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After my sparring session, I was finally allowed to go home and boy was I happy about that. I pulled up into the parking lot of Chris's apartment building and cut off my car. Before I even opened up my door, Chris was there opening it for me.

"Amour, how was your first lesson?" He asked

"All we did was breathe." I said

He looked at me confused for a second, so I continued to explain.

"We did yoga poses and deep breathing to relax since he thinks I need to learn 'inner peace'." I commented, rolling my eyes

Chris ushered me inside of his apartment with a smirk.

"It'll get better amour. And it'll pay off, believe me. "

"Yeah yeah. But enough about my lesson's. How was work?"

"Tiring. Baby I am so bored of my job,. I'd much rather go back to the army where I belong."

He sunk onto the couch and leaned his head back and closed his eyes, rubbing his face.

"So find another job." I said quietly

He scoffed.

"Who'd want to hire an ex solider with PTSD?"

"You're not your condition."

"I know that, but do they know that?"

"You have to show them you. The you that I know. My strong man, and my solider."

He turned over to me and smiled lazily.

"You think I'm strong?"

"Of course you are."

He leaned towards me and kissed me softly at first and then with more urgency. Slowly I was pushed onto the couch while he spread his body atop of mine. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and felt the softness of his ringlets. He pulled away and stared at me with is grey eyes. I smiled.

"What?" I asked softly

"Nothing. Listen, since you did such a great job today, why don't I take us out to dinner?"

"Really?" I asked

"Yes. Name the place and I will take you there."

"Friday's?" I asked

"If it's what my Queen wants, then yes, Friday's." He smiled

He slowly got off of me and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. And then he picked me up bridal style.

"But first, let's make a stop."

He hoisted me over his shoulder making me giggle.

"Where are we going?" I laughed

"We're about to visit Panty Ville."

He even smacked my ass to prove a point making me laugh even more. Next thing I know I 'm slammed onto the bed with him climbing atop me again.

"Chris quit it!" I laughed

He stopped for a second and started laughing.

"What? You don't want some of this?" He asked gesturing to himself.

"What's gotten into you?" I smirked

"I just want to spend some time with you."

"We are going to dinner soon." I smiled

He playfully rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean. We haven't been intimate in weeks."

"You're right. Okay fine, one quick round and then we'll go."

He smirked and started kissing me again.


I hadn't noticed I fell asleep until I heard my name being called and felt my hair being stroked.

"Hmm?" I asked quietly

"We missed dinner." He said softly

My eyes peeked lazily to the clock on his night stand and saw it was twelve am.

"Sorry." I said quietly

He kissed my forehead and continued stroking my hair.

"No worries amour, we'll go again some other time. You alright?"

"I'm fine. You just wore me out is all."

He uttered a laugh and kissed the side of my forehead.

"How about I make you breakfast?"

"You'd do that at twelve am?"

"Of course. I'm thinking some chocolate chip pancakes, sausage and bacon. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like heaven."

"Good. I will go make that right now. "

"I'll help you."

We both got up from the bed and went into the kitchen. He made the bacon and sausage and I made the pancakes. After about an hour we were sitting on his balcony eating our one am breakfast. I never even noticed this before tonight.

"How's your pancakes?" I asked

"They're great. I honestly think this is better than going to a crowded restaurant surrounded with other people."

"Oh really? Why's that?"

"It's quieter. And more private."

"That is true." I smiled

I continued to eat my food and felt his eyes on me. I slowly looked up and saw a slow smile cross his face.

"What?" I asked sheepishly

"Nothing. I just like looking at you."

I blushed and looked down slightly.

"It's kinda hard to see in the dark."

"I'd see your beauty a mile away amour." He said softly

"You mean an inch?" I teased

"I have perfect 20/20 vision so I hope you aren't making fun of me." He teased

"No...that's not-"

"I know what you meant. Amour, you're beautiful and I wish you'd stop letting jerks make you see things about yourself that isn't true."

They're right I thought to myself. Self esteem was hard work to regain you know? I was trying but it's hard

"I think you're beautiful. Astounding, and always a sight for my sore eyes."

As he said this he slowly came to my side of the table and kneeled before me taking one of my hands in his. I adverted my gaze to the wall behind him.

"Look at me." He urged

I did slowly.

"I've never lied to you before right?"


"So I'm not lying to you now. I love you Ellie, but you got to get better esteem. It sully's your beauty, your intelligence, and your accomplishments. I don't mind proving it to you but I need you to try seeing it yourself. "

"I know.... but I do it first so no one has the chance to make me feel bad about it."

"You think I'd make you feel bad about your looks and such knowing what you've been through?"

" but still-"

"Exactly, I'd never do that. So just believe me and trust in me. Can you do that for me?"

"I can try." I smiled

He smiled back and got up to hug me. I got up to hug him back tightly and melded myself into his arms. I took in his fresh, clean scent and got lost in it. It was the smell I had associated with safety and even love.

"Come on, let's go to bed huh? It's getting late." He murmured

We parted and cleaned up our dishes, walking back inside and putting them in the sink. Taking my hand, he leads me towards the bedroom and we go to bed with me firmly held in his arms.


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