Chapter 3: Shaw Attacks

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Kat's POV:

The party goes on for a few hours before a woman's shrill voice cuts through the air. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Everyone stops what they are doing. My heart sinks when I see an unknown woman standing with a disappointed looking Charles and Erik. 

Raven and I stops dancing on the couch, and jump off, Angel drops to the ground and puts her wings away, Hank get's off the light fixture, Alex and Sean stop beating Darwin with chairs, and Darwin comes out of rock form. "Who destroyed the statue?" The woman who yelled asks. 

"Alex and Kat." Sean says. "No. No. We have to call them Havoc and Mimic. Those are their names now. And we were thinking you should be Professor X and you should be Magneto." Raven says, pointing to Charles and Erik. 

"Exceptional." Erik scoffs before he follows the woman as they leave. "I'm very disappointed in you." Charles says before walking after Erik and the lady. Raven's face falls. I go over to her and place a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's ok Raven." I say. She nods and straightens up. 

Two more CIA agents come and take us to a different room. Raven, Angel, Hank, Sean, and I are sitting on the couch while Darwin and Alex are playing pinball. "So Kat, tell us more about your power." Raven says. 

"Well, basically I can copy anyones mutant power. Or, for humans, I can watch a gold medalist do a routine and be able to do that routine perfectly even if I've never tumbled before. I'll retain the power forever, but can only use one at a time." I explain. 

"What about Hank's ability?" Raven asks. I shake my head. "I can't have Hanks mutation because it's physical only. Raven's is physical but it's not permanent." They all look at me in awe. "Wow, you have to be the most powerful mutant ever." Raven says. I shrug. 

"Not exactly. I have to see the power or ability being done. So far I only have the six of your as well as Charles and Erik's powers, Charles', and my brother, Peter's. As far as mutations go." "Still pretty cool." Angel says.

I smile at her slightly, still uncomfortable with all the attention being on me. Suddenly two CIA agents walk outside our window and see us. "Oh, I didn't know the circus was in town, come on honey, give us some of that, eh, whoosh." He says, making whooshing noises.

He also starts flapping his arms like wings. "No? Come big foot, show us the foot. Come on." He says. Hank roles his eyes and gets up. "There we go. Show us the foot. Hey. Come on." he says as Hank closes the curtains. "Don't listen to him, he's just a guy being stupid." Raven says. 

"Guys being stupid I can handle. But I'd rather them stare at me with my clothes off then the way these ones stare at me." She says. I rub Angels shoulder. "At us." Raven corrects. I nod. Suddenly there is a 'thunk' outside. "What the hell was that?" I ask, standing up. 

"I don't know, but something's not right." Darwin says as he and Alex make their way over to the window. The rest of us get up close as he opens it. Nothing. Then I look up. "What's that?" I ask. A man is holding another man in midair. He then let's go of the other man and disappears. 

Shudder. "It's a mutant. I get a shutter every time I develop a new power and I just got one." I say just as then other man hits the ground. Raven, Angel, and I scream. One by one, the agents start dropping like flies. One every second. Then soldiers come out in full gear. 

"Stay in there, do not leave that room." One tell us. The other mutant appears behind them. "Behind you. Look." We says. They all turn around. "FIRE!" The leader says. The men comply and start shooting at the mutant, but he disappears again. 

He reappears being one firing soldier and makes him shoot the glass. Someone grabs me from behind and pulls me to safety. I look behind me and realize it's Alex. "Thanks." I breath. He actually gives me a small smile and nods. He never once lets go of me. 

While the one mutant kills every agent we all get tired of waiting. "Stay here my ass, let's go." Darwin says. We nod and run out of the room, only to be stopped by several soldiers. "No we can help." I say. We stay for a while and suddenly there is a big explosion and most of the men. 

We all run back to the room. Suddenly a tornado appears. Another shudder. The tornado picks a man up and hurls him through the window. Angel and Raven are now crying and I'm hugging Alex like there's no tomorrow. He's rubbing my back and trying to sooth me. Then, it all stops. 

The tornado turns into a man and walks through one window while the disappearing red guy walks through the other. A man, probably responsible for the explosion, walks through the door. "Where's the telepath?" He asks the red guy. "Not here." He replies. 

"That's too bad. Oh well, at least I can take this silly thing off." He says, taking off his helmet. "Good evening, my name is Sebastian Shaw, and we are not here to hurt you." The leader says. "FREEZE!" A still alive agent yells. "Azazel." Shaw says. 

The red guy disappears and reappears behind the agent, killing him. I flinch at the sight. The red man, Azazel, returns to the room, seeming unfazed at the fact that he just killed someone in cold blood. Then again, he killed the majority of the agents in this compound.

"There is a revolution coming, where mankind finds out who we are, what we can do. And you can either choose to side with the humans. Or you can come with me and rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us then by definition you are against us." Shaw says. 

I back up closer to Alex. "Fight for the people who hate and fear you or come with me and live like Kings. And Queens." He says all this, looking at Angel. She looks down then takes his hand. I stare at her in disbelief. "Angel." Raven says. "Are you kidding me?" Darwin asks. 

"Come on, we don't belong here, and that's nothing to be ashamed of." She says. She follows Shaw. "We have to do something." Raven says. Then Alex and Darwin share a look before they start shoving each other around. "Wait, I'm coming with you." Darwin say. 

"Excellent. Now tell me about your mutation." Shaw says. "I adapt to survive. So I guess I'm coming with you." He says. "I like that." Shane says. Darwin goes to stand be Angel. "ALEX!" He yells. Shoving me off of him, Alex yells, "GET BACK!" Then send three rings at Shaw. 

But Shaw absorbs it. Shudder. "Protecting your fellow mutants? Very noble gesture. Feels good." Shaw says. Darwin goes to punch him but he block. "Adapt to this." He whispers to Darwin before shoving a ball of fiery plasma down his throat. I stare at the scene in front of me in horror. 

Shaw's group, along with Angel, immediately disappears. I can't look away as I watch Darwin's body try to adapt to the red energy now inside of him. It can't.  I sob as his body starts to glow before it crumbles into ash. I race over to him, or what's left of him, and kneel and cry. 

Raven kneels next to me. Someone comes up behind me and pulls me into a hug. I just cry. Alex. He is the one I'm hugging. I soon, cry myself to sleep.

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