Chapter 7: Just Because the Enemy Loses, Doesn't Mean You Won

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Kat's POV:

We all wait in anticipation for Sean's report on Shaw from underwater. Finally Charles speaks. "Banshee's got a location on Shaw. Are you ready?" Charles asks Erik. "Let's find out." He says. Hank lowers Erik down on a landing wheel.

I grip Alex's hand and he gives me a reassuring smile, squeezing me hand. We look out the window and see the end of the sub. I smile at what Erik can do. I can do too. Suddenly, tornado guy comes out of the sub. I glare at the tornado and unbuckle, standing.

"What are you doing?" Alex asks me, worried. "I'm giving him a taste of his own medicine." I growl. I walk to the bomb bay doors and look out. He is turning into a tornado. I jump out and turn into a tornado myself half way down.

The other tornado and I collide and we fight for the upper hand. We accidentally crash into the plane and it gets caught. We maneuver our way to the closest beach and drop it. I fall to the ground. The others exit the plane. Alex runs over to me. "Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I tell them. Angel, the red guy, and tornado guy are standing in front of us. Beast, Alex, Erik, and I stand together. Angel takes to the sky. "Beast, did you add what I wanted to the suit?" I asks. "Yes, just press that little green button on your chest." He says.

I do and the back opens up revealing Angel's tattoos. They peel off and I take off after her. "Angel, stop this. This isn't right." I say. "Really? Cause I'm not the one fighting for the people who would never fight for us." She snaps.

We fly at each other, but she spits acid on my wing and it disappears and I fall to the beach. Alex helps me up. Tornado guy tries to create tornadoes, but Alex shoots him, but red guy vanishes behind us and grabs Alex with his tail. I grab Alex's hand, but the red guy vanishes with all of us.

We reappear in midair and Azazel lets go of Alex and I. "BEAST!" We yell. I hold onto Alex and make us appear on the closest ship with Azazel and Beast. Alex goes to blast him, but he vanishes and grabs Alex's neck again.

Alex looses control of his beam and start destroying the ship. "Get off him." I say, using Sean's power to get him off Alex. Alex gasps for breath. Beast attacks Azazle and they vanish, leaving Alex and I onboard. Men point their guns at us and we raise our hands above our heads.

I see Angel in the distance. "GET DOWN!" I yell. She spits acid and one hits Alex's blaster controller thing and burns it off. Sean then comes out of the water and blasts Angel back. They cause each other around for a while while men in uniform make us put our hand up again.

They start walking us away when we see Sean heading our way. We both give each other knowing smiles and cover our ears. Then men fall down in pain. Alex runs and jumps off the ship with Sean while I teleport away.

When I get to the beach I see Alex and Sean are due to Angel spitting acid at one of Sean's wings. I hold my breath as they crash land in the beach. I run over to them. Angel is getting closer, but Alex shoots her down with a ring. She crash lands and Sean gives off a crazy laugh.

"Are you ok?" I ask Alex. "Yeah. You?" He asks. "Yeah." The Beast appears with Azazle and he finally knocks him out with the help of Raven who pretends to be Shaw. I smile. All we need to do is wait for Erik. Charles and Moira exit the ship.

Erik opens a whole in the sup and pushes Shaw, a dead Shaw, out of that hole and then follows. "TODAY OUR FIGHTING STOPS!" Erik yells. Then he drops Shaw. I gasp and put my head in Alex's chest. He hugs me close. I look up and Erik is on the ground.

"Take off your blinders brother and sisters, the real enemy is out there. I feel their guns moving in the water. Their weapons targeting us. Soviets, Americans, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. Go ahead Charles. Tell me I'm wrong." Erik says. Charles puts his finger to his temple.

He looks at Moira and nods. She runs to the plane and tries to get them to stop the attack, but no one can hear her. The ships fire. I look at Alex. He looks at me I'm crying. "I love you." He says. "I love you." I tell him. We kiss, knowing death is a moment away. There is no explosion.

We pull apart to see the missiles have stopped in midair. Erik. He turns the missiles around. "Erik. There are men on those ships. Thousands of good, innocent men. They're just men following orders." Charles says.

"I've been a the mercy of men following orders my whole life. Not anymore." He says before releasing them. I reach out my hand and stop them. Everyone is looking at me. Erik uses the metal on my uniform to throw me back. I loose control and Erik sends them again.

Alex rushes over to me. "You ok?" He asks. "Yeah." I cough. "ERIK RELEASE THEM!" Charles yells. "NOOOO!" Charles yells, charging and knocking over Erik. Erik losses control and I take it back. Suddenly I go flying again, "AH!" I yell. My head hits the beach and my vision goes black.

I wake up in a familiar room. Alex is sitting next to me, asleep. I groan and he stirs. When he sees me awake he wraps me in a hug. "Kat, you're ok. I though I lost you for a second." He says. "What happened since I was out?" I ask.

"Well we stopped Erik, but he left and took Raven with him." He says. I blink back tears. Raven is my best friend. "Oh, and Charles is in a wheel chair due to Moira shooting at Erik and he deflected one right into Charles' spine." He tells me. I full out ball now.

"I could have stopped it." I say. "No, you couldn't have. You helped save thousands of lives." Alex says. I nod, but remain silent. I got out of there a day later. I couldn't stay in the place that reminded me of how I failed. I failed. Alex came with me.

We had a good life away from other mutants. We dated, got engaged, and then...Alex left to join the army, dumping me in the process. Sean disappeared. I went back home after all of this thinking that I was done with other mutants. I can just live a normal life in my hometown.

Away from all the pain and heartbreak of my past. Oh, was I wrong.

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