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A/n: After this story is finished (which is soon) I'll be taking a hiatus until further notice. I thank you guys for supporting and reading but, I gotta finish the other stories I've written. I'll be back when they're finished :) Merry Christmas guys.


The pain was excruciating and it felt like I was being stabbed everywhere with a million knives. I screamed the most terrifying scream I had ever heard in my life. It was so unbearable that I felt like I was about to pass out. But the grip on my hand grounded me. I looked over at Leo who was staring at me in deep concern. The contractions I was feeling were intensifying every few minutes and they hurt.

"It hurts." I groaned

"I know baby, we're almost there okay?" He murmured, patting my hand

"If I don't make it I just want you to know th-"

"Don't talk like that, please. You and the baby will be fine okay?"

"It's too early.... It's my fault."

I started to cry, thinking about my baby coming two months too early. What if they had horrible complications because of this?

"Ellie I promise you, the baby will be alright okay? Don't cry." He said softly, wiping my tears

I nodded and gripped his hand tightly as another wave of contractions plowed through me.

"Are we almost there?" Leo asked the EMT

"Yes, we're here right now."

Not too long later, I was being put into a room and being prepped for the labor. My clothes were taken off and a gown was placed on me. I was given an epidural and not too long later, some of the pain was lessened.

"How you feeling baby?" Leo asked me softly

He was dressed in some scrubs and had on a mask over his face. His green eyes peeking over the mask in worry.

"A little better. Doctors say I'm not dilated enough yet." I said warily

"I'm so sorry."

"Not your fault, it's my dramatic ass that fainted. I'm sorry I made our baby come a little early."

"It's okay baby, don't worry about it. I'm more worried about you. The baby was probably just ready to come out." He chuckled

"I shouldn't have gotten upset with you. I get it, the baby means the world to you I see why you'd want to protect it the best you can. Im sorry."

"You mean the world to me too Els, I don't have one without you."

He dabbed my head with a wet towel and it helped me feel a bit better.

"I sent Amber to go get some ice chips. She should be back soon. I already called everyone and they're on their way. Evan and Jack should be here in a few minutes. Katie, my mom, Oliver and even Ajax, they're coming too."

"My my you've been a busy bee." I weakly teased

"I want everyone I love to share this moment with us."

He kissed the side of my head.

"We're going to be parents soon." I murmured

"I know. I can't believe it."

"Leo....I'm sorry for getting upset with you, it was so childish and wrong of me after all you have done for me."

"Don't be. Hormones are a bitch, especially when pregnant. You have nothing to apologize for."

"I just....don't want to ruin us you know? I'm scared of turning back into... that person."

"You won't, I promise. You're stronger than that person and you overcame so much. I'm so proud of you, of your strength and care. You're my best friend, my soulmate. I'd never give you up, not for anything."

I felt tears fill my eyes and leaned my head more onto his.

"You're my best friend too." I said, voice quivering

And then the most painful cramping feeling I've ever felt unleashed itself upon my body.

"Please get a nurse!" I groaned in agony

He ran into the hallway and soon came back with a nurse in tow. She checked me and confirmed that it was time to push.

Within minutes, a team of doctors filled my room to coach me through my most painful conquest yet, and the best part, Leo was right by my side.


It took what seemed like forever for Ellie to deliver. In fact, the whole labor in itself took about five hours to complete and because of it, I was now holding my beautiful baby girl in my arms. She was a small pink thing, calm, fragile and helpless.

And we decided to name her Alori Sonya Calavry. I think the name fit her well.

Though she was premature, doctors found nothing truly wrong with her other than her size. She was precious and I immediately fell in love with her. For the rest of my life I'd only be fully committed to two women: My daughter and my wife. Nothing could make me happier than I was now.

I looked over at my sleeping beauty and smiled, gently placing Sonya back into her crib and letting her grip my finger, tickling her a little. Earlier I had saw her eyes and they were exactly like mine. Big little green eyes that shined like emeralds stared at me a few seconds before they disappeared under her lids. I was amazed by how me and Ellie could make such a beautiful angel like her.

"Hey, how's our daughter doing?" I heard a sleepy voice ask

I looked over and Ellie and walked to sit on the edge of her bed.

"She's wonderful. I get to be her father? What an honor." I smiled proudly

"I know right? She's special, I can feel it."

"She's beautiful Els, she has my eyes and everything."

Ellie smiled warmly and reached out to me, stroking my cheek.

"I'm glad. Does she have anything of mine?" She teased

"She has your nose and your cheeks. Baby she's just so beautiful."

"Look at you! It's like you discovered a new jewel or something."

"I did. I just can't describe how I feel right now. I feel good."

She wiped a tear from my eye and smiled at me once more.

"Welcome to fatherhood." She whispered 

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