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After our interlude, the rain had finally lessened enough so that we could leave. Our clothes were still soaking wet and were very hard to get back on, but we did. The windows were fogged up, and I was fucking exhausted. Leo wore my ass out!

"You alright over there?"

"I'll tell you when I wake up from my two year nap. I'm so sore."

I forgot how much stamina he had. Jeez, I wasn't going to be able to walk for a week.

"Bet you won't trip me again."

I peeked over and saw he had a evil smirk on his face.

"You're an asshole! You did this on purpose?" I laugh

"Well in my defense, I didn't think about getting you back this way, but hey, when opportunity knocks..."

Not to mention my ass was gonna be sore for a month. It's like his hands were suddenly lead. My butt was numb, that's probably the only way I was able to sit down right now.

"But you spanked me too, I thought you weren't going to."

"I never said that." He smirked

"Oh you are just loving this aren't you?"

"Of course I am. I just take immense pride in the fact that I'm truly the only man that'll make you feel like this."

And no matter how bruised my poor kitty was, she still had some fight left in her. I felt myself wetten again.

"You wish." I teased

He chuckled and pulled up at a red light, giving me the side eye.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, You know Els, I think we should do adventurous things like this every week. I mean, car sex was amazing, I had never done that before."

"Really?" I asked, actually surprised, "A sex god like yourself has never had sex in a car?"

"Yes Els, really. I swear, I'm not Casanova or even Hugh Hefner, I'm just an average guy who's never had sex with more than ten women."

"Get out! You were a Dom for years and you're telling me you've never had sex with more than ten women?"

"Domination doesn't always mean you have to have sex."

"Shit, you could've fooled me. You're such a horn dog sometimes."

"I am not."

"Leo, I've caught you trying to fuck me in my sleep."

"You said you wanted to try it and that you didn't want to be aware of when it would happen."

"Okay, okay I'll give you that one. But everytime I get in the shower, guess who joins me."

"I'm sorry that you're so beautiful that I have to see you naked and wet. You know how I get."

"Yeah, horn dog."

"Don't make me pull this car over." He playfully warned

"Do it, I dare you." I bit back

The light turned green and he started driving straight.

"That's what I thought." I said smugly

Only at the last minute, he turned a corner and we drove into a supermarket parking lot. He parked waaay in the back and then cut off the car.

"Hungry?" I smirked

"You are so asking for it."

"Ooh, I'm so scared. Look you've spanked me and fucked me until I'm sore, what else could you do to me?"

His eyes brightened with mischief.

"Plenty. Get in the back." He commanded

We both got out of the car and then got back in, shutting the doors behind us.

"So, what am I doing?"


I looked at him confused.


He wriggled his fingers at me and tickled my sides. I roared in laughter as I tried to wriggle away from him. But the back seat was so damn small, I only succeeded in helping his assault.

"Leo stop!" I screamed

"I will when you apologize."

"Why must you always tickle me?"

"It's fun. Besides, I love hearing and seeing you laugh."

"Okay okay fine I'm sorry!" I screamed

"Are you really sorry?"

"I am! Just stop tickling me!"

He stopped and leaned back from me, a slick smile on his face.

"Told you."

I shoved him playfully and he laughed.

"Now, can we please go get our daughter?"

"Yes babe, we can."

We both got into the front seat and Leo drove us to Katie's house. When we arrived at the front door, Ajax came barreling out of the front door and collided with Leo's legs, making him fall onto the grass below with a grunt.

"Uncie Leeyo!" Ajax said proudly

"Hey champ! How have you been? You've been training to be a quarterback or something?" Leo chuckled

He giggled as Leo started to ruffle his hair. Katie came over to watch the scene with a huge smile.

"How adorable is that?" I squealed

"You couldn't have picked a better father for Alori. Just look at them over there."

I watched Leo start to tickle Ajax and he attempted to run away from Leo, only for Leo to pull him back and spin him around.

"Oh I already know Alori will adore her father. Most nights she won't fall asleep unless he holds her. She'll fuss when I try to do it."

"Sounds like you get plenty of sleep huh?"

"Like you don't believe. But poor Leo stays up all night with her and still goes to work the next day. I feel bad."

"Don't be. Look at him over there, he looks so happy."

That he did, and it always warmed me up inside to see him be happy.

"He does. How was Alori? She wasn't too fussy was she?"

"Nah, she was the perfect angel. She's napping right now though."

"Did she eat?"

"Yes. Ajax kept her entertained the whole time so she worked up quite an appetite. He barely left her side."

I looked back over at Leo and Ajax now walking over to us. His brown hair was tousled and so was Leo's, but they were adorable.

"Did you say hi to Auntie Ellie?" Katie asked

"Hi Auntie!" He smiled, bum rushing me as well

"Hi sweetie, I heard you took great care of Alori today."

"She sleeps too much. And she's waaaay too loud. But I like her anyway." He smiled

He then ran back into the house and we followed behind him, chuckling.

"Would you two like to stay for dinner?"

"We would, but I'd hate having Alori out so late. Rain check?" Leo asked

"Sure bro. How was your run?"

Leo peeked over at me quickly with a smirk and answered Katie.

"It was cool until the rain showed up. That run to the car was our true cardio."

"Mhm I bet. Ellie, I think your shirt is on the wrong side."

I looked down at my shirt and Lo and behold she was right. I blushed furiously and cleared my throat.

"Guess that wasn't the only cardio you two got. I'll go get Alori for you."

She giggled as she left the room and my face was still hot. I turned to Leo who had a smirk on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked tightly, punching his arm.

"Sorry babe, I didn't notice it myself. Damn, that actually hurt." He commented, rubbing his arm.

"I am so embarrassed."

"Why? We're husband and wife, it's called love. You do remember what that is right?"

"No, we're engaged. And of course I remember what it is fathead."

"What are we, five?" He teased

"Oh shut up."

"Whether you like it or not, I'll call you my wife today, tomorrow, and even after we're married, so get used to it."

"Fine," I smiled, unable to hide it

I secretly loved that he called me his wife already. It gave me a tingly feeling inside that I couldn't quite describe. I knew how much I loved him and how glad I was he had chosen me.

Alroi was brought into the room, and she was awake and cooing, looking at something in the sky.

"Hi baby!" I cooed, taking her into my arms

For once she didn't cry, but actually smiled at me. She was so beautiful it always took my breath away, especially when her eyes sparkled, looking just like her father's. 

"Thank you for taking care of her Kaits, I owe you."

"All those weekends you took Ajax without hesitation more than make up for it. Bring Alori over any time, just make sure you call first."

"I will."

"Take care of my sweet pea,I expect us to have auntie-niece time soon."

"You hear that Alori? Everyone wants you." I smirked at her

She simply looked around the room as if I said nothing at all.

"Hey Lori, look at daddy."

As soon as Leo said that, immediately she reached for him.

"Well, I guess my cuddle time is over."

"It won't always be like this. Trust me."

Alori practically clung onto Leo like his second skin. Anytime he would try to move her, she'd start crying.

She never grabbed me like that. I had to admit, I was getting a bit jealous.

"Oh don't look like that, she loves you too."

I looked at her and she started clapping and laughing. I grabbed for her and she shrunk back to her father.

"Yeah, only when it's feeding time." I teased

"Just wait until you guys bond, she'll never leave you alone and then you'll want her to leave you alone."

"Never that, this is my joy right here!"

Despite her protests, I took her from Leo anyway and started to dance around with her. After a few minutes, she started smiling and laughing.

"See, told you."

She looked over at me with her huge green eyes and gave me a toothless smile. I smiled back, feeling warmth fill my chest. She was so adorable when she smiled. I adored her.

"Alright Els, I think we should start heading home now. It's close to her bedtime."

Just then Ajax ran into the room.

"You guys are leaving?"

Leo walked over to him and squatted to his level.

"Yeah little man, we gotta go. But we'll see you soon right?"

Ajax nodded and gave Leo a hug.

"I'll miss you uncie Leeyo."

Leo kissed his head and ruffled his hair.

"I'll miss you too champ. You're gonna be good for mom and dad right?"

He nodded quickly with a smile.

"Good. Wanna say bye to your cousin?"

He nodded and I brought Alori over to him. I carefully squatted down to Ajax's level and he gave Alori a sweet kiss on the head.

"Bye Alori."

Ajax surprised me by coming over to hug me too.

"Bye aunt Ellie."

He kissed my cheek.

"We'll visit soon sweetie alright?"

He nodded happily and then ran back out of the room. Leo and I headed towards the door for one last goodbye and then left.


On the way back home, Ellie decided to sit in the back with Alori to make sure she was comfortable. 

I had noticed that the car had gotten really quiet. When I stopped at a red light, I looked back to see Ellie leaned over Alori's car seat fast asleep. I smiled at the sight and turned around just in time for the light to turn green.

I was almost home when my cell phone started to ring shrilly. I looked over and noticed it was Josh

"Hey man, what's up?"

" need to get down to the club. It's urgent." 

"I got my girls with me, what's wrong?"

"It requires both of our attentions, but mostly yours. I'll tell you when you get here. Just get here as soon as possible.


I drove home with every scenario running through my mind that I could muster. I hoped everything was okay.

Once I pulled up to the house and shut the car off, very carefully I opened the back door of the truck and picked up Alori's little sleeping body out of her car seat. I would come back for Ellie after I got my princess settled.

I walked into the house with Alori held over my shoulder and walked her up the stairs. Ellie's parents were in the living room watching television and didn't say a word as I walked past. Once I put Alori in her crib, I walked back downstairs to the car. Ellie was still asleep when I carefully picked her up bridal style and kicked the car door shut with my foot. I carried her inside and kicked the house door shut too. This time her parents noticed my presence and looked at us in confusion.

"Is she alright?" Her father asked

"Yeah, she just fell asleep. I'm taking her to bed and then I gotta go back out."

Just then Ellie groaned and snuggled more into my chest. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"At this time? Are you alright?" Ellie's mom asked

"Yes Mrs Coleman, I'm fine." I smiled

I started walking towards the stairs and then climbed them, going towards our room. I put Ellie down and made sure she got under the covers, kissing her on the forehead after I got her settled. 

I walked over towards the dresser and started to change into new clothing, careful not to wake Ellie. Of course, she would wake up as I was putting on my shoes.

"Leo?" She asked sleepily

"Well hello Sleeping Beauty." I smirked

"Where you going?"

She sat up and rubbed her eyes as her hair fell around her shoulders. God she was beautiful.

"There's something going on at the club and I gotta get there quickly."

"I don't feel right about this, I wanna go with you."

"Els I'll be fine. But I really gotta go."

"Just give me two minutes, let me get dressed."

"Ellie." I said in warning

She defiantly got up from the bed and went over to the drawer, grabbing some shorts and a tee shirt. She took off her running clothes, put some deodorant on and then slipped everything on. If it wasn't a serious matter, I would've taken her right then and there. 

"See, ready in no time. It's ten at night, you really think I'm gonna let you go out alone?"

"Yes, I can handle myself. Besides, who will watch Alori? I know you don't want your parents watching her?"

"I just feel like I should go. Alori should be fine until we get back."

I gave her a certain look and she gave me one right back.

"I'm still going. So, let's go."

I let it go because I knew she wouldn't take no for an answer, and let her follow me down the stairs.

Her parents noticed us once more and finally got up from the couch.

"You're both leaving?"

"Ellie wanted to come with. Something is going on at the office and I need to go take care of it."

"Everything alright?" Ellie's mom asked nervously

"Yes mom, everything is fine. We won't be back too late, you don't mind watching Alori right?"

"Of course not. Just be careful."

"We will. Come on Leo." She said, hastily leaving the house. We both got into the car and I quickly backed out of the driveway.

"Now, could you please tell me what's going on?"

"Josh called me and said something urgent was happening and that I needed to come to the club. I don't know what happened so I am going to see what did happen, and I have a feeling it's not good."

"I have a bad feeling about this too."

We quieted as we raced down the streets towards downtown and got to the club in about twenty minutes. After we parked, Ellie and I rushed into the club through the back and walked around.

The club was closed for the evening, so no one should've been or was here.

"Josh?" I yelled

I didn't hear an answer.

"Josh where are you?"

Still no answer. I gripped Ellie's hand and started walking towards the back where the offices are. My feeling of dread didn't cease and in fact, they got even worse.

"You feel that?" She asked uneasily

"Yeah, and I don't feel good about it."

We rounded the corner and immediately, the feeling of dread multiplied. Of all the people to be sitting in this office, Donna and the same guy she ran off with, Brian, were sitting on the other side of Josh's desk. The room was thick with tension as Ellie and I entered.

"Leo, nice of you to join us. Sit, we got some things to talk about." Josh said  

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