[DH]The Sparrow

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The walls shuddered as a small wolf pup slid through the dark hallways, wincing every time the sound of thunder roared from outside. Wordlessly, the pup reached a small doorway and ducked inside, sitting awkwardly by the entrance, flinching as a particularly loud burst of thunder attacked the sky.
"You'd better have a good reason for being up this late, Genocide." A dark-pelted shadow grunted.
"S-Solomon?" Genocide said softly. "I can't sleep."
Solomon groggily lifted his head, long fur falling into his eyes. "It's just a storm. It'll blow over in a little while."
"Yeah, but..." the pup's eyes glossed over. "I-it reminds me of the First Day I was here. It sounds just like—" the pup's voice broke. "Just like—"
Solomon sighed and got up, resting his nose on the crown of the pup's head. "Come with me." The larger wolf said gruffly. "You must conquer this fear of yours if you're going to ever be a weapon of the cause, little one."
Nervously, Genocide trotted after Solomon, keeping close to Solomon's back legs and brushing against the dark wolf's spaded tail. Solomon made no noise or attempt to reassure Genocide when the pup whimpered or when he stumbled.
Finally, they reached an archway that led to the outdoors, and suddenly wind tore at the two canines, swirling and howling violently. Genocide trembled but still followed as they stepped into the night and surrendered themselves to the storm.
Icy rain clawed at their faces and the sky flashed as it split again and again, shattering into millions of pieces. Genocide kept his head lowered and eyes scrunched shut. Solomon stood nobly, nose pointed at the sky as if he challenged it.
"Be unafraid when facing your enemies." Solomon said, voice raised so that the wind couldn't steal it away. "Even if you do fear them, you cannot show it."
Creaking one eye open, Genocide nodded, lifting his gaze skyward. Lightning reflected into his blue eyes, and the small pup winced but this time did not back down.
"Good." Solomon praised.
The thunder's angry rumble shook the ground once more, and Genocide stepped backward. Solomon turned, now worried; Genocide's eyes were in a different time, seeing something else. Seeing the First Day.
"That time is passed!" Solomon growled angrily, and he lashed his tail out at the pup. Genocide yelped in pain as the larger wolf knocked him to the ground without mercy. "Stand and face me and the storm, or else you will not escape the past!"
"I can't!" Genocide wailed. "I'll never be a weapon to the cause! I'll never protect anyone! I can't—"
"You can!" Solomon barked sternly. "Now, stand and face the storm."
Genocide blinked at Solomon, his wet eyes partly hidden by his blowing fur, and suddenly found a sort of strength in himself that hadn't been there before. With a small cry, Genocide climbed to all four paws, spreading them out as if preparing to face an army.
Solomon's eyes flashed as he nodded once to the pup, then turned himself to face the sky once more.
There was a small songbird on a ledge down the path from them, one of its wings crumpled and broken. Solomon couldn't tell if it had died or not. He found he didn't care.
"You see what happens when you let yourself be swept away?" Solomon said, eyes fixated on the bird. "Your wings break, and they take everything away from you."
Genocide looked at Solomon with deeper understanding that most pups could muster. Solomon was no longer talking about the storm.
Suddenly, Genocide surged forward. Solomon, slightly taken aback, watched curiously as Genocide skidded to the place where the broken bird laid and sheltered it from the rain with his small body, bending over to sniff the small creature.
Then, gently, Genocide scooped the bird into his mouth and carried it back to the safety of the arch.
"What are you doing?!" Solomon snarled. "It's lost. You can't save it now."
Genocide placed it gently on a dry spot on the floor, and Solomon saw its chest flutter. It was alive still, at least.
"You didn't leave me when I broke." Genocide said softly.
Solomon watched the small pup tending to the little bird and sighed, annoyed but oddly touched. "Come on, back to your room, Genocide. Take the bird with you and do what you must to keep it alive."
Genocide's eyes lit up and he picked up the little sparrow again, trotting away down the hall. Solomon noticed that this time, when the thunder attacked, the pup did not flinch.
"Be careful, little sparrow." Solomon said softly. "No act of kindness goes unpunished."


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