Forty- One

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A/N: Welp, just started classes today and I have my first one at the end of this hour so, just wanted to upload something today. Byseies.


I was sitting in front of the vanity, my dress long since put on and accessories as well. One of Brandi's sisters was doing my make up for me and she didn't seem too happy for it. The whole while she was muttering about how Her and Cecilia should've been the maid of honor's and not us. Of course, it was in Spanish and I understood every word. Minute by minute I was getting frustrated and very annoyed. Maria was right next to us muttering the same shit. Only Amber didn't know much Spanish so she was blissfully unaware. I was 2.5 seconds from turning around and smacking the shit out of her. But it was Brandi's day and I had to keep calm.

"Done." Maria said in her thick accent

I turned towards the mirror fully and saw that she messed up my make up. I looked like a circus clown!

"I think it makes you look very pretty. Picture ready, don't you agree Cee?" She asked her sister

She took one look at me and burst out laughing.

"Good job Ria, I think it's your best work." She smiled, them two high fiving each other.

That was it!

I jumped up and got into her face.

"Seriously, what is your problem? You've been saying slick shit all morning about me."

"What are you talking about? I haven't said nothing about you!"

"Bitch, I know Spanish. You think you're clever, but the next time you want to talk shit, make sure it's not America's next leading language."

Her eyes got wide and she swallowed.

"Ellie, calm down now it's not even worth it." Amber said, putting her hand on my shoulder

"Yeah Ellie, calm down." Cecilia attempted to butt in.

"Amber, she's been talking about you too. They've been purposely trying to sabotage us all morning! The make up, the hair, even hiding our dresses!"

"Is this true?" She asked eyeing Cecilia.

"We don't know what she's talking about." She said nonchalantly

"No one else had access to this room but Brandi, and she was conveniently missing her key this morning. How fortunate that you two were the ones who "found" it." I said sternly

"Our sister loses things quite easily, we were just helping the poor girl out."

"Oh, like you "helped" her when you and your sister over there cheated with Caine? My god, you two are fucking pathetic! If it's anyone you should be upset with, it should be yourselves! What kind of sisters are you? I'm seriously surprised that you're still in the wedding at all!"

They both gasped in a dramatic fashion, complete with hands on their mouths.

"How dare you!" Maria yelled

"How dare I? How dare you!? Look, whatever beef you have, it isn't with me. Like I said, you have no one to be mad at but yourselves. Amber let's go check on Brandi. After all, it is the maid of honor's job." I smirked facetiously as we walked out of the room.

As we walked down the hallway I really tried to calm myself down.

"Ellie, do not let them get to you today. It's Brandi's day and we should be happy."

"I am happy Amber. I just lost my cool for a second."

"I know. But it'll all be okay now. Once the wedding is over, then you won't have to see them anymore."

"Good." I remarked as we reached Brandi's dressing room. I knocked first and she told us to come in.

"Hey guys, don't you two look lovely!" She smiled, hugging us both tightly

"Us? Girl look at you! You are gorgeous!" I exclaimed, hugging her tightly much more

She had her hair in a fiery red updo with tendrils of hair framing her face in pretty little curls and the rest of her hair was smoothed in back where her hair was held up with a comb and curls were pinned up into a nice bun style. Her make up was simple but it greatly accentuated her hazel eyes. She didn't have on her dress yet, but I already knew that when she put it on she would look so great!

"Thank you! Ugh, I can't believe how awesome we all look." She sniffed, dabbing at her eyes'

"So are you ready to get married?" I asked softly

She gave me a soft smile and nodded her head.

"Yes. I feel like Josh and I will have a great life together."

"You will. I am so happy for you." I smiled

She smiled back at me but it slowly disappeared.

"Are you sure you're fine El? I know we're getting on your nerves but "it" did just happen last night."

"Brandi this is your day, don't spend it worried about me, I'll be fine. I plan on going to counseling and maybe a survivors group too. I'll be okay." I smile

"You always are. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"You won't. I won't do anything this time, I'll be okay."

She hugged me once again and then pulled away.

"Alright! Let's get your dress on and get this show on the road." Amber smiled, going over to the closet and grabbing the dress.

We both helped her get the dress on and then laced it up in the back. She sat down briefly for us to put her sandals on her feet. She stood up and the dress fell back down to her feet. I checked my phone to see the time and saw that it was 11:45.

"We gotta get out there. You ready?" I asked her with a smile

She nodded and gripped my hand and then let it go. Amber and I got into the lobby just as the wedding party was lining up in the grand hallway and the last of the wedding guests were slowly filtering in.


I watched Josh fix his bow tie for the umpteenth time and then he once again un-tied it.

"Dude it looked fine the way it was before! Look, let me tie it." I said, going in front of him and taking over

Josh had tied the damn thing so many times I lost count on just how many times he had. We were going to be needed outside soon and we were already pushing it.

I finished tying the bowtie and then stepped back.

"It looks okay?" He asked nervously

"Yes. Look, it's going to be a great day, you're marrying Brandi remember? She loves you. Now, come on we have to go join the guests."

"You're right. Let's go."

We both left the dressing room and joined everyone in line. I found Ellie and stood by her side, offering my arm to her as she laced hers through.

"You look beautiful." I smiled as I faced forward.

"Thank you. You look good yourself." She smirked, facing forward as well

"So I heard you got Brandi's sisters straight in the dressing room."

"How'd you hear about that?"

"Maria and Cecilia been talking about it to everyone. They can never keep anything to themselves." I scoffed

"Well they deserved it. They hid our dresses this morning, tried to mess up my hair, and Maria tried making me look like a circus clown. Not to mention they stole Brandi's key to the dressing room. I know they're her sisters and yes, they should be the maid of honor, but it's no one's fault but their own that they got knocked down a peg. They should've never did what they did. Let them talk, it'll just make my job easier."

"I like this Ellie, very feisty." I teased

"I almost smacked the shit out of Maria. If it wasn't for Amber and it being Brandi's day, it would have been all over."

I started laughing a little and she started giggling a little too.

"Don't let them get to you. You're a wonderful maid of honor."

"Thank you. And you make a great best man." I smiled

I heard the music starting in the sanctuary and stood up straighter. The door open and the first couple start to walk into the sanctuary. Couple after couple went until it was Ellie and I's turn. When we walked in the wedding guests were very attentive. As we past everyone was all smiles and looked genuinely happy. I spotted my family and they waved at me, their eyes sparkling. And I could tell it was solely because I looked happy and because of who I had on my arm. Finally, when we reached the front, we parted ways and stood on our sides. Soon after, the Bridal March started to play and everyone stood up to watch the bride come through. I looked over at Josh who seemed cool, but the minute the doors opened, he looked like the happiest man in the world and the look on his face was an expression I couldn't truly describe. But it really made me happy for him and I was proud I got to be here for this event.

Soon after, they met at the altar and joined with the other, facing the priest.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered today to join Josh Calvetti and Brandi Montenegro in holy matrimony. The couple themselves have both written their vows and now, I will give them a chance to read them to each other."

As we all watched as they exchanged their words with the other and the subsequent parts of the ceremony to follow, I thought about marriage and what my own wedding would be like. Would all the people there be this happy? Would I myself be happy? And if I ever did get married, would I make that person happy?

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