Chapter 9

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A/N: Surprise! I wrote it for class, and obviously it's a continuation but none of my class mates have seen it yet, so it's technically unedited, hope you like :)

Chapter 9

Avi couldn't believe how well Kirstie was doing, he almost wanted to stop and watch in awe but somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that'd probably come off as weird.
    When Kirstie came to the halfway point of her plate she had to slow down, she wasn't feeling   good, but she'd told him she'd eat the full, so she was going to eat the full. She looks up at the man across from her and gives him a smile, then quickly covers her mouth with her hand that wasn't occupied by a meat bone.
    "Is something wrong?" Avi asks.
     "Nothing, just I can feel the meat in my teeth that must have been the most disgusting smile you've seen," she nervously laughs.
     Avi shakes his head, "You're eating, I wouldn't expect any less." He gives her a big cheesy smile, then goes back to eating, a small smile still stuck on his face.
     "Good to know," she nods and turns back to her plate, eyeing up the full bones that were still there. At least she was doing better than Avi, although she noted he could just be a slow eater, savouring the food while she's just inhaling it.
     She had two options here, one eat the ribs and prove her point, two admit defeat and look like a loser, one of them was not happening, she was going to have to power through. Kirstie sits up straight and picks up another rib, biting into it. Glancing up at Avi he's so focused on his own food that he wasn't paying attention to her, at least he hadn't noticed her struggle.
     But she wasn't used to this, this eating on a date, well they'd eat but they'd talk too, her and Avi were just eating but then again it wasn't actually a date. But maybe if they were talking it would be like stalling and she'd end up with more room in her stomach?
     She slowly finishes the rib she was eating and spares another glance at Avi, he'd eaten three, had she really been that slow? She puts the bone down and leans back in her seat.
     "Admitting defeat?" he asks through a mouthful.
     "Never," she sighs half-heartedly.
     He picks up a serviette and wipes at his hands, "Well I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick."
     "Now look who's announcing going to the bathroom," she smiles.
     "I'm not announcing it, I'm just telling you because getting up and just going would be rude." He stands up with a shake of his head and a smile on his face.
     "Fine," he laughs with her as he walks off.
      She watches him go then the second she can't see him anymore she takes a rib from her plate and puts it on his, then another and another. With only three left on her plate she picks one up and continues to eat, she could make it through these last three.
     Kirstie is almost finished with her third to last rib when Avi gets back. She watches him carefully, just how long would it take him to notice. He just picks up a rib and starts eating, like nothing was wrong, she had been sure he'd notice three extra ribs.
      Avi eats those three and then continues on through his own, and Kirstie slowly nibbles on her last two eventually reaching the end a few minutes before Avi. She didn't know if she should bring up the fact he just ate those extra ones no problem or not, but she had to admit she was somewhat impressed.
     "Now you go and sing," he says before he takes a sip of his drink then points over at the stage.
     Her eyes widen, "What? No!"
     "Yeah, you sing, I'll play. Teamwork."
     "We don't know the same kinds of music Avi," she shakes her head.
     "Just trust me." He takes another sip of his beer as he stands up. "Come on," he offers her his free hand and pulls along towards the small stage set up in the corner of the restaurant. A speaker, a couple of microphones and a guitar stand, absent of guitar and a couple of bar stools.       "Stand there," he helps her up the large step, "Or set it up, tell a joke, your choice, I'll go get my guitar. And hold this," he hands her his nearly empty beer bottle.
     "Okay," she nods, taking then looking up at the people that were starting to turn towards the stage, she gives them a nervous smile. A few phones come out and she can see the flashes of the few pictures being taken.
     Kirstie feels a hand tap her arm and turns to find a young girl, she must have been about seven or eight, standing there with her arm out and a serviette in her hand.
     "You got sauce all over your face Kirstie."
     With wide eyes she almost snatches it from the little girl, "Thank you," she says into the serviette as she furiously wipes at her face.
      "My mom wants to take a photo of us, can we please?" the little girl asks.
     "Yeah sure," Kirstie smiles crouching beside the girl who was stood off the stage, making them the same height. The girls mom quickly takes a photo and steps aside as Avi comes past carrying his guitar.
     "Where was that?" Kirstie asks.
     "The office," he pulls the bar stool across and then the other beside it, the two microphones and sits down on his stool next to the guitar stand.
     "And thanks for telling me my face was covered in barbeque sauce by the way Avi," she gives him a look which he replies to with a smile.
     "I thought you looked good like that, and besides it was payback for making me eat those three extras. I enjoyed them, but I'm a little uncomfortable now."
     "Only a little? I feel like I might throw up."
     "Well if you do, do it in that direction," he points across the stage, away from himself before he turns his microphone on, and leans across to turn on Kirstie's.
     She sits down, turning to him, "What are we singing?" She looks out at the diners as more of them turn their attention to the stage and more phones come out, she was surprised Avi hadn't told them to put them away yet.
     Without answering her Avi starts to play.
     "Avi," she hisses."
     Continuing to play, a smirk on his face he concentrates on his playing.
     Kirstie smiles nervously at the diners, listening to Avi play, trying to figure out what it was so she could sing the words.
      He starts a low hum, adding another tune to the song. Her head snaps around, eyes wide and he finally looks up at her and she starts to sing the words to her song Title. She would have never in a million years thought he'd know how to play one of her songs. And he played it so well, like he'd practiced and practiced, he'd learnt it and she almost couldn't believe it.
     Kirstie had never really liked acoustic music, she found it boring, but the way Avi played was interesting to her. He was playing a pop song, and in some ways it still sounded like a pop song, it was still very much her pop song, but then again it sounded nothing like it. She loved it. Just the guitar and two sets of vocals, she could make an album like this, it would never happen but she could see herself doing it if she had the opportunity.
     Avi strummed the last chord and she trailed off with a smile, turning it on him. She hugs him after he's put down his guitar, and it probably lasts a couple of seconds too long but she sure no one would have really noticed. The diners clapped them off the stage, and Kirstie stopped to take a couple more photos with fans while Avi snuck off to put his guitar away.
     Everything calmed down quickly and Kirstie made her way back to the table that had been hers and Avi's and sat back down. She tapped on the table as she waited for him to come back, she resisted the urge to pull out her phone, she hadn't tweeted in a while, what if her fans started to worry?
     Social media thoughts were pushed aside when Avi returned a drink for each of them.
     "When did you learn that then?" she asks before she takes a sip of the beer handed to her. She struggled not to make a face, she didn't normally drink beer, she preferred the fruitier drinks.
     He shrugs, "A couple of weeks ago, I thought one of your songs wasn't so bad and then I realised it would sound so much better like that so I tried it out."
     "Oh thanks," she says sarcastically.
     "You're welcome," he tips his bottle slightly to point the top of it at her then turns it back to take a sip.
     They continued to drink and chat, he mostly gave her a few tips on how to improve her songs, that she listened to. She was interested, it'd never happen, but maybe one day her and Avi could mess around with them for fun. She knew he didn't like pop music, but he'd taken the time to listen to all her songs that just so happened to be pop, and she couldn't even begin to explain how happy that made her feel. It also meant that she'd have to go home and listen to all his immediately.
   She'd heard a few of his songs, like the Grammy winner and a couple of others that had made it onto the radio, but nothing to the extent that he had hers. He almost knew some of the lyrics better than she did, like the fans she sang to except he really knows music and she loved listening to him talk about it.
     She also knew that she was very glad he was doing all the talking because if she tried to speak she was worried it might not be words that came out, those ribs were starting to do a number on her. And when she came to think of it she couldn't actually remember half of what he'd just said.
      "Can we go," Kirstie just manages, looking up at him, she holds her hand near her mouth, "I don't feel good."
     Avi nods, "Uh, Yeah." He stands up and walks with Kirstie quickly out of the restaurant.
     Kirstie's heels click to the car with Avi close behind, he unlocks her door then starts to walk around to his side to unlock his own.
     Kirstie opens her door just before Avi gets to his side and before she can get in she throws up all over the seat.

A/N: Dun Dun Dun, Avi's car!!! :O

What did you guys think, your comments really mean the world me :)


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