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I walked into the office the next day, heels clicking on the marble floors. I had my briefcase in hand and my head held high. I still couldn't believe that I was here. I remembered the interview process too well. Talk about awkward.

I remembered waking up at Chris's place well rested but with a knotted and queasy stomach. Chris woke up soon after me sensing my discomfort.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked

"Yeah...I'm fine." I said quietly

"You'll do great today. Just remember your strong points."

"That's not what I'm worried about." I said quietly

"You're worried about seeing him again?"

" me this was my last resort."

"I know that. But you got this in the bag alright?"

"'re right."

He kissed my cheek and shoulder.

"I know I am. You'll wow them amour. Now let's get you up and dressed alright?"


I slowly stalked from the bed and walked into his bathroom. I showered, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. I put it into a twist out style and then dabbed a little perfume in different places and stepped out of the bathroom, towel cinched tightly around me. I came out to see my outfit sitting on the bed, pressed and ready to go. I even smelled food in the kitchen cooking. I got dressed quickly and met him in the kitchen.

"Well look at you, beautiful as always." He smiled

I blushed.

"Thank you."

"How long until your interview?"

"I have an hour to kill."

"Oh good, sit down, I made breakfast."

"Awh Chris, you didn't have to do this." I said quietly

"I wanted to. Now sit, eat. I cooked pancakes and bacon and sausage."

He set a steaming plate in front of me and a fork and knife.

"Eat." He murmured, kissing the side of my head

And eat I did. After I finished, I washed my plate and sat it in the drain. I went to go hug and kiss him.

"Thank you for breakfast." I said

"You're welcome. Wow them, you got this. Alright?" He said

I smiled and nodded.

"That's my girl. I'll see you later."

He kissed me one last time and sent me on my way. I remembered pulling into the parking lot a bit on edge. But I breathed through it and cut the engine, getting out of my car and walking inside with confidence. As soon as I entered the lobby I saw Leo standing there, waiting. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he smiled.

"Ah Ellie, right on time."

We shook hands.

"Hello Mr. Calavry."

"Hm, Mr. Calavry huh?" He asked amused

"Yes. Shall we get this started?" I asked politely

He smirked.

"Of course, Miss Coleman. Right this way."

I followed behind him into a small room with an elegant couch, eggshell colored walls, and a variety f paintings. He stepped aside and let me walk in first and I thanked him as he came behind me and closed the door. The room had a big window that you could look into, I guess to make sure there was no funny business. Heart pounding and anxiety sky high, I sat down onto the couch, legs together and hands placed on top of my lap. Reserved, protective, and respective. He sat down in a chair across from me, note pad in hand, no doubt one holding the resume I was required to fax for this interview.

"Alright. So Mrs. Coleman, I see that you have some outstanding references on here. Since you were the partner of this practice, you also got that under your belt, and also your stint in the Peace Corps adds even more weight. You graduated the top of your class in college, was apart of The National Beta Club and also The National Honors Society. I have to say, very impressive."

"Thank you, sir."

His green eyes flitted to mine in a quick flash of some type of emotion. Was that lust I saw? Whatever it was, it disappeared when he looked back down to his paper. Then the realization hit me: I had called him sir. But it was a reflex to show respect to ANY man, not just my former Dominant. The interview lasted for at least an hour, and then it as over. With promises that I'd get called about my position. I thanked him and I left as quickly as I could.

"Ah Ellie, glad I caught you."

"Mr. Calavry, what can I do for you?"

"You know you can call me Leo right?"

"I know, but I'd like to keep it professional if you don't mind."

He sighed. We had had this conversation many times, and each time I never changed my resolve. The more I distanced myself from him, the better. And that started with taking the personal approach out of our meetings. And so far it was working perfectly.

"Sure. I uh, have a new patient for you."

"Awesome. Who is it?"

"You remember our good friend Olivia right?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well she's a bit older now, just turned eighteen, and I think you'd be a better fit for her."

"Sure, I don't mind taking her."

"Excellent. She'll be in to see you at three."


I walked away towards my office when I heard him tell me to wait. I looked back at him.

"Yes?" I asked

"You look nice today." He said

"Thank you." I said, a bit put off

I turned around, trying to fight the blush that attacked my cheeks and went to my office to await Olivia.


After a long day at work, I decided to slip out of my heels and put on some comfortable slip on's. I cut out my office lamp and grabbed my stuff, leaving. I called Christopher and walked to my car at the same time.

"Hey amour, how was work?"

"It was good. How was work for you?"

"Meh, same old same old. But I missed you."

"I missed you too." I smiled

I started digging around my purse for my keys.

"Is there anything I need to pick up from the store for you?"

"Uh....some milk and eggs. But you don't have to go, I'll get them."

"Nonsense, I'm already out. I'll get that for you."

"Alright. Love you amour, and thank you."

"You're welcome. See you in a little bit."

I hung up my phone and turned to my car when I heard a click and felt something cold and hard pressed against my temple. I froze.

"Give me your purse." The gruff voice growled

Wordlessly I passed my purse over to the assailant and waited for him to leave. But unfortunately he didn't.

"You smell nice." He whispered, pressing his nose into my hair

I let out a shaky breath full of fear and stood stoic.

"Please, let me go. I've given you my money and phone and keys. My car is right there, just take it."

"Hmm, I don't know, I think I'd like to take you instead."

I felt him rub the muzzle of what I assumed was the gun slowly down my neck and down the small of my back. He roughly turned me around and pressed me against the hood of my car, hiking up my skirt.

"Stop that! Please don't do this!"

"If you're quiet then I won't hurt you. But scream and you'll get it."

I tried to get away and run, but he grabbed me and pushed me against the car. I swiped at his face trying to get him to let go of me, but he punched me in retaliation. My head wrenched to the side and I saw stars, the heat quickly burning my face. He smacked me and I fell to the ground. Then all I felt is the assault in my side and ribs. Each kick more forceful than the last. I tasted blood.

"I warned you bitch!" He growled

He picked me up, loopy, discombobulated, and dizzy, and pushed me against the car, this time with my butt facing him. I heard the harsh crack of the gun being cocked, and then it harshly being pushed against my temple.

"You'll pay for that." He growled

He forced my skirt up and pulled my panties down. I screamed the loudest I could, and just when I thought all hope was lost, I heard a groan and felt the pressure of his body lifted off of me. I heard a blow land and quickly turned around to see another figure beating the guy up. My ears were ringing but the adrenaline was pumping and I stood in horror watching. Once the guy went down, the figure came over to me quickly.

"Stay back!" I yelled

"Ellie? Are you alright?" I heard a voice ask concerned

I realized it was Leo. I felt the dizziness overtake me just a little bit more. He was by my side in a millisecond.

"Look at me, can you speak?" He asked, holding the sides of my face

It was as if he was talking to me through a tunnel, my vision slowly getting blacker with each passing second.

"Ellie, how many fingers and I holding up?" He asked frantic

I fell against my car heavily and tried holding myself up. The ringing was louder. I couldn't focus on him, and urgently he grabbed me to keep me from falling to the ground.

"Ellie!" He yelled alarmed

I couldn't respond.

"That's it I'm calling 911."

"No I...I'm-"

Stars clouded my vision and I saw the picture spin. And the next thing I know, I'm falling against him out cold.


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