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Well, I have good news: I did great on my finals! And it is now Winter break, which means that I will be able to finish Mine. Thanks for sticking around, I know it's been awhile but, here's the next part!


After the cookies were done and the lemonade was mixed, I called everyone in for a much deserved break. They looked exhausted.

"Where's Leo?" I asked, pouring Josh a cup

"He wants to finish the last of the stuff before he comes in. It's just a few more boxes and then he's done."

"I'm gonna go give him some Lemonade, it's hot out there today."

I poured another glass and carried it out outside to the truck where I saw him depositing the last few boxes. He was red in the face and sweating profusely.

"Leo here, drink this."

He took it from me and downed the glass in three gulps. He wiped sweat from his brow and passed me the glass.

"Thank you."

I stepped back to watch him pick up one of the boxes. He looked tired.

"You alright?" I asked

He looked a bit woozy.

"I'm fine doll, no sweat."

"Did you eat anything today?" I asked concerned


"Go sit, I'll ask the girls if they can take these last few boxes upstairs."

"I'm fine."

"Now Mr, and preferably before you pass out."

"Okay okay, I'm going."

"And I'm warming you up some spaghetti when we get inside. You're gonna sit down and eat."

"Yes Ma'am." He teased

I followed behind him to make sure he did what I asked and Josh offered to take the last two boxes upstairs.

"Thanks man." Leo said sheepishly

"No problem." Josh smiled back

"So, about this cookout....who's cooking?" Amber asked

"Me of course. Best steaks you'll ever taste," Leo bragged, "But we gotta go to the store to get a few things. Other than that, we'll start as soon as Josh is done."

"So maybe we should all leave now. The girls and I will go to the store to pick up a few things."

 "Not so fast little lady, you are staying here. Brandi and I will go get the supplies. Do you guys have a list?"

"Guys, I really appreciate you taking care of me but I think I'm competent enough to go on a small store run, even with me being pregnant."

They both gave a weary look to Leo.

"No Els, I want you to stay here."

"I'll ask Josh to come with us."

And as if on cue, Josh came back downstairs.

"Okay I heard my name, what's going on?"

"We gotta make a store run." Brandi spoke up

"And let me guess, I'm going with?"

"Yep. Since they won't let me go." I sighed

"Fine. But no girly talk on the way back or on the way to the store." He warned as Brandi walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his bicep

"Awh okay baby, we'll try keeping talks of Liam Hemsworth to a minimum." Brandi pacified him

"Leo you owe me for this!" He teased as Brandi and Amber led him out of the house. A few minutes later, I heard the car pull off.

"Why are you guys treating me like a baby?" I asked exasperated

And while I vented, Leo started walking over towards me with a seductive smile on his face.

"I mean, geez what am I, ten?! Why won't you guys let me help anythin-"

He kissed me and pressed his still sweaty body against me as far as my belly would allow. Even with his sweat I still smelled his trademark, and for some reason he smells so good like this.

"Don't be mad Kitten, that list will take them at least an hour to get and that's plenty of time for us."

He started kissing down my neck and unbuttoning my shirt that I was wearing and slipped it off of my shoulders. I closed my eyes when he kissed my special spot on my neck that made me melt into a puddle. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

In no time he had hosted me onto the counter and was pulling my pants down. How in the hell had he picked me up?

"You're not heavy so I suggest you stop looking so surprised." He teased

I blushed and said nothing.

"Now, spread your legs for me beautiful."'

His voice sounded smooth like velvet and I complied in no time.

"I told you you would be all mine." He whispered, unclasping my bra and then palming both of my breasts as he kissed me once more.

I started painting as one hand drifted down my swollen belly and in between my legs, pushing too fingers into me. I groaned into his mouth as he started pumping in and out, making my juices leak onto the counter below. I was sopping wet and I was desperate for him to enter me.

"Lie back for me." He murmured, voice thick with pleasure

I did so with no hesitation and I felt him pull me to the edge.

"Mm, you're so wet for me beautiful. I haven't tasted you in so long." He groaned, lowering his head to my wetness and lapped it up with his tongue. He licked around my clit and suckled on it slightly, making me open my legs even wider for him as he stuck his fingers back in.

"You taste delicious."

He stuck his tongue in my hole and twirled it around as my hips started to move furiously and soon I was falling apart all over his tongue and fingers.

His face lifted from my core and was slick with my juices. He licked his fingers clean in front of me making sure his eyes stayed trained on me as he did it.

"So good." He smirked

My face grew hot and some more liquid fell onto the counter.

"Your turn."

"You'll do me later. That was my apology, am I forgiven?"

I nodded furiously and jumped down, suddenly feeling weak. He held me up with a chuckle and then picked me up, carrying me to the couch in the living room. After he set me down, I was immediately on him.

"Did you want more?" He smirked again

I hiked his pants down and was about to sit on him when he stopped me.

"Els....maybe we shouldn't."

"But why not?"

"I don't want to hurt the baby. I just have a bad feeling. "

"Leo you won't. I promise."

"No Els....not until you have the baby."

I got off of him and waddled into the kitchen, gathering my fallen clothes and quickly putting them on.

"Els, please don't be mad."

"I'm not. Look, I'm going upstairs...I don't feel well."

I swiftly waddled away and stomped up the stairs, going into our room.

And just like that, tears erupted from my eyes and I wailed uncontrollably into my pillow. Welp, there went my hormones. Damn....I couldn't wait for this symptom to subside. I wasn't even really angry at Leo, I  understood why he wanted to do what he did. Pregnancy just made me feel insane.

"Ellie stop crying." I heard Leo say soothingly

"I hate feeling useless! I couldn't even help us move onto our house or go get simple groceries because everyone is so worried about me. I'm not helpless, I'm just pregnant. We had sex yesterday and now today you don't want to touch me...why?"

"We were caught up in the moment, things happen."

"What all of a sudden has you scared?"


"You wouldn't hurt the baby."

"'m sorry, but I'm paranoid about this."


I heard the doorbell ring and quickly got up.

I got it."

I walked down the stairs and was on the way to the door when a spurt of liquid started seeping down my thighs. I warily looked down and saw a puddle forming at my feet.

"LEO!" I yelled "My water just broke," I finished faintly.

This couldn't be happening..not two months early.

And then I felt the pain, and then I felt the edge of a stair on the back of my head once I fainted. 


It was like I was watching her in slow motion as she fell towards the stairs and struck her head on the edge.

"ELLIE!" I yelled, running down the stairs to her slumped body below

She groaned but was unconscious. The doorbell rang again and I was conflicted between leaving her and going to go get it. I ran quickly to the door frantic.

"Call an ambulance now, Ellie hit her head on the stairs." I said rushed

I rushed back inside as everyone ran behind me and I kneeled at her side once again.

"Hey, baby can you hear me?" I asked in a trembling voice

She groaned again as I started to pick her up.

"No don't move her, she could have a head or neck injury!" Brandi interjected

"I'll go get some towels." Amber said, running into the kitchen

I fought against the urge to hold her. And then I noticed the puddle.

"Shit her water broke! What's the eta on that ambulance!?" I yelled towards Josh

"About five minutes. They're coming."

Amber ran back into the room quickly and started dabbing Ellie's forehead with the towels. I swear, if it wasn't one thing it was another.

"I'm okay." I heard her call weakly from the floor

"Shh, help is coming. Just stay still." I cooed to her

"It hurts! Please, the pain." She moaned

"I think she maybe going into labor." Amber volunteered

"She is, the puddle over there is from her."

I was starting to lose my mind and I was scared.

Sirens started to get closer and soon men and women were running into the house. I stepped back as they tended to her, dressing her head wound and then putting her on a stretcher.


I rushed to her side and walked with her to the back of the ambulance.

"I'm here. We're gonna get you taken care of."

"Leo, we're right behind you!" I heard Josh yell

I got into the back of the ambulance along with Ellie and then we were off to the hospital.

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