Chapter Six

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, Personality, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_ except Nora


Seven Izukus sat in front of the class; Sora, Nora, Hazama, Chibi on Kashikoi's lap, Kashikoi, Izuku and Jack. Kashikoi was wearing a hoodie and jeans, as well as a white button-up shirt, since he wanted to change his clothes (for some reason).
"So... Let me get this straight, you're his anger." Denki Kaminari pointed at Jack, who growled at him.
"Of course I am, fucking Pikachu wannabe."
"Wow. Just like Bakugo."
"Geez. Okay, so you're his smart personality."
"You're his musical personality."
"You're his innocent personality." Toru Hagakure pointed at Chibi.
"Hehe, yep!" Chibi ran up to Hagakure and jumped onto her lap, sitting on it happily.
"Can you see me?"
"Yes. We can all see you, for some reason." Kashikoi told the girl.
"You're his love of people, his confidence and classy self, right?" Momo asked.
"Yes, m'lady." Hazama said, walking up to her and kissing her hand, making the girl blush faintly.
"And you're his girly side?" Ochako asked Nora.
"Mhm! I was created yesterday! After Izu's day out with you four."
"Wow. One day in the world and you're already not getting along with Jack." Eijiro snickered.
"Fuck you." The both of them spat at Eijiro, making the class laugh.
"Kashikoi, we need to talk about you-know-what." Izuku whispered to the Persona that was sitting next to him. Kashikoi nodded and the two stood up, then left to go outside the dorms.

Once there, Izuku leaned against the wall.
"So... I guess you'll be going now, won't you?"
"Make sure to stay safe and keep us updated, alright?" Izuku told the look-alike in front of him.
"I promise, Izuku. I'll be sure to be careful. I can't die and leave you all here with that time bomb, now, can I?" Kashikoi said with a small smile, then took his laptop out from his backpack. "Take this. You know how to operate and hack stuff. I taught you, didn't I?"
"Haha. Right. Hug for good luck?" Izuku asked, holding his arms out and smiling. Smiling and shaking his head.
"Hug for good luck." Kashikoi confirmed, looking at Izuku as he began approaching him, proceeding to give him a hug. "Tell the others bye for me, alright?" Kashikoi told him, patting his back as Izuku copied him.
"I will. Good luck and remember not to get caught."
"I'll do my best. I promised, didn't I?" Kashikoi smiled, chuckling lightly.
"Right. Bye, Kashikoi." Izuku waved, smiling as Kashikoi left the school grounds, then headed into the bushes and began going through there to get to the new building that the League of Villains had changed location to. (I don't exactly know if they changed or fixed the bar. I'm watching the anime but I'm also reading the manga and I haven't gotten that far yet)

Sighing, Izuku turned around and walked back into the Common Room.
"Izu? Where is Kashi?" Chibi asked, running up to the boy that just came into the room.
"I'll tell the group when we go back to our dorm," The broccoli boy said, picking up the younger version of him and holding him on his shoulders.

~With Kashikoi~

He didn't want to do this. He was scared of getting injured. But Kashikoi knew that he had to go. Otherwise, who knows what kinds of surprises could happen. He made it upon a familiar building that Izuku passed sometimes when he walked around the city sometimes to clear his mind, after Katsuki had bullied him.

When he snuck around back, he saw a small, dusty window that led to a different room. There, he saw chains that were locked around almost-transparent bodies. Since they were like this, he knew that these people were spirits that had yet to find peace. In a world of Quirks, anything is possible - which is why he wasn't too surprised about their existence. What he was surprised about, was the fact that not all of them were struggling. Some were strapped with an emotionless face whilst others struggled, tears falling down their face.
"Carmen! Come on! Don't give in!" One of the male ones shouted at a dazed-looking female spirit. She had sudden flickers of life in her faded eyes; as much life as there could be.
"J-ay...Mie." She muttered, not blinking as a single tear slipped its way down her face.
"We'll get out somehow, and we'll do what we wanted before we go! I promise you!" Jaymie told her quickly and hopefully, looking around the room.
"I'd stop trying to escape, if I were you, pal." A man, clad in a dark crimson red walked into the room, wearing black gloves.
"I-I-Imperium...!" Jaymie exclaimed, freezing into place. 'That's Imperium?' Kashikoi thought, taking out his phone, then taking a picture of the Villain. Unfortunately, he forgot to take the flash off in his focus of watching what happened. The bright light attracted the attention of both the Villain and the spirit.
"Hmm?" Imperium hummed, then smirked when he saw a swarm of green quickly dash out of sight.

As Kashikoi hid behind one of the bins in the alleyway, Imperium walked out of the door, looking around suspiciously. When he looked at the bins, Kashikoi snuck another photo, making sure to turn off the flash this time. Just in case, he also turned on the voice recorder app on his phone.
"Come out! I know you're there!" He shouted, smirking.
"Imperium?" Tomura Shigaraki asked as he came into the alley behind Imperium, one of the severed hands that he had in his possession on his face.
"We need you inside. We're going to be making a plan of attack." Tomura said, his single visible eyes watching him like a hawk.
"Whatever, Shigaraki. I'll be there in a minute."

Tomura nodded and slowly walked back inside, but not before taking a quick glance around the gap between the two buildings. He looked at the bushes in the street, then at the bins - where Kashikoi was hidden. He didn't move since he didn't want to be caught, as well as making any shuffling noise for the recorder to pick up (since he was closer to it, the noise would be louder than the speech, which was further away from the microphone that was placed into the phone). Even though he could've set it to only pick up speech and drown out any other sound, he just didn't have the time before Imperium came outside. Tomura muttered something under his breath, then went back inside the old brick building.

Imperium eyed the bins, just like Tomura had a second ago, then turned towards the door, sighing. Kashikoi quickly, yet quietly, snuck out from behind the bins and creeped up on the villain. He quickly placed a tiny waterproof recorder on the back of his neck. He had created it about a year ago. It was originally for Jack, just in case he did something. He had especially designed it so that it couldn't be destroyed, unless the person that created the small gadget commanded it to disappear, as well as so it would slowly burrow its way under the host's skin slowly, so that the person wouldn't feel it. It was also programmed so that it'd latch onto the muscle tissue, making it so that, if the device was removed, the tissue would be too. Lastly, it would record everything.

When it attached itself onto Imperium, Kashikoi quickly jumped behind the bins again, hiding himself from the Villain's line of sight.
"Alright. Now to send the pictures of Imperium to Izuku." He muttered to himself, pushing his glasses up.

He turned on his phone and clicked on the application that connected his phone to his laptop. He proceeded to insert the pictures into the sending box, writing 'This is what Imperium looks like' underneath, then hit send.

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