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Once we had gotten into the car and I had pulled out into the street, I found Ellie's hand reaching over to grab mine. I snuck a glance at her and saw her entranced in how they intertwined. I pulled her hand towards my mouth and kissed it, smiling as I set it back down.

"So, when we get there you can only have crab and shrimp. No fish what so ever, especially tuna."

"Why are you so worried?"

"'Cause that's my child you're carrying in there and I want to make sure it comes out perfectly."

"Possible child. I'd never hurt the baby on purpose, you know that."

"There won't be any accidents because of course, I'm making sure you eat right."

She sighed and I simply smiled. I loved her so much it even scared me sometimes. She made me happy. She was giving me a child. Even if it wasn't mine, I'd still love it like it was.

"Okay Mr bossy. Sheesh what's next? Are you gonna tell me that I'm walking wrong too?" She teased

"Your back could be straighter sometimes." I smirked

She hit my shoulder and I laughed as we stopped at a red light.

"Just be quiet." She teased

I looked towards her and leaned over, gripping her chin and kissing her deeply.

"We're gonna have a great life you know that?" I asked her, after pulling away.

She nodded, seemingly mesmerized by my kiss and smiled.

"Lights green." She murmured

I looked ahead and started driving again. We both sat in comfortable silence, listening to the music play softly on the radio as we drove amongst the traffic. Not too long later, we pulled up in front of a Joe's Crab Shack and I parked the car.

"Remember what I said." I commented as we got out of the car.

"Yeah yeah, I got it bossy."

We both walked inside and was seated in no time. While we waited for our waiter, I decided it was time to talk to Ellie on why I really brought her here.

"Hey Els, I have to talk to you about something." I said quietly

Unbeknownst to her, we had gotten the paternity results about a week earlier than expected. And for the last few days, I had them in my possession, waiting for the right moment to reveal it to her.

"What's up? She asked as she sipped on her drink."

"So you know those results we've been waiting on? Well.....they came a bit early."

"Really? Well, who's the father?" She asked in a whisper

"I haven't looked at them yet, I thought we should do that together."

"How early did they come?"

"Just a couple of days. I didn't want to freak you out, but I thought you should know."

"I just want to know who the father is, where is the envelope?" I asked shakily

"Folded in my back pocket. I just wanted to have a nice dinner and then we could drive somewhere and open them, is that alright with you?"

She nodded and turned her attention to our returning waitress. She asked us what we wanted and promptly left after that.

" nervous?" Ellie asked me

"Hell yeah, it's been a hard few months but like everything else, we'll overcome it."

She looked like she had something on her mind and started to bite her lip nervously.

"What is it beautiful? What's wrong?" I asked softly

"If it's not yours....I'd understand if you didn't want to raise the child and cut ties with us completely."

It broke my heart to hear her say that.

"Els listen to me, I'm not going anywhere, I'm committed to you and this baby-- mine or not."


"Yes, I told you how much I've wanted children and a family. I'm excited we get something so beautiful out of something ugly. I'm sure I'll love this baby no matter what happens. I'm all in."

She smiled at me and nodded. I couldn't wait to tell her the big surprise I had planned.


After eating and leaving Joe's Crab Shack, the anticipation was killing me. Leo was driving to some unknown location and with each passing mile, the anticipation grew. Finally, after what seemed like hours, we came to a deserted road that opened up to this clearing. That clearing overlooked the town of Shellville. This reminded me of those lookout points that teens often went to to have sex, and it garnered a giggle out of me.

"What's so funny?" He asked

"This looks like some lookout point teenagers frequent is all."

"You watch way too much tv."


"Alright, so we're here. You ready to see the results?"


He pulled the folded envelope from his pocket and ripped the top of it, pulling out the paper inside. He looked at it for a few moments and his face took on a grim appearance.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, my heart starting to hammer in my chest

He looked towards me with teary eyes and started smiling.

"It's mine." He said quietly, as if he himself couldn't believe it.

I snatched the paper from him in disbelief and read the results for myself.

Leo Ryder Calavry: 100% Paternal match

Christopher Angel Rinata: 0% Paternal Match

Ellie Ophelia Coleman: Mother.

"I'm gonna be a father Ellie!" He said excitedly

He buried his face in the steering wheel and took deep, shaky breaths. He was laughing and crying at the same time.

"I knew it." He murmured

And at that moment, I felt a flutter in my stomach. Instinctively, I rubbed my stomach and Leo did as well.

"Hey little person, it's your dad." He beamed

I smiled myself as I watched him.

"I mean, we have to tell everyone. Maybe go back to Collinsville to visit."

"Whoa, maybe we should wait a bit longer." I interjected

"Why? I want everyone to know this! I want to tell my mom and Katie and Oliver, hell, even James and don't forget Josh! I want your parents to know too."

"Whoa, slow ya roll! I can't tell my parents that their only child got pregnant out of wedlock. God they'd be so disappointed in me."

"I'm sure they'd still love you no matter what Ellie. What parent doesn't get disappointed every once in awhile? It's gonna be fine."

Then the dread hit...Leo really didn't know the WHOLE story of my parents or childhood.

"No, we're not telling them. My mom always preached that she wanted me to be married with a husband before having children. I hate letting them down." I said quietly

"Alright we don't have to tell anyone right now."

"Sorry....I'm just paranoid. I hate disappointing them. Hell, I've tried using my life to make them even prouder of me. And they won't be." I said quietly

"Els are you kidding me? Any parent any person who knows you would be proud of you! You finished high school early, got your masters and now, a Ph.D and all before the age of thirty! You were a partner of a private practice and damn sure could still be if you wanted. You're a Peace Corps volunteer and you accomplished all of that in the midst of Depression, fear, and a lot of things thrown in your path. Ellie you are great! Hell, even sometimes I'm jealous of you and fear that you'll see that someone else so much better than me is deserving of you and that you'd leave me so fast my head would spin. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I've always felt like you were too good for me."

I blunk once, twice, three times and just stared.

"Say what!? Me, too good for the great Leo Calavry?"

"I don't get why everyone keeps thinking I'm this Greek God or something."

"I mean, have you seen the way girls throw themselves at you?"

"No. When you're around who cares about them? I don't want or need them because I have you."

"You really think that about me?" I asked quietly

"Yes. I've always thought that way about you, even when I first met you."

"I was such a hot mess that night." I laughed

"Says who? Even before you bumped into me I'd been watching you ever since you came into my club. I could tell you weren't enjoying yourself and I wanted to try loosening you up a little. So, I purposely made sure you bumped into me."

"And you following me outside, was that another method of trying to get to know me?"

His eyes flashed and he started smiling.

"No, I just had to know who gave me that electric feeling I'd never felt before."

"So you felt that too?" I asked surprised

"Of course I did. Don't you see? We definitely belong together. God's been telling us all this time we do."

"Why do you think he picked us? We're such opposites."

"I think it was to show you you are worthy of people you think you aren't and that for me, I could be loved by someone as amazing as yourself. Opposites attract."

"Maybe you're right. Do you mind if we go back to the hotel now? I'm feeling a bit sleepy."


He backed out of the spot and we started driving towards the highway. After about twenty minutes we were back in the room and I was slowly climbing into bed.

"I'll be here when you wake up." He murmured, stroking my hair and kissing the side of my head.

It didn't take long for me to drift off after all. 

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