Chapter One

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Anything to do with the Personas (Names, Quirks, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_


As the annoying sound of an alarm clock rang, a boy opened his eyes. When he opened them, though, his usually emerald green eyes were replaced with red orbs. His face wore a glare that could kill as he smashed the alarm clock.
"Fucking finally!" He said to himself.
"Ow!" Izuku whined, rubbing his sore hand.
"What?!" A boy with the same forest green hair (but darker), red eyes, freckles and wearing a black tank top with red shorts appeared, sporting a glare and crossing his arms. "It's so fucking annoying! I don't know how you can live with the damned piece of shit,"
"Jack!" A forest-haired boy with black glasses formed.

(The hair is green and like Izu's, tho)
"Chibi is asleep, dimwit!" He argued. Before the nerdy looking boy could retort, Izuku groaned.
"Can I please get up?" He begged. The two Personas nodded and returned to the world of Izuku's mind, sitting in their living room that resided in Izuku's head. "Thank you,"

He stood up, took his uniform and began getting dressed. First, he took off his white T-shirt and replaced it with a white button-up shirt. Izuku buttoned it up and put on his red tie, putting on his black pants next. Lastly, he put on his gray blazer. After that, he left his All Might themed bedroom and left into the bathroom. After doing his business, he looked at the mirror and, to his surprise, saw Kashikoi staring back at him.
"Kashi?" He asked in surprise, a little worried at his expression.
"I hacked into the Villain's archives and plans last night,"
"Okay...?" Izuku didn't understand why Kashikoi was telling him this, as it was nothing different from what the Persona usually does. "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because they have an extra file in their archives. I hacked into their surveillance and there was one less Villain than files,"
"So, I went through the data and it was added three days ago. When I went through it, it said the Villain was called 'Imperium'. Their Quirk is called Spiritual Control. All I know, for now, is that it can obviously control spirits and anything similar. I'll look into the Villain in further detail, and see if they're planning something too," Kashikoi told Izuku. Putting his finger to his chin, Izuku began mumbling.
"This isn't good. If they can control spirits and are on the Villain's side, then-" Before Izuku could continue, Jack appeared and smacked him across the head.
"Shut up!"
"Jack! I know you have a lot of built up rage from across the years, but don't take it out on Izuku!" A boy with a bandana and a hoodie appeared, yawning a little.
"Sora, you just woke up, and you're still tired?" A more proper-looking boy appeared. He wore a butler outfit and his hair was more tamed than everyone else's.

This boy was Hazama; Izuku's more culinery and classy Persona. Hazama wore a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up, and a black polo vest over it with a black tie and black pants. He also wore a top hat and white gloves, as well as black shoes, instead of red.

Sora shrugged, "What can I say? I'm Izuku's lazy side,"
"You're also his musical side," Kashikoi told the teen with a bandana around his head. Said boy looked more awake after his yawn and grabbed his guitar from...somewhere.
"So?" He asked, his tired expression forming into a grin.
"Can I go have my breakfast? You can do this in my head,"
"We did leave Chibi alone in there," With the addition of Jack grumbling, the four Personas faded into nothing and reappeared in Izuku's mental living room.
"Better," He smiled and walked into his living room, where he saw his mother cooking.
"Good morning, Izu!" She greeted cheerfully, smiling at her son.
"Morning!" Izuku smiled back. These two shared a very close bond.
"Is everyone awake?" She asked, referring to the Personas. Before he could answer, they all appeared, Chibi on Izuku's shoulders. Chibi wore a small All Might onesie (the same one that Izuku wore all the time when he was a young child) and he represented the young teen's innocence and childish attitude. "Nevermind," Inko laughed. "Is everyone hungry?"
"I made bacon and eggs today," Inko placed the food on six different plates and smiled at each Persona, as well as her own son.
"Thanks, mom!" They all exclaimed at the same time, making Inko laugh lightly.

When they had all finished, the Personas went into their 'rooms' and got changed. Jack dressed into black ripped jeans, a red shirt and a black hoodie, along with the familiar red shoes that Izuku always wears. Hazama didn't change and just stayed on the couch with Chibi.

Kashikoi wore a white shirt, along with a small green bow hanging from it. Over that, he wore a navy blue jumper and black loose pants. When he left his room, he pushed up his black glasses.

Sora wore red headphones around his neck, blue jeans and a black T-shirt. Above his T-shirt, he wore a green hoodie and, on his head, his bandana.
"You should leave now, if you don't want to be late," Sora told Izuku. The latter nodded and put his yellow backpack on his back, and left the house, shouting a 'goodbye' to his mother.

When he left his apartment, he ran outside and to the train station to get to his school. Once at U.A, Izuku grinned.
"Why the hell are you so excited to be lectured by the sleepy ass they call Mr. Aizawa?" Jack grumbled. 'Because I wanna be a hero!' Izuku answered him, using his thoughts. As he wasn't paying attention, Katsuki Bakugou bumped into him purposely with a triumphant and mocking smirk on his face. "FUCKING BOTTOM BITCH! THAT'S THE LAST STRAW! I'M DONE TAKING HIS SHIT!" Jack raged, trying to take control of Izuku.
"Jack! Calm down!" Kashikoi hit him on the side of the head, which only made him angrier.

Instead of going to his class early, Izuku went behind the school and allowed Jack to turn into a physical form and punch the wall, creating a small dent that had cracks coming from it from the force of the punch.
"All of this pent up anger is because of me. Sorry," Izuku apologized.
"It's not your damn fault," Jack had calmed down a little, but was still fuming. He walked to the broccoli-haired teen and punch him gently on the arm. "It's Bakubitch's fault. He keeps angering me. I'm planning on some payback," Jack smashed his fist into his palm and smirked evilly.

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