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Since I still had a good hour to kill, I decided to soak in the bath that had the jets and  properly break it in. Once again, the baby kicked and I rubbed my belly with a smile.

"I can't wait to see you my little one."

There was a knock on my door and I told Leo to come in.

"Don't tell me you're gonna watch me take baths too." I said as he entered.

"I just came to check on you. You alright?"

"For the fiftieth time, yes!" I giggled

"Alright babe, I just want to be sure."

"We are way to close."

"Like you'd want it any other way. I guess I'll be staying here until you're done."

I gave him The Look.

"Only to make sure you can get up out of the tub."

"Fine." I smiled

He sat on the floor and laid his head on mine.

"I love you." I murmured softly

"And I love you."

"Thank you. For everything." I murmured

He pulled my face over to his and kissed me, fingers gripping on my chin. I loved him more than anything, and I never saw myself loving anyone else like I loved him.

I think the best (or maybe the worst) part of being pregnant was the fact that I was often horny. And one of those moments, were now. But I knew that we just didn't have the time.

"I'm ready to get out." I said

"Okay, let me go get your towel first."

He got off of the floor easily and quickly went to retrieve my towel. When he came back, he grabbed my hand and hauled me upward. I teetered a little but he caught me and wrapped the towel around my waist.

"Anytime you need to bathe or shower, call me, please. Or at least wait until I get home. You know how clumsy you are." He teased, pinching my cheek

"Oh whatever. I'm going to go get dressed now."

I waddled out of the bathroom and he soon followed close behind me, closing our bedroom door behind him. I saw how he looked at me and it was enough to make me blush.


"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"Yes, more than once." I smiled bashfully

"Good. And I'll continue to, everyday."

I smiled uncontrollably as he took my face in his hands and started planting kisses all over me. I giggled and then he licked my cheek.

"Gross!" I laughed

He started laughing too as I grabbed a pillow from the bed and whacked him over the head with it.

"Hey now, no need for the violence." He said, backing up

"Oh you're gonna get it."

I tried hitting him again and he caught the pillow, pulling it from me.

"I got you now."

I yelped a "no" in laughter and cowered onto the bed, he coming for me quickly.

"Wait, I'm still naked at least let me dry off and change first."

"Hmm, no."


He climbed onto the bed and hit me a couple more times until he noticed that my towel had fallen on the floor. He slowly lowered the pillow and stared at me.

"What?" I asked, feeling a bit self conscious

I started to cover up but he moved my hands. I had noticed that my nipples were starting to look really weird and I was kind of sensitive about them. I already knew they'd be like that awhile. The only reason I was comfortable around Leo in the bathroom was because I had bubbles covering my skin. 

"Nothing. look great that's all." He said softly, taking a nervous swallow

"Even when I'm big as a house?"

"Even then." He smiled

I swallowed hard as his green eyes raked across my body and soon centered on my own eyes. They had that look and immediately I knew what was about to happen.

"We can't, everyone is coming over soon." I smirked

"Oh but when they leave, you'll be mine." He growled, settling for a quick kiss instead

And just like that, the doorbell rang.

"I'll go get that, you get dressed alright? Call me if you need me. I mean that." He scolded softly

He hopped off of the bed as the doorbell rang again and ran down the stairs. I slowly got dressed and was pulling my maternity pants on when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in."

The door squeaked open and I saw pair of hazel eyes peek through and then some blue ones. Amber and Brandi had arrived.

"Hey mami!" Brandi exclaimed, quickly crossing the room to hug me

"Hey, it's so good to see you." I smiled, hugging her back

She pulled back and smiled down at my belly.

"You are getting big chica, how are you feeling?"

"Like a house." I laughed

"But you look great! You're glowing and you look happy." She said, getting teary eyed

"Ugh, always the one for dramatics." I teased

My eyes looked over to Amber who though she was staring at us, didn't seem to be in the room.

"Amby, what's going on with you?"

"Trouble in paradise. You want to tell her?" Brandi asked 

She nodded and we all walked over to my bed to sit. Amber looked very sad and irritated.

"What's going on?" I asked softly

"Cairo's family doesn't like me."

"What? That's crazy, you're one of the best people I know."

"Well they sure don't think so. They think we shouldn't be together because he's Muslim and I'm Catholic. And because I'm white. They told him that he has to break up with me or they'd stop speaking to him. They're trying to marry him off to this girl named Asha and they like her so much more than me. She's Arabic and of course, Muslim. We had a huge fight last night about it and he stormed off and is not answering my calls or texts."

She sniffed and put her head in her hands.

"If he's really wanted to make this work, he'd be here with you or would return your calls and texts. Amber, you're a beautiful supermodel and lots of men want you. You're awesome." Brandi tried to console

"But I don't want those men, I want Cairo. I love him, it's not fair that he's letting his family dictate who he loves or stays with. God, I'm sorry. It's about you today Els."

"No no, it's okay Amber. Everything will work out I promise. Just give him some time, but not too much time."

"And also give him an ultimatum. Now, don't do something crazy like telling him 'it's either your family or me' because you'll lose that fight quickly. But tell him If you're really important to him like he says you are, then he'll do what he has to. If not, you're gonna have to walk away." Brandi interjected

"I'm not ready to."

"When it comes to things like this, sometimes taking a step back will be enough to see if this is something you should go back to."

Amber sniffed once more and nodded, wiping her eyes.

"You're right."

"If he texts you tonight, you two should meet in person and talk. If not, maybe you should let him go. It'll be hard but you gotta do what's best for you. You deserve someone that loves you through the good and the bad." I said softly, putting some hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, I'll do that."

I gave her a side hug and she hugged me back.

"We're gonna have a great time today. We're gonna move in and then, we're gonna have a nice house warming party. We're gonna throw some steaks on the grill and have some drinks--"

"Water for you Mami." Brandi interjected

"Yeah yeah, water for me. We're just going to have a great time. Maybe even have an adults sleepover. That sound good?"

She nodded and smiled.

"Sounds fun. Let's go downstairs to see what the guys are doing."

We all got up and decided to go downstairs. 

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