Chapter Twenty Seven

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, Personalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_, except Nora


"But that isn't compatible with our abilities! It'd be like creating something without the requirements! Not to mention it'd be too chaotic!" Izuku argued. Nora sighed.
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
"I think overall it's fine, but we should tweak it so that we make sure the attack is concentrated on one spot and won't cause too much mayhem,"
"All right. How about this. Instead of-"
"How about we talk about this at the apartment," Yukito suggested, having enough with their mutual bickering.
"Okay. We have papers and things we can draw diagrams and write notes on anyway," Nora mentioned, smiling brightly.
"That's true. We're about five minutes away, anyway," Izuku grinned and looked at the few fluffy snow-white clouds in the pale blue sky. He suddenly frowned, catching the attention of Katsuki, who still had a slight blush in his face.

Katsuki shuffled over to Izuku and looked at his face, noticing the sad look in his big emerald eyes.
"What's wrong, Deku?" He asked, surprisingly, softly and quietly as to not get the attention of the others.
"It's sad..."
"What is?"
"The fact that no matter how beautiful something looks, something is always there to ruin it. I'm the light there will always be darkness and in creation there must be destruction. Heh. It's almost poetic," Izuku smiled sadly.
"Hey..." Katsuki whispered, putting a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Don't think like that," Izuku sighed, then smiled slightly, putting his own hand on Katsuki's.
"Alright," There was a ghost of a smile on the Ash blonde's face. He dropped his hand down and took Izuku's, then squeezed it comfortingly.

Letting out a squeak of surprise, Izuku blushed and suddenly found the ground interesting.
"Izuku?" Nora asked, hearing his squeak and seeing his red face. She then smirked and continued walking, putting her hands behind her head and interlocking them as a makeshift 'head rest'.

* * * * *

When they made it home, Izuku walked to his room after greeting his mother and took some papers.
"I made you all some lunch," She said, placing some bowls of miso ramen around the coffee table.
"Thanks mom!" Izuku exclaimed, kissing her cheek. She smiled brightly and handed him his ramen as he sat down, placing the pens and papers on the bottom part of the table underneath the top part (where the ramen bowls are).

Inko smiled and sat down next to her son.
"I hope none of this Hero work is too much for all of you. I'd hate to see you all being too worked," Yukito gave a calm smile and waves his hand dismissively.
"Oh no, no. We're fine. Thank you for the food Ms Midoriya,"
"Now what did I say about that? I told you, just Inko is fine," The female greenette mother spoke playfully, smiling the whole time.
"Of course... Inko,"

When it was sunset, the young team of Heroes-In-Training and Pro Hero were sitting on the carpet in a circle. Inko was busy writing a report for her job.
"So, as I was sayi-" A frantic knocking interrupted them. It cut through the air like a knife.

Izuku's big green innocent eyes narrowed as he stalked towards the door which was now rattling on its hinges, which looked like they were about to break, with an outstretched hand. Katsuki followed him, ready to protect him if the need arises and watches suspiciously as Izuku grasps the handle. The greenette unlocks the door and you could barely see the girl that charged into the house, tears streaming down her face as she shook in terror.
"Close the door! Close the door! Close the door!" She screamed frantically. Izuku did as requested and heard a thud and a curse from outside, and then a heavy pounding.
"Open the door, kid! I know you're there!" The pounding continued until it became more forceful and threatening, a sound that vibrated into their ears and discreetly promised death upon meeting.

Everybody tensed and Yukito came over to help push the door back. After ten minutes passed, the banging ceased and silence washed over everyone like a thick blanket; they didn't know what to do next or if the person would be coming back.

Once the group made sure nobody was there, they turned to the girl that hugged her knees while pulling them towards her chest.
"Toga?" Izuku asked. She looked up with teary, glossed-over eyes and accidentally let the tears she had kept in this entire time out when she saw the concern and worry in the sixteen year old's eyes. She didn't even feel the pain from all of the adrenaline pumping through her body like a flme that can't be put out. "What happened?"

Toga swallowed and tried to speak, but all that came out was a hoarse whimper.
"I'll get you some water," Izuku said, heading into th kitchen area and piuring some water into a glass cylinder-shaped cup. Toga chugged it down like she hadn't drank anything for days, then wiped her mouth.
"The League. They found out. They found out and they didn't hold back. They did this," She lifted her hands from the side of her abdomen, showing the crimson coloured clothing that was started to dribble blood onto the carpet she sat on.
"Get the med kit from the bathroom," Yukito said, crouching down next to Toga.

He led her onto a wooden kitchen chair, just as Inko walked into the room, saw Toga's blood-covered stab wound, and ran over immediately.
"Oh no, what happened?!" She exclaimed worriedly. Nora came back with a medkit, put it down on the ground beside Inko and sceptically looked at Toga.

Inko took some things out of the medkit and began to dress the wound. She first cleaned it, however.
"So, what exactly happened, Toga?" Izuku asked, crouched in front of her as she was looking down. She looked at the greenette and took a deep breath.
"When the League found out that I came to you-"
"Wait, WHAT?!" Jack and Katsuki shouted in shock.
"Shut up you two," Nora blinked them both on the head, much to their annoyance.
"Anyway, when they found out, they basically interrogated me and proceeded to torture me before they would kill me, since our rule is 'traitors must suffer'. The League tortures traitors to make sure they're scared and become traumatised so they don't leak any information. If they come to the conclusion that the person isn't affected  by the torture and won't be traumatised, they kill them. I just barely manage to get away. Now I'm a target," Toga said, looking down sadly.
"Don't worry," Yukito said, smiling at her gently as he rested a hand on her tensed shoulder. "We'll protect you,"

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