Chapter Thirteen

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, personalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_, except Nora


Izuku kept crying onto Katsuki's shoulder and couldn't stop.
"Th-is...was all my f-f-fault..." He muttered, clutching Katsuki's shirt tightly as if, if he let go, the boy would disappear.
"Izuku!" Jack and Nora shouted, running up to him and prying him off of the anger management reject and into Nora's arms. Jack just sat there, rubbing circles on Izuku's back.
"It'll be okay. We'll save them and get them back," Nora comforted. The broccoli boy looked up, revealing his bloodshot red puffy eyes, which still had lots of tears in them.
"I promise," Izuku gave a gentle smile and put his head on the female Personas shoulder. A few seconds later, his breathing evened out, meaning he was asleep.
"Poor Midoriya-San. All that stress must've worn him out," Momo spoke sadly, looking at the boy that still clutched the girl's shirt in his sleep, an army of tears still running down his face. Nobody could even begin to comprehend the amount of pain that their classmate and friend was feeling from having people that were with him since childhood, suddenly taken away. Everybody was now patched up, because, when the two teachers had regained consciousness, they began to fix everyone up.

The group eventually decided to keep walking to their original destinations and parted ways. Izuku was put on Yukito's back, so that Katsuki could have a rest, and they began to part ways. Nora, Jack, Chibi and Katsuki stayed silent throughout their trek to Izuku's apartment (which was the calmest and quietest place between the two students'). Izuku had stopped crying, but still had tear tracks on his face and was (once again) gripping the shirt underneath him tightly.
"Does he always cry this much?" Yukito asked the three teens on his right. They nodded wordlessy. Jack then decided to speak up.
"I remember one time when Izuku found some music videos and wanted Sora to teach him to play an instrument, he cried quiet a lot when he couldn't get it right," Jack reminisced, with a sad and angry expression. "But, when he was told he was Quirkless... He's never cried so much, until now. Right now, it's just like back then, maybe even worse. He was broken for quite a while and it took him months to feel better. Most chances are, he'll be worse from this. Back then, he had us and mom to calm him down and console him.. But, now..." Jack didn't need to continue. They knew what he meant.
"Must've had a rough childhood," Yukito muttered, looking ahead. Katsuki looked at the ground in guilt. 'He was broken...? Why the hell did I have to bully him? I most likely just made it worse' Katsuki thought, kicking a small stone away in frustrated guilt.
"He looked up to All Might so much that his love and innocence made me!" Chibi exclaimed, sitting on Jack's shoulders and folding his arms on his ride's head and leaning his own on them.
"Sounds nice," Yukito commented.
"Mommy has pictures from back then, if you wanna see," Chibi smiled at the memories, then fell asleep.

Izuku began shivering when a blast of cold air began to traverse the air, which brought the attention of everyone.
"If he's cold, I can use my Quirk to make him a blanket or something to wrap him up in," Nora suggested, looking at Izuku's distressed face.
"That'd be really helpful," The young girl began to extend her hair, which began to weave into a thick blanket. She kept a separate strand of hair to make something to cut it off and quickly picked it up from the ground. Turning it, she wrapped the unconscious boy in it, who now resembled Shota in his sleeping bag.
"He reminds me of Sensei. The fact that he's wrapped like he's in a cocoon, I mean," Nora said, looking at his peaceful face. Yukito chuckled quietly and shook his head.
"Haha, yeah. Aizawa-San has always looked like a caterpillar in a cocoon when he's in there,"

After that small conversation, they had made it to Izuku's apartment. Katsuki had to knock on the door about three times before Inko answered the door, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she did so.
"O-oh! Hello. Would you like to come in?" Inko asked, now awake.
"Thank you, miss," Yukito thanked, then walked in. Yukito slid his shoes off (using his feet) and began to walk to the living room. Katsuki, Jack and Nora were already seated on the couch, Chibi having been put in Izuku's bed.
"Would you like something to drink, everyone?"
"Tea," Yukito, Nora and Katsuki requested (only the first two saying 'please').
"Just some water," Jack said, leaning back on the couch.
"Alright. Could you carry Izu into his room, if it's not too much trouble?"
"Of course, Miss Midoriya," Yukito said, picked Izuku up and carried him into his room. Once there, the Shadow Quirk user rested him on the bed (next to Chibi) and covered the two up. Izuku immediately turned to his side and pulled the blanket closer to him, tears beginning to fall again. Yukito gave a look of sympathy and left the room.
"I'm sorry," Izuku muttered in his sleep once the door shut..

Yukito walked back into the living room, where he saw everyone drinking their requested refreshments, along with his own on the table.
"So, could you please explain what happened? And why he was injured and wrapped in bandages?" Inko asked Yukito, Katsuki, Nora and Jack, the two Personas looking down sadly.
"Kashikoi found out that the Villains were planning on attacking the school in hopes of getting to Izuku's Personas and we told Principal Nezu, who decided to make every student go home in pairs or threes and a Hero with them. The Villains were supposed to attack tomorrow, but I guess they found out we had known about their plan and decided to attack today. They eventually found our group and attacked us," Nora then kept explaining what happened, watching with guilt as Inko's face contorted into worry.
"At least everybody's safe. But, with something like that happening, Izuku is going to be depressed for a while. I hope you'll be good friends to him and comfort him," Inko requested. Everyone nodded.
"And I promise to protect everyone better," Yukito promised.
"Now, I don't have enough beds for everyone, so some of you will have to sleep on the couch," Inko said. "I have one spare room, though, so two people could sleep in there, if they don't mind sleeping together,"
"I don't mind sleeping with Jack!"
"As long as I'm not sleeping with Bottom Bitch here, I don't care. Just don't wake me the hell up like you did Izuku,"
"Shut up! There are lots of sleeping people in this building," Nora scolded. Katsuki scoffed, grabbed a spare blanket and pillow that Inko had given and put it on the couch.
"Guess I'm sleeping on the floor," Yukito laughed nervously.

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