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A/N: just a little filler to hold y'all over. I don't know when the next part will be. Enjoy


We got back to the hotel at about midnight and walked into the room, reminiscing about the party

"That was a great night. " I said

"It was. But now that I got you right where I want you..."

He scooped me up and with a shriek, he threw me on the bed.

"Leo what are you doing?" I giggled

"Oh you know what. You was talking all that shit earlier, but I got you now."

I giggled as he flipped me over on my front and swatted my bottom.

"Ow!" I giggled

He smacked my butt a few more times and then got off of me.

"There, I hope you've learned your lesson."

"Oh my God, that was so weak. You used to hit so much harder than that."

"I don't want to hurt you." He said quietly

"Leo you won't."

I got off of the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him.

"You're gonna get something started in here if you don't stop." He smiled against my lips

"Maybe that's the plan. I know I can't particularly have sex right now, but I can make you happy."

I sunk down to my knees and undid his pants, going into the slit of his boxers.

"Els...stop." He grunted faintly


He re -did his pants and I got up, sitting on the bed. He sat next to me.

"Look...for as long as you aren't comfortable with having sex, then I won't be having any either. You don't have to do something you're not comfortable with, I'll wait."

"You mean it?"

"Yes. We can even just talk if you want to, I don't care, I already have what I want."

"Since you mentioned that...I do have a couple of questions."


"Why did you lie to me about all those women?"

His whole facial expression went blank. Uhuh, lie confirmed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Katie told me everything Leo, even about how you got so drunk to the point you often called her crying."

"I'm gonna kill her." He grumbled

"She's just worried about you, and from what she told me, I'd be too. Come on now, be honest with me. I've rarely seen you cry. It was only after some stressful or scary event that pushed you to the breaking point."

"Ellie you already know the answer to why I cried and drank myself to death."

"Am I that important to you that you'd risk cirrhosis of the liver?"

That got a chuckle out of him.

"When you left Ellie, I lost a huge part of my life. I love you that much that being away from you, even for an hour is agonizing. But for two was unbearable. There were so many times I wanted to jump on a plane and go to the DR just to see you, to win you back. But then I heard through the grape vine that someone else had snatched you up, and I dashed those plans and just stood back and let you be happy. But then you told me what he was doing to you, and I couldn't stand back any longer. I honestly didn't think this would happen again and like this....but it did. We're going to be a family and we're engaged. Honestly, did you see this happening a few years ago?"

"No. I never thought someone would love me enough to even want to marry me."

"Well I do. You're my dream." He murmured, stroking my cheek

"Ugh you are so sappy!" I teased

Still, my heart raced and my palms sweated like we were some teenagers just finishing our first date. I had forgotten how nervous I always felt around him, even if I knew him in every way possible.

"But admit it, you love the attention."

"Well's just nice to know that you love me that much and mean it. And even better, that I am starting to believe that I can be truly loved. I also have another question."

"What it is?"

"Why don't you paint anymore?"

"What artist creates without a muse?"

"So I even caused the loss of your motivation?"

"Not necessarily. Before you, I painted because I felt like I had so much in me to get out, and the healthiest way to do that was to put it all on a canvas. I used to be so angry and depressed over how I grew up, and the man I had to call father. But painting didn't get rid of it all. I knew I needed more. When I met changed me you know? Instead of confusing chaos, I instead had beautiful clarity and decided what better way to thank you than by showing you what I see when I look at you?"

"So the painting you gave me in Italy was how you saw me? Did you see me as just a submissive?"

"So much more than that. I saw your beauty and strength. And also, your role in my life. I was holding you in that painting. So in a way, I was holding my whole world. The focal point was your collar, but to me, it was you confirming what I had always thought."

"Keep doing all of this sweet talking and I may just marry you tonight."

He kissed the side of my head and wrapped an arm around me.

"I never could talk this freely with anyone. I was always taught to hide my feelings...but with you it just flows like water. And I actually love every bit of it."

I snuggled up to him more and closed my eyes, taking it all in.

"We are gonna be just fine. The three of us." I murmured, rubbing my stomach

I felt his chest move with a chuckle and his hand joined mine.

"I hope it's a boy. If it's a girl, you might as well call the cops on me right now."

"Oh stop it! If it is a girl, our daughter will be smart, not just beautiful. She'll know what boys to and to not pick."

"She's not dating until she's 60. I'll even haunt her to make sure she doesn't. In fact, I'm going to the gun shop tomorrow, think I'm joking if you want to."

I just laughed and smacked him on his chest. 

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