Chapter Twelve

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, perdonalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_, except Nora



The two girls and Hero immediately ran to the sound and saw Izuku, his arm bleeding heavily, Katsuki, who had his right side covered in blood, and Yukito, who looked around trying to do something.
"Deku-Kun!" Ochako shouted in worry, immediately running over, Tsuyu and Shota in close pursuit.
"Uraraka-San! Tsuyu-San! Aizawa-Sensei!" Izuku exclaimed in surprise, turning his head which, sadly, allowed Toga to hit him. Luckily, Yukito managed to block the attack by solidifying the shadows around them.
"Aww~!" Toga pouted, looking disappointed. Shota stood next to Yukito.
"Any plans?" He asked the Shadow Quirk user.
"None at all. For now, just protect the students,"
"So, basically, our job every day?"
"Whatever. We need to find some means to escape. And, Midoriya,"
"Huh?" Asked a dazy Izuku, now pale from blood loss. "I'm dizzy..."
"Deku-Kun!" Ochako shouted in worry, seeing him stumble a little into Katsuki. Katsuki snapped his head to the side, seeing Izuku's half-lidded eyes.
"Deku?" He asked, then saw his grip loosening on his wound.
"We need to go. NOW!" Shota shouted, wrapping his scarf(?) around the two Villains, tying them together and allowing the others to escape. Once out of sight, Shota ran into the forest after them, eventually catching up. Izuku was on Katsuki's back, piggy-back style.
"Ka...chan..." He muttered, snuggling into the warmth.
"Save your strength, Midoriya-Chan," Tsuyu said, hopping next to the group.
"O...kay..." Izuku closed his eyes and fell unconscious. The wound was bleeding less, but that was even more concerning.
"I see a group!" Ochako exclaimed, smiling worriedly. Upon closed inspection, it was Kyoka Jiro, Momo Yaoyorozu and Recovery Girl (coincidentally).
"Recovery Girl!" Yukito spoke, now carrying Izuku. Recovery Girl looked over, her eyes widening at the state of her most frequent patient.
"What happened?!"
"Villains happened! Could you treat him?"
"Of course. Hand him over," Izuku was gently put down on the soft grass, his breathing now shallow. The old woman took off his gray, long-sleeved T-shirt. Revealing his defined six-pack and making Ochako blush. Momo quickly created a med kit and took out some disinfectant, tissue and bandages. "Yaoyorozu. Could you pass me the tissue?"
"Of course," Momo did as told and passed the tissue to Recovery Girl, who couldn't use her Quirk because Izuku didn't have enough stamina. Recovery Girl then wiped the blood around the deep wound. After that, she was given the disinfectant, which she poured into the wound and cleaned it, but visibly caused the unconscious broccoli boy pain when his eyes and teeth clenched reflexively in his sleep. After that, Recover Girl wrapped his arm in the white bandage, which started to become a little red from the blood that was seeping out of the deep cut.
"Momo-Chan, how come you're ironically with Recovery Girl?" Tsuyu asked, her index finger on her chin curiously.
"Oh! The Heroes and teachers told me to be with Recovery Girl just in case someone found us so that we can both be there to help," The large-chested girl explained.
"Deku-Kun?" Ochako asked in alarm, hearing him groan a little, as well as see him moving his head to the side.
"Children!" Imperium's voice called out menacingly. Everybody's heads snapped in the direction it came from and some began to panic.
"We need to run!" Kyoka whispered urgently. Everybody nodded and Katsuki (once again) lifted the now shirtless Izuku onto his back, letting him snuggle up to him again. When Izuku did so, Katsuki actually liked it (not that he would ever admit that).

The group began to creep through he forest, stopping every few minutes to rest for a minute or so, then began to run once again. After they had all exited the forest, they cane upon a clearing. It was there that Izuku finally began to wake up.
"Mmh. Ka... Chan...?" He asked quietly, still half-asleep.
"Wake the hell up, Nerd," Katsuki said, shaking him a little.
"WAKE UP!!" All the Personas shouted into Izuku's head after a minute, which startled him and made him fall to the ground. He sat up, wincing at the pain in his forearm and rubbed his head a little.
"Midoriya-San!" Momo exclaimed, sighing in relief. "We must leave! The Villains are near us!"
"We're right in front of you, darling,"
"Don't call me that," Momo told him.
"Aww. Why? Just because I'm eighteen?"
"This bastard is eighteen?" Sora asked.
"Huh?" Momo muttered in shock.
"And, if you don't mind, I'll just..." Before anyone knew it, Imperium suddenly appeared behind them.

Izuku turned to look at him, but stopped when a hand was placed on his head. The pain was unbearable. Izuku began to scream in pain, the Personas too. The loud screams of pain ripped through the beautiful setting sun.
"Midoriya?!" The teachers shouted. The students could only stare in fear and shock for their classmate and friend, who now gripped his head too. To Izuku, it felt like his brain was being split open. About thirty seconds later, each Person's appeared on the ground, all panting and groaning from the pain.
"N-n...o. You n-need to go b-back i...n," Izuku muttered to them
"We can't! He did something to us!" Nora shouted, gripping her head in pain.
"Jack! Take Chibi and Nora! If anything happens, at least you'll be safe," Kashikoi ordered.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Jack shouted at him, trying to help him stand up, "I'm not leaving you, Sora and Hazama here!"
"Look at us! You three are in better shape than any of us! Just go! Take them and you'll be more helpful than we can be!" Kashikoi created some wires, which pushed the three Personas back.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, Jack! Let's go! You heard the guy!" Jack sighed and nodded.
"Fine. But, you better not die!" He yelled and picked up Nora and Chibi, then began running extremely quickly.
"At least they're safe," Kashikoi muttered to himself before passing out.
"Ka...shi..." Izuku muttered, all energy almost gone from what just happened. The students immediately ran to Izuku, Kashikoi, Sora and Hazama. Ochako and Katsuki crouched next to Izuku, Momo with Hazama, Kyoka with Sora and Tsuyu with Kashikoi.
"I suggest you all stand back," Imperium smirked, but was kicked away into the trees behind him by Shota and Yukito.
"Don't harm my students," Shota growled, glaring at him, his scarf being lifted around him.
"Toga! Now!" Imperium shouted, at which the said girl leaped out of the trees and took a swing at Shota. Yukito immediately pushed him out of the way and turned into a shadow at the last second, which got him a small shallow cut on his face. Yukito became solid again and wiped the blood on his cheek, then smirked.
"Heh. You're stronger than I expected. This'll be challenging," Yukito and Shota got into their fighting stances

~Meanwhile, with Jack, Nora and Chibi~

"We need to see if they're alright!" Chibi cried, clutching onto Jack tightly.
"You heard Kashi! He told us to run!" Nora countered, a frown on her face. It was clear she didn't want to do this either.
"Chibi," Jack muttered, not making eye contact. Chibi knew what Jack wanted to say and decided to shut up.
"Alright," Nora suddenly said, stopping. "I think this is far enough,"
"What do you mean?" Jack asked irritably.
"To rest, dumbass,"
"Guys...?" Chibi asked nervously and quietly, now sitting on the ground, leaning against a thick tree bark, his knees pulled to his chest as tears now silently fell from his eyes.

After around twenty-five minutes, the three finally made up their mind and decided to go help the others out.
"Chibi, you stay in this tree, alright?" Nora asked the young Persona.
"Okay..." The young boy agreed hesitantly and climbed the large tree, sitting on a thick sturdy branch.

The two Personas began to creep back to the clearing, going from tree to tree to keep quiet. When they got to the clearing, a horrible sight greeted them. All the students on the floor, either unconscious or injured, and the teachers bleeding heavily whilst laying on the ground, unciouscious. The Villains were doubled over, panting and holding onto anything to keep themselves upright. The other three Personas were on the ground too, semi-conscious, though. Imperium grinned victoriously, sweat dripping down his face and onto the ground.
"Ha... Ha... Still... Too weak..." He spoke in between his pants.

The two of them looked at Izuku, who was trying to use One For All on his legs to get to Kashikoi, or Sora, or Hazama. Unfortunately, it didn't activate. Imperium got his breath back, then began walking towards Sora, who was unconscious.
"N...No..." Izuku muttered, reaching out and grabbing onto Imperium's foot tightly.
"D...Don't hurt...them..." Izuku muttered, his hair shadowing his eyes.
"Let go," Imperium demanded.
"Don't hurt h-him," Izuku repeated.
"I said..." Imperium began, then swung his leg back. "LET. GO!" Imperium kicked forward, hitting Izuku's stomach like a football and sending him flying into one of the thick trees and knocking the breath out of him, as well as reopening his wound. Izuku groaned, clutching his stomach.

Jack tried to launch himself towards Imperium, but was stopped when green hair blocked his path and wrapped itself around his waist.
"Wha-" When Jack looked over, he saw the poor girl covering her mouth as tears fell down. "Oh,"

Imperium resumed walking towards the three Personas on the ground. He crouched down in front of Sora and put a hand on his head.
"No... Please..." Izuku muttered, tears cascading down his freckled face as he couldn't move from being paralyzed. Imperium's hand began to shine a bright white light and Sora's injuries healed. He stood up. Izuku was happy that he was okay, but immediately let out a cry of terror and sadness when he saw the stoic expression and red eyes that Sora contained. When Imperium was done, Kashikoi and Hazama were the same.
"Come, now. We have work," Imperium said, walking towards Toga, who stood excitedly inside the Warp Quirk user.
"KASHIKOI! HAZAMA! SORA! SNAP OUT OF IT!! PLEASE!! YOU NEED TO..! Please..!" Izuku cried, then felt himself get scooped into a hug, which forced him to looked into the other direction. He immediately recognized the awkward hug to be Katsuki's and began to push away. "Kacchan! Let go! I need to-"
"Shut up! Just calm the fuck down!" Katsuki shouted as they heard the portal close with a small breeze following it. Izuku gave in and cried onto Katsuki's shoulder, getting it wet.
"Izuku..." Nora murmured sadly, her eyes full of guilt. She then remembered that Chibi was still hiding and jumped away, Jack following her quietly, which was very unusual.

The thought that ran through everyone's head was:

'If only I had been stronger. I'm sorry everyone'

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