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I had just woken up at about six am from a restless night. I didn't have nightmares, but I always had a feeling of dread sitting on my chest. Leo slumbered next to me and I was partly grateful for it. He practically stayed up with me all night. We argued, we talked, and we sat in silence for the remainder of the night I would always deem Hell Night.

"You alright?" I heard his groggy voice ask

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said dryly

He sat up and looked towards me.

"You sure?"

"Yes. I should get ready so we can leave in a bit."

"So you're really going huh?"


And without another word I got up from my bed and went to go shower. Leo followed behind me.

"Els, I'm really worried about you."

"Leo, let's just get through today and then we can worry about all of that stuff okay?" I asked as I turned the shower on.

He sighed and left the bathroom as I started to derobe. I knew he cared, but this was the worst time to be smothering me. I needed some breathing room and I needed to do things my way.

After showering and drying off, I walked back out into the room to grab my clothing that I would need for the day. Leo went into the bathroom after me and showered for a good twenty minutes before coming back out with water dripping off of his hair onto the floor and a towel cinched around his waist. Unfortunately I was too numb to even take special notice of it. He saw me looking at him but he didn't say anything as he grabbed his own clothing and got dressed. After we were both In our outfits, we decided to go down to the lobby and have breakfast before getting on the road.

Breakfast was quiet, nothing but forks scraping on plates. We both ate quietly and when we were done, we quietly put our plates away and started towards the door.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked me yet again

"Yes Leo, I'm fine. I just want to have some fun okay?" I said quietly

He wordlessly started the car after that and pulled out of the hotel, heading back towards Collinsville.


The whole ride back was quiet and music played softly on the radio. It was just miles and miles of road and silence between us.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess." She suddenly said

"Baby it's okay, you've been through a lot. It's alright." I said quietly

"I am scared though Leo. I'm scared this will end up making me fall off the edge. I'm afraid of what I might do."

I felt around for her hand and grabbed it, noticing how cold it was.

"You're gonna get through this, I promise you that. I'm right here for you."

"I guess I'll have to give everything some time."

"We're gonna make sure that you're taken care of and that you get all of the support you need."

"Thank you."

"Look, let's not talk about this now. Let's just wait until after the wedding. I want you to have fun today alright? Remember you'll be surrounded by people that love and care about you."

"You're right. We can talk tonight when we get back to Shellville."

I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed each and every knuckle on her hand. She tensed up a little but she soon relaxed.


"It's okay." She said quietly

We continued to drive on until we reached the church a little while later. It was eight at this point and we had arrived early enough for everyone to get ready for the twelve o'clock wedding. Everyone seemed to be waiting for us outside because the minute I turned off the car, everyone was swarming over towards us. Ellie got out of the car and was hugged fiercely and tightly.

"Ellie are you okay? How are you feeling?" Evan asked her concerned

"I'm okay guys, really."

"Ellie it's okay if you aren't. You don't have to keep things from us." Amber interjected

"Guy's I'm fine, really! I just want to be treated the same way I was the other day. Today is about Brandi, so let's focus on her."

"You know if you need anything, we got you."

"Thanks guys, I appreciate that." She said, choked up

They all hugged her once more and then pulled away, all of them getting a little teary eyed. Nothing made me happier knowing that they all truly cared about and loved her as much as they did. Josh came out a few minutes later immediately coming towards me with a straight look on his face. We hugged quickly and he clapped me on the back.

"You alright?" He asked quietly

"Yeah, I'm a little sore...I'm more worried about her though."

Yeah, that was an understatement. I felt and looked like shit. That kick to the head and pistol whip Chris gave me did give me a throbbing headache. Doctors said I was fine so there was no need to freak out, but man did it hurt.

"What happened to her was fucked up, but as long as she has you and them, she'll be fine.''

"I hope. Man you aren't supposed to be out here, you can't see Brandi before y'all get married."

"Oh that bullshit tradition isn't going to dictate my marriage. Besides,I saw her this morning so too late for that." He smirked

"So you ready? I mean, you're getting married today. Can you believe that?"

"Actually I can't. Out of both of us, I really thought you'd be married well before I would be." He commented as we all started walking into the church

"Well you know how life plays out. It throws a lot of curve balls and surprises."

"Don't I know it. So, you excited?" I asked as we entered the male part of the church.

"Of course I am. I get to be with the most amazing girl in the world. What could be better than that?" He said happily

I took a big step back from him and stared at him.

"Wow, I can't possibly be looking at Josh Calvetti right now?"

He laughed and shook his head.

"For once in my life I'm happy and I'm in love. Brandi means the absolute world to me and I'm honored that she chose me to spend her life with."

I smiled and we did a handshake.

"I'm happy for you man, really. She's a great girl." I smiled

"You have one too Leo. I know that what just happened was traumatic for you and her, but it'll only make you guys stronger."

"Josh, I don't think she'd want to be with me like that, especially now. We weren't even together before this happened."

"You tell me this: Do you love her?"

"More than anything."

"Then just be there for her. Whatever is supposed to happen,will. You don't have to rush it."

"I'm just glad that I have her like I do now. I don't want to do anything that could push her away further. She's got a long road ahead of her. And I wanna be there every step of the way."

"Then just do that. I wish y'all luck, but we gotta go get ready."

I checked my watch and already it was ten am! Yeah, it was time to get ready.

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