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NINE PARTS LEFT! (not counting this one) I have a huge surprise in store :3


"Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?" I asked her as she subconsciously stroked my hair.

"We have awhile to figure it out. Besides, who's gonna watch the baby?"

"I'm sure my mom would love to watch the baby."

"I couldn't ask her to do that. "

"She loves kids, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"I guess."

She continued to stroke my hair and I started falling asleep, immediately being injected into dream land.

Just like most of my dreams, it started off with me leaving the club and driving home, blissfully unaware of what was awaiting me at my front door. I got out, but only this time, I walked into the house unscathed.

It was dark and quiet as I moved throughout the house, calling for Ellie.

"In here honey." I heard her strained voice call

Honey? What was that all about?

So of course, I walked to the kitchen and was met with her standing there stiffly, trying to avoid making any rash movements. While behind her was Chris, holding a knife to her neck. He pushed hard enough for there to be blood dripping slowly down to her collar bone.

"Welcome home Leo, bout time you got here." Chris sneered

"Let her go Chris." I said quietly

"Nah, I don't think I'll be doing that."

I started to advance forward but Chris only pressed harder making Ellie wince and more blood spill.

"Ow. Leo....don't."

Her voice was so full of fear that it made me sick to my stomach

I stopped, angry and stood in my spot. It was killing me that I couldn't get to her.

"That's right Leo, I hold the cards now. And if you want to get out of this alive, you'll do as I say."

"If I do what you say, will you let her go?"

"I'll think about it." He taunted

"Fine, what are your orders?" I asked begrudgingly

"Kill her."

I swallowed harshly and looked at him like he hadn't just said that.

"No, Hell no!"

"Either you do it, or I do."

"Forget it Chris, I'm not doing that!"


"Shut up! Do it." He said grimly

I started advancing towards them when Ellie's squeal stopped me. More blood spilled and I stopped immediately. 

"Ah, ah, ah. Not the best idea dear Leonard."

"I won't do it! Let her go, take me instead."

"You fail to see the picture here Leo. It will always end with her dead while you are in the picture. "

"Fine, you leave me no choice."

I saw his arm starting to move and I lunged


Without another thought, He slashed the knife across her throat from ear to ear and I watched in horror at the absolute fear on her face as she bled out. She reached out for me and I caught her before she fell.

I was too late

"Looks like my job here is done." Chris said, leaving the house

I held her body and watched her struggle to say something as the life drained from her eyes and her blood stained my shirt.

"Shh, don't talk." I said tearfully

My shaky hands tried to place pressure on her wound. A tear of her own started to fall as her eyes slowly started to close.

"No Ellie, stay with me! You can make it, you can do this!" I yelled

She tried to speak again but all I heard was a grim gurgle.

"Stay with me, please.  I need you." I started to sob

With the last bit of strength she had, she reached up and stroked my cheek and smiled before her hand fell limply to the ground and she was gone.

Then, it was like a bucket of water had been poured onto me. I broke through the film that separated dream from reality and sat up in the dark shrouded in a cold sweat and breathing hard. 

I looked around and noticed that I was in my room with Ellie lying right beside me. I let out a sigh of relief and wiped the tears away from my eyes. I was shaking, and I fought to get my breath under control.

I heard a faint groan next to me and soon felt soft hands stroking my arm.

"Babe, you alright?" Asked a voice laced with sleepiness

I looked over at Ellie who had half lidded eyes looking at me with concern. She started sitting up but I assured her all was fine.

"I'm fine. Go back to sleep, you need your rest." I said quietly

She rolled over towards me, careful of the baby and kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"You sure?" She asked worried

She looked at me with such concern and all I wanted to do was hold her tight and never let go after that dream.

"Yes. Sleep love." I smiled

She looked at me a few seconds before she was satisfied with my response.

"Okay, goodnight."

She laid back down and shut her eyes again. I slowly laid down myself and pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her. She sighed in comfort and snuggled into my chest, falling asleep once more. I kissed her forehead and started to fall asleep myself.


I awoke in bed alone the next morning but immediately smelled breakfast cooking. I grabbed my robe and tied it around my waist, walking downstairs into the kitchen. It was still relatively bare but Leo was cooking breakfast on the stove.

"Morning." I said, going to the fridge for water

"Morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?"

"Great! I never had a restful night like that, even with our soccer player."

He chuckled and walked over to me, kneeling in front of my belly and pulling up my shirt.

"Hi little one, how's my baby this morning?" He asked my belly

The baby kicked in response.

"It kicked. I guess that means it's doing well." I giggled

He placed a kiss on my belly and the baby moved again.

"I think they like you." I smiled

He gave one last kiss and blew a raspberry, making me giggle.

"You are so goofy!"

"Yeah, but you love me anyway." He smiled, getting up and kissing my cheek, returning to the stove.

"I hope so, they're stuck with me. I hope you're hungry, I made you a nice fruit salad and pancakes."

"What? No bacon or sausage?"

"Sorry babe, pork is out for you for another few months."

"Dang I can't even eat." I muttered as he passed me the bowl

"Babe it's only for a little while longer, and then you can binge."

"God I can't wait. So, when is everyone coming over?"

"Around twelvish. So, eat up and then go shower."

"Are you actually going to let me help today?"

"Maybe with the painting. But anything else, we got it."

"Hey, I'll take the painting. But we don't know the sex yet."

"Which is why we're going with a gender neutral color. I picked up a soft green color that I really think make the room look great."

"Hm, good point."

He cut off the stove and we both walked over towards the dining room table to eat.

"So, when are you going to tell me about the dream you had last night?" 

He glanced over to me as I popped some honeydew into my mouth, waiting for him to tell me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Leo, don't do that. Now, talk to me. You look like you barely got any sleep last night, I can tell you didn't."

"Nothing Els, just had some nightmares."

"What happened? Talk about them helps."

"I can't tell you....too painful."

He looked visibly shaken and I went around to comfort him.

"Is it about fatherhood? Your family or childhood?"

"No...about you."

"What about me?" I asked softly

"I saw you die."

He pushed his plate away from himself and I slowly walked over towards him, placing a hand on his arm.

"Saw me die how?"

"By Chris. H-he slit your throat and I couldn't save you."

Just like he couldn't the night of the incident. Many days I knew he had felt guilty that he couldn't, I could see it in his face. I could feel it roll off of him. I knew it wasn't his fault, and I wish he knew that himself as well.

"Leo look at me."

He did and I sat in the chair close to his.

"Chris is in jail, and he's definitely not getting out this time. He's in a maximum security prison in Arlington, he's never coming back."

"I know that Pet but..."

"Look, I know you feel like you should've done more that night but neither of us knew that those things would transpire. But it's okay. I'm okay, we're okay. We have this beautiful baby coming into our lives from something ugly. Didn't you tell me that once?"

He nodded with a small smile

"I did."

"Well it's true. From finally getting some help, I'm really learning to see things in a better way instead of just the negative."

"You've really grown Ellie, I'm so proud of you."

"I got you by my side, it was a matter of time. I'm just glad you didn't give up on me, even when you should've" I smiled

"I never will, you know that."

"So now It's my turn to help you starting with being okay with acknowledging your fears and that they actually do affect you. The incident was not your fault. Please stop beating yourself up over it. I'm okay, really. Please, I want you to heal with me."

"Ellie you know me, I can't afford to be an emotional wreck right now. I have to look after you and the baby. What husband would I be if I didn't?"

"A great one, just like you are now. Leo, me and the baby will love you no matter what. We need you, but I need you to take care of you sometimes. Me and the little one will be fine if you need to take some time for yourself, I am more than capable of that. But I want you to get better too. You're my world okay? I can't live without you, you know that. But I need you healthy, and happy. Go see someone, talk. Don't try to shoulder the world on your shoulders all by yourself when you have me to share the load with. Remember, therapists have their own therapists so there is nothing to be ashamed of."

"You're right." 

"Just like always." I teased

He started to smirk and grabbed my hand.

"Enough with the pity party. Come, we gotta get ready before everyone shows up."

He helped me out of the chair and I started waddling behind him towards the sink.

We both but the dishes away in the sink and he helped me upstairs. 

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