Chapter Five

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, Personalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_ except Nora


Izuku was woken up by the alarm he set on his phone.
"Today we move into the dorms!" Nora cheered, dancing around the room and waking Izuku up fully as he turned the ringing alarm off. "We get to live with everyone else!"
"You're way too hyper." Sora groaned.
"I don't care. Izuku! Wake up!" She shook the tired boy by the shoulders.
"I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!" He quickly told her. Grinning, Nora let the poor boy go.

Izuku stood up and walked to where he sets his uniform. He took off his shirt, the felt someone next to him.
"Could I get changed in private?" Izuku asked, looking at Nora as she poked his hard muscles.
"How are you so muscly...?" She pondered aloud.
"I have an enhancement Quirk. What did you expect?" Izuku asked, Nora now standing up straight and shrugging her shoulders.
"Oh, well. See ya!" Nora disappeared, leaving Izuku some privacy so that he could get changed. Once in his uniform, he went into his living room, where he saw a note.
'Good luck in your new dorms! I had to go to work early today so I couldn't say bye to you in person. Also, good luck with keeping your secret.
I'd tell the class about your Personas just in case. Your decision, though.

Izuku sighed and put the note back down.
"Should I tell them? Kacchan is the only one who knows, so far..."
"I think we should." Nora told him.
"Alright..." Izuku told her. She smiled at the boy in front of her.
"Now, we all need to eat." Nora said, smiling happily and telling everyone to come out. They did so and sat around the table.

Once the food had disappeared into everybody's stomachs, the Personas left, leaving Izuku to get to school.
'Hey, guys?'
'How come you always eat with me, even though you don't exactly need to?'
"Well, since our bodies take a physical form, we need energy from somewhere. Also, food tastes nice,"
'Oh. Okay'

After making it to school, Izuku saw Ochako running up to him.
"Deku-Kun! Deku-Kun! Today we move into the dorms! Aren't you excited?!"
"Or course I am! I'm just nervous about the dorm room arrangements." In reality, Izuku was nervous about telling his classmates about his MPD.
"I guess... I just hope that I'm not anywhere near Bakugo." Izuku snickered.
"Yep." Was all he said. Izuku didn't want to be near Katsuki, but wanted to be close to him at the same time, which annoyed and confused him. He didn't want to be near because Katsuki would get annoyed if Izuku breathed the same air as him. He did because, well, Izuku was in love with the powerful fire ball.

* * * * *

When the end of the school part of the day came, the class left to go to their respective dorms and decorate. Izuku put up a poster or two of All Might, his childhood action figure on his desk, and two more on his small book shelf.

Nora suddenly appeared, making Izuku jump and fall down ass-first.
"Nora!" He whined, getting back up.
"Sorry, Izu! Didn't mean to scare ya." She apologized, helping him up.
"You have a lot of energy." Izuku grumbled under his breath.
"Huh?" She muttered, not hearing what he had just said.
"He said you have a lot of energy! What are you?! Fucking deaf?!" Jack came out and punched her in the arm.
"Ow! You asshole!" She shouted at him, punching him back.
"Stop!" Izuku told them, getting in the middle of the two. "Stop fighting, for the love of God!"
"Whatever. This girl isn't worth my time, anyway." Jack growled, laying down on the bed in the dorm room.

A sudden knock resonated from the door.
"Midoriya? Are you alright?" Tenya Iida's voice called from the door. "We heard shouting."
"I'm fine!" He gave Nora and Jack a pointed look.
"Are you sure?"
"Alright. We'll be watching a movie in the common room, so I took the liberty in inviting you," Tenya told the boy in the dorm. "Will you be joining us?"
"U-umm. I'm not sure."
"Alright. Come if you change your mind."

Footsteps began walking away, making Izuku let out a sigh of relief.
"That was too close." Kashikoi said, Sora, him, Chibi and Hazama appearing in the dorm. They all looked at Jack and Nora.
"What?" Nora asked, turning her head sideways in a cute manner, like a curious puppy.
"What the hell are you looking at? It's her fault!"
"No it isn't! You're the one that started it!"
"I didn't do shit!"
"Both of you shut up." Sora told the two. The both of them ignored the Persona and gave each other glares that could kill.
"It's your fault! Don't try to pin this on me!" Nora shouted.
"Bitch! It's your fault for shouting!"
"You're shouting right now!"

Growling, Jack summoned his trusty friend, the metal bat with nails embedded into it. The look on his face showed pure intent to kill. The four original Personas backed away, Izuku doing the same. Nora slowly walked towards the door.
"Put that down, Jack."
"Why the fuck should I?" Jack growled, slowly walking up to the girl who held the door knob, slowly twisting it.
"Because..." She trailed off, quickly opened the door and screamed, running down the corridor, Jack chasing her immediately, the bat reeled back, "You'll have to catch me first!"
"Guys! No! That's the common room!" Izuku shouted, him and the other Personas chasing after the duo. 

The common room was now in view, the movie playing on the TV with Class 1-A sitting around it. The screams of the female Persona brought their attention as she ran into the room, Jack right behind her, swinging his metal bat at her.
"Come on! You pissed me off! Let me hit you once!"
"No! You'll kill me with hat thing, you asshole!" Nora shouted, running behind the couch.
"Jack!" Izuku's voice shouted at the boy. The Personas ran to him and pushed him to the ground, keeping him apprehended. "Let go of the bat!"
"Izuku! Let me at her! She pissed me off and she has to deal with the price!" Jack yelled, glaring daggers at Nora, who hid behind Tsuyu Asui. She stuck her tongue out, but Jack tried to break free, making her let out a squeal and hide behind the Frog-Quirk user.
"Midoriya-Chan," Tsuyu said, looking at the boy that was advancing on the five in front of the TV. "Who are these people?"
"Umm. Long story short, I have Multiple Personality Disorder, added with Quirks, these guys were created," Izuku told her unsurely, crouching down in front of Jack's face. "Put. The bat. Down."
"Jack! For the love of God! Put the damn bat down!" Sora grumbled at him. Chibi was with Nora, who hugged him tightly.
"Um, what-" Mina Ashido began, but was cut off by Katsuki.
"Who the fuck are you?!" He growled at the female. "I don't remember you."
"You know these people, Bakugo?" Eijiro Kirishima asked the ticking time bomb.
"If I knew this useless Deku since childhood, then obviously I'd know these assholes."
"You're one to talk, Bottom Bitch!" Jack growled, not struggling anymore as Sora and Kashikoi sat on him. "How much do you two weigh?!"
"Shut up. Calm down and we'll get off." Kashikoi told him.
"Izuku! Tell them to get off of me!"
"Only once you've calmed down."
"Fuck you!"

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