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"Hey, you want to go out tonight?" Chris asked me

"Sure. Where we goin?"

"Where would you like to go?"

"There's this cool movie coming but...but it's a chick flick."

"What's it called?"

"Brain & Brawn."

"Is it what you want to see?" He asked

"Yes, I've been dying for it to come out."

"Then that's what we'll see. We'll make a date night out of it. After the movie I'll take you out to dinner. How does that sound?"

I smiled.

"Sounds great."

"Alright. Let's get on the computer and check movie times. I'll make reservations for about 10."

"Sounds good."

We did everything needed and then we made plans.After securing tickets and a table, He went home to change and I hopped in the shower to get cleaned up, as well as pack a bag. It seems that I'd be staying with him tonight. I was excited that finally we were going on another date. A few hours later, he returned and we were soon on the way to the theater.

"You look nice." I said

He had put on a black collared shirt, some dark jeans, and some nice combat styled boots.

"Thank you amour. I like what you have on as well. That new perfume you're wearing smells great."

It was a flower based perfume from Bath and Body Works.

"Well you are the one that gave it to me."

"Aren't I thoughtful?" He teased

"Yes you are." I smiled

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and even got a quick one on his lips.

"You seem happy."

"I am. We're gonna have a good time tonight."

"Right you are my lady."

We pulled into the movie theater and parked. After we got out, we took each others hands and walked into the building. We got out tickets and walked into the theater, sitting in the very back. We sat through the preemptive trivia questions to keep us occupied before the trailers came on. We had gotten there a little early.

"You were right, it was Bruce Willis."

"Yeah, and now you owe me ten dollars." I teased

"In your dreams." He teased back

We talked and answered the trivia questions until the previews finally started.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get me something to drink, you want anything."

"Mountain dew if you don't mind."

"You got it beautiful." He whispered back, kissing me on the cheek.

I wore a huge smile on my face as I watched him disappear down the stairs and then around the corner. I set in and watched the previews until he came back. After ten minutes, he was sitting next to me and the movie was beginning.

"Your soda m'lady." He whispered, passing it over to me

"Thank you." I said, taking a long sip

"Long line?" I asked him

"Like you wouldn't believe," he chuckled. "What'd I miss?"

"Just the introduction. And the name of the movie already was made known."

"How so?"

"The boy of the movie is this huge genius on his way to Harvard...that's the Brain of the title. And the girl, a star soccer player, yet not that bright, is the Brawn."

"So the whole movie has reversed gender roles, a dichotomy if you will?"

I looked over at him surprised.

"Uh...y-yeah. How'd you know that English wiz?"

"I was good at English as a kid, I even have a degree in lit."

"Well yes, what you just said is correct."

"Hm, so how do these two even become acquainted?"

"Well of course she needs tutoring to stay on the team. And the rest is history. But hey, looks like it should be a good movie." I said back

Once the movie was over, we walked out of the movie theater satisfied.

"Okay I for one wasn't expecting that ending."

"Yeah, I like how Allie got into Harvard with Brian, yet, she dumps him afterwards."

"You can't trust anybody. Obviously she was using him."

"Obviously. Alright pretty girl, let's go to the restaurant. "

"The Cheesecake Factory's milkshakes are to die for. What do you say?"

"I say we should've been there ten minutes ago. Let's go!" I said excitedly

He drove us to the Cheesecake Factory and we got out of the car.

"I hope we get seats. This place is usually packed on weekends."

"We made reservations remember?"

He stopped for a second and then seemed to remember, with a slight shake of his head.

"That's right. Heh, I'm sorry." He said humorously and embarrassed.

"Aw sweetie that's alright, it happens to the best of us."

"Yeah...you're right." He said uneasily

I kissed his cheek and saw him smile a little.

"Now come on, let's get there. I'm dying to have their four cheese pasta. What do you want to get?"

"They have good salmon." He said quietly

"Hm, that sounds good baby."

After dinner and with milkshakes in hand, and a big slice of cheesecake, we walked back to the car, smiles on our faces.

"Man that was good." He said once we got into the car

"It was. Thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome Amour." He smiled

He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before starting up his car and driving us back to his place. I like his apartment, it was comfortable, not too overly done or anything.

"So, are you sleepy or do you want to do something else?"

"What 'something else' do you have in mind?"

"Not that, thinking maybe we could sit and talk or something."

"Hmmm, or we could play a game." I smirked

"You got any games in mind?"

"That depends. Got any alcohol besides wine?"

"I have some tequila and vodka."

"Alright. What about a deck of cards?"

"Uno or Playing cards?"

"Duh, Uno!" He said excitedly

"Seems like we have a card game on our hands."

"Sweet. Well first, let's get in our pajama's."

"You first." I smirked

"Since you're scared, I will go first." He teased, kissing me on the cheek and walking away

I waited for him to finish, and a few seconds later, he was back out, wearing boxers....and nothing else. I'd never get over just how good his tanned body looked. He even tussled his hair, which now laid messily, yet fashionably across his head in a great bed headed look. My mouth went dry and i blushed quietly.

"Your turn amour."

"Right." I said with a small smile

I got up from the couch quietly and carefully while he watched me go towards his room. I felt his eyes on me until I shut the door behind me. Shaking off the nervous energy, I dressed in my own clothes and then soon emerged. He was sitting on the couch, pouring shots and shuffling cards.

"Ah, looks who's back. And just in time too."

He started dealing and then I took my hand, looking at my cards carefully. I had a great hand.

"Now here are the rules: For every card I match, you take a drink. But if I have to pluck two or four cars, I take a shot. Deal?" He asked

I smirked.

"You're on."


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