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I sat there next to Ellie as she told her Survivor group about how she was doing and how much progress she had made. About six months had passed since the beginning of this journey and everyday was another small battle won. She had recently started seeing a therapist and after she had the baby, she'd be getting on meds if needed. She smiled more, she walked with more confidence and reassurance and I was so happy in seeing this huge change. 

I was proud to be by her side. 

She was strong that I felt even stronger as long as I was by her side. I listened to her testimony and looked across the room at the other Survivors that sat in a circle, intently listening to what she had to say. And once she mentioned the engagement, they all clapped and seemed genuinely happy for her. She introduced me, I waved and let the spotlight go back to her. 

After the meeting was over, I proudly grabbed her hand and quickly ushered her towards the car.

"Hey, easy, I don't want to shake the little one."

"Sorry Els, I just want to show you something. I think you'll love it."

"More surprises? You have so many surprises." She smiled

"You'll love this one baby, I promise. Come on, I want to hurry."

And hurry I did. I made her close her eyes on the last five minutes of the journey and parked the car. I opened her door and helped her out, careful of her protruding belly.

"I'm going to put a blind fold on you so that you won't cheat."

"This must be one huge surprise."

"It is sweetie. Just trust me." I murmured as I put her blindfold on

"I trust you with my life."

"As I trust you with mine. Come on, walk forward for me."

I grabbed her shoulders and steered her in the right direction.

"Step up beautiful." I softly 

She did so and I urged her to keep walking forward.

"I hear an echo. Are we in a building or something?"

"Something like that. Are you ready to see the surprise?"

"Like yesterday! You're killing me here."

I took off her blindfold and revealed to her our new place to live.

"Is this ours?" She asked in awe.

"Yes baby, it is. It's a four bedroom, three bathroom home. The beach is a block away and there are some really nice schools in the area. There's a huge backyard for the kid to play in, it's gated and our practice wouldn't be too far from here. If you want to live in Shellville I can find somewh-"

She cut me off with a kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Are you kidding!? I love the house!" She said excitedly

"Good. I'm also looking into getting another practice nearby. Build our empire up even more."

"Can we afford that? You know I can't go back to work yet." She asked, eyebrows scrunched up in worry

"Of course we can, our practice now is doing so well, I think we can handle having two."

"Maybe we should wait on that. After the baby is born, I still won't be able to help out around here until I they're a year old. Unless we got a nanny, which is out of the question."

"So you'll stay home the first year and come back to work?"

"If possible then yes."

"So are we doing this?"

"Of course! I'm so excited, thank you." She smiled, hugging me tight

"You're welcome beautiful. Come on, let's give you a tour."

I grabbed her hand and led her hand and led her around the house.

"Now, when you're going up the stairs I want you going up them one at a time."

"Stop worrying, I will be fine sheesh."

"I just want you and my little one in there safe is all."

"I know. I know."

I kissed her head and slowly led her up the stairs where our and the baby's bedrooms would be. I showed her the nursery where there were paint cans and other implements of a baby's room inside.

"I see you came prepared."

"Well, I had a feeling you'd like it. The paint is just a precaution. I got yellow and green for gender neutral colors in case we decide against guessing the sex of the baby. And you know, other colors for a boy or girl."

"You're really excited about this baby huh?"

"Yes. I want to make sure everything is great and prepared."

"I'm lucky to have you." She said quietly, looking at the room more intently

"And you're stuck with me too, so no getting cold feet on me."

"Never." She smiled "Come on, show me the rest of the house please."

I showed her to our room next. There was already a bed in the middle of it. It was a TempurPedic

"Now, I got a soft bed for your back. And it's adjustable. Try it out."

I watched her slowly get onto the bed and relax. She sighed in satisfaction and I passed her the remote.

"Your side Is adjustable, you can determine how firm or soft you want your bed and you can elevate it to your liking too."

She tried it and seemed ecstatic.

"This is so cool! Come sit next to me."

I did so and relaxed. I could fall asleep here right now.

"I know you like your bed more firm than I do. Nice isn't it?"

"It is."

She looked towards me with a teasing smile.

"You know...we should break this bed in."

I swallowed hard and started to get hot under the collar.

"Um...are you sure babe? I-"

"The doctor said sex during pregnancy is fine. You won't hurt the baby. Besides, I really need it. I would do it myself but you know, my belly is in the way."

"We can wai-"

"Leo, please."

She climbed atop of me and straddled my waist. She somehow got my belt unbuckled and pants undone and slowly she was settling on to me.

"Ellie...shit." I groaned, my head falling back

We hadn't had sex in awhile and I had honestly forgot just how great it felt, especially when it was with her.

She gripped the headboard behind me for leverage and pulled herself up a bit before settling down again.

"Oh Leo." She whimpered

I seized her head and pulled her to me, kissing her with a fervent passion. I started pushing my hips upward and met her thrust for thrust. She clenched around me tightly, making me even harder.

She bit my lip lightly and slightly pulled,suckling on it at the same time. I moaned and held her tighter to me, continuing where we started.

A few minutes later, she started slowing down and then stopped.

"You alright?" I asked her completely out of breath

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm just getting a bit tired."

"That's alright. Look, get on all fours."

I saw a wicked glimmer in her eyes as she slowly got off of me and assumed the position.


I got on my hands and knees and waited. Soon as I just got into position, he was already thrusting into me.

"Fuck!" I whimpered

"You have such a filthy mouth." He grunted as he pressed more into me

"Becaue you-- shit--didn't warn m-me." I moaned

"Ugh, Ellie you feel so good, I might not be able to stop."

"Don't." I sighed, leaning downwards

He pistoned into me unmercifully as one hand gripped my ass and the other reached under me to flick my clit. I cried out as he went faster and he started to shake.

"FUCK, I'm about to cum, in or our Els?"

"In." I said quietly

A few quick thrusts were all it took until he emptied his seed into me with my climax soon coming behind his. Only this time....I felt like I was peeing.

"Damn....I peed the bed." I said embarrassed, my face growing hot.

Being pregnant isn't easy.

" squirted." He said, slowly pulling out of me

I groaned from the loss and slowly flipped onto my back. I was starting to feel really sleepy.

"I didn't think it was possible for me. I needed that, thank you." I yawned

"it's possible for lots of women. I knew you were responsive, but not that responsive."

"Well believe it."

"How are your feet feeling today? Are they sore?"

"A bit swollen but nothing too bad."

He started taking off my shoes and started massaging my left foot.

"How's that feel?"

"Better. You know you don't have to dote on me right? I'm fine."

"Yes I do. You're pregnant, I want to make it as easy on you as possible."

I smiled at him as I watched him.

"I'll massage your back next."

"God I could so die happy today."


"Look at're so good to me. I don't even know how to take it all in. I feel bad."


"Cause I don't know how to pay you back."

"You have. I just want to show you I love you, and I don't have to do that with sex."

"I love you too."

As I laid there, watching him give me a foot rub, my eyes started drooping closed. I didn't even know when I fell asleep, but it felt really peaceful.


"Baby?" I heard someone murmur

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I looked at Leo, smiling brightly at me.

"You fell asleep. Had a nice nap?"


"The baby moved a lot while you were sleep."

"Interesting. Usually they are keeping me up in there by playing soccer with my kidneys."

He chuckled and continued rubbing my belly.

"Yeah, I must've really worn you out." He winked

"Whatever." I laughed

"Just think, in two months we'll have a real live baby in our arms. Can you believe it?"

"I can't. I definitely have to go shopping for clothes for the baby. Did we want to find out the sex or no?"

"I do if you want to. We have an appointment next week."

"Then yes...I want to. We also have to paint the room once we find out."

"We will love, more than likely, Josh and I will. I don't want you doing anything that might hurt you."

"Leo, painting isn't too strenuous."

"I know baby but-"

"I'm helping. I'm not delicate I'm just pregnant."

"I know that." He said softly

"Stop worrying so much, everything will be fine." I soothed, stroking his cheek. He was getting a bona fide beard now. He looked good, real good.

"You're right."

He put his hand atop of mine and looked at me.

"After the baby....will we be planning the wedding?" He asked

"Of course. I always thought I'd get married first and then have kids....but life intervenes in interesting ways."

"It'll still be great, I promise."

"Of course it will. I'm marrying the man of my dreams, how much better would it get?"

He smiled warmly and kissed my forehead.

"Do you want to stay here tonight, or go back to the hotel? The water is working and so is the electricity."

"Why are those things already on?"

"Cause I wanted to move in here tomorrow."

"Dang, you planned everything huh?"

"That I did. Josh and everyone is coming over tomorrow to help too. I rented a truck and Josh and I will go get everything in Shellville....and from the old house and then we'll bring it back here. If you can't handle the old furniture, I can scrap it."

"No, since the living room isn't where the incident happened, anything from there is fine. But anything from the kitchen....I can't bear to look at, I'm sorry."

"No need to be."

"I'm a horrible person for this, but I've been so focused on me that I didn't ask how you were feeling after everything that has happened. How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing okay.... I won't lie, I've had some nightmares. But I grew up getting my ass kicked, so that part didn't faze me. What did, was having to see and hear your pain and fear. And that is what haunts me at night. I could've lost you that night and I would've if you hadn't shot that bastard."

"God was on my side because I cannot shoot a gun for shit."

"I never told you how bad ass that was of you! Like, you handled yourself well. I swear I would've never known you couldn't aim a gun."

"I can't usually but I had a good teacher." I smiled softly, thinking fondly of my father

"So what's the plan for tonight?"

"I want to make you dinner. How does spaghetti sound?" I asked

"It sounds great. We can go to the store and get ingredients."

"Can we go after just laying here a little while longer?"

"Sure baby." 

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