Chapter 5: Master of Mutations

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Kat's POV:

When we reach the house we take a seat in the living room with everyone else so Charles can talk to us. "Ok I want to work with Kat right now so all of you go with Erik for something else." Charles says.

Alex squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring smile before walking off with everyone else. I look at Charles. "What now?" I ask. Unsure on what I'm supposed to be doing and feeling a bit awkward with just standing here.

"Now we prepare you. You have a very unique power. You can copy anyones natural ability or mutation. You intake that ability when you see the person preform it. Is there anyone here that you don't have the power of?" He asks me. I shake my head. "I have everyone's ability." I explain.

"Excellent. Now, follow me." He walks through the house, down to what appears to be a bunker. "Now, I want you to work on Alex's ability. It's destructive and a bit chaotic. He doesn't have control over it, but I want to see if your mutation allows you to have control over it." He explains.

I nod and he walks out of the bunker, closing the door tightly. I face the three dummies in front of me and take a deep breath. I close my eyes and feel the red rings form around me. I try to control it, centering the energy into my chest as to only hit the center dummy. 

Finally, when I think I have the energy where I want it, I release it out. Opening my eyes I see the center dummy obliterated in front of me. I grin as I hear the door open. "Excellent. Perfect aim. How did you center the energy?" He asks. I shrug.

"I just thought about the energy as it swirled around me. As it did I focused it into my chest and then released it." I explain. "Excellent. You seem to be very mentally grounded. I want you to open your telepathy and see if you can keep the voices out. It took me years to learn."

I nod, understanding. Taking a deep breath I close my eyes and open my mind to others. Immediately my mind is flooded with voices. I wince and grip the sides of my head. "Breath, concentrate." Charles instructs. I nod sightly and take another breath. 

I act like I'm closing a door on the voices and slowly they disappear. I can still feel them, the mutation is still activated, but they're locked behind the door. "Good, now, only let my mind in." I nod and concentrate, creating another door in my mind and opening it. 

Charles' voice floods my head. 'Good, breath, focus. You're doing amazing Kat. Now, try to find Alex's voice while keeping mine in.' 'Ok.' Another door appears and I open it. It's a little more difficult and a few more voices fill my head along with Alex's as the door opens widely. 

Fighting with the other voices I force them out, leaving Alex's. He's reading right now. I don't recognize the book. 'Good. You can pull away now.' Charles tells me in my mind. I nod once again and immediately turn the mutation off. I'm breathing heavily as I open my eyes. 

"You show a remarkable amount of mastery. I believe this is part of your mutation." He explain. "So, as well as gaining the mutation, I master it as well?" "Well yes. It's fascinating really." He tells me. I smile at his enthusiasm. 

"Well, I believe you'll need no training compared to the others. So, you're free to do whatever until I call you again. I may need your help with a few people." I nod and exit the bunker, heading towards my room. 

I don't know why I'm so tired, then again, I've never tried that hard with any ability or mutation before. My head is really hurting right now. When I reach my bed I plop on my bed, exhausted. Suddenly, I hear a knock at my door. "Come in." I call, still on the bed. 

I hear the door open and turn to see Alex enter the room. "Hey." I say, sitting up. "Hey." He grins, kissing me on my head. I giggle and lay back on my bed. He gets on next to me and we just lay there for several moments without talking. "Are you scared?" I suddenly ask. 

"About what?" He asks me. Turning over to look me in the eye. "To fight Shaw. Are you scared?" I ask. "Well, I'm not scared I'm going to die. I am scared something will happen to you. I don't know what I'd do if that happened." He reveals. I smile at him and he kisses my head again. 

A few minutes later we decide we should get up and do something. My headache has completely disappeared by now. We walk downstairs to see Charles waiting for us. "Good, you're back. Alex, it's your turn." He says. Alex sighs and kisses my head before following Charles. 

I hear a squeal behind me and turn to see Raven. "What?" I ask. "You two are so cute. When is y'all date?" She asks me. "What date?" I ask, confused. She gasps. "He hasn't asked you on a date?" She asks. "Um, no." She looks angry for a second then lets her face relax. 

"He probably just wants to wait until after the fight." She says. I nod, shrugging. Together we walk outside. "So, how exactly do your powers work?" Raven asks. That's a question most people don't even ask me. I'll have to word this right. 

"Well, when ever I see the power or talent being preformed a shudder runs down my back, alerting me to a new power/skill intake. I can then use it whenever I want for the rest of my life. Like I can still use Darwin's power." I say. We both get a sad look. 

We continue walking for a while before Raven leaves to go train. When she's gone I seek out the tree from earlier. Finding it, I quickly take off my shoes and scale it. As I gaze over the vast estate I can't help but feel at peace. It's so beautiful up here. 

As peaceful as it is up here, I quickly fall asleep to the wind and leaves whistling.

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