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Josh and Leo had left for Shellville to pack up our things, and so while they were doing that, the girls and I started painting the nursery.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be an auntie!" Brandi exclaimed, dipping her brush into a green canister.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom." I sighed

I slapped the roll onto the wall and started spreading the paint over the white surface.

"Do you guys know what you're having yet?"

"We will next week. Appointments on Tuesday."

"You already know I'm coming to see the baby."

"I have a show that day. Sorry Els." Amber groaned

"It's okay, just come by afterwards, I'll tell you about it."

"I will. So, how are you feeling about the whole engagement thing? It's exciting."

"It's something to get used to. I honestly never thought I would be this happy so soon. My therapist must be magic."

"Or maybe it's all that Vitamin D you've been getting." Brandi winked

I blushed furiously and turned back to the wall.

"Ah, so you have been. How's he in bed?" Amber giggled while taping up the windows in the room.

"Phenomenal. But he's got the damn stamina of a Stallion. I swear sometimes I feel like I won't be able to walk the next day."

We all fell out in a fit of giggles and continued to paint. We spent about two hours painting before we asked more questions.

"And what about you Brandi, how are you an Josh doing? How's married life treating you?"

"It's great you know? It's nice to have someone to wake up to who kept his promise to still be there in the morning."

"Unlike Caine?" I asked her

"Yeah. You know he came by the restaurant the other day? Tried to tell me he was 'sorry' while my sisters were probably giving him 'the eyes'. It was so embarrassing. I was glad Josh wasn't there cause I know he would've kicked his ass."

"Why is Caine even talking to you? Didn't Josh tell him to get lost once before?"

"You see how well he listened to him? God, I don't know why he won't leave me alone. Obviously my sisters want him, why won't he go pester them?" 

"Cause men are jackassess. Caine does know you're married right?"

"Yep. I'm sure my sisters told him about it, probably thinking that now they could have him to themselves."

"I wouldn't put it past those bitches to try a Devils threesome every night." I scoffed

I know, I hardly knew her sisters, but from meeting them at the wedding, those bitches were vile. Ugh I despised them.

"And the worst part is? My sisters have always taken pride in making me feel inferior to them. They're twins and they're older than me. I wasn't even supposed to be born. I was a surprise for my parents, but never the less, they still love me. I guess my sisters were jealous since I'm the baby and my parents always doted on me. So they always berrated me with insults of how I should've been aborted or that I was adopted."

"They are so vile!" I protested

"I guess them sleeping with Caine knowing how I felt about him was just  another jab at me. But who cares right? I have Josh now, and I know he's not going anywhere. Though they have certainly tried to get him to stray too."

"He better not. But best believe, once I drop this baby, I'll pay those bitches a visit if I have to."

"Oh Ellie I'm not worried about them, Josh loves me I know he does."

"Then there are no worries then?"

"None." She nodded shyly

"You know you can be honest with us." I said quietly

"I mean...My sisters were always the stars of the family. Cecilia owns her own Five star Mexican Restaurant and Maria has a line of cooking books. Me? I just work in my parents restaurant."

"What's wrong with that? Brandi, you're beautiful and smart. You have a degree in business, why not try to make your own empire? I know Josh could front you the money."

"Because I don't want to rely on my husband to finance my dream. I want to be able to do it myself."

"Have you talked to him about this?"

"Yes. And of course he wants to help me, telling me that he'd be a silent partner and I'd have full control of the restaurant."

"So what's wrong with that?"

"I always prided myself on doing things on my own. It's hard accepting help from a man. You know, my parents once offered to give me their restaurant when they retired, but I felt so weird because I felt like I didn't earn it."

"Where did you start when you first started working for them?"

"In the kitchen and I worked mt way to chef. I made sure I wasn't given special treatment simply because I was the owners daughter."

"Then you did earn it Brandi!"

"But still, everyone knows that my parents will be choosing one of the chef's at the restaurant to take over when they retire in a few years. I don't want them to choose me because I'm their daughter."

"So how are you gonna get the money for your own restaurant?"

"A loan I guess. I got over 10,000 saved but I need more."

I gave myself a soft face palm and shook my head.

"Brandi, for once swallow your pride and let Josh help you. His money would be loan free I bet. That's just a dumb idea to go to a bank when you have a man that's well off willing to help you. Promise me when we're done here tonight that you'll talk to him."

"Fine....I'll talk to him."

"And girl I've had some of your cooking, your restaurant will definitely  succeed."

She smiled at us and we group hugged.

"Your sisters are still bitches though. Maybe I'll pay Cecilia a visit, say that I found a finger in my food." Amber teased

And we all started laughing.


Josh and I had just packed up the last of the stuff from the house and was now heading back to our new place.

"So my bro is getting married huh? And having a kid. I don't know how you always manage to up show me." He teased

We both got into the cab of the truck and I started out of the driveway. I would really miss this place....but I knew if I wanted to stay with Ellie, sacrifices had to be made.

"Oh no one's trying to up show you. The baby was a huge surprise and I wanted to do what was right for my family."

"So you're just marrying her because of the kid?"

"No, it was just the best excuse. I've always wanted to marry her. And I was gonna propose to her on the day Donna decided to sneak in and ruin us."

"I'm happy for you though. She's a great girl. How is she holding up since the attack?"

"Better, much better. She's seeing someone and she's happy now, and that's all I've ever wanted for her."

"Any girl that makes you this passionate is worth it. I've never seen you this sappy before." He teased, punching me playfully on the shoulder.

"Don't you know that Artists are sensitive?" I teased "Besides, I love her. I can swallow my pride when it comes to her. Although it's made me look like a love sick puppy a few times."

Josh laughed a deep hearty laugh and held his stomach.

"A few times? Try since you met her."

"Whatever man, I'm in love and I've met my soulmate. I'm one of the lucky ones."

"That you are man, that you are."


Once we arrived at the house, the girls immediately came out to greet us with smiles on their faces and paint covering them.

"What happened?" I asked while Ellie came to hug me.

"We got a little carried away but at least the room is painted."

"Y'all didn't let my wife do any heavy lifting or anything right?"

"No Leo, we just talked and had a good time. We took good care of her."

I looked down at her and kissed her head. Surprisingly she was the only one that wasn't covered in paint.

"You promise you took it easy?"

"Yes Leo, I did. We just painted that's all."

"And the room looks great too. All we have to do is move everything in." Amber spoke up

"Alright, let's get started then."

I saw Ellie slyly try to follow Amber and Brandi to the back of the truck when I quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Not so fast Els, you're sitting down somewhere. Watch tv or something."

"I want to help!"

I gave her a certain look but that only made her look more defiant. 

"We talked about this babe, you're seven months pregnant. No, you need to take it easy."

"Fine, I'll go bake cookies or something." She grumbled, waddling into the kitchen

I kissed her cheek.

"That's my girl. Remember, I like chocolate chip." I teased

"Get out of here!" She chuckled

She playfully shoved me and I chuckled, leaving the kitchen  to go join everyone else in the back of the truck.

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