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"'s nice to see you again." Donna said 

Was she serious? I felt like Molly Whopping this bitch for some strange reason.

"I can't say the same." I said dryly

"Els, you should go to the car and wait there."

"Actually, I think she should stay here to hear this." Donna interjected

"What is this about anyway?" I snapped

" involves Leo." She said, eyes slowly looking towards him.

"Involves me how?" he asked her

Donna looked towards the guy next to her warily and fiddled with her fingers. But I could see right through that bullshit, this bitch knew what the hell she was doing. She was putting on an act for everyone.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but you have a son."

"Please tell me you're joking." I said

She looked at me with clear blue eyes, but behind her "innocent" look, I saw the smugness. She was so enjoying this.

"Why would I joke about that? Yes, Leo has a son. He's three years old and Leo needs to pay child support."

I was so livid and I felt like I was out of my body as  I charged forward, trying to get to her and claw her eyes out. She was always doing some grimy shit! Did she want Leo that badly that she'd lie about having his child!?

"Whoa! Els, take it easy!" Leo yelled, grabbing me by the waist.

Donna had stood from the chair and had backed away to safety, the guy she was with going towards her to comfort her.

"You bitch! Why can't you just fucking leave us alone!? Why are you lying? Are you that desperate!?"

"I'm not lying Ellie! His name is Simon and he's three years old."

"So why now? Why when things are going well for us would you drop that bullshit on us!?"

Leo tried murmuring soothing words in my ears, but I practically tuned him out. I wish he'd let me go so I could curb stomp that smug look off of her face!

"Donna, you need to be perfectly sure that he's mine before you start those allegations."

"I took a test, and his DNA doesn't match with mine." Brian interjected quietly.

"It could be any man's baby the way this one gets around! I wouldn't be surprised if it was some homeless man's seed. Take heed Donna, what you had with Leo is over, because YOU fucked up. He's mine, and we're getting married," I taunted, flashing my engagement ring in her face, "meaning any little plots you had to get him back will fall flat you slag!"

"Ellie, that's enough!" Leo sternly commanded

I was feeling sick. I hoped to God it wasn't Leo's. That would mean she'd be in our lives forever, and I so wanted her to disappear. 

Angry tears built up in my eyes and I tore Leo's arms away from my torso, walking swiftly out of the room. 

"Look, I'll give you some of my DNA, get the test done and call me with the results. We're done here." I heard Leo say behind me

"If he is yours, we'll need to discuss child support." Donna said stoically

"Fine. But you better make sure you get that test before we do anything, I mean it Donna, you better not be pulling any shit."

I was walking to the exit when I saw familiar form's come from around the corner. It was Mistress Anna and Dominic. I so didn't want them to see me so upset and vulnerable right now.

"Ellie, long time no see!" Dominic smiled

But when he saw my tears, his smile slowly disappeared.

"What's wrong?"

Before I could answer, I heard Leo walking around the corner.

"I'll tell you about it later." I said miserably

"Everything okay?" Anna asked Leo

"Yeah, we're  fine. Excuse us, I just have to talk to Ellie for a second."

He grabbed my hand and led me back towards the playrooms and didn't stop walking until he reached his personal room. It hurt me going in here, especially since Donna's uncouthed ass was in here trying to take what was mine. She always popped up when I was finally happy with Leo and our lives were great.

Leo shut and locked the door behind us and led me over towards the bed.

"Sit down and listen." He commanded

You know those times when someone is really,really mad and they sound calm, but you know that deep down they're just a powder keg ready to blow? That's what was happening now, and honestly, I felt like a little girl.

"What the hell was that Ellie!?" Leo yelled

"How are you believing any of this shit!? This bitch is always trying to start something!"

"Ellie, I know you're upset but for once, just-- Stop! If her story is true, that means I have a kid with her and she's gonna be around. You can't hop off the handle everytime something happens."

"Wait, so you're saying I don't get to be upset?!"

"Yes, that's what I am saying because it has nothing to do with you, this is my problem."

"Leo, we are getting married, we have a baby! And you're telling me that I have to be happy to share my life with this vile bitch who can't stop trying to sink her claws into you? I have to be happy being second place to her again? OPEN YOUR EYES! It's been, what, three years since the baby was supposedly born and she's just now saying something? I was gone for two years, why didn't she say something then!? This makes it my problem!"

"Ellie, I don't know."

"Leo, I think she's lying, I have a feeling in my gut. It's just one more thing to try getting you back."

He sighed and sat on the bed next to me.

"Ellie, I don't want her I swear to God I don't! I want you okay? You make me happy, you've given me a beautiful child, and we're going to get married. Ignore her."

I could sense he was tense and got on my knees behind him on the bed, massaging his shoulders.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, kneading the stress from his shoulders.

He let out a heavy sigh and dropped his head in his hands, slumping his shoulders.

"It's okay." He groaned.

"If it is yours....I'll try not to be overbearing. I just can't handle her having you in that way, you know?" I admitted quietly

"I know Ellie. But you're mine and I am yours. It'll always be that way."

I leaned forward to hug him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You know, I don't think I ever thanked you for being such a good father and husband."

"It's my job."

"No, it's more than that for you, I can see that. You get up when Alori fusses every night with no hesitation because, let's face it, she'd never be calm with me. You make sure she's happy and calm, fed and loved. And then, even after being up until six in the morning, you go to work with a smile on your face. I don't think you've even gotten a good night's sleep since she got here."

"I do those things because I love to. I love that you are happy, I love my baby and I love my job. I love my life Els, and I'd do anything to keep it the way it is, even if it means just losing a few hours of sleep. That's why I smile everyday, how couldn't I when I have you and my beautiful baby girl to come home to?"

I couldn't help but smile and hug him tight.

"I love you Ellie, you know I do. I  don't care what happens, as long as you're by my side, everything will be okay. I promise you that."

"I love you too."

He turned his body towards mine and kissed me, taking my face in his hands.

"Come on, let's go home. We'll deal with all of this in the morning."

He got up from the bed and pulled me up with him. He kissed the top of my head and we left out of the room towards the exit. As we were approaching, so were Donna and Brian. We all stared at the other, me staring Donna down.

"This isn't over...not by a long shot." Donna said

"Aint nothing but space and opportunity bitch, you want some?" I asked, taking a step forward.

"We'll call you with the results. Come on Donna." Brian insisted, pulling Donna towards him.

Brian ushered Donna out of the exit and we watched them go. Leo was behind me, rubbing my shoulders.

"Relax baby, she has nothing on you. She can't take me from you, I'm yours." Leo murmured, kissing my cheek.

"You better be. Let's just go home, I want to check on Alori."

Leo grabbed my hand and lead me out towards the exit as well, driving us home.



To be continued.....maybe 

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