Chapter 1: Two Strange Men

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Kat's POV:

"Mom, I'm home." I call into the house when I get home from school. "Kitchen!" She calls back. I drop my backpack off at the door and walk towards the kitchen where my mom is. She hunched over a mixing bowl, mixing cookie dough together. "How was school." "Same as usual, boring." 

"How did you do on your Physics exam?" "Good enough to not appear suspicious. Don't worry mom, I've got it under control." I reassure her. I developed my mutation at the beginning of the school year. It's the ability to mimic other's natural abilities. 

I learned this after studying with a friend. She's valedictorian with an eidetic memory and genius level intelligence. I went from a C average to As in all of my classes in a few months. Someone with two left feet who couldn't pass a volleyball to save their life to captain of the team.

Since then she's tried to avoid discovery. Get a few questions wrong on a test, half ass a few games, things like that. My mom is highly encouraging of my suppressing my abilities. At least it's just physical abilities and easy to hide. 

"I know it's hard for you, but you do know that it's necessary, right?" She asks, putting her whisk down and turning to face me. "I know, and I'm getting better at controlling it. It's all gonna be ok mom." I say. She sighs, bringing me into a hug. "You know I love you, right." 

"I know. I love you too." I tell her, hugging her tight. Suddenly the doorbell rings, interrupting our mother daughter moment. "I'll go get it." I tell her, giving her a tight lipped smile before heading towards the front door. When I open the door, I'm confused to see two men standing there. 

One has a brooding look about him and the other seems all too excited. "Um, hello. Can I help you?" "Yes actually. My names Charles Xavier and this is my associate, Erik Lensherr. You're Katrina Mason." He didn't say it like a question. He said it like a statement. 

"Uh, yeah, I am. I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask. Who are these strange men? 'No, but you will. You're not alone Katina.' My eyes widen as I hear the man, Charles speak, but his lips never once move. I feel a shudder go through my spine. No. No, no, no, no, no. 

'You're both like me?' I reply in the telepath's mind. I also question his friend who's eyes widen. The telepath's smile widens. "Extraordinary. You're a mimic." Charles says. "I-I though it was only physical abilities. Natural talents. I didn't think there were others like me." 

"You are not alone Katrina. As you know, I'm a telepath, and Erik here is a metal manipulator. Erik, mind an example?" Erik, who has been silent for this entire conversation, steps forward. "I would love to Charles, but I think it's best if I didn't do it out where anyone could see." He says. 

I nod, understanding. "Come in." I move to the side, allowing them to walk into the house before closing the door. "Kat? Katy, who was at the door?" My mom asks, entering the living room where we are. Her eyes widen at the two men standing in the middle of the room. "Oh, hello."

She glances towards me, asking me to explain. "Oh, mom this is Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr. They're like me." Her eyes snap towards the two men once again. "Show me." Charles looks towards Erik and the man steps forward. 

His brooding features turn into a look of concentration. Suddenly I hear rattling and a in a flash of silver four butter knives fly out of the kitchen. I feel the shudder go through my spine. "Whoa." I breath. I turn to see my mom staring at Erik is shock. 

"Well, the three of you better talk about a few things. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me sweetie." She says, walking over and kissing my head before entering the kitchen. I turn back towards Erik and Charles when she's out of the room. 

"Please, have a seat." I insist, sitting down in my mom's favorite arm chair while the two of them sit on the couch. "So, why are you here?" I ask them, confused on their sudden appearance in my small hometown. 

"Well, Erik and myself are recruiting mutants to help the CIA capture a dangerous mutant named Sebastian Shaw. In turn, I'm offering to help train you to use your mutant abilities." Charles explains. "I don't need help." I sigh. 

"I mean. I didn't. I shut them off, but I'm betting if I let you telepathy powers activate in my mind then...I don't think I could keep the voices out." He gives me an apologetic look, but it's sort of not his fault. I mean, if he had never shown up, it wouldn't have happened, but he didn't know.

I take a deep breath. "How dangerous is this Shaw guy?" I ask. "Extremely. Currently we're unsure of his plans, but it can't be anything good." Charles explains. I nod, thinking about my situation. If I don't help, nothing changes. 

I just have a few extra powers and that's it, but this Shaw guy could be planning something disastrous and if I don't help I'll feel horrible, knowing that I could have done something, could I live with myself knowing that I didn't help when I've been given the ability to.

If I do help, I could die, but I'll gain training over these abilities that I'm learning more and more things about as times goes on. With another deep breath I look up at the two men with a determined look on my face. 

"Yes, I'll help you, but I will need training. I'm still figuring out my powers." I explain. They both nod, Charles' nod being more enthusiastic than Erik's. "Of course. Now, we must be going. I know it's short notice, but we have a deadline." Charles explains. I nod. 

"I have to go talk to my mom. I'll meet the two of you outside in thirty minutes." They agree and I escort them out of the house. I walk into the kitchen where my mom is. "What did those men want?" She asks. I take a shaky breath. 

"Mom...I'm leaving." Her curiosity falls into a somber look. "They offered to train you." She states, thinking she has completely understood the situation. She's mostly right. It's one of the main reasons I'm going. 

"There's a threat. A mutant threat. If I don't help, and the other guy wins...I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I promise, I'll keep in contact and visit when I can, but I have to do this. I've been given these abilities for a reason." I tell her softly. She nods and looks up at me. 

Her eyes are red, but there are no tears. "I always knew you were special. I'm so proud of you." She says. I feel tears well in my own eyes as I pull her into a tight hug. "I love you momma." "I love you too baby. Please, please, please be careful." "I will." 

With one last squeeze she pulls away. "Ok, I'm assuming you have to leave immediately, so let's go get you packed." She tells me. I nod and together we head up to my room. Thirty minutes later I take my duffle bag down to the front door. 

We leave it closed, knowing Charles and Erik are outside and this is our last mother daughter moment together before I leave. She hugs me one last time. "Keep in touch. Write to me, anything. Please." "I will momma. I love you." "I love you baby." 

With that we pull away and I step outside. Erik and Charles are waiting for me by a car. With one last wave to my mother I walk up to the two men. "You ready?" Charles asks softly. I nod. "As I'll ever be." 

He nods and opens the back seat door for me to climb in while Erik puts my bag in the trunk. I thank him as I climb in and once him and Erik are in the car we pull away from my childhood home, it and my mother fading into the distance. 

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