[DH] Musings of Clue

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Everything was going to plan.

Everything was perfect.

So why did he feel like this?

So angry, still? So scared? He wasn't even sure what he was scared of.

Clue walked slowly down the stone hallway, taking a long, slow breath. He had to compose himself. If anyone in the Center saw him in even a moment of his weakness, of his panic, everything would be ruined. He had to be slow, calm, collected. Maintain the illusion. Let no one see past his protective mask. No one could break his shell.
"I don't understand why you're following me, Cara." He said suddenly, stopping in the hall. The light from the long, tall row of windows outlined his back in a harsh golden light. "I've been a good boy. Haven't meddled with any of your projects for at least a moon-cycle."
A small, golden-furred dog slid around the corner, blue eyes narrowed suspiciously. She wore a long, white cape. "No, you haven't, Clue." She said slowly. "You've been too busy with other things as of late."
Clue grinned, his silver eyes flickering back toward Cara, but he didn't turn around. That would be too obvious. "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. Depends on what clearance you have. Didn't you just get demoted? Something about a certain someone deciding to just up and leave?"
"Rest assured, he will be coming back." She snapped, dangerously. "And in any case, it was your fault. All of this mess is your fault. You stood there and watched as everything I've ever worked for walked right past you!"
"So moody." Clue finally turned to face her, a mock frown adorned on his face. "Have you considered that there's something bigger in the works, Cara? Something no one trusts you with?"
"Whatever you and Solomon might be planning for him, he isn't ready for it." She said. "Immature. Untrained. And dangerously reckless. He'll be killed within the week!"
"Perhaps. But if he does die, in the grand scheme of things, it matters little." Clue smiled softly at her. "Solomon knows it, too, even if he won't admit it. Maybe you should consider your research instead of an incredibly frustrating-to-control agent, yes?"
"You have no idea what you're talking about." Cara snarled. "Providence chose him."
"And so, if it comes down to it, Providence can easily choose another." Clue turned and began walking once more down the hall. "It's just a little test. Have faith in what you've taught him, and he just might survive."
Cara didn't respond. She'd turned to the side, trying hard not to snap back at him. Or, so Clue liked to imagine. Cara was incredibly fun to rub the wrong way; all she needed was a small nudge, and she'd already snapped at you. If there was anything Clue appreciated about grumpy old Solomon, it was his ability to appoint manipulatable individuals. Well, for the most part.
"Oh, I have a quick question for you." Clue said suddenly, stopping to turn and mockingly face the angry golden-furred dog. "The guard he was friends with. How is his recovery coming along?"
Cara suddenly stiffened, then bared her teeth. She exploded at him like a lion.
"Damn you, Clue!" She screamed. "You and your stupid bird! Get out of here before I rip you apart!"
Clue turned and laughed as he stalked down the hallway. Yes, everything going according to plan, indeed.



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