Chapter 2: Mutation Demonstation

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Kat's POV:

The drive is silent. Finally we pull up to a concrete building. "Welcome to Division X." Charles says, opening my door for me. I look around as I climb out of the car, grabbing my duffle bag from Erik. "This is CIA?" I ask as we start walking towards the building. 

Charles nods enthusiastically as they lead me through the building. The walls are all made of concrete and quite boring to look at. We we walk Charles makes small talk with me while Erik remains silent like he did the drive here. 

Finally we stop in front of a door and Charles turns to me. "You are not our only recruit and I believe you should get to know the others." With these words he opens to the door, revealing five other teens. They all turn to look at us as we enter. Well, specifically me. 

"Guys, this is Katrina Mason. Make her feel welcome." Charles announces. He gives me a reassuring smile before both him and Erik exit the room, leaving me with six strangers. Two girls, four boys. One of the girls, a blonde, walks up to me, a smile on her face. 

"Hey! I'm Raven and that's Angel, Sean, Darwin, Alex, and Hank." She introduces. The others, minus Alex all wave at me with smiles on their faces. I give them a tight lipped smile back. "Hi, I'm Katrina, but you all can call me Kat." I say. They all say hi except Alex. What's his deal? 

Raven leads me over to a couch and I sit next to her. "Ok, back to our previous conversation, I think we should have codenames, we're government agents now we should have secret codenames. I want to be called Mystique." Raven says. 

"Damn, I wanted to be called Mystique." Sean jokes. "Well tough I called it." A blue ripple goes over her and I jump slightly when I see another Sean sitting next to me. I feel a shudder go down my back. I really gotta get used to gaining a new ability. 

I have a feeling I'm gonna be powered up by the time we face this Shaw guy. Especially since they're all about to show me their powers. "Besides, I am way more mysterious than you." She says in his voice then changes back to her original self. Everyone claps. 

"Darwin, what about you?" He shrugs slightly. "Well, Darwin's already kind of a nickname and it kinda fits. Adapt to survive and all. Check this out." He says, going over to the fish tank at the back of the room. He sticks his head in and he grows gills. Another shudder. 

He pulls his head up and shakes it to get the water off his head. Everyone claps. "What about you?" He asks Sean, sitting down. We all turn our attention to the red headed boy. "I'm going to be called, Banshee." He says. "Why do you want to be named after a wailing spirit?" Hank asks. 

Sean smirks and stands, walking over to squat in front of the coffee table. "You may want to cover your ears." He instructs. We all comply by covering ears. He sucks in a breath before letting out a high pitched whistle that shatters our glasses of drinks and the glass window behind us. 

Everyone claps for him too. Another shudder. "Hank what about you?" Sean asks, sitting down. Hank looks like he's going to say something and he has a smile on his face, but Alex cuts him off. "How about big foot?" Alex says. I glare at him and so does Raven. 

"Well you know what they say about men with big feet and uh, yours are kinda small." Raven says. Despite not knowing exactly what Hank's mutation is, I giggle. "What about you?" I ask Angel. "Well my stage name, is Angel. It kinda fits." She says, standing.

She takes off her jacket revealing wing tattoos. The tattoos peal off her back and become real. She hovers in the air. "You can fly?" Raven asks, shocked and in awe. "Uh huh, and uh," she says before she spits acid onto the top of the statue out side the ought the window that Sean broke. 

Another shudder. Everyone claps for her as she puts her jacket back on and sits down. "Alex, what can you do? What is your gift?" Darwin asks. "I just, I can't. I can't do it. Not in here." He says, looking uncomfortable with the situation. 

"Well can you do it out there? Come on, Alex. Alex. Alex." Soon we're all chanting his name. He sighs before standing. "Ok. Alright. I'll do it." He says. We all cheer as he steps outside the broken window, aiming his body at the statue. "Get back when I tell you." He says. He gets into position. 

"Get back." He says. We get behind a wall, but we can't see so we peak again. He turns and looks at us. "Get back." He says. We don't move. "Whatever." He says. He starts swinging his hips and three red rings form around him. 

He then sends the rings at the statue two went in crazy directions, but one cuts the statue in half. Everyone cheers and claps for him. Another shudder. "What about you Kat? What is your gift? What is your name?" Darwin asks me. 

"Well, I though of a few, but I think Cop-Kat is too corny so how about Mimic?" I ask. "Why?" Alex asks. "If I've seen someone use a natural ability or mutation I can copy that mutation whenever I need it." I explain. 

Everybody has questioning looks on their faces to I sigh and stand up and walk outside the window. They all follow me. I aim at the other half of the statue and think about Alex's power. I swing my hips and Alex's red rings appear around my waist. 

I send them at the statue and it cuts it in another part. The other two go in different directions. I don't have anything on that I can show off Angel's wings, so I spit acid at the ground. Next, I whistle and it comes out high pitched like Sean's. 

I decide to not show off Darwin's mutation so I change into Raven then turn back into myself. Everyone is staring at me in shock. Then Raven starts clapping and everyone else follows suit. The they are all cheering and clapping and patting me on the back. 

I just laugh, blushing at all the attention. "Ok, party time!" Angel yells. That's when everything goes crazy.

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