Chapter Twenty Eight

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, Personalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_, except Nora


"It's right--ngh--here," Toga spoke, pointing weakly as she clutched the noe-stitcged wound on her side, the red marks on her left and right arms now black and blue bruises. Her legs had cuts that were beginning to scab over.
"Toga!" Nora exclaimed, running over. Toga straightened up shakily and raised her hand as a stop, shaking her head.
"I-I'm fine,"

The group of six are currently being led by the injured Toga, who makes seven. An hour or so after she had been Pathhead up, the girl insisted on leading them somewhere. Where? They didn't know. They followed ger anyway after a while of protesting from the group. She was (and is), after all, still injured.


Toga sat beside Izuku and had her hands clutched by her side, not putting any pressure on, but wanting to as the pulsing in the wound made it feel hot and painful.
"Toga-Chan!" Nora exclaimed, slowly and gently removing her hands from the wound as any accidental pressure would reopen it and cause even more searing pain. "Be careful!"
"I'll be...fine... But.. I need to show you all something... Now,"

Izuku and Yukito immediately snapped their heads emstraifht at her and with clear resolve spoke at the same time.
"No way,"
"You're injured! Any Villain ambush means running and fighting. That means reopening your wound!" Izuku added, trying to make Toga see that she could injure herself.
"That doesn't matter! I need to show you this! Chances are they're gonna try to kill me! That means I need to show you before the League does manage to kill me," Toga argued, wincing when she leaned forward.
"See?! You're still in pain!" Nora argued.
"This won't kill me, but the League might,"
"Which is exactly why we should keep you here," Izuku said, his hand clenched tightly around Katsuki's, who was looking on at argument.
"If I was to stay here, we'd be sitting ducks. They'd know where we are and that'd be the perfect moment to kill us all. Don't you see?" Yukito sighed and placed a hand on Izuku's head, then Norma's to quiet them.
"She's got a point. If we go, it'll be harder for the League to locate us and we could dodge them more,"
"That's us. What about the other groups?" Jack, surprisingly, asked.
"We'll tell Nezu and he can come up with something. His Quirk does grant him high IQ after all," Yukito said.

Eventually, everybody ended up agreeing.

* * * * *

"This it?" Yukito asked, looking at a metal trapdoor, camouflaged in the ground.

It had grass all over it and the only way you could know it was there was because there was a small silver knob hidden between the grass. The only reason they found it was because Katsuki had tripped over it.

Toga walked over clumsily and looked down. She crouched, then got on her knees. The palm of her hand rested just over the ground and began to move around. It eventually stopped and she grasped something, turned it and there was a quiet click.
"Yeah. This is it," She said, then lifted her hand up. Nothing happened. She tried again multiple times, but she got the same result.
"Move," Katsuki got in the same position Toga was in previously, latched onto the knob and pulled up as hard as he could. The metal trapdoor let out a loud groan and on the third try gave way. Katsuki had opened it.

The hatch revealed a long staircase with different coloured lanterns lining the wall. After a few seconds, they flickered and came to life one by one, lighting the no longer dark 'pathway'. It went in the order of: pink, purple, blue, purple, pink, and so on. This created a beautiful vibe of a mix of colours that illuminated the stone walls, which had vines, moss and leaves growing over it and in the cracks that littered the wall from the plant life breaking the stone up by force. There was grass and flowers growing along the edges of the divide between the wall and the 'pathway'. There were small cracks on the stairs, but barely noticeable; unlike the ones on the wall.

As everybody crowded around the opening, Toga looked at it sadly.
"Toga...? You alright?" Nora asked sympathetically. The girl in question seemed to snap out of her trance and with a sad smile nodded.
"Well," Toga began, then took a deep breath. "Are you all ready?"

With a unanimous nod, and a nervous sigh escaping Toga's lips, the blonde girl took lead and took a step in. She paused, then carried on, her hand trailing the wall as her eyes closed. The others followed behind her silently.

Toga continued to walk as the lanterns on the sides kindly lit their way, ridding the now-level pathway of darkness.

Once a minute of silent walking passed, the group saw a doorway that allowed light to flood the corridor. Toga then opened her eyes and looked at it with a nervous breath as her eyes widened. Her eyes then narrowed as she slowed down and cancelled out any sound she made. Since Toga seemed to know this place (considering she led them there), everybody copied her.

As the group of seven stalked closer, a rush of warmth coated them and their surroundings like a blanket. They heard a faint content humming from inside that seemed melodical and made them all feel calm and safe. The whole group visibly relaxed, letting their unnoticed once-tense shoulders lower and their muscles not be tense. Some even let out a content sigh while Chibi felt tired, the revelation coming to the group as a yawn.

Toga ignored her obvious relaxation and continued to walk silently.
'This Quirk is... Familiar. It belonged to- it can't be! I watched her die! I watched her be-'

Toga cut her thoughts off as everyone's eyes rested upon a figure with medium-length strawberry blonde hair in a black and white dress that reached to just over her knees. Upon notice of the attention she had garnered as she felt the stares of multiple pairs of eyes, she stopped humming then turned around.

Toga suddenly feel down onto her knees with tears threatening to fall.
"Toga!" The girl exclaimed, then smiled. "Welcome home,"

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