Bela. Me because I have office work and Bela because of some emergency.
However, it was the transfusion we have tomorrow, and so we can't go.

Vyom, Sakshi, Suhani, Bela's parents, brother, my father, and my cousin were going.
Mahira was well acquaintanted with everyone and we were assured she'll do well without us, and so for the first time, our daughter is going away from both of us for more than twenty four hours.

"Vyom you take care of her, more than anyone else. When she sleeps, someone has to be by her side. And don't let her walk much. It will be cold so make her wear that sweater with a hoody. She doesn't like caps. And make sure she hugs someone while sleeping, otherwise you won't know when she'll walk out. She's very naughty.", I looked at my daughter in my arms, and she was playing with the collar of my shirt.

"It looks like they are sending her on world war 3!", Bela's brother joked.

"Bhai! She's always with one of us. You don't remember I told you how we lost our senses when she went away at the amusement park."

"Okay! We understand. Don't worry we all will be there. Your Mahira is in safe hands.", Vyom took her from me and I gave up reluctantly.

I kissed her cheeks and so did Bela, "Baby we love you..!"

And then they left.

I sighed as I took a seat on the sofa.


It's been three hours since they are gone, and we have already called them six times, to see if she's fine.
Finally, they freaked out on us and switched off their phones.

I made a coffee for me and Bela and we sat on the couch, with my laptop.

"The house looks so empty without her. Even if she's sleeping, the satisfaction she's here makes the place joyous.", She said and I nodded agreeing.

"But she's very keen on running out of this house. She never misses a single opportunity.", We chuckled together at that.

Just as we talked about her, Bela few moments later went in her room and came all dressed up.

"You going somewhere!?", I asked.
"Yes...Since I am free from mumma duty, I could do something...You know different."
"Different like going to the outer city and siting near the cliff.", I smiled knowingly.
She laughed, "Of course!"
"Okay then...Mind if I join you!"
"No not at all!"
"Just a minute!", I ram towards my room and quickly changed into a T-shirt, jeans and jacket.

I was going with her!
Just her and me...
God knows after how much time!

I picked up my glasses, car keys, phone and walked to her, where she was waiting impatiently.

There was no argument on whose car will be used. And so we got in my car, and I started driving.

Since it was the outer city, it takes atleast two hours to reach there.

While in the car, we just listened to the songs, we have always been when together.
Yeah, since we had a huge argument on whose favourite song should be played in our car, I decided to make a playlist with one hers, and next mine. This way, we could atleast sit in harmony without breaking the traffic rules.

Once we were there, I felt a rush of memories in my brain.
There was this tree under which, we have done god knows what all stuff.
Scratch that! We just made out. With bela being the shy one, that's the extreme.

I grinned mischievously, remembering those days, however she went uncomfortably silent.

I went to open the trunk of my car, and pulled out a soft rug. This one, I kept whenever I took Mahira out at some park.

As I went under the same tree, she helped me spread out the rug, and once done, we sat down. Except, this time there was a decent distance between us.

I leaned on the trunk of the tree, while she sat staring at the sky.

Humans rarely came here, but this place was safe.

She was sitting, while I was lying facing the sky in silence.
There is something very comforting about this place. And having her beside me makes it more comfortable.

Out of nowhere I asked her, "Bela...Don't you ever feel the urge to kill me!?"
Her head immediately turned in my direction, and as always she understood what I was talking about.
She smiled at me, "I do.. I did.. and I'll always do.."
"I am a jerk. No!?"
"Yes you are..."
"Then why don't you yell at me, or slap me, or kick me!?"
She chuckled, "May be I don't I have the right to do so.."
"You regret marrying me!?",I blurted out..
She went silent.
No answer.

"Regret isn't the word Mahir. You know I never regret. Especially the things that once made me happy. Yeah, I wanted revenge. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to never go back to you. I wanted to see you perish in guilt. I wanted to make sure I never let you see me. I wanted to make this difficult for you. But all this was possible, only when you still loved me.
The one week period between our divorce and Mahira's arrival news, was the most difficult one for me. I was hurt beyond repair.
Had I never conceived Mahira, I would have turned into a terrible person."

I gulped each word with difficulty.

"Tell me your perspective Mahir!?", She asked keeping a hand on mine.

I nodded..

Gathering the courage, I spoke up..

"My anger is not an excuse for what I did. Nor my doubts are.
I just couldn't bear losing you.
I wasn't afraid of anything except the fact that someone will take you away from me.
When mom died, and you weren't here to comfort me, I felt like I am vulnerable only because of your absence.
Had you been present, I would have felt stronger.
But I was wrong. Loss of a mother is simply unbearable.
I started thinking you give work more importance than me. And slowly the term work changed to Vyom. Small things were getting pent up and all bursted the night of my birthday.
I made the most terrible mistake of my life. Created a uncoverable distance between us. Destroyed my own life and yours too.
Then one day, after our divorce my doorbell rang.
Everyone left me alone in the penthouse. I was the one to throw them out.
And so I went to yell at the man, who dared to disturb the scorching peace of my lifeless world.
There was this employee of your dad standing with two papers and probably the second best happiness of my life.
I brought you back, because by then I realized I can't live without seeing you. Mahira was my responsibility as well as an excuse.
I always waited for you to say something, fight with me, yell at me but you never turned up.
Because we were already way too apart.", I was troubled by this outburst.

I felt her lying down by my side, and we both stared at the sky for a long time.
It turned dark but we wanted to see the stars however, words were not exchanged.
Unless she broke the silence.

She held my hand and kept it below her head, and turned to me.

"You were not wrong Mahir. Neither was I. The only wrong was our divorce. Which was the result of your lack of trust in me, and mine lack of trust in you.
In spite of knowing, I could repair you and pull you back to me, I pushed you away.
Yeah, I was disappointed in you.
But the disappointment could have been kept aside."

"No! Your disappointment wasn't wrong. Even I am disappointed in myself. I would have never divorced you. That divorce will prick me until I die."

"No....Say it like....Until we meet again..!"

"You believe we'll meet again!?", I asked.

"I know we will."

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