Chapter Two

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Anything to do with the Personas (Names, Quirks, Etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_


When Izuku began walking into school, he saw Tenya and Ochako outside of the classroom. When he walked up to them, Ochako immediately ran up to him worriedly.
"Where were you, Deku-Kun?! You're later than the time you usually come!" She asked, a little pink on her cheeks.
"Um," He couldn't think of an excuse, so he said, "Something came up,"
"Yeah, Jack came up," Sora grumbled in Izuku's head.
"You tryin' to pick a fight? I can safely assure that you wouldn't win." Jack narrowed his eyes at Sora, annoying Izuku a little.
"Oh! Okay! Let's go in then," Ochako and Tenya went inside the classroom, Izuku following them, giving no indication that he had arguing people in his head.

The young boy sat down at his desk and looked at Katsuki. He didn't know why, but he had a crush on the boy. He didn't know what to do about it either.
"How the fuck can you like that bottom bitch?" Came Jack's voice from inside his head.
"Right now, I need to agree with Jack. How do you love a person like Bakugou?" Kashikoi asked, pushing his glasses up.
"Because Kacchan can still be nice! Even if he doesn't wanna be, he still is a nice person deep down!" Chibi said happily, eating one of Hazama's cookies and sitting on Jack's lap.
"How can a five year-old have so much positivity?" Sora asked as he could've sworn he saw a sunshine and rainbows behind the child Persona nibbling on a cookie.

Izuku snapped out of his daze (he was staring at Katsuki) when Ochako poked him on the shoulder.
"Deku-Kun? Are you okay?" She asked, worry lacing her tone. Izuku looked back at her and nodded, smiling brightly.
"Never been better," He told her. In reality, he was scared because he wanted to tell Katsuki, but he'd probably get shut down in the worst way possible. Katsuki hated him - he was sure of that.
"Izuuuu! Why are you lying to her?" Chibi whined.
"Also, I wanna play in the park with you, after school!"
"Oh, okay! You just looked a little sad and I wanted to make sure..." Ochako trailed off, rubbing her head as her face wore a red blush.
"I'm just thinking about how I'm not going to be living with my mom anymore after tomorrow," Izuku said quickly, letting a sigh of relief when a look of recognition passing on her face.
"Oh, right! We're moving into the dorms tomorrow, aren't we?" Ochako grinned happily.
"Yeah..." Izuku wasn't exactly looking forward to living in the dorms; it'd be harder hiding his secret. Before anything else could happen, Aizawa walked into the classroom and everyone sat at their desks.

With a bored and tired expression, Aizawa walked to the front and began to speak. "Because of the events that took place not long ago, the school has decided to let class 1-A and B have a week off to relax,"
"Oh my god! This lazy fucker speaks so damn slow," Jack shouted irritably inside Izuku's head. Everybody began cheering and shouting happily.
"Starting tomorrow," Aizawa finished, climbing into his sleeping bag and (becoming Caterpillar Aizawa. Here is a pic of Caterpillar Aizawa):

falling asleep. Everybody whined and groaned. "Also, do what you want," He muttered loud enough for the class to hear and fell asleep again.

Chatter immediately filled up the classroom. Izuku noticed Katsuki watching him and looked in his direction. When Izuku did so the ash-blonde haired boy (try saying that five times fast) turned away with an obvious scowl on his face, his cheek resting on his hand and looking out the window.
"Deku-Kun!"Ochako explained, running up to said boy with Tenya close behind her.
"What's up?" He asked, ignoring the argument between his Personas. It was something about Jack eating Chibi's last cookie that Hazama made, specially for him, on accident and Chibi crying. He watched Ochako saying something, but couldn't hear through the headache his Personas were giving him. "I-I'll be right back,"

When Izuku left the room, the brown haired girl and blue haired boy looked at each other.
"Midoriya has been acting differently, lately," Tenya noted, gaining the attention of Katsuki. 'Is it... Deku's multiple people problem?' Katsuki thought, sighing. He stood up and left the room, making his way where he thought the damn nerd was. 'Why the hell am I even worried about that shit nerd?'

Katsuki then opened the door to the men's bathroom, seeing it was empty, other than the small boy that was glaring at the mirror in front of him.
"You guys are giving me a headache!" He hissed quietly at it.
"Sorry, Izuku. I'm trying to stop the arguing, and Hazama is consoling Chibi, but nothing's working," A voice came from it. Sighing, Izuku rubbed his temple.
"And Sora?"
"In his room playing guitar,"

Katsuki watched the exchange silently with a monotone expression. A sudden light formed into the shape of a person as Kashikoi, whom Katsuki had only met seen once (when they were kids), appeared next to him.
"Izuku. I have something important to tell you,"
"What is it, Kashi?"
"It's to do with what I told you about the Villain data files," Kashikoi said, spiking Katsuki's interest. 'He has info on the Villains?'
"What is it...?" Izuku asked unsurely.
"They were smart and didn't put their plans into any databases," Kashikoi told him glumly.
"So that means that they discuss it and rely on their memory. Wait. Then, what does this mean?"
"It means... I'm going to have to go," Kashikoi told Izuku.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that, since it's not in any electronic, I'm going to have to hide and watch them until I gather the needed information," Kashikoi said, pushing up his glasses and placing his laptop on the sink. "I'm going to leave my computer with you, but use a wireless Bluetooth device that allows me to communicate with you. It will allow me to keep you and everyone else informed,"
"But, what about if the Villains hack into the computer?"
"They won't be able to,"
"How come?"
"Because I attached a firewall that can't be hacked into. It requires an extremely complicated password that only Jack knows the password to,"
"You trusted Jack with it?" Izuku asked amused.
"He's a bomb, waiting to explode from all the pent up anger over the years, but he's loyal - he wouldn't share a secret unless it's absolutely necessary,"
"I can hear you." Jack grumbled.
"Alright. I'll be leaving the night after tomorrow, so that gives me time to prepare. Also, we need to tell someone,"
"But who? The only one that knows about us is Katsuki,"
"Right, but Kacchan wouldn't care. He'd probably just tell me to die," Izuku let out a dry chuckle and mumbled something Katsuki wasn't able to hear. Katsuki suddenly realized that he's been the worst person he could ever be to Deku. Why he cared now, he didn't know. But he hated the feeling of guilt that resided in him.
"We'll figure something out,"

Kashikoi nodded and disappeared, taking his laptop with him. Before the teen left the bathroom, Katsuki ran back to class, not hearing Izuku say, "Why do I have to feel this way?"

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