Chapter 8

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A/N: Yeah I know I suck, but thanks to getting 100 followers I've decided to update my stories :D

Recap? Avi and Kirstie went out to dinner so she could make it up to him for posting about him on her blog. Unfortunately she took him to a vegetarian restaurant and he just about threw a tantrum so the waitress "blackmailed" them for a photo. We pick up from there...

Chapter 8

@gabby_girl_12: 'You'll never believe who I got a photo with at work tonight XD Kirstie Maldonado and Avi Kaplan #kavi'

@AviK_no1FAN: '@gabby_girl_12 no way! Are they together or something??? I SHIP IT #kavi

@Bellasfella4: 'There's no way @AviK_no1FAN they're polar opposites'

@AviK_no1FAN: 'Ever heard of Romeo and Juliet @Bellasfella4 #kavi'



Avi steps up to the door of his car, unlocks it and gets in quickly.
     Kirstie taps on the window, getting his attention then points at the lock.
     With a roll of his eyes he leans over to unlock her door too.
     "I think you're being ridiculous Avi," Kirstie says as she gets in. "The food is really good there, what does it matter if there's no meat?"
     "I don't like vegetables, I don't eat vegetables. So what am I supposed to do at a restaurant that only sells vegetables?"
     "Grow up."
     "You're telling me to grow up?! You tweet about going to the bathroom."
     "I do not!" she yells.
     "Uh yeah you did."
     "No I didn't!"
     "There was an article, I saw it, I didn't read it, but it was there," Avi turns to fully face her as much as he can in the seat of his car.
     "NO! I didn't!" She screams before her hands shoot up to her mouth, "Oh no I did," she mumbles.
     "Oh sorry, didn't hear you saying I was right," he smirks as he turns back to the wheel and starts up the car.
     "I hate you."
     "The feelings mutual."
     They drive for a small while as they start to get closer to Kirstie's house.
     "You're going the wrong way," she says after a long silence.
     "No I'm not."
     She sighs, "Avi, I know where I live."
     "I'm not taking you home."
     She jumps in her seat, back against the door with the seat belt cutting into her shoulder,      "Where are you taking me, please don't kill me, I don't really hate you I just said that because I was mad!"
     Avi half turns his head, but gives his full attention back to the road. He reaches out to tap her on the leg, "Sit properly, and don't hurt the door. We're going to get some food, barbeque, real barbeque and by that I mean meat."
     "How do you know I'm not a vegetarian?" She slides back into the seat.
     "Because that seems like something you would have mentioned on your blog, and you didn't so we're going to a real barbeque restaurant."
     "Is it good?"
     "The best. I own it."
     Kirstie slowly turns to him, "You own a restaurant?"
     He nods, "Yeah, why is that such a thing?"
     "It's not, I'm just surprised is all. I never would have thought you'd own a restaurant, how did that come about?"
     "I bought it from my brother when he was struggling with it and the divorce and everything before he just left," Avi shrugs like it was nothing.
     "Right, that sounds like quite the story," she frowns, running her hands over her skirt, smoothing it out as she avoids looking at him.
     "Sorry if that was too much, but you did ask."
     "Can I ask what you mean by he just left?"
     "No you can't."
     "Oh. But he didn't kill himself right?"
     "Oh no, no he's still alive, well at least I'm pretty sure he is we just don't know where he is or what he's doing or why he had to leave us," he trails off a little, speaking quieter, almost sounding hurt as he went back to silently focusing on his driving.
     "Oh," she sighs, turning to look out the window as they drove.
     They pulled up in front of a small building, slightly away from a block of shops and restaurants that were bustling with people and noise. This place seemed quiet but Kirstie could see it was full, would they be able to get a seat?
     Don't be stupid Kirstie, he owned the place, he probably had a table on permanent reserve.
Avi helps Kirstie up the larger than usual curb, held the door for her and guided her in, giving her a warm smile as he did. Maybe he wasn't so mad about the vegetarian barbeque anymore, that or he was too excited for real barbeque.
     Just about every table was full and the place just oozed comfort and family.
     "Where are we going?" Kirstie asks as Avi goes straight towards some double doors and away from the diners.
     "The kitchen. Might as well do a surprise check while I'm here."
     "Hey Avi, you putting on a show tonight?" one of the waiters asks.
     "Not tonight Greg, but ask Kirstie nicely, she might," he turns another smile on her.
     "I'd only perform if he did," she points at the confident guy in front of her and follows him through the door. "I expected there to be more people," she says quietly as they come across the small kitchen staff of four.
     "You don't need many when you have the best. And I like to come here sometimes and help out."
     "You cook too?"
     "Would you quit acting so surprised Kirstin! Geez, I'm not only a talented musician you know," he laughs.
     "And here I was thinking you were more humble than that," she smiles.
     "Well you were thinking wrong miss," one of the chefs speaks.
     Kirstie smiles as Avi and the rest of the staff laugh, she can't help but join in.
     "So you wanting the ribs tonight Avi? Or it's not really a date food I guess."
     "Oh it's not a date, I'll have the ribs. What do you want Kirstie?" he turns to her.
     "Um, well I'll have the same," she looks across at Avi.
     "You want the half size or the full?" Avi asks.
     "What are you having?"
     "The full."
     "Then I will too."

A/N: You see I have a bit of a problem with this story. This is the one I'm using for my manuscript for class, I'm just changing the names out. But the problem is that writing this is difficult because they keep wanting me to add to what I have and put in backstory and that kind of thing, so it then becomes confusing writing this one with no back story. This why I don't really update this one, it's so confusing :P So I'm sorry but I don't know how often I'll update this one.
      As a consolation (if anyone cares that much, lol :P) I'll start posting a new story sometime in the near future , I hope that's okay :)


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