Chapter Three

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Izuku entered the classroom and took out a notebook. 'What drawing do you want this time, Chibi?' Izuku asked the younger version of him.
"Ooh! A bunny! In a field of flowers!"

Izuku began to draw a bunny, leaving it blank for Chibi to colour it in. Mid-drawing, he felt a presence behind him and turned around. There, he saw Shoto Todoroki looking at his unfinished drawing.
"What are you drawing?" He asked.
"A bunny," Izuku answered, adding the flowers around the finished body, then the trees.
"Looks good," Shoto complimented, looking at the drawing on Izuku's desk. Hearing this, Katsuki glared at the half-hot, half-cold Quirk user and growled quietly.
"Damn half n' half bastard," He muttered, closing his eyes and leaning against his hand.
"Yo, Bakugou!" Eijiro Kirishima yelled, slamming his hands down on Katsuki's desk. At hearing the sudden yell, an explosion (neither big, nor small) escaped Katsuki's hands.
"Fucking hell, Shitty Hair!" He shouted.

Back to Izuku, he then finished the final outline and looked at the finished product.
"Izuku. The Villains just updated their database," Kashikoi informed him, just as the bell went for the end of first period. At the ring of the bell, Aizawa woke up and decided to begin to teaching the class.

The second period was filled with math questions and problems, which Izuku had no problem in doing. When he had finished all the work that was assigned for that lesson, Izuku raised his hand.
"Yes, Midoriya?" Aizawa asked tiredly.
"I've finished, sir," He said.
"Put it here and do whatever you want, then," Shota Aizawa told him, sitting down and pointing to the unnecessary pedestal at the front of the classroom. Izuku did as told, then returned to his seat, and decided to formulate a plan. 'Kashikoi, what does the database actually say?'
"It pretty much has a short description of everyone in Class 1-A's Quirks and a few other people's too, as well as the best course of action against them. For example, under 'M' you'll find 'Midoriya Izuku',"
'And what information does it have?'
"It pretty much has your info and a way to defeat you. Worst of all, they know that you have MPD. It also has our Quirks and best course of action against us. For example, under Chibi's name, it says:

'Quirk - Adolescence:
This Quirk gives the user an increase in energy and stamina, like a child on a sugar rush.
Best course of action - Dodge all of his attacks and wear him out. As he is a child, attacking him in a more secluded area with a small or medium sized group will be fine',"
'Kashi, which Persona's Quirks do they currently have a record of?'
"Currently, they have all of us, except Jack's and mine,"
'Alright. I'll come up with a plan to protect everyone. Keep hacking into their databases and tell me if they figure out Jack's Quirk and your Quirk,"
"Alright. Good luck," Kashikoi retreated into his 'room' and did what Izuku asked of him.

After that conversation, Izuku's mind was left quiet. He didn't know what the other Personas were doing, but he was glad that he could focus on writing up a plan.

Izuku began by taking note of the Villains' Quirks. His notebook now consisted of Tenko Shimura's (most commonly known as Tomura Shigaraki) Quirk and Kurogiri's. He began formulating a plan, taking into consideration what everybody's Quirks are, the favors, odds, advantages, disadvantages, and so forth. Before Izuku knew it, the bell rang. Everybody stood up and left to go for lunch. (Pretend they have an earlier lunch since they do Hero work which takes a while).

Izuku Midoriya put his notebook under his arm and slung his backpack onto his shoulder. When he left the classroom, Jack began talking to him.
"So, the nerd told me about the situation with the Villains. What do you think is gonna happen?"
'Assuming his alias is based on his Quirk, I'd say it has something to do with manipulation. Also, since the database has more info on me and you guys than anyone else, I'd say that they're planning something to do with all of us. Just to be safe, make sure you and Kashikoi don't use your Quirks,"
"I don't really care. As long as I can kick some ass!"
'If we end up fighting them, only then can you use your Quirk'
"Fine by me,"

Once his conversation with Jack had ceased, Izuku (by then) had made it to the cafeteria. He bought his lunch and sat with Ochako and Tonya.
"Deku-Kun? You're acting different than your usual self," Ochako noted, Tenya agreeing with her. When they looked at Izuku, he was mumbling quietly and too quickly to be able to comprehend what he was saying. Izuku's actions weren't too different, either. He was holding a pen in hand and writing in a notebook at the same speed as his mumbling. What he was writing, the duo didn't know. What they did know, however, was that he didn't want anyone to see. How did they know this? Well, when they leaned over, Izuku snapped out of his trance and quickly closed the notebook, stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

Once out, he decided to go to the courtyard, where he saw a few of his peers and some upperclassmen. He decided to sit under one of the trees.
"Are you okay?" He heard a female voice ask worriedly. Looking up, he saw Mina, Tsuyu and Momo. Izuku nodded silently, watching as the trio sit down around him.
"You're obviously not, kero" Tsuyu pointed out.
"You've been quieter than usual, Midoriya-San," Momo said.
"I'm fine," Izuku tried to convince them.
"You're not! How about this. Tonight, to cheer you up and get your mind off of whatever is stressing you out, you hang out with us?" Mina suggested with a smile.
"I ca-"
"Aanndd! We won't give up until you agree,"
"Yay!" The three cheered happily. I sighed to myself.
'What have I gotten myself into?'

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