Chapter 6: Let's Go to War

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Kat's POV:

I wake up to someone yelling my name. I look down and see Alex at the base of the tree. Night has fallen and I am still up in the tree. I sigh and quickly climb down, but once again my foot slips and I fall right into his arms. "We really need to stop meeting like this." He says.

I giggle as he puts me down. "What time is it?" I ask. "Um, about 2:30 am." He tells me, looking at his watch. My eyes widen. I went up there at 3 that afternoon. "Why are you up so late?" I ask, slipping on my shoes.

"Because I went to your room to tell you goodnight and you weren't there so I've been searching for you." He says. "Sorry I worried you." I say, kissing him on the cheek. He smiles down at me and captures my lips. When we break apart we stroll back into the house hand-in-hand.

When we finally reach the house. He walks me to my room. "When this is all over I'm going to take you on a date." He says. I smile at him. "I'll be looking forward to that date Mr. Summers." I say. He kisses my head and I enter my room and close the door behind me.

I smile to myself and quickly change into my PJs before climbing into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light. The week goes by as expected, training and hanging out with Alex and Raven, and occasionally Hank and Sean.

Earlier today, the President gave a speech, explaining that the Russians are nearing  embargo line. It's actually happening. We're going to war tomorrow. Currently I am sitting under my tree next to Alex.

Charles gave us the day off to prepare ourselves both physically and mentally for tomorrow's battle that is sure to come. "I'm scared." I admit to Alex. I feel his head move from the top of mine to look down at me. I look up to meet his eyes. "Hey, you're gonna be fine."

"But is everyone else gonna come out of this?" He's silent for a second before speaking. "I hate that I can't promise you everything is going to be ok." He says, dropping his head in defeat. Immediately I feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. It's not on you to ensure me of anything. I can't put that pressure on you or anyone." I apologize, leaning my head on his shoulder again. I feel him press his lips to my head. "It's ok. We'll be ok, I'm not gonna promise, but I'm gonna try."

I nod. We stay there for the majority of the day before splitting off at night to get some sleep to be well reseted for the following day. That night is filled with nightmares of my friends dying and me not being able to stop any of it. The next morning, I wake up to Raven shaking me.

"Come on Kat, get up. We have to meet Hank at his lad." She says. I groan, but get up and change into normal people clothes. I walk out of my room and it's not Raven waiting for me, but Alex. "Where did Raven go?" I ask.

"To meet the others, apparently you were taking too long for her taste." He says. "Whatever. Let's just go." I say, walking with him to Hank's lad. When we get there everyone is waiting outside, reading a note on the door. Charles reads it out loud then opens the door.

I gasp at the sight in front of me. His while lab is trashed. "What happened?" I ask, worried for my friend. We all walk over to the crate marked 'X' and open it. Inside are blue and yellow suit. "Do we really have to where these?" Sean asks.

"Unless any of you can withstand being riddled by bullets or endure extreme G-force I suggest we suit up." Charles says. Raven and I grab our suits and go off to change. I notice Raven is in her real form. "You look beautiful Raven." I say. "Really?" I nod. She smiles at me.

When we walk to the launch pad with the boys, but still no Hank. "Where's Hank?" Raven asks. "I'm right here." Comes a voice. Suddenly a big, blue creature steps out. "It didn't attack the cells, it enhanced them. It dint work." He says.

"Yes it did Hank. This is you. This is who you are meant to be." Raven says. "Never looked better man." Erik says. Hank growls and grabs Erik by the throat. "Don't mock me." He growls. Alex pushes me behind him. Finally Charles convinces him to let go of Erik. "I wasn't." Erik chokes.

"Even I have to admit you look pretty bad ass. I think I have a new name of you, Beast." Alex says. "Are you sure you know how to fly this thing?" Sean asks. "Of course I can, I signed it." He says. We all get aboard the jet. I'm sitting in between Alex and Raven.

Hank takes off and I just want to get this over with. After an hour of flying. we fly over the battle field. "Looks pretty messy out there." Hank says. Charles puts his fingers to his temple and tries to get into someone's mind. "The crew of the Arle Sea are all dead." He explains.

My breath hitches at the news. "Shaw's already been there." He continues. "He's still here, somewhere." Erik insists. "They set the sip on course for the embargo line." Charles informs us. "If that ship, crosses the line our boys are gonna blow it up, and the war begins." Moira says.

"Unless their not our boys." Charles says and I know what he's going to do. He touches his temple again and reaches into someones mind. Suddenly a Russian ship fires a missile. Bad thing, it heads straight for us. Hank swerves and turns up side down.

Raven and I scream while Alex wraps an arm around me, keeping me steady. When Hank finally gets the plane straightened out He calls back to Charles. "A little warning next time Professor." "Right, sorry about that." Charles calls. I laugh. "That was inspired Charles." Moira says.

"Thank you, but I still can't locate Shaw." He says. "He's down there and we need to find him." Erik says. "Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?" Hank asks. "No, nothing." Moira replies. "Well than he must be under the water, and obviously we don't have sonar." Hank sighs. 

"Yes we do." Sean grins. "Yes we do." Charles repeats, smiling. Him, Erik, and Sean get out of our seats. "HANK! LEVEL THE BLOODY PLANE!" Charles yells as he, Erik and Sean make their way to the back of the plane. "Whoa, you back right off." Sean tells Erik as he approaches. 

I laugh, remembering the incident earlier in the week. "BEAST, OPEN THE BOMB BAY DOORS!" Sean yells. Hank presses a bottom and the doors open. "REMEMBER, THIS IS A MUSCLE, YOU CONTROL IT! I'LL BE IN HERE THE ENTIRE TIME!" Charles yells over the wind. 

"THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!" "WHOO!" Sean yells as he jumps out of the plane. 

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