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About a month later,  I was feeding Amari and rocking her in the rocking chair when my mom knocked on the open door.

"Knock knock." 

My parents had been staying in our guest room for about two months now and I was really starting to wonder when they would be leaving. After that talk Leo and I had with them, nothing really changed. And for about a month, they didn't speak to me. If they did it was just to say a simple hello and goodbye

As my mom entered the room I looked up at her warily before looking back down at my baby.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" 

"Yeah, my little angel."

It got quiet for a few minutes before my mother spoke.


"Mom look, if you're gonna go off on another rampage about how much of an embarrassment I am to you and dad, please don't do it in front of my daughter."

They had already did it in front of my husband. And boy did it sting.

Alori unlatched and I started to burp her, not looking my mom in the eyes. We talked that day but it barely scratched the surface. I held back on a lot of things that I wanted to say, and today they would definitely get said.

"Ellie that's not what I came in here for."

"I bet." I scoffed

"Look, hear me out: Now yes I'm not....happy that you aren't married-"

"Leo and I are engaged." I interjected

"--before having a child. But I am happy that she's here." She finished like I didn't interrupt her.

I stayed quiet and continued to burp my child.

"Ellie why are you so...cold towards me? I thought you would be happy to see us. We haven't seen you in five long years. You've grown so much since-"

"Because I'm not trying to hear about how you wish you had a smarter daughter every five minutes."

Alori finally burped and I placed her in her crib, doing up my breast flap as I did so . Leo had done such a great job on this room. I was in a mood to make him something, maybe a cake.

"Let's go into my room, I don't want to wake my daughter."

We walked into my room and after the door shut, I released my tirade. 

"Ellie I never wished for a smarter daughter, You are great the way you are."

"Yes, you have! What, now that I'm no longer under you and dads oppressive thumbs all of a sudden the backpedaling starts? Well no, you don't get that luxury!Those days where you drilled information into my head over and over again to make sure I learned it for some stupid test or beat me with ruler's just because I missed a fact or didn't do it 'perfect' enough for you and dad! Or how about not too long ago when you and dad were talking about me and Leo like we weren't even next door. I heard everything. Leo will be a great husband to me and is a wonderful father to Alori. You guys just took my life and made it so cheap by dissecting it and making me look like I lost. Yes, I know you wanted me to marry a black man and be married before I had children, but Leo is mine and I am his and he loves me the way I am! Even in all of my mess and my destructive behaviors and my depression over never feeling good enough because of you two, He loves me! I don't have to be a genius to get his love. I don't have to be perfect for him! It's a shame my own parents made it seem that to be loved I always had to be top notch."

"We just wanted to make sure you had the best life possible. And look where you are! You have a successful husband and a private practice. Though me and your father would've preferred you marry a black man, we're happy you found someone that loves you. We like you the way you are."

"Bullshit!" I yelled

"Ellie, I know you are mad at me but I am still your mother and you will respect me!"

"No, this needs to be said! You just wanted to make me your carbon copy. Did you know that I barely had any friends because of you!? For years I grew up isolated and alone because I was always taught that being number one in life was all or none. I grew up sequestered in the house or in school. You guys never let me actually go hang out with friends or just be a normal teenager. And then, you made me go to college two years early! I missed prom and graduation with my friends because of you!"

I was breathing hard and couldn't seem to catch my breath.

"I'm never going to be a MIT physicist or a MENSA member, but I'm doing the job that I love. Even that wasn't good enough for you either. The only reason you seem to entertain the idea is because we have a private practice."

I sat down as it became harder for me to breathe. I gripped my chest and grabbed at my clothes. My mom started freaking out.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" She panicked

"I can't...breathe." I wheezed

"Oh my god. Leo, Leo come here please! Ellie can't breathe!" My mother hollered,running to open the door

Leo burst in in no time looking around frantically and then centering his eyes on me, walking into the room.

"What's going on in here?" He asked sternly, giving my mom the sly side eye.

He looked over at me as tears blurred my vision and was soon crouched in front of me.

"Deep breaths for me baby, that's it." Leo coached me

I did as he asked.

"Focus on me like we practiced."

"What's wrong with her? Should I call an ambulance?" My mother asked panicked

"No. She's having a panic attack. It'll pass soon." Leo said calmly

"Els, keep looking at me."

I looked at him and he rubbed the sides of my arms. The act soothed me and I closed my eyes. Not too long later, my breathing returned to normal.

"Thank you." I whispered shakily

"No problem. You okay?" He asked, wiping my tears

I nodded quickly and he kissed my forehead.

"That's my girl." He smiled

"Ellie are you okay?" My mom asked once more

"Maybe you should step out for a bit Mrs Coleman. I'll handle it from here."

"Nonsense, she's my daughter!"

"Mom just go."

She gave me a wounded look and slowly left the room.

"I'm sorry." Leo murmured, possibly alluding to finding my parents and bringing them here in the first place

"No....I needed to say it. It's been long overdue. And trust me, I have plenty more to say to her."

"Know what we should do?" He asked


"Let's get out of here huh?"

And then, the atmosphere changed and got light again.

"What about Alori?"

"Let's drop her off with Katie. You know she's been trying to babysit for at least a month now. Even before she got here."

"I'll call and see what she says."

"Let's just go on a run, please? I need to shed the baby weight like yesterday."

"Oh stop that, you look fine. But a run could burn off some stress. I'm game for that."

"Then okay, let's go for a run."

He got up from in front of me and went to go call Katie who happily agreed to watch her niece. After that, Leo and I got dressed and got Alori ready. We walked down the stairs together, looking like a family and saw my parents in the kitchen.

"Where are you two off to?"

"On a run. We're taking Amari to her aunts house."

"Nonsense, just leave her with us. We'd like to get to know our granddaughter." My father said

"And let you ruin her self esteem before she has one? No thanks." I said bitterly

My father looked at me with those eyes full of contempt, the same look he always gave me when he was upset with me.

"Come on Leo, let's go." I said

"Ellie please!" My mom called after us

But the door was already shut. Literally and figuratively.


"Can you believe them? They have the nerve to talk about who I'm with!" Ellie vented as we ran through the wooded trail.

"Why are you letting them get to you? Ellie, you are wonderful. Who cares what they have to say?"

"Unfortunately me. I can't believe how prejudiced they sounded talking about you like that."

"Ellie you know how it is. Race is a huge powder keg right now. With all of the killings of young black people by the police and the racism and just plain ridiculous happenings in the world, I see why they feel the way they do."

"But you aren't a cop. And you're not a racist idiot. You see past my color."

"I do see past it, but not everyone can."

"Exactly. That's the problem with some people in my race. Not every black woman's end goal partner is a black man. Just like for black men it's not and end goal to always be with us. I'm okay with that, as long as I found someone who treats me like I'm human, who cares? Love is love."

We stopped for a second to catch our breaths. I took a long swig from my bottle and so did she.

"Look, we came out here to relax right? It's a beautiful day and we're alone. No one is expecting us for a few hours. Let's just enjoy the time we have together. Because since we have a baby, that'll be a rare occurrence."

"You're right."

He came over to me and placed his hands on my arms.

"Relax, they won't be here forever alright? I will make sure our daughter knows how special and wonderful she is. Alori is going to grow up very loved, you know that right?"

"Of course I do...we're not my parents. She could be a genius or she could be in special ed or just be plain average, I don't care as long as she knows that it's okay whatever path she has to go down. I just want her happy."

"She will be. Look, we're gonna have a great life together. We have a beautiful daughter, we love each other and we're happy. Doesn't that sound good to you?"

"It sounds like more I could've imagine."

"Good. Now, I say we have a race to the top of this trail. First one there get's to choose what we do here for the next few hours."

"You're on. Bet I beat you too."

"Always so confident Els. Alright, ready....go."

I stuck my foot out at the last second and tripped him, then I took off laughing.

"Hey, that's not fair!" He yelled behind me

"You didn't make any rules." I laughed, tears blurring my eyes

That was the only way I would've won anyway, because let's face it, my ass was slow when it came to running. And Leo knew that.

He was such a jerk sometimes.


When I caught up to her I was miffed.

"What the hell Ellie?" I asked her

She was laughing so hard that her hands were braced on her knees and she was bent over.

"Sorry babe, it was the only way I would've won."

She walked over to me with a patronizing grin and laughter still in her voice.

"Awh, don't tell me you're mad at me?" She said in a teasing voice

"Maybe I am."

With a dramatic fashion, I crossed my arms and turned my head to the side, making a 'hmph' sound.

"I'm sorry, pwese don't be mad at me." 

I hated when she did the baby voice and made the puppy dog face cause it got me everytime

"Just know I'll get you back."

She kissed all over my face and started ticking me. I couldn't resist the urge to laugh.

"Els stop it!" I giggled, running away

She came after me and tickled me again before we were both on the ground under a tree laughing the hardest we ever have.

And then this freak storm came out of nowhere and doused us with rain.


I grabbed her hand and we took off down the path and ran all the way to the car, getting in and shutting the doors.

"Well, that was interesting. I didn't even see any clouds above us." She remarked

"Me either, but it's no biggie."

I reached towards the back and handed her a towel so she could dry off a bit. Her hair was dripping and her clothes were soaked. I couldn't help notice her nipples peeking through her sports bra.

"Guess that water was cold huh?" I asked nonchalantly

"What are you....?"

She looked down and saw her headlights were on and cracked a smile.

"Whatever." She laughed

She passed the towel back to me and I wiped my face with it. The rain still roared on the outside and I knew it would make it hard to see on the drive back since there were many narrow roads we'd have to navigate. So I decided to wait it out.

"Are you really mad at me though?" She asked me quietly

"No. But that was a dirty trick you pulled on me."

"I'm sorry, really I thought you'd think it was funny."

"I did though. But I''m still gonna get you."

"What will you do to me?"

"I'm not sure. I'd love to take you over my knee right now. But I won't."

"I think you should. I've been bad, punish me."

The look in her eyes burned with desire and I swallowed harshly as I felt my member harden in my running shorts. We hadn't had sex in about a month, just so she could heal from her procedure. This was promising.

"You mean here, in the car?"

"Yeah, the back has plenty of room. We're not in the Lexus."

My breathing picked up as she took off her wet shirt and tossed it in the back. Her bra was next to go and I was met with her heavy breasts. 

"Good thing I pumped before she left." She smirked, climbing into the back seat

The next to go were her pants and underwear. Immediately I could smell her arousal.

"So, you in or what?" She asked, a coy tone in her voice

I stared at her naked body sprawled across the back seat and immediately I went back there to join her. I sat down on the right side and immediately pulled her into my lap, kissing her and migrating my hands to her ass, squeezing it.

The rain pelted the roof and thunder crashed, as well as lightning. But it was like nothing was happening as I laid her on her back and started migrating my hands down her body and her legs wrapped around me. I started kissing on her neck when my phone rang.

"Leave it." She whispered, going to kiss me again

"It might be important."

I reached over the console to see Katie calling me.

"Hey Katie, everything alright?"

"Yeah, Alori is fine and everything but I was just making sure you and Ellie are alright, I heard a nasty storm is in your area."

"We're in the car waiting it out since the rains too heavy to drive."

"Alright Leonardo, be careful alright? See you soon."

Before I could scold her for calling me by my full name, she hung up. She only ever called me that when she was worried about me.

I hung up and put the phone back.

"Katie just wanted to see if we were okay."

"How's Alori?"

"She's fine." I murmured, kissing her neck again.

She moaned appreciatively and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"So about that spanking." She teased

"See, it isn't a punishment if you like it." I whispered, bopping her nose

She smiled in response and kissed me again. 

"You know, I've always wanted to try having sex in public."

My eyes widened and my face heated up.

"Oh my God, you're blushing! I haven't seen you blush in years. It's so cute!"

"I just....can't believe what you just said. How come you never told me?"

"It never came up I guess. But with us being in the car and it raining....I just thought about it. I mean, what do you think?"

I swallowed hard and I felt myself harden even more.

"I love the idea. Where did you have in mind?"

"The park. Somewhere very secluded where no one would see us."

"So you want the thrill of getting caught without even getting caught?"

"Yes. I don't think jail is a great idea."

Now it was her turn to blush.

"One day, we'll do that. It sounds enticing."

"So you wanna try it?"

"Yeah, I think it'll be something we'd both like. What would you like me to do to you?"

"Surprise me." She smirked 

I muddled it over a few seconds and a light bulb seemed to go off.

"I will."

Oh did I have a surprise for her.


I had pulled her onto my newly naked lap and had her head firmly pressed against my lips. She had reached behind me and started fondling me and my boys (laugh, it's funny) and I let out a groan. I felt her practically dripping on me and then she teased her entrance with my head, moving it back and forth. Impatiently, I started trying to push my hips into her.

"Patience." She teased

Fuck that.

I flipped us and was back on top of her.

"You know how impatient I am."

I saw a bit of fear flicker across her eyes and I stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"I.....I just hope I'm not too 'weird' down there."

"What? Like....loose or something?"

She nodded.

"You're fine. Are your comfortable with us doing this still?"

"Yes, It's been years it feels like, just stick it in."

And stick it in I did. Surprisingly-- or not--, she felt the same she always did. 

"You feel fine." I grunted, thrusting the rest of my length into her

It rendered her breathless.

"Ugh, harder." She said horsely

I thrusted into her again and she screamed a bit.

"What, did I hurt you?" I asked panicked

"No, no that felt really good, again!" She moaned desperately

I did it again and again. Her nails scratched down my back and she squeezed my length and that only served to make me go even deeper. She drove me crazy when she did that.

"Ellie." I groaned, starting to piston in and out of her

I felt her start to spasm and I knew she was close. I think I bumped her G-spot at that moment and she came loudly and gripped me tightly,leaking all over me, which spurned my own orgasam. I even felt some more liquid.

"You squirted again." I said quietly, breathing harshly

She settled down and closed her eyes. But a small smile played on her face.

And a few seconds later, I knew why. She started squeezing me over and over.

"Ugh Ellie, don't I'm still sensitive." I moaned

She still did it anyway. It felt so good, too good that I had to lay my forehead against hers.

"Fuck." I groaned, starting to move my hips again.

She started to tremble as I started moving.

"I wanna be on top."



I got up quickly and let her sit on my lap. She positioned herself around me and then sat down on me.    

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